high official

Chapter 730 Desperate

Chapter 730 Desperate
Li Kunchun's gecko cut off its tail, leaving most of his subordinates behind, and rushed out of the valley surrounded by more than [-] soldiers from the front army.Looking back, he saw that there were pursuers all over the mountains and plains. He was so frightened that he didn't dare to stop for a while to discern the direction, so he took the road to the south and fled.

After not running far, he saw flags waving in the distance. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the color of the flag of the Prince's Army, which made Li Kunchun's scalp numb from fright.
ordered aloud:
"Change to the southeast, go southeast!"

The generals of the ghost army had no choice but to steer their horses towards the side road. After a while, there were only scattered horseshoe marks left on the ground.

In the thickets of trees and banners in the south, Deng Xiaoxian's younger brother Deng Xiaoren and his former subordinate, the black donkey, breathed a sigh of relief, because there was only a small group of a hundred people behind them, and if the opponent rushed over, they would not be able to stop them.

"Qiu, I'm scared to death..." The black donkey sat down on the grass, cursed a few bad words, and then said to Deng Xiaoren, "Erlang, does that Yang have conflicts with your brother? We’re new here, so we can’t trick us like this. If they really rushed over just now, we would have moved the old monk—blowing the lamp and pulling the wax.”

Deng Xiaoren was still in shock, but shook his head and said: "No, my brother said, he has the best relationship with Yang Rong, and he will definitely be taken care of in this battle."

"Do you still take care of it?" The black donkey didn't take it seriously.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" A gloomy voice sounded, but it was Wu Wei who was worried and led someone to chase him.

Deng Xiaoren and the black donkey stood up to greet each other, the former clasped his fists in salute, and said with a smile: "Brother Wu, don't listen to his nonsense, he is famous for his bad mouth."

"General Yang made sure that they would not dare to flee south, so you sent out suspicious soldiers here." Wu Wei explained lightly: "They want to join up with the King of Han's army, and going south is the shortest route. They must have thought that we would Set up heavy troops here. General Yang did the opposite, scaring them away with just a few of you."

Deng Xiaoren and Deng Xiaoren half understood what he heard, but they finally understood that they were still taken care of.Unable to be elated, the former said with a smile all over his face: "Brother Wu, hurry up and get busy, don't worry about us."

Wu Wei nodded, left a sentence of 'be careful', and took people away without haste.Before leaving, some of his subordinates were vicious, winking at Deng Xiaoren and saying, "I don't even think about it, if Ji Gang's people are really likely to flee this way, can the superiors use you two trash?"

Amidst the roar of laughter, the group left the disheveled two and headed southeast.The winner was already in the palm of his hand, everyone was in a good mood, and no one noticed Wu Wei's gloomy face... Although he hadn't smiled all year round, the gloom on his face today was far heavier than in the past.


Speaking of Li Kunchun, he abandoned going south and turned southeast. After traveling less than two miles, he heard the sound of rushing water. After walking a few steps, he saw a big river two feet wide in front of him.The water network in the south of the Yangtze River is like weaving. It is not surprising that there is a river. Fortunately, there is a stone bridge on the river to cross the river.

Li Kunchun was well aware of the terrain in this area, so he was not surprised to see the stone bridge. "Cross the river quickly!"

The ghost cavalry under his command rode their horses and filed up the bridge. When the first two riders reached the center of the bridge, they heard a bang, and saw that the stone bridge collapsed suddenly, and the stone bars accompanied by more than ten riders crashed into the water, splashing a large cluster of water. ...

On the shore, the soldiers screamed in alarm, horses neighed and people screamed in the water, and the voices for help continued.Li Kunchun was about to save people, when more than a dozen small boats jumped out of the reeds on the river, and each boat had more than ten people, each armed with muskets, bows and crossbows, and shot randomly at the people on the bank.

The generals of the ghost army had already dismounted to save people, but they were suddenly attacked, and they were in a mess. Some wanted to get on their horses and escape, while others were lying on the ground. The scene was chaotic.When Li Kunchun took people away from the river and reorganized the team, he found that there were less than 200 people under him, and their morale was low and depressed.

Fortunately, Emperor Jianwen was fine, and fortunately he was tied to the horse so that he could comfort himself. After all, he was dead, so as long as he could bring the rightful owner back, it would be considered a great achievement.It's just that the sneering expressions of Chang Sen and others made him extremely uncomfortable, and finally couldn't help but say:
"I forgot to ask a few people, what should I do next, you are experts in escaping."

The three of Chang Sen really turned pale, Dr. Wu said: "Yes, it's time to learn from us, you will need it in the future."

"Thank you!" Li Kunchun was furious after touching his nose. "If we are finished, you will be even worse."

Chang Sen, who had been cold and silent all this time, suddenly said, "It's better to save your energy and run for your life, they are catching up."

Li Kunchun and his men tensed up, and looked around quickly, and sure enough, they saw signs of cavalry attacking from the northwest direction, and they were coming towards them!

"Five hundred riders." Chang Sen added with care.

"Fight or flee?" Doctor Wu said with a look of 'concern'.

"It goes without saying, of course he escaped." Wynn said strangely.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you first!" Li Kunchun was so upset that he cursed.

"Shut up and shut up." Doctor Wu didn't want to suffer from the immediate disadvantage.

"I wanted to wave the flag for you..." Wynn said with a smile.

"Thank you." Li Kunchun took a few breaths before calming down.

