high official

Chapter 505 Zhang Gouzi

Chapter 505 Zhang Gouzi

Yan Langzhong's opinion was quickly supported by the official of the Ministry of Justice, who ordered him to review the case.After Yan Langzhong received the order, he retrieved the physical evidence that existed in the Jiangning county government to confirm the previous guess.

Because of the hot weather in June, the corpse cannot be parked in the autopsy room for too long. The deceased has already been buried, and there will be great resistance to opening the coffin for autopsy.If there is a real murderer, it will also arouse vigilance.Yan Langzhong had no choice but to settle for the next best thing. First, he observed the rubbings made by Wu Zuo from the wound of the deceased, and found that it was indeed caused by a sharp blade piercing, and it was definitely not caused by a sickle.

Moreover, on the scythe that was designated as the murder weapon, there were only light green traces of the sink, and there was no trace of blood.Judging from the conclusion of the preliminary trial, Qi Dazhu should have escaped immediately after the murder, and he had no time to clean the murder weapon. Such a big loophole could be ignored by the magistrate of Jiangning, and Yan Langzhong was speechless.

There is also the bloody coat, although it has been soaked in water, it can still be clearly seen that the blood is mainly on the two sleeves and the bottom of the lower skirt, but the large front is clean, and judging from the shape and position of the wound of the deceased, the murderer used a sharp knife A frontal stab would splatter the murderer's front in a spurt of blood, while the sleeves and hem were unlikely to be covered with blood.On the contrary, as Na Qi Dazhu previously confessed, he said that after he tripped over the dead body because of the darkness, he fumbled and found the dead before scaring him away, which is more in line with the evidence.What's more, the deceased and Qi Dazhu didn't know each other, and the most basic motive for killing didn't exist, so how could he suddenly commit such a murderous attack?
With these observations, he determined that the bloody clothes and boots of the murder weapon were not enough evidence, so the magistrate of Jiangning probably cast an unjust case.In order to find out the truth, he didn't open the court to investigate the case immediately, but instead visited the neighbors in Shuiche Lane in Weifu.By knocking around the neighbors of the deceased, he learned that Mrs. Zhang was a hard-working man. After being a widow in his 20s, he worked hard to bring up his only son, Zhang Gouzi. He was idle all day long, not doing business, and often stealing the two coffin books Zhang Ma worked so hard to save.For this reason, the mother and son turned against each other and quarreled a lot, and she even suffered a beating from Nizi.

Yan Langzhong carefully visited the neighbors of Zhang's family, and finally came up with a key piece of information-in the middle of the night when Zhang Ma was killed, he had a fierce quarrel with Zhang Gouzi, which woke up all the neighbors.But everyone was afraid of Zhang Gouzi, a murderer, so they didn't dare to come out to persuade them. Later, when they heard the voice disappeared, they thought that the two women had finished their quarrel and fell asleep. Unexpectedly, Zhang's mother was killed the next day... Yan Langzhong again When I asked about the content of the quarrel, the neighbors didn't listen to the truth, it seemed like 'you can't take it', 'you let go' and the like...

"The name of Zhang Ma's son is Zhang Gouzi?" Seeing this, Wang Xian was stunned suddenly, "This name sounds familiar."

"That's the name of one of the three people who ate the stick yesterday." Wu Wei said.

"It's interesting..." Wang Xian rubbed his chin and murmured, and continued to read:

At that time, Zhang Gouzi was an agent of Beizhen Fusi.The key to Jin Yiwei's ability to monitor the world, especially the turmoil in the capital, is the ubiquitous spies.Especially those loafing, well-informed rogue idlers, basically hook up with Jin Yiwei, and sell information for some wine money and whoring money.

These spies are not Jin Yiwei's people, they are just the dogs raised by Jin Yiwei.But Zhang Gouzi created a miracle, he became an official Jinyiwei, and became an officer at once... Although it is a small banner with only ten people, it is still better than Wang Xian becoming Beizhen Fusi Town all at once Fu is also surprising.

This earth-shaking change happened not long after Zhang's mother was killed. What happened during this period not only made Wang Xian, a conspiracy theorist, curious, but also caught Yan Langzhong's attention.Yan Langzhong has been in the criminal department for more than ten years, and he also has his own "hidden pile". He paid someone to find out the reason for Zhang Gouzi's sudden outbreak.He knew that it was not difficult to inquire, because those spies, as well as the ordinary warriors and captains of Jinyiwei, were all pushed down by Zhang Gouzi at once.

Sure enough, there was a result soon... It turned out that Zhang Gouzi gave a family heirloom to Li Chun, the deputy governor of Beizhen Fusi. It's easy for a small official to do it.As expected of a Jin Yiwei who specializes in inquiring about news, some people even found out what the heirloom was... It is said that it is a jasper watermelon that flowed out of the palace of the Yuan Dynasty.It is said that Zhang Gouzi's grandmother used to be a female official in the palace of the Yuan Dynasty, and she stole it out during the chaos of the war.

Yan Langzhong asked Zhang's neighbors for confirmation. The neighbors had never heard of jasper watermelons, but they confirmed that Zhang Gouzi's grandmother did come out of the Yuan Dynasty palace.

