high official

Chapter 504

Chapter 504
After Shuai Hui went down, Wu Wei asked softly, "Your Excellency, do you think something is wrong?"

"Of course there is something strange." Wang Xian said with a sneer: "The darkest place in the world is the Fusi of Beizhen. If you come here to complain, don't you want to grab offerings at the king's table and seek death?"

"That's right." Wu Wei said deeply, "But if she does something like this, my lord has to accept it." I believe that if someone really caused trouble, it would definitely spread the news.My lord is in the yamen to rectify false and wrong cases, if you turn a blind eye to the grievances in front of the door, you will no longer be able to use the banner as a tiger's skin..."

"Look at it." Wang Xian rubbed his Jingming acupoint to soothe dry eyes that had not slept all night and said, "The most nonsensical part of this matter is that just now in the yamen, the official called out to settle the unjust prison, and there were people outside Calling for injustice, this is too coincidental. Someone must be playing tricks behind the scenes, trying to show me some color."

Wu Wei nodded, and said: "Accept it first, and then talk about it. If it's not easy to break it, why don't you delay it?"

"En." Wang Xian nodded, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and stopped talking.After a cup of tea, Shuaihui left and returned, and presented Wang Xian with a pleading paper in his hand. It seemed that he came prepared.

Wang Xian took it and read it for a while, his face became more and more ugly, and the next moment he handed it to Wu Wei, Wu Wei took it over and looked at it for a while, and said in a voiceless voice: "I have heard about this case, and there was a lot of trouble the year before last. It's easy to fight a lawsuit, and in the end Jin Yiwei won the game..."

Wang Xian nodded. He was in Beijing two years ago. Although he devoted himself to the formation and training of the young army, he still heard about this case that caused a sensation in the capital.At that time, it seemed that even the emperor was alarmed. In the end, the common people said that a good official had been wronged, but there were so many people wronged, he was in no mood to pay attention.At that time, he never imagined that only two years later, the case would fall on him.


The case was initially small and uncomplicated, and had nothing to do with Beizhen Fusi and the Ministry of Punishment.According to Liu's pleadings, one dawn in June two years ago, the dibao of Qinghefang in the southeast corner of the capital hurried to the Jiangning county government office to report to the county master that a murder case had occurred in Shuiche Lane.

Jiangning County is Jing County, which governs the southeastern part of the capital.At the foot of the Son of Heaven, the upper peak was like a forest, and a murder case occurred in the jurisdiction. Naturally, Jiangning county magistrate did not dare to neglect, and immediately led the fast squad to the scene of the murder case. Sure enough, he saw a female corpse lying prone in the alley.The Jiangning county magistrate immediately ordered Wu Zuo to go forward for an autopsy, and found that the woman's body was about 45 years old, with gray and disheveled hair, stabbed three times in the chest and ribs, bleeding everywhere, and the blood had dried and turned bright red.

Looking around again, I found another basket three steps away, and there was a line of bloody footprints on the ground.After asking Di Bao, Di Bao said that he just took a look at it from a distance and didn't dare to approach it, so the footprints were not his.The policeman opened the wicker basket and found a sharp sickle and a rope... Finally, he concluded that the deceased should have been killed in the middle of the night.At this time, people generally don't go out, even if they have something to do, they will not be too far away from home, so the deceased should live nearby. The Jiangning county magistrate ordered people to search for the owner of the corpse nearby, and at the same time ordered the police to follow the footprints quickly. go down.

The detectives followed the footprints around the corner and found a blood-stained shoe, but the footprints behind it faded away until nothing could be seen, and the detectives returned without success.

However, another discovery was made at the murder scene. First of all, after the body was turned over, the Dibao immediately recognized her as Mrs. Zhang Ma who lived in the innermost alley.The magistrate of Jiangning also saw the three crooked characters "Qi Dazhu" on the sickle in the basket, and asked the arresters.Someone actually knows this person... The one who sells cold drinks on Yaqian Street is very popular, that's his name.

The magistrate of Jiangning immediately ordered him to take someone to Qi Dazhu's house to check.Everyone didn't dare to neglect, they immediately walked through several alleys and arrived at Qi Dazhu's house, which was nearly two miles away. Seeing that the door was bolted from the inside, the police quickly knocked on the door loudly, but no one inside answered.The policeman kicked in the door and saw an old woman walking towards the chicken coop in a panic with a blood-stained men's shoe in her hand.

Several arresters rushed up ferociously, snatched the bloody shoes from the old woman's hand, took a look, they happened to be the same pair as the ones they picked up near the crime scene, the arrester sneered and said, "You old bastard! , How dare you destroy the evidence!"

"No...no..." The old woman was about to argue, but she was too anxious to speak. At this time, the policeman who rushed into the house did not find Qi Dazhu, but saw a body soaked in a wooden basin. The clothes, the water was dyed red, there is no doubt that the clothes inside were blood!The policeman hurriedly fished out the clothes from the basin, grabbed the old woman and said, "Quickly tell me, where is your son?"

"He, he went out early in the morning..." the old woman panicked.

"Escaped?" the policemen immediately said angrily, "Then you come with me!" Without any further explanation, the chain was shaken off with a 'crash', and it was put around the old woman's neck, dragging and dragging her Leave the hospital.Poor old woman, a skinny old man, how could she endure such a toss, she fainted immediately.Seeing that she fainted, the officers threw the old woman onto the horse and drove off...

