high official

Chapter 731 Caught a Big Fish

Chapter 731 Caught a Big Fish

The black long knife turned into several dark streaks, and slashed at Chang Sen and the three of them, killing them in the blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time, Chang Sen rose into the air, and kicked three times in a row like a ghost, one kick hit the face of one person, one kick hit the chest of the second person, and one kick hit the wrist of the third person,
Before the three ghost-faced warriors could react, one fainted to the ground, one flew upside down, and the other dropped his long knife, clutching his broken wrist, and stood there in a daze.

Seeing Chang Sen tap his flying knife with his toe, the long knife obediently turned around and flew towards Dr. Wu without any haste.

Dr. Wu raised his hands, the blade slashed across his wrist, and the leather rope as thick as his fingers snapped.

Dr. Wu regained his freedom with his hands, picked up the long knife, and cut off the ropes of Chang Sen and Huai En with two swipes.

All of this happened in an instant, and Li Kunchun and his group were dumbfounded.

"If you don't leave, you won't leave. It's really troublesome." Wynn rubbed his wrist and complained, "You tied up our family in pain."

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you hurry up and get out?!" Dr. Wu swung his sword horizontally, staring at the group of people.

Fleeing so far in embarrassment, the ghost-faced warrior has no fighting spirit at all, and seeing Chang Sen's performance like a god descending from the earth, he has no courage to go forward at all.They couldn't help looking at Li Kunchun...

Li Kunchun, a coward, was scared to death a long time ago, but he knew that if Emperor Jianwen left, he would have to be torn apart by Ji Gangsheng, so although he had 1 thoughts of running away in his heart, his calf never obeyed.

"Get lost!" Doctor Wu threw out the long knife with a cracking sound.Li Kunchun didn't have time to dodge, the long knife pierced his crotch and stabbed obliquely on the ground, the blade trembled endlessly...

Li Kunchun's legs felt as if they were sifting chaff, and he suddenly felt a damp heat between his knees, which made him yell out in fright, "I'm hurt, I'm hurt!"

The three of Chang Sen burst into laughter, and even those expressionless ghost-faced warriors couldn't help giggling.

Li Kunchun realized that something was wrong, reached out his hand to touch his crotch, and then brought it to his nose to ask. The smell was not fishy, ​​but smelly... Only then did he realize that he was not hurt at all, but scared to pee.

Amidst the loud laughter, Li Kunchun had no face to see anyone anymore, so he just took advantage of this opportunity to get off the donkey.With a muffled grunt: "Let's go." Then he led his men and disappeared into the night in desperation.


In the wild, the sky is low and the trees are low, Jiang Qingyue is close to people.

In the wilderness, only Emperor Jianwen and his three loyal courtiers were left for the time being.Emperor Jianwen sat cross-legged on the ground, turning a deaf ear to the arguments of the three courtiers...

Chang Sen and the three had great disagreements about where to go next.

"Let's protect His Majesty while we can escape." This was the old eunuch Wynn's idea. "Follow this river to the east, and you will meet people who will meet us."

"Let's go, I have to stay and pay the bill." Dr. Wu was dressed in common clothes, thin as dust, with a nonchalant expression on his face, as if he was talking about other people's affairs. "I promised Wang Xian, I won't play tricks on my eldest nephew."

"If you really want to keep your word, I'll knock you out and resist walking away." Chang Sen said coldly. "They helped us save the emperor, and they didn't have any good intentions. They just wanted to use us to kill Ji Gang!"

"Of course it's not just for keeping our word, that brat has calculated us to the core." Doctor Wu said with a wry smile, "He knows I won't reject this deal."

"You are stupid!" Wynn scolded, "He wants to trade your life for glory and wealth!"

"How many years do I have to live? I can use the remaining half of my old life to exchange the lives of Ji Gang's family." Doctor Wu said with endless hatred in his eyes: "To avenge the thousands of loyal officials who were killed by him , it’s so worth it!”

After hearing what Dr. Wu said, both Chang Sen and Huai En were speechless.

The wilderness is surprisingly quiet, only the whining sound of the wind blowing across the wilderness...

Doctor Wu smiled, and was about to urge them to leave quickly when he saw a clay sculpture-like Emperor Jianwen standing up.

"Your Majesty..." All three looked at their emperor, only to see Emperor Jianwen take two steps forward, slowly look around, and said softly: "If I remember correctly, 14 years ago, you protected me from the capital, Pass here too? This river, these trees, are all still the same..."

The three of them heard the words and looked around, but they couldn't remember whether they walked this road 14 years ago.

"Did we really walk here?" Wynn asked Dr. Wu in a low voice.

Dr. Wu rolled his eyes and said in a muffled voice, "I didn't leave Beijing with you, how would I know?"

"It can't be wrong," Emperor Jianwen said softly: "It was also this hour that day, the only difference in this kind of moonlight is that there are 72 people beside me..." He looked at Chang Sen and Doctor Wu, his eyes wide open. Wet said, "There were 72 people at that time, how many people are left now?"

"Back to Your Majesty, there are seven old brothers..." Wynn whispered.

Emperor Jianwen closed his eyes in pain, and after a while he said slowly: "Over the years, I have asked myself time and time again whether my choice is brave or cowardly. In fact, in Pujiang County, I already have the answer."

