As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 26 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid

Chapter 26 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid (1)
Choose the right position like Ma Yun, and you will feel good when you speak

Saying "I don't know" at the right time can also win a big house
Many people are afraid that others will underestimate them, so no matter what they say, they have to intervene to show that they are knowledgeable and knowledgeable.It is also during their own telling time, constantly introducing this and that to others, trying to create an image of knowing everything.And the tone of his speech is very firm, giving people a posture as if what he said is the truth.

The reason why people do this is that they are afraid of being said to be ignorant and afraid that others will not value themselves.But I don't know, this kind of boastful way, on the contrary, it is easier to lose the respect of others.A person who wants to win the attention of others does not rely on bragging, but plainness.Saying what you have is easier to win the approval of others than saying nothing.Admitting your own inadequacies makes the person feel more real and more believable.

In this regard, Jack Ma has also done a good job.In a speech to college students, he said:
Many of the things I said today are not necessarily correct, so you take it as a senior fellow speaking about his experience.Many people ask me why we are willing to listen to your lectures, but we are not willing to listen to others, because many things I say may not be correct, so everyone is willing to listen.What many speakers say on stage is all correct, a lot of them, not a single word is wrong, and not a single sentence is wrong, but even he himself may not believe it.People like us may not be right, but we firmly believe in it.

People who always proclaim that they have mastered the truth often cannot really convince others, while those who humbly claim that they have mastered part of the truth are often more likely to gain the approval of others.This is the truth. Humans are not omnipotent. No one can explain all the truths in the world. At this time, when you frankly say that sometimes what you say is not necessarily true, it will naturally be more real and kind. It is natural to gain the favor of others.

Alibaba once experienced a "fraud door" incident in which internal executives resigned.This can be regarded as a "scandal" for any company, but when the reporter asked Ma Yun, he did not cover up or condemn, but answered the question plainly and won applause for himself.He said:
I don't know if this is the best solution, but it is the most correct one.I have no way to pursue perfection, there is no perfect solution in the world.If 99 employees are really involved in this matter, there is only one solution. Someone must pay the price, and the CEO must pay the most.

Without any cover, he expressed his regret and thinking frankly. This is Jack Ma. No matter when he is, he is always admirable.

When talking with people, what to say comes first.Speech skills are in the way of expression. In terms of content, there are no skills and skills should not be used.Any technique applied to the content gets in the way of our expression, as long as the truth is told honestly.As for how to tell the truth, it requires skill.

Don't pretend to understand, and don't deliberately create an image.It is best to express your thoughts in the most appropriate way.Sincere language has always been the most powerful, and that power does not lie in gorgeous words, but in sincere emotions.

Say what you have, don't dress yourself up as an almighty god. God stands tall, but one day he will fall down and fall the worst.One thing to say is the best way to speak.

Of course, when telling the truth, you need some skills, and what you use at this time is some tricks in the way of expression.Make sure that what you say is neither self-important nor self-deprecating, nor will it hurt others.We have to tell the truth, but we also need to speak the truth skillfully. If you feel that it is okay to hurt others because you are telling the truth, then you are very wrong.Using skills to express reality is the problem we are going to study.

Like Ma Yun, one who says something, but says it in the most appropriate way, is the one who really knows how to express it.

Good language is not gorgeous, expressiveness is spiritual

When you speak, you must tell the truth, not empty words, and you must guarantee your principles, and you must not speak casually. At the same time, you must also seek truth from facts and avoid rhetoric.

Some people are particularly fond of rhetoric. When other people do things, they don't like it, so they start talking about what would happen to me.In the eyes of these people, saying such words shows that they are capable, but in the eyes of onlookers, this is just bragging without any practical significance.

Rhetoric is generally said to be comfortable, but it does not bring us any benefit.This is a kind, and what's more, although the status is not very good, they always talk about their dreams, and most of the dreams are unrealistic.Such a person is also difficult to please.Generally speaking, no one will hate people who only do things but don't talk, and no one will hate people who do things while talking. Only those who talk but don't do things will be hated.And people who have no ability but speak boldly all day long are even more annoying.

At this point, Ma Yun has done a good job.With Ma Yun's career, status and influence, he is qualified to speak boldly, but he didn't do that. He still said one thing, not deliberately emphasizing his own strengths.

When communicating with the audience, Ma Yun upholds this principle.

Audience: I have two questions. One is that the current society is undergoing a change. It was one kind of situation when you started a business, but it is another situation now. If you have nothing left in your current situation, you still have the courage to say that you want to start a business Godfather?

