high official

Chapter 1213 Nobles

Chapter 1213 Nobles
Known as the most powerful pass in the world, Juyongguan is located between steep mountains, connecting Lulong and Jieshi in the east, Taihang Mountain and Changshan Mountain in the west. The terrain is extremely dangerous, less than a hundred miles away from Beijing, and it is the northwest gate of the capital.

Since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, Xu Da started to build a city here to guard against the counterattack of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. For decades, the imperial court has continuously mobilized manpower and material resources to complete the construction and build Juyongguan into a magnificent city that spans two mountains, thirteen miles on a Monday, and four feet two feet high. In addition to the main city, there are South and North Wengcheng, complete with enemy towers, bungalows, beacon tunnels, turrets, and forts, forming a three-dimensional fortification with upper, middle, lower, and three floors, which can accommodate more than ten thousand officers and soldiers at the same time. The enemy soldiers under the city launched an attack, and the defense power was several times that of ordinary city towers.

Moreover, the indestructible Juyongguan City is only one of the five defense systems from south to north. There are also five defensive fortresses, including Chadao City, Juyongwai Town, Shangguan City, and Nankou. , The Great Wall, which is several feet high, is connected. On the Great Wall, there are enemy towers, beacons, and shops. After enough soldiers are stationed, there is no gap for the enemy to drill.Moreover, the officers and soldiers of each city can be transferred at will through the Great Wall, and they can support places where the war is tight at any time.

At least in this era, it can be said bluntly that Juyongguan, where a hundred thousand troops are stationed, is a line of defense that will never fall!

However, the commander-in-chief of Juyongguan and Wang Tong, the Marquis of Chengshan, did not relax in the slightest because of this. This battle-tested veteran was deeply afraid of Wang Xian's reputation as invincible. Urge the soldiers under his command to be on full alert, and must not give Wang Xianjun who is under arrest any chance.

"Master Hou, the enemy army has not moved for the past few days. You should rest and let us patrol." The generals on the left and right saw the dark circles under the eyes of Master Hou and his tired face, and they all advised him to rest.

"Don't rest, I can't sleep at all." The mountain wind was fierce and bitingly cold, blowing the banners on the city head and fluttering, and it also made the beard of the old marquis flutter in a mess. "The more they don't move, the more worried this old man will be."

"Hey, I don't know what medicine is sold in Wang Xian's gourd!" The generals were also puzzled. Three days ago, Wang Xian's 10,000+ army arrived at Juyongguan. The defenders really broke out in a cold sweat.Many people even became deserters...

There is no way, the shadow of the famous tree, where Wang Xianjun's soldiers stand, can scare the opponent to pee their pants.Thanks to the natural danger of Juyongguan and the Marquis of Chengshan sitting in the town, the defenders barely stabilized their position and prepared to resist the attack tremblingly.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xianjun was not in a hurry to attack at all, but set up a company battalion for more than ten miles in an open place outside the pass, and then sent people to cut down trees everywhere, and started construction in the camp in full swing.

At first, Wang Tong and others thought it was normal. It seemed that the enemy army was building siege equipment.Xin said that it seems that no matter how arrogant Wang Xian is, he also knows how powerful Juyongguan is, and he dare not attack the city without being fully prepared.

However, after three days in a row, Wang Xian's army still hadn't attacked the city, and even the siege equipment hadn't been built... Juyongguan was condescending, and Wang Xian's barracks could be seen at a glance, and the situation inside was clearly seen.

Then why did Wang Xian start construction?All of them were actually used to strengthen the camp. In his barracks, the arrow towers became denser and denser, the walls of the camp became higher and thicker, and even a female wall was built.Bottomless trenches were dug outside the camp, and there were deer villages and horse refusals all over the place, as if they wanted to stay here permanently.

I don't know what the generals of Wang Xianjun think. In short, Wang Tong and others who closed Juyongguan don't understand how to think about it. They are almost depressed...

"Are they stupid? What's the use of building a camp? Why don't you attack?!" Wang Tong's subordinates really can't wait for the enemy to attack quickly. .

"Yes, don't they know that the officers and soldiers of Datong will arrive soon?" A general beat his head vigorously and said, "When the time comes to form the Duke's army, more than [-] soldiers and horses will stand behind them. Trapped them to death too!"

"What's their plan?" The defending general was going crazy.

Ordinarily, the defending generals should be happy if the enemy made such a foolish move and didn't come to attack, but they were worried, and they looked like they were about to be tortured into insanity.

Just because their opponent is Wang Xian.To this day, no one dares to think that Wang Xian will make a foolish trick. Even if he did make a foolish trick, his opponents will think it is his inscrutable trick, and they will rack their brains to figure out what he is hiding behind. the true purpose of...

But until two days later, Datong's reinforcements under the leadership of Duke Ding Xu Jingchang rushed to Xuanfu and joined the Duke's army to block their retreat. The 10,000+ Wang Xianjun still remained silent.

Now even Cheng Guogong and Ding Guogong are all confused, what is the surname Wang going to do? !He doesn't know, he can't afford to delay this war?Does the longer he delays, the closer he is to failure?Why not attack?Are you going to live in Badaling?

The three commanders were all confused, Wang Tong tried to send someone to bypass Wang Xian's barracks, and sent a letter to the two lords, asking them to attack the enemy army tentatively, to see what the opponent's plan was.

Xu Jingchang and Zhu Yong also had this intention, especially the latter, who was killed by Wang Xian in an extremely shameful way. Most of the army is like entering the land of no one. walking around.

Therefore, Zhu Yong personally led an army of [-] to attack Wang Xian's army. The reason why he only brought so few troops was that the mountains around Juyongguan were steep and the passages were narrow, so it would be useless to bring too many soldiers.