Seeing the pursuers getting closer and closer, the subordinates around him urgently asked: "My lord, what should we do, should we fight or flee?"

"Screw... shit!" Li Kunchun said angrily, "Hurry up, go east, go east!"

The ghost cavalry ran again, surrounded by Li Kunchun, Jian Wenjun and others, and headed east, but this time the pursuers were obviously different, chasing after them like tarsal maggots!

That's Hu Sandao and his thieves brothers!But it was said that when Lao Hu went back to his hometown to visit his relatives, it was with Wang Xian's help that he saved his wife, children, and children. After that, he decided to follow Wang Xian wholeheartedly.All his brothers also agreed. After all, no one wants to be a bandit for the rest of his life. If there is a chance to clean up his crimes, of course he must seize it.

So when Hu Sandao returned to Beijing, he asked Wang Xian to recruit all the brothers.It was the occasion of employing people, of course Wang Xian agreed, and Hu Sandao immediately ordered all the brothers to come to the capital to meet up.Hurry up, hurry up, catch up with this one!But after all, he had been a wanted criminal for many years, and his vigilance could not be dispelled for a while. Only a quarter of Hu Sandao's two thousand horse bandits came.Fortunately, these [-] rides are enough for Li Kunchun to drink a pot right now.

"Brothers, catch up with them and let them see and see, our Shandong thieves are very powerful!" Hu Sandao didn't forget to encourage his men while galloping.

In fact, there is no need to talk nonsense at all, his brothers left their families and careers to come to the capital to fight the world, and of course they worked hard to make a good start!

So one of the two sides ran away desperately, while the other chased after him, and they ran for twenty or thirty miles without knowing it.I saw a group of cavalry coming towards me, waving the banner of the King of Han, and shouting: "But Ji Dudu's subordinates?"

Hearing this sound, Li Kunchun and others were in high spirits, shouting in their hearts, "Rescue soldiers!"It's the rescuers! Without asking why, he rushed over like a tired bird returning to the forest.

"You guys are here..." When he came to the other party, Li Kunchun said in a crying voice, while looking at the 'saviors', he was suddenly stunned, because he didn't know any of these people. "You, what part are you from?"

"We belong to Fengyang Zuowei, and we are ordered by General Wei to meet you..." The other party approached as he spoke.

Li Kunchun was furious, he knew that the other party was lying... because he was from Fengyang Zuowei.Li Kunchun screamed while turning the horse's head. "Quick retreat! They are counterfeit!"

The generals of the ghost army under him didn't react for a while, they were still there in a daze...

Seeing that he was seen through, Erhei, who was pretending to be the king of the Han army, spat out, "Ball, do them!" His subordinates opened their bows and shot arrows, and raised their guns to fire. Many ghost cavalrymen were shot off their horses before they could react.Only then did the rest of the men flee in panic, Erhei's men followed closely.

Li Kunchun took the people back a few steps, and saw that Hu Sandao's thieves had already caught up. It was true that there were pursuers before and after, and Li Kunchun was so frightened that he was so frightened that he screamed: "Hold on, give me back!" live!"

If it was an ordinary soldier, whoever listened to his call would have already fled for their lives.But this is Ji Gang's specially trained ghost army, full of ghostly aura and fearlessness, they actually split into two and rushed towards Hu Sandao and Erhei.But Li Kunchun, under the cover of more than ten cavalry, led Jianwen Emperor and others, abandoned the road and escaped from the trail.

On the avenue, the two fights started almost at the same time. Although they were at an absolute disadvantage in numbers, the ghost army warriors were superb in martial arts and fought desperately, which still caused great trouble for Hu Sandao and Er Hei.Sometimes people are like this, they will try their best in a desperate situation, but when they see the dawn of victory, they will be timid and worry about gains and losses. This cannot be changed...

Seeing that their subordinates were caught in a fight, Hu Sandao and Erhei were so anxious that they abandoned their subordinates at the same time and chased in the direction where Li Kunchun and others were fleeing...


Unknowingly, as dusk fell, Li Kunchun's war horse suddenly let out a mournful cry, his knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground, almost throwing him to the ground.The men next to him rushed to support him, Li Kunchun was still in shock and said: "Tripping the rope?"

Doctor Wu laughed loudly, "You're scared out of your wits!"

"My lord, your mount is out of strength..." Li Kunchun's subordinate explained in a low voice.

"Of course I know!" Li Kunchun said angrily, "Come down, I'll ride your horse!"

"My horse is also failing." The subordinate whispered: "My lord, be careful not to fall off again."

Li Kunchun looked at the remaining dozen or so subordinates, saw that they had all got off their horses, and couldn't help feeling cold, and said with a dark face, "Then walk, fortunately it's getting dark..." But seeing Chang Sen They didn't move at all, and the three still kept Emperor Jianwen in the middle, obviously they had other plans.

"What do you want to do?" Li Kunchun glared at them sternly.

"I don't want to do anything." Dr. Wu said lazily, "I just want to rest."

"If you want to go, you go, my old arms and legs can't move anymore." Wynn rubbed his arms pretendingly.

"I think you don't want to live anymore!" Li Kunchun yelled angrily, "Kill the three of them!" Although the opponent had Chang Sen, he was tied up with tendon ropes, and he would kill them if he wanted to.

The ghost-faced warrior drew out his long knife and slashed at the three of them.

 happy New Year to all!
(End of this chapter)

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