As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 18 Difficult problems are challenges, but also a good opportunity to show yourself

Chapter 18 Difficult problems are challenges, but also a good opportunity to show yourself (3)
The reason why these stories can arouse people's strong resonance lies in Jack Ma's selection and telling of the stories.First of all, the stories he chose are very appropriate; second, when he told the stories, he did not narrate them directly, but created a strong contrast.For example, when he mentioned that Tyson's coach did not have very high actual boxing skills, he used a slightly humorous and exaggerated saying: "Tyson's fist is hard or the coach's fist is hard? I guess Tyson's coach will float away with one punch." , this exaggerated contrast will arouse a stronger resonance.If you say that Tyson's coach doesn't know boxing, then you are just stating a fact, but after introducing this kind of comparison, a contrast will be formed in people's minds. A person with poor boxing skills can teach A man who is very good at boxing.The next example of Jordan does not need to be like this anymore, because Tyson's example has already created an atmosphere, and Jordan's example only needs to provide a proof.At this time, there is nothing wrong with saying it directly. If you still create an exaggerated effect, it will feel cumbersome.

We can see that Ma Yun's speech may seem ordinary, but in fact he has very profound skills.Learning these skills will naturally be of great help to our eloquence.

pleasing to accept rejection

It is inevitable for a person not to ask for others, and it is also inevitable for a person to be asked for.Whether it is begging or being begged, sometimes it is not a pleasant thing.The former is unpleasant because we have to lower ourselves and beg others.The latter is what the other party wants to make people unhappy. We may not be able to do it, but we are embarrassed to refuse.

At this time, it depends on the ability to express.

A really good talker is one who turns someone down without offending them.They dare to say no loudly, and they know how to say no.

Ma Yun is a master of language. Not only can he speak more pleasantly what others like to hear, but he can also talk about topics that others hate very interestingly. Moreover, Ma Yun can also accept and reject people happily.

Next, let's take a look at how Ma Yun did it through a report.

Ma Yun is a person who dares to say no and knows how to say no.Alibaba's strategic positioning is to do business with small and medium-sized enterprises. If large enterprises want to cooperate with Alibaba, they will not accept it.However, Ma Yun will not directly reply to the other party, but tell them the reasons for not accepting it, and explain to them that non-cooperation is beneficial to both parties.In this way, the other party will happily accept it.

Not only for customers, but also for employees within the company.Alibaba has many old employees. According to the understanding of ordinary people, these old employees fought with Jack Ma in the early days of their business. They are the veterans of the company, so they will naturally get better treatment.But Ma Yun did not do this. He never lenient the old employees who did not meet the requirements. He always refused to give them promotion, and always gave them some positions in the middle and lower levels.When someone asked why, Ma Yun said: "This is a deadly order. The 18 people who started the business together can be company commanders and platoon leaders, but I will hire all the people above the team leader and division commander from outside."

Ma Yun rejected many people, but those who were rejected by Ma Yun did not feel hurt.It is because Ma Yun refused very cleverly and for a good reason.For example, for big customers, they come here for common development. Tell them clearly that cooperation is not good for both parties, and the other party will naturally understand, and there will be no unhappiness.The same is true for old employees, explain the truth to them and let them know the importance of the rules, and they will naturally understand the intention of Jack Ma's arrangement.

Of course, more importantly, Ma Yun has always been a principled person.People seem to have this kind of thinking. When encountering a matter, ask two people, one is principled and the other is unprincipled.After hitting a wall with two people, I always feel less resentment towards the principled person, thinking that this is in line with his character, and more resentment towards the unprincipled person.

Therefore, you must be a principled person and let people around you know that you have always been very principled, and you will not do certain things no matter what the reason is.That way, when you say no to someone, they will be more understanding.

Of course, what is more important is the attitude and way of speaking when rejecting.You must sincerely explain to the other party the reasons for your refusal, tell them your difficulties, and give more explanations.The worst way to say no is to just tell the other party that we don't want to help him, without telling him why we did it.After doing this, the other party will feel that we don't value them. If we come up with a credible reason, anyone will understand and accept it with peace of mind.

Calmly talk about past failures, the most touching
Things in this world are always easier said than done.When talking about great principles, each of us can express many seemingly reasonable opinions, but when we actually implement them, we may not be able to do so.

And at this time, trouble came.If a person points east and west all day long, teaching this to enlighten that, but when he encounters a problem, he behaves worse than those he has mentored, then it will attract criticism.

Faced with this situation, there are two solutions.One is to lower your posture, don't always appear in front of others as a prophet, and don't think that you understand all problems and can help others solve everything, so naturally there will be no so many difficulties.The second is to admit your shortcomings frankly.It is impossible for a person to be omnipotent, and indeed there is no omnipotent person in this world.So acknowledging that we fall short in many ways makes it more authentic and lends credibility to what we say.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Jack Ma is a master of management and a master of speech.Therefore, there must never be a time when Ma Yun goes to explain the truth to his employees and it doesn't make sense.However, Ma Yun himself broke out when answering other people's questions. He also had the experience of failing to enlighten others.This kind of calm will not make people look down on Ma Yun, but will win him respect.

Let's first take a look at what Jack Ma said in that scene.The following is a small scene of Ma Yun in "Ma Yun and the Post-80s Face to Face":

Audience: Hello, Mr. Ma, you have just answered two questions. One is that the most important thing is time, and the second is that the most important thing is your lover and children.For those of us born in the 80s and 90s, especially living in Beijing, a city with a fast pace of life, I have a relatively small question to ask.How do you balance your work and family?Thanks.