Ma Yun: First, I don't know what the godfather of entrepreneurship is.I never thought about being the godfather of entrepreneurship.Every generation says our generation is harder than yours, every generation says so.I can say that my ability today is much stronger than that of 10 years ago, but if I go back from 10 years ago with today's ability, I will definitely not be able to make it through.Because many times and places have passed, and what you see is me today. I hope you can see me 10 years ago. The me 10 years ago is the same as you, or even worse than you.I wanted to enter the University of International Business and Economics several times but failed. The University of International Business and Economics is one of my 10 ideal universities, but I failed.

Over the past 10 years, I have made mistakes that most people make, and I have made mistakes that others have not made.I don't want to say how capable I am. Without my team, there would be no era, China's reform and opening up, and Deng Xiaoping, there would be nothing.My father told me that if you were born 20 years earlier, you would be arrested.

20 years late, I will sit here and talk to that Jack Ma.It is the opportunity given by today's era.Everyone has their own opportunity, don't tell me, it is much more difficult for you today than it was 10 years ago, but it is actually getting easier.If you look for it, you will definitely have a chance.So I think, if I go back to 10 years ago, I will still go this way, but will I go this way?This is hard to say.I saw Alipay six years ago and decided to do Alipay.I listened to Alipay's meeting two days ago and was terrified and couldn't understand. I didn't understand the issues they discussed within two days, whether it was technology, security, facilities or partners, especially complex issues such as technology.If I knew it was so complicated six years ago, would I dare to do it?The ignorant are fearless, and I can only do it until it is so big.

Ma Yun's excellence lies in that he always emphasizes that he has achieved his achievements through the times and luck, but after listening to his humble words, people think he is a genius.The reason for this phenomenon is inseparable from Ma Yun's way of speaking.

We've always liked the understated, especially the accomplished ones.Ma Yun is well aware of this, so he never makes it public.But not showing off doesn't mean not showing off.

If you read the above paragraph carefully, you will find that Ma Yun is really powerful.He has always said that he is an ordinary person, but at the same time he has been describing what he has done over the years-those things are beyond the reach of ordinary people.Ma Yun's brilliance is here.

People who can really talk have always evaluated themselves modestly, but introduced their achievements in a high-profile manner.Only in this way can we gain the greatest recognition from others.

If we are humble and say that we are nothing, then others will look down on us.But if we say that we are great, others will dislike us.Only by speaking out frankly what you have done that others cannot do, and then when evaluating yourself, easily say, I am just lucky, can give people a high-profile sense of humility.

Admitting one's own shortcomings is the biggest "foot"

People are not perfect, but they are all pursuing perfection.People are not omnipotent, but they are all yearning for omnipotence.Some people are able to recognize their own imperfections, others are not.The former will gain happiness, while the latter will add a lot of distress out of thin air.Some people know that they are not omnipotent, so they admit it frankly, and get the approval of others instead. Some people cannot accept their own incompetence, so they try their best to pretend to be omnipotent, so they become the object of ridicule by others.The difference lies in the positioning of the self and the positioning of the outside world.

Some scholars have researched that the more people are in public, the more they are willing to dress up as omnipotent. This is to make others think that they are outstanding and want to show their faces in front of everyone.However, in reality, the more such a person is, the easier it is to make a fool of himself. On the contrary, those who emphasize that they are not omnipotent on different occasions are more likely to gain the trust of others.

Therefore, if you want to be recognized by more people, you might as well control your vanity and be humble.Especially some grand issues, try not to touch them.The result of dressing up desperately is not necessarily to make yourself more beautiful, but it will become false because of too much effort.

Jack Ma is a real person, he just says he doesn't know what he can't do.In an interview, an audience once had a conversation with Ma Yun like this:
Audience: Thank you.There is another question related to our school. We are the University of International Business and Economics. We are now paying attention to the situation of foreign trade. We believe that small and medium-sized enterprises are facing such a dilemma, and Alibaba has always been serving small and medium-sized enterprises.We would like to ask Mr. Jack Ma, do you think you can make any efforts or formulate some strategies to help small and medium-sized enterprises get out of the predicament?

Ma Yun: Even if you ask the Secretary-General of the United Nations, he will not be able to answer your question.But it is enough for each of us to do a little bit. In fact, Alibaba’s B2B business is centered around small and medium-sized enterprises. There are 12000 employees, and everyone is working hard to make another product.During the financial crisis, I kept calling for continuous efforts, but you can't solve it.

