As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 17 Difficult problems are challenges, but also a good opportunity to show yourself

Chapter 17 Difficult problems are challenges, but also a good opportunity to show yourself (2)
Then come up with values.We see that many companies are intrigues and intrigues, including multinational companies, are eager to hold a knife in their hands.When a company starts up, there must be three chapters. Managing 50 fools is the most painful, and it is even more painful to manage 50 smart people. Moreover, talented people are a little weird, and everyone disagrees with each other.Therefore, we propose that there must be common values. Without this value, the company will definitely be ruined.Why didn't Liangshan hero [-] run them up the mountain and fight?They have common values, brotherhood is the greatest, and they have a common sense of mission to do justice for the heavens.But unfortunately, they don't have a common goal.

Alibaba has three rules for all employees. We pay attention to integrity in life, passion and dedication; we pay attention to team spirit in doing things, and everything is for the purpose of customers.We combine these refinements with quarterly and annual assessments.

This is a typical example of standing in someone else's position and speaking your own words.We can see that Jack Ma has been introducing his company, but the angle of introduction is not how much hard work we have paid or how many brilliant achievements we have made, but what services we have prepared for customers and how these services come from .

This means that although I am expressing my own affairs, it is based on the interests of customers.Therefore, although Ma Yun is talking about himself, others will also have a deep sense of identity.Because Ma Yun's words are related to the interests of others and help others choose.This is the most brilliant way of speaking.Introducing yourself by showing how you can help others is the best self-presentation business card.

When speaking, you must not be too self-conscious, and you must take into account the feelings of others, and it is best to take into account the interests of others.Only in this way, others will be willing to listen to us and agree with us.If the story we tell is always our own and has nothing to do with the listener, then the listener will not be interested.In this case, unless our story is extremely exciting, like a stimulating novel, can the other party's attention be fully focused on us.However, if you look at yourself or look around at the people around you, who can have such a story?Therefore, it is still necessary to speak from the perspective of others, so as to resonate with each other.

Use contrast and avoid jargon

Whether it is chatting with people or giving speeches to people, we will encounter such a problem, that is, we need to explain a more complicated concept.At this time, you need to have certain language skills.If the expression is not good, it is very likely that although we have said a lot, the listener is still in a fog, and the more we say it, the more confused they become.

To avoid this from happening, try to exercise the ability to describe the complex with the simple.If you can describe complexity in terms of simplicity, then you can freely develop your conversation.To do this, you need a certain improvisational ability, and you need to know metaphors and analogies. Of course, you also need to avoid some technical terms.

Ma Yun has done a good job in this regard.Ma Yun always said that his entrepreneurial process was a person who did not understand Internet technology and was engaged in the Internet.In fact, Ma Yun, who does not understand the Internet, is also introducing the Internet to his customers, another group of people who do not understand the Internet.Moreover, Ma Yun's introduction was very successful, which is the credit for him being able to express the complexity in a simple way.

At the 2013 IT Leaders Summit, Ma Yun was invited to give a speech. He said:
Big companies have to do small things, and small companies have to have big dreams.Each of us has to think about how to turn it into reality after we have some ideas.A small act of a large company is often an instantaneous small action that affects the decision of the company's future development, affects the entire company and even social change.I think there is a huge problem in today's IT and Internet circles, that is, they always climb to the roof to talk about the development of big industries and big industries.

With the development of IT today, we do not lack technology and ideas, what we lack is to turn these things into reality.Many of us today use IT technology and ideas, but the management level and ideas are still stuck in the 20th century.That's why it appears that nowadays IT is still bargaining in e-commerce, and it is still a matter of price rather than value.If the thinking is still stuck in the 20th century or even 5 or 10 years ago, it is impossible for the enterprise to survive.

In the past four or five years, I have participated in countless IT and Internet forums. Unfortunately, the least I have heard is how to manage an IT company or an Internet company in terms of organization, culture, and talents.It is not tigers, lions and elephants that determine an ecosystem, but microorganisms. The best quality of a company is your basic employee recruitment.Only by starting from scratch, from yourself, from the people you recruit, can you return from your dream to reality.The downfall of many enterprises is not due to lack of innovation or talent, but a complete lack of management thinking.

Also, what is corporate culture?Posters and writing articles are not corporate culture. Corporate culture is to write the company in a more flavorful way, and not to turn the company into a money-making machine.We need to turn the enterprise into a person with emotion. If there is emotion, there will be friends. People with friends will naturally have good business.If you have friends, you must also talk about principles. What are principles?manage.What is a boss?The "old" of the boss is the teacher, and the "ban" is the rule.Without these two things, a business cannot go far.

To really do a good job in management and culture, there must be a strong idea behind the management and culture. Without a really good idea, there is no way to make the company bigger.The management level of the West is quite remarkable, and Japan’s exquisite cultural management is also quite remarkable, but most Chinese companies learn a little from the West today, from Japan tomorrow, and from legends the day after tomorrow. There is no benchmark for the management of the entire business system. quite confusing.