Ma Yun: I had a very failed communication with employees the year before last. Many of our employees asked me this question, how to balance life and family?Then they invited me and a few of us to sit on the stage, and told them that life and work can be balanced. Nor is it balanced.I was really unbalanced, and then I found out that real entrepreneurs cannot and should not be balanced.

If you choose the path of entrepreneurship and hope to move forward, you will have no way to think about balance. You just think about how to have fun while integrating your life and work.I tell everyone that starting a business is very difficult. If someone says that I can separate work and life, I don't believe that he is doing well in his career.I was sitting on the toilet, flushing the shower and thinking about work, but my family understood me, being busy with work every day, alienated from my family, and going home every day was stiff, it was the same.If you choose, I am sorry that you have to go on the road, or you will leave.

Let me tell you that Li Ka-shing is still busy every morning, and Gates is the same, but they are not busy for themselves.I used to have a lot of ideas - when I was young, my greatest ideal for learning a foreign language was to have breakfast in London in the morning, lunch in Paris at noon, and walk on the beach at night, but now, I find that what I hate the most is This kind of life, the bigger the more tiring.What you think is not what you get, what you get is not what you think, but you appreciate what you get, this is your blessing, you can bring happiness to yourself, and it is good to bring happiness to others .Think clearly, this is your life.I figured it out.

Frankly admitting one's failure experience not only makes a person appear more real, but also makes his words more objective and credible.Because people will think that if this person is willing to expose his own shortcomings to others, then his position must be objective and will not contain too much emotional color, so they will trust him even more.

This is also a kind of speaking wisdom.Don't dress yourself up in a tall direction, it will make us look small.Say what you have in everything. It is not shameful to admit that you have failed. If you can tell some of the experiences and lessons you have learned from that failure, it will make people think we are smart.

Some people feel that it is humiliating to admit their shortcomings in front of everyone.But I don't know that admitting the shortcomings that we have corrected in front of everyone can give us a lot of points.In the face of our previous failures, don't mind too much, speak out boldly, not only will not make us look small, but will show our tallness.

Tough problems are a challenge, but also a great opportunity to show yourself

In life, we always encounter some questions of this kind, some of which we find profound and incomprehensible, some of which we find naive and disdain to answer, and some of which we find difficult, I don't know how to answer.How to face these problems has become an annoyance to many people.

Generally speaking, when faced with questions raised by strangers that seem naive to them, some people show disdain and feel that the other party is too stupid; some are relatively extreme, thinking that they are here to provoke trouble So he scolded and refuted.These are all bad.

In this regard, Ma Yun has done a good job.When faced with other people's doubts, he will sometimes reject them, but not always. Instead, he must first distinguish the purpose of the other party's question.Whether the other party really doesn't understand or is deliberately making trouble, for the latter, he will directly refute it; while for the former, he will patiently explain and give the other party the correct answer.

Jack Ma encountered such a problem when he was a guest on the "Dialogue" column.

Audience: Mr. Ma has been talking about the problems of Ali’s ecological circle. Now I do it on Taobao, because last year I saw a piece of data, 2012 e-commerce, China’s e-commerce B2C market, including 9 websites including Tmall , occupying 95% of the market share, I think this is a terrible thing.

Ma Yun: 95% of what you said, the difference between today's e-commerce and that of the United States is very big.As you say, many people may talk about monopoly. In the Internet age, scale actually reduces the cost of the entire society.The Internet is becoming more and more transparent, so everyone rethinks the word monopoly. Our goal is to reduce the cost of the entire society and make all business environments in society more transparent, fair and open.Almost every company in the United States has IT talents, and the entire IT facilities and equipment in the United States are very good, so each company can make its own website independently.I am like this today. On the first day, I positioned myself as a small enterprise. Small enterprises do not have IT talents, small enterprises do not have such research, and small enterprises do not have such investment. This is a unique phenomenon that only China can have in the world.

So if I'm young, I can't help other small businesses.What is the difference between doing e-commerce today and 10 years ago? In e-commerce 10 years ago, you had no traffic and you had to do it yourself, you had to build it yourself without express delivery, and you had to build it yourself if you didn’t pay for it. Today, there is already traffic, socialization, and express delivery. How can you use other people’s express delivery?There is already a payment, why not use someone else's payment?

This is a typical example.As for what market share determines and what it heralds, Jack Ma is naturally clear about it.However, many members do not understand the truth.At this time, if it is a person who does not know how to speak, he will probably feel that the other party is too stupid, and hurt himself with his stupidity and assumptions.Because the other party expressed concern about Alibaba's too much market share when asking questions.But Ma Yun understood that this was not to ask for trouble, but he really didn't see the truth clearly, so he gave a patient answer.In this way, not only the member will understand the meaning, Jack Ma also explained to others from the side: Although Alibaba has a large market share, it is not a monopoly, so you don’t need to worry.

People have worries and doubts, which are often unfounded, but since they have raised it, it shows that there are indeed some places where communication is not smooth.At this time, don't be too strict, you must ask them to have a smart mind, never do unfounded things, but give patient answers.This will not only satisfy the other party, but also improve your own style.

When someone questions us, it is not necessarily against us deliberately, but more often because they want to understand us.Just like the audience, he didn't think that Alibaba's large market share meant that Alibaba had a monopoly, but he was concerned about Alibaba's future development.He did this because he cared about it. If he felt that something in his words made him uncomfortable or abrupt and directly refuted him, it would be bad.

No matter what you say, who you say it to, or how you say it, you must take the context into account.A good answer is only one that fits the context.

(End of this chapter)

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