Just like someone asked me yesterday, Jack Ma, how can you do something for our poor areas in the Midwest?It's getting bigger again.I don't know how to answer, we have been working hard, but after all, I am not the government, so the idea I put forward is the public welfare mentality and commercial methods, commercial skills and public welfare methods.Today, many people have a commercial mentality and public welfare methods are all messed up, and I will always believe that things will get better.Our generation cannot change the fate of small and medium-sized enterprises, but the post-90s generation will certainly be able to, not us.

One of the things I want to tell you today about the post-80s and post-90s is that you will make very proud achievements for our generation, and you will help us find China’s value system and the real future of China’s development .Our generation is of course working hard, but you will do better. I believe that one generation is always better than one generation.I'm just trying my best, but your generation, born in the 80s and 90s, you have the right to complain but you have no right to complain. Today our generation has the right to complain but has no right to complain.We should change it, otherwise your next generation will complain in 10 or 20 years.

Based on what Jack Ma has experienced and his position in e-commerce, when facing the audience's question, even if he can't do it, he can easily cover it up.Because he has many times more professional knowledge than others in that area, he does not need to give a specific and feasible solution, only a few nouns are needed, and the audience will feel that Jack Ma is very powerful and has a good way to solve the problems raised by the audience. question.But Ma Yun did not do this, but admitted that he could not do it with a joking "ask the Secretary-General of the United Nations this question and he can't do it".This is a kind of truth, if you don't know, say you don't know, if you can't do it, then you can't do it, this kind of attitude is the best attitude.

What can better reflect Ma Yun's speech skills is the next expression. He has been talking about his hard work and dedication.This way of expression gives people the feeling that this person is facing a thing that almost no one can do by himself, but he has not given up, but has been persisting, and he has achieved certain results score.After giving people such an impression, it is very difficult not to get the approval of others.

What we want to learn is Ma Yun's speech skills.When faced with other people's questions, if you can't do it, you can say that you can't do it, but then you have to add what efforts you have made in this area and what achievements you have achieved.Only in this way can the greatest degree of recognition be obtained.

The worst thing is to brag desperately when you can't do it, which is to lower your style.

Simplicity has always been a weapon to impress people

Whether it is writing or speaking, people always like to pursue gorgeousness.Many people think that it is good to be able to write beautiful and affectionate articles, and it is also good to be able to speak brilliantly and brilliantly.In fact, it is unnecessary.

Whether speaking or writing, the most important thing is not gorgeousness or beauty, but clarity.A flamboyant and empty article can never be called a good article.Even if you speak gibberish but it's all nonsense, it can't be called good eloquence.

A real master is to use the simplest language, the simplest way, and the fewest words to express his meaning clearly.It is enough to do this. If we pay too much attention to the external expression of language, it will hinder us from expressing our meaning clearly.

Ma Yun is a very clear person.The [-]th Internet Business Conference and the [-]nd Internet Business Festival were held in Hangzhou. The theme was the rise of Internet business. Ma Yun, Guo Taiming, Sun Zhengyi and others all attended the event.At the event, Ma Yun gave a speech, the following is a paragraph of it:
Today I am very grateful to Mr. Guo Taiming for the speech he gave us.After I made an agreement with Mr. Guo two months ago, he said that you should give me the outline and title. The morning before yesterday we were still in a conference call to discuss how to speak. I have never seen a big guy prepare a speech so seriously.We argued more in the previous two times, but I couldn't keep expressing my thoughts, otherwise I wouldn't have time to listen.I have been thinking below, some things really make me feel emotional.First, he feels success. I don’t know what success is, but I know what failure is. I dare not say that we are successful. When people start to admit that they are successful, they also start to fail.

Another point, I think the two of us have one thing in common, in terms of martial arts, he is like outsider kung fu, and I am like insider kung fu, but everyone’s basic ideas are the same, persistence, dream, never give up, details Everyone knows that at two o'clock in the morning, Mr. Guo was still preparing his speech this morning. He handled the details, including every word, by himself, including last night when we talked about the project on the West Lake.A very diligent person, a person who pays attention to details, and a person with great ideals will come to the present.In the past, my understanding of Mr. Guo was also in the media. I think most of the things in the media cannot be believed.At least I am not that good when others say that I am so good, and I am not that bad when others say that I am so bad.So today on such an occasion, I would like to introduce Mr. Guo Taiming to everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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