I think that the ideal leadership in China is Taoist culture. Confucianism is the best thing for us to strengthen management. Buddhist thought is to let you learn to be a human being, because people with strong leadership and management skills must be poisonous and poisonous. It needs the emptiness of Buddhist thought to make it empty.It is quite remarkable to learn the game thinking of Tai Chi in the process of competition.

In the above speech, several concepts were involved, but Jack Ma explained them very clearly.This is the expression of complexity in simplicity.It's not much, but it's clear, and it's fun to listen to.It is this ability that we want to exercise.

When expressing a complex concept, the thinking must be clear, you must know where the key points are, and then approach the key points step by step, and introduce them in a hierarchical manner, and it will naturally become clear.Along the way, add some analogies without using too much technical jargon.

After a little practice, initial clarity can be achieved.Then expand your thinking and use analogies skillfully, you can be a little bit like Ma Yun, very relaxed and very interesting, and express the most complicated truths in simple words.

Use skills to tell your experience beautifully

Surveys have shown that people tend to prefer to listen to stories rather than reason.From this, we can conclude that if you want to make your words attractive, you should tell more stories.

In fact, there are also classifications of stories, some are knowledge-based, and some are emotional-based, but no matter which one, as long as it is told emotionally, it can attract others.The key is how do we store so many stories.Obviously, this is going to take a long time.

If you don’t have so much time to read and screen other people’s stories, you can also tell people stories that happened to you, our experiences or some experiences of our friends.There is also the advantage of saying this, that it is emotionally powerful, because this is happening to us or our friends, and we have a deep understanding of how the person involved feels.Therefore, telling such stories will also be more moving.

After the problem of material selection is solved, it comes to the way of telling. It is necessary to tell these stories vividly, which requires some skills.

We all know that Ma Yun has been telling everyone the stories of him and his employees, and the stories are very vivid, and the results he has achieved are obvious to all.

Ma Yun often gives internal speeches at Alibaba, and there are many classics among them. The following paragraph is a classic on how to impress people with experience.

I also told this story to someone last night: Back then, my university had five vice deans. When the house was divided, those vice deans were all robbing the house. As for the youngest vice dean, he didn’t rob at all. .I said why don't you grab the house, the house is so good, it's 100 square meters.He said I'm 43 years old, this group of people are in their fifties, they think this is the last train, and I think I'm just getting started.This is vision!Later, he became the director of the department and then the deputy governor of the province.

This is vision.As I said before, some people think: I am the biggest in our village, the houses in our village are so tall, and our house is the tallest house.However, when you go to Shanghai and see how tall the house is, you may faint when you go to New York.You haven’t gone out to see it, you haven’t seen a big company, you haven’t seen a real entrepreneur, a real leader, and you think that Wang Ermao of your family is the most powerful.

A person with a high vision will have a big mind.Every one of us here, you are only as strong as you are if you have more people under you.For example, our Tim is a legal expert, and one day his subordinates must surpass him.The company hopes to have all kinds of talents with various personalities and tempers. Only such a company is an excellent company with a splendid culture.

If everyone in the company is the same, it will be troublesome.The animals in the zoo are all different, so people can see them. If they are all the same, all cows and horses, then it is a breeding farm.We don't need farms.Your mind is reflected in the tolerance of all kinds of people. In the end, your skills must not be as good as your subordinates. When your skills are stronger than your subordinates, you must not be a good leader.

Engineers rely on technology to eat the world, and Bill Gates has a higher level of technology than the following engineers?impossible!Tyson fist hard or coach fist hard?It is estimated that Tyson's coach floated out with one punch, and Jordan's coach can't even hit the ball. This is the mind.In terms of management, you must have a differentiated competition, and you must have characteristics that others do not have.

Another point is that people with strong skills and abilities are generally weird, so I want to tell you that most people with strong abilities are paranoid and weird.This eccentric can never be a truly great leader without opening his heart.Those of us who follow the M series (Alibaba employee development sequence, one is the P professional sequence, and the other is the M management sequence), or even those who become professional managers in the end, must have a mind.

As a leader, the most frightening thing is that the fist hit him ten times, but he didn't respond.In this way, the leader's ability to resist blows and failures is immediately aroused.Everyone is willing to follow this leadership. It doesn't matter if you fight all at once, resist blows and failures, and have the courage to take responsibility.

I always hope that the leaders of Alibaba have vision, mind, and strength.There is no way around these things. When there are more and more people in Alibaba, people with vision and no heart become Zhou Yu.You are not open-minded enough, what are you angry about!

You said that you hate the people below, and that the people below are all idiots. I tell you today that what Alibaba gave you is idiots, and your duty is to make them no longer idiots.If they are still idiots after three years, it means you are idiots!Originally, everyone was ordinary people, but after three years, these people are still idiots, and the company faults (failure) you fault, because you did not turn them into excellent people.

It was originally a very simple story, but it is very vivid when it is told from Ma Yun's mouth, and it can give people a lot of inspiration.We must also work hard in this direction, and we must learn to speak plain words vividly and touchingly, which can resonate with others.

A story that can resonate with others must be the most basic emotions. Like Jack Ma telling the story of the dean of his university, he actually talked about the importance of waiting. When talking about Tyson, Jordan and others, he actually talked about The most important thing is how to use people who are not as good as yourself to improve yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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