"Your Majesty," Chang Sen said excitedly, "You are able to persevere in order to restore the country. This is great courage and great perseverance!"

"..." Emperor Jianwen shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry, General Chang, I've let you down. My answer was just the opposite. My original choice was cowardice and a big mistake... With the strength of a country and millions of soldiers, I was defeated by my fourth uncle's city. There may be some riders with three thousand paces who have suffered such a crushing defeat since ancient times, but there is no one like me who dares not die in the community and becomes a monk to escape!"

"Your Majesty..." Hearing Emperor Jianwen open his heart, Chang Sen and the three of them choked up with a feeling of unknown courage.

"I am afraid of death and running for my life first, and I dare not accept failure later." Emperor Jianwen said with tears streaming down his face: "How many loyal ministers and warriors have been killed, and their bodies have been smashed to pieces...I should not have run away 14 years ago. , Let the emperor see people alive and dead, and there will be no more successes in the past 14 years... How did I wake up so late!"

"Your Majesty, stop talking..." The three of Chang Sen knelt on the ground and cried together.

"Please get up, and run for your life." Emperor Jianwen helped Huai En, weeping and said: "You have worked hard all these years, and let me avenge those loyal ministers."

"Your Majesty must not!" Although it was not surprising that Emperor Jianwen said this, Chang Sen and the others were still shocked when they heard it with their own ears, and firmly disagreed with Emperor Jianwen staying. "Otherwise, the sacrifices of so many of us would be in vain?"

"I just want to avoid further sacrifices..." Emperor Jianwen smiled and said, "I am the shackles of your fate. Break the shackles and find a quiet place to spend the rest of your life."

"Absolutely not!" Those who have been able to follow Emperor Jianwen to this day are not ordinary stubborn, how could he be persuaded.

"It's the best choice for me to stay. You will be executed by Ling Chi, but Zhu Di will definitely not kill me. He will serve me with delicious food and drink. Maybe he will pardon you just to show his kindness." Emperor Jianwen replied They earnestly tried to persuade the three of them, but the three of them had already lost their patience, showing signs of going forward and using force.

But Emperor Jianwen had been with them day and night for several years, so he knew them too well!With a flip of his hand, a razor was pressed against his throat.The three of them didn't dare to move at once, Wynn exclaimed: "Your Majesty! Be careful, don't hurt yourself! "

"If you don't want to see me die here, go away quickly..." Emperor Jianwen said as soon as he exerted force on his hand, the sharp blade pierced his neck, and the blood instantly stained the white monk's robe.

Seeing this, the three Chang Sen could only kowtow to Emperor Jianwen vigorously, and left first with tears.


Seeing the three leave, Emperor Jianwen heaved a sigh of relief, identified the direction, and returned to the way he came. Although he didn't know what happened, he also knew that the opponent's attack on Baiyun Villa must be for himself, so he should chase them quickly.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, Emperor Jianwen saw a cavalry galloping over. He didn't care what the opponent came from, so he stood in the middle of the road and waved his hands vigorously.

"Woo..." It was dark and the sight was poor, when the dozen or so riders approached, they saw someone blocking the road, and hurriedly reined in, and dangerously stopped three feet in front of Emperor Jianwen.

Hateing that this man blocked the way, the leading cavalry deliberately reined in the horse, and the horse raised its front hooves, and the man stood up.The bowl-sized horseshoe brushed against Emperor Jianwen's nose, and the strong wind carried coarse sand and gravel, bringing Emperor Jianwen to the ground.

Seeing the embarrassment of his buttocks on the ground, the cavalrymen lost their anger a little. Instead of hacking him to death, they asked in a rough voice, "Where is the monk? Tired of work? Get out of here!"

"I want to see your leader." Emperor Jianwen got up and patted the dirt on his body in embarrassment. "I have something to say to him."

"Say something quickly, and fart quickly!" The two cavalry stepped aside, and Er Hei's figure appeared.

"I want to see your biggest official." Emperor Jianwen was obviously dissatisfied with Erhei's grade.

"Where are you talking so much nonsense, get out of here." The cavalry didn't have the patience to chatter with him, so they raised their swords and pushed Emperor Jianwen aside.

"I am the Zhu Yunqi you are looking for!" Emperor Jianwen had no choice but to reveal his identity.

The cavalry looked at each other, and someone asked in a low voice, "Zhu Yunwen, what do you do?"

"I've never heard of it..." the other replied.

Only Erhei thumped in his heart. He looked at the middle-aged monk carefully, and screamed in his heart: "Damn it, why did I meet him?"How did Doctor Wu protect the Lord? '

Erhei never expected that he could run into Emperor Jianwen here, because normally, Chang Sen and the others would fight to the death to protect Emperor Jianwen, so how could they let this Lord be alone?

Seeing that Erhei remained silent for a long time, Emperor Jianwen became impatient, and introduced himself again with a louder voice and clearer words: "I am the Emperor Jianwen you have been looking for for 14 years, take me to meet your general, all Everyone will be rewarded!"

Now, even the most two hundred and five officers and soldiers understood what he was talking about... The atmosphere suddenly became weird, but Erhei laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, do you think I was deceived? It's so old-fashioned I also want to deceive my wise and mighty Lord Erhei, so go ahead and dream!"

(End of this chapter)

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