In this way, Yan Langzhong regarded Zhang Gouzi as the number one suspect, but unfortunately, it has been more than a month since the crime happened, and Zhang Gouzi is a Jinyiwei with strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and the criminal evidence must have been wiped out.However, with his rich experience, Yan Langzhong didn't take this difficulty seriously.He asked someone to find a Jinyiwei's standard short knife...it was a smaller Xiuchun knife, which was specially used by spies for self-defense.After comparison, it was found that the wound of the deceased was caused by this weapon!
Yan Langzhong quietly dispatched two capable police officers with excellent water skills, and ordered them to pretend to be swimmers to cool off the heat, and go down to the lake a few steps away from the crime scene to search for them. The aquatic plants in the distance found a sharp knife from it.When I brought it back, it was exactly Jin Yiwei's standard Broken Blade.And even though it had been soaked in the bottom of the water for many days, faint bloodstains could still be found on the handle of the knife wrapped in thick thread.

Moreover, there is a serial number on the handle of the knife, as long as you compare it with Jin Yiwei's distribution record, you can find the owner of the knife!
At this point, Yan Langzhong finally had the confidence to reiterate the case, and he suddenly ordered Zhang Gouzi to be summoned.Zhang Gouzi was already an officer of the Jinyiwei, so the police officers naturally didn't dare to take him, so they had to invite him over.At first, Zhang Gouzi looked arrogant, and said impatiently, the case is already understood, why did you ask me to come here?
"A few more questions that I need to ask you for confirmation?" Yan Langzhong said calmly, "Where were you the night of the incident?"

"I told you earlier, I'm eating outside." Zhang Gouzi said.

"Where? With whom?"

"Qiuju single room on the second floor of Yuyangju, and my brothers." Zhang Gouzi said impatiently: "At that time, the magistrate of Yang County had already asked, and summoned my brother and the shop owner. It's clear, my lord won't look at it for myself." After finishing speaking, he was about to walk away: "I have nothing else to do, and I have delayed my official errand, can you afford it?"

"You're lying!" But Yan Langzhong slapped the gavel heavily and said: "That day in Qiuju's private room, it was Chen Sijin, the head of the household department, who was drinking and talking with a few of the same year, sitting from dark until closing!"

Zhang Gouzi was taken aback, he didn't expect this Yan Langzhong to be so perverted, but he didn't react too slowly, and pretended to be flat and said: "Maybe the surname is Chen wrong."

"Could it be that the officials have misremembered?" Yan Langzhong sneered: "They are all young Jinshi, and everyone has written conclusive testimony! Whoever you say is more credible!"

"That's why we misremembered..." Master Jinshi is all Wenqu stars, and Zhang Gouzi showed timidity when Yan Langzhong bluffed like this.

"Then why isn't your testimony clearly written in black and white, and the five people in the store all said it was in Qiujujian!" Yan Langzhong said emphatically, "Jia Liuzi's wife had a difficult labor that afternoon, and she didn't give birth until midnight. When he was born, he still had the time to accompany you out for a drink, so calm! That night, Zhou Lao Wu lost all his money in the casino and even had a fight, which was recorded in the patrol room. That night, the red monkey stayed in Chunxiang Building , paid prostitute money but came out to drink with you? And Ji Datou was supposed to be working in the prison that day, so he also came out to drink with you?"

Yan Langzhong's gun and stick based on the strict evidence made Zhang Gouzi speechless immediately, and he became angry from embarrassment: "Where do you care what I am doing! Could it be that I killed my mother?"

"It's not impossible to kill your mother and seize the treasure." Yan Langzhong said calmly, "Where did your jasper watermelon go?" After being deeply shocked, throwing out this kind of speculation at this time will have a shocking effect.

Sure enough, a flash of panic flashed across Zhang Gouzi's face, and he quickly covered up, "What Jasper watermelon, I don't know!"

"Without jasper watermelon, why did you jump from an unidentified spy to a seventh-rank Jinyiwei officer?" Yan Langzhong said: "What kind of contribution have you made to be able to achieve from civilian to official and to be promoted seven ranks in succession? The super promotion?!"

"This..." Zhang Gouzi was speechless.

"Where is the short blade that Jin Yiwei distributed to you?" Yan Langzhong didn't entangle, and said that the truth is the truth.

"I'm not a spy now, so I'll hand it in naturally..." Zhang Gouzi was sweating on his forehead, and he couldn't get any better.

"you sure?"


"What's the number on the handle!" Yan Langzhong didn't give him time to think at all, he asked jumping questions one after another.

"Geng Sier..." Zhang Gouzi blurted out, his expression changed after he finished speaking.

"Look what this is!" Yan Langzhong nodded, and a servant came up with a tray, on which lay a long and narrow knife, with the words 'Gengsi Er' impressively engraved on the copper handle!

"It was fished from a lake a few steps away from the crime scene!" Yan Langzhong said coldly, "And the wound on your mother's body is exactly the same as this knife! How do you explain it?"

"..." Zhang Gouzi's mental defenses were completely broken, but he had something to rely on in his heart, so he refused to make a sound.Seeing that he refused to admit it, there was nothing Yan Lang could do. Zhang Gouzi was now an officer of the Jinyiwei, and before he took off his official clothes, he could not use torture.If you can't handle this case to death today, you will inevitably have long nights and dreams in the future.

 And... two more.

(End of this chapter)

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