At that time, the county magistrate of Jiangning was called Yang Xin'an, and he was only in his 30s. But it is the sixth grade.Local magistrates are all fourth grade, but Yin Tianfu Yin is third grade.Not only the rank is high, but also the near-water platform is the first to get the moon. As long as you perform well, you have a great possibility of becoming an important minister of the emperor.Therefore, Yang Zhixian tried his best to solve this case. He examined the physical evidence of the murder - bamboo baskets, sickles, ropes, and the bloody clothes and blood shoes found from Qi Dazhu's home. He has basically determined that Qi Dazhu was the murderer. murderer.The only problem is that the prisoner is at large, and the court cannot be opened without the murderer.

But soon the worries disappeared. At noon, a man came to the county government office to surrender, claiming to be Qi Dazhu, and asked to exchange himself for his old mother.Yangzhi County is a famous minister of Qingliu, so he naturally had to consider the reputation, so he released Qi Dazhu's wife on the grounds that the stubborn man still has filial piety.At the same time, the court opened immediately to investigate the case. Yang Zhixian thought that the murderer had surrendered himself, and the rest would be a matter of course.Who would have imagined that Qi Dazhu would deny that he committed murder!
Yang Zhixian stared at Qi Dazhu with serious eyes, and said with a sneer, "Then why did you appear in Shuiche Lane, two miles away from home? Could it be that you have nocturnal excursions?"

"The villain doesn't have nocturnal excursions. The villain goes to the lake to collect fresh water." Qi Dazhu said with an aggrieved face, "The villain sells cold drinks for a living. Fresh lotus pods, fresh citrus and other aquatic products are used to make cold drinks." , you have to get up early in the morning, take advantage of the dew to moisten the lotus leaves, pick up the fresh water, bring it home, peel it off, and marinate it with sugar before dawn, so that the cold drink made with the fragrance of fresh water can be sold Well done. So every day at midnight, the villain would rush to the river on the side of Shuiche Lane with a basket on his back to get fresh water."

Hearing these words, the old police officers nodded secretly, and they all felt that the possibility of Qi Dazhu killing someone was very small.But Yang Zhixian didn't see it that way, he continued to ask: "Then why are you covered in blood?"

"That's because..." Qi Dazhu said still timidly when he mentioned it: "The little man tripped over something when he passed the waterwheel alley in the early morning. He touched it with his hand and found that it was a corpse. The little man was so frightened that he was out of his wits, so he ran home I ran, and when I got home, I found that my shoes had fallen off, the basket was not picked up, and my shoes were covered in blood..."

"Since you didn't kill the person, why did you run away after returning home?" Yang Zhixian sneered in his heart, making it up, you can continue making it up!
"I didn't run away. I stayed home for a while. I wanted to go to Shuiche Lane to get back the basket at dawn. It's the guy for the villain to eat." Qi Dazhu hurriedly argued: "Who knew that when I got nearby, I saw the officials surrounding me. I just looked at the shoe and said it was left by the murderer, but I was terrified. The villain didn’t dare to show up to explain, so he wanted to run away. Who would want to hear that my mother was arrested by the government.” With a look of guilt, he said: "My mother is old and in poor health, how can I endure this torment, I hurried to surrender, you guys release my mother!"

"Your mother has already been let go, and I have done my best, but you still refuse to tell the truth." Yang Zhixian said coldly: "Put away your luck, now the evidence is solid, even if you don't admit it, I can do the same." Condemn you!"

If Qi Dazhu refused to admit it, the magistrate of Yang County ordered him to be sentenced. Although the county government did not have as many tricks as Beizhen Fusi, there was no one under the three trees who could stand it. Qi Dazhu couldn't survive the punishment, so he reluctantly confessed in a semi-conscious .Immediately, he was held and his fingerprints were pressed, and he was thrown into shackles and shackles on the spot, and thrown into a prison.

It is only right and proper to kill someone to pay for his life. Yangzhi County imposed the death penalty on Qi Dazhu, but the death penalty has to be reviewed by the Ministry of Punishment.However, this kind of small case is usually just a formality. The officials of the Ministry of Punishment have read the documents, and they will pass them with their seals, and then put the criminals on death row, waiting for the autumn verdict.However, Yan Qing, the doctor in charge of the re-examination, is a very serious person. After reading the relevant files, he deeply felt that the original judgment was too hasty.

At least from the paper, he could see three negligences of the presiding judge.First, the murder weapon in the case file was a sickle, and the three wounds on the deceased were stab wounds.The sickle can only cut but not stab.Second, if Qi Dazhu really killed someone, why would he leave his basket and the sickle with his name on the scene?
Another point is hidden deep. Judging from Yan Langzhong's many years of experience in criminal investigation, if the murderer escapes immediately after killing, the soles of the feet will not be stained with blood, at most some will be splashed on the surface of the feet.It is impossible for the murderer to wait until the blood of the deceased is all over the ground before stepping on a few feet before leaving.

The above three points made Yan Langzhong deeply dissatisfied with the judgment of this case, and reported it as a suspicious case.

 The third watch, talk about your heart.

(End of this chapter)

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