When he got a look outside Wang Xian's barracks, Zhu Yong regretted his visit. He saw that the barracks occupied a favorable location, commanding a commanding position, with deep trenches and fortified barriers.

But it’s all here, and we can’t give up halfway again. Anyway, he doesn’t need to go into battle in person, Zhu Yong gave the order to attack, and more than ten thousand soldiers bravely climbed up the hillside and began to attack Wang Xianjun’s barracks... the people who haven’t touched the trench yet On the other side, he was shot in the head and face by the violent arrows and stones on the camp wall.

Wang Xian's barracks also set up a three-dimensional defense system. People can stand on the camp wall, female wall, and watchtower. They have a good view and do not affect each other when attacking. The three-tier archers shoot and shoot arrows at the same time. The extremely dense rain of bullets and arrows kills It was amazing that two or three thousand officers and soldiers were shot to the ground in one volley.

The officers and soldiers had never seen such a terrifying formation before, they were frightened all of a sudden, turned around and ran away, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Wang Xian's soldiers laughed out loud, and many people shouted in dissatisfaction: "It's too fast! I haven't felt it yet! I only shot once!"

"Don't run, play! I promise I won't shoot you in the face!"

Cheng Guogong on the mountain in the distance, seeing his subordinates so helpless, and hearing the sound of the mountain wind, his nose was crooked, and he cursed: "Why do you mess around like I am attacking the city?! "Zhu Yong knew very well that even if he took 2 horses on board, he wouldn't want to touch Wang Xian's barracks, so there was no need to stand in the cold wind, so he led the army back to the camp angrily. .


The military camp of the Xuanda Allied Forces was surrounded by numerous tents, the largest and most gorgeous one was the handsome tent of Ding Guogong Xu Jingchang.

It is said that four years ago, Xu Jingchang was deprived of his title because of the forced palace incident, and he was sent to Jiaozhi to serve.But after only staying in Jiaozhi for a few months, he was allowed by Emperor Hongxi to return to Beijing to recuperate... Although his guilt was great, it was not worth the noble birth. His grandfather was the emperor's grandfather, Xu Da, the king of Zhongshan who won half of the Ming Dynasty!Laozi is the emperor's uncle, Xu Zengshou who lost his life because of Zhu Dijing.

Ever since Xu Jingchang was assigned, his mother and his daughter-in-law have been crying in the palace all day, asking Zhu Gaochi to assign them both to Jiaozhi.Zhu Gaochi was so annoyed that he couldn't help it, and he couldn't get angry with his aunt who watched him grow up, so he could only allow Xu Jingchang to return to Beijing to recuperate on the grounds that he was not acclimatized to the environment and was seriously ill.

Xu Jingchang spent a few years in Beijing as a wealthy and idle person, and when Zhu Zhanji came out of the mountain, he was established as the prince and took charge of the government.As the pawn who charged Zhu Zhanji at the beginning, he naturally restored his title as soon as possible, and was sent to Datong as the commander-in-chief.

The so-called three generations of a nobleman, Duke Ding Xu Jingchang is the grandson of Xu Da, the king of Zhongshan, who happens to be the third generation of nobles, this gentleman is very particular about basic necessities of life, even if he is wearing armor outside, the clothes inside must be scented with ambergris , a subtle fragrance lingers all over the body, and the soldiers know that their father-in-law is coming when they smell it.

But on this kind of day, Mr. Xu naturally wouldn't suffer from the cold outside.In fact, it was said that he should go to Badaling to supervise the battle with Zhu Yong today, but Lord Xu stayed in the camp to sit in command on the grounds that it was inconvenient to interfere with Duke Cheng.

It sounds grand, but it's actually his mother's fear of the cold and tiredness...

In the magnificently decorated large tent, there are four exquisite warm cages placed at the four corners, inside which are burned smokeless silver silk tribute charcoal, and the hot air fills every corner of the large tent.

Xu Jingchang was dressed in light fur, sitting on an extremely comfortable Western leather-covered couch, reading "Huang Ting" with relish in one hand, and from time to time with the other hand, he twirled a bright purple grape from the Western Regions from the silver tray, looking at it with relish. tasting.

On the low table in front of the couch, incense was still lit, and beside her sat a pretty Jiangnan singing girl, who was holding a pipa lightly, singing softly to cheer for Mr. Xu.

Grandpa Xu was enjoying it leisurely, when the tent door was suddenly opened, and someone came in with the cold wind all over his body.

Xu Jingchang immediately frowned, wrapped himself in furs, and was about to get angry when he saw that it was Zhu Yong who sighed and said, "Brother, it's not too late to go to armor and change clothes before coming back."

"Hey, my side is not as comfortable as yours." Zhu Yong threw his helmet and raised his hands, and Xu Jingchang's maid stepped forward to take off his cloak and armor, took off his combat boots, and put on warm shoes .After getting rid of the burden all over his body, Zhu Yong leaned over to the warm cage, warmed himself by the fire, and said enviously: "Don't look at him as a duke, my brother enjoys it much more than I do."

"Hehe, I'm overwhelmed..." Xu Jingchang despised Zhu Yong when he heard the words. He actually looked down on these Jingnan upstarts. Even in the second generation like Zhu Yong, he was still vulgar.But the arrogance of nobles is always only in the heart, you can't see it on the surface. "It's just that you don't want to pay attention to it, and I don't want to let it go."

"Be careful, just settle down, hehe, interesting..." Zhu Yong warmed up and walked over, and the singer got up to leave.He was really not particular about it, he just sat on the stool that Diva had just made.

Seeing Xu Jingchang frowned slightly: "I'd better change the chair for you." He never sat on the chair that others sat on, let alone a lowly singer.Seeing that Zhu Yong was so careless, Grandpa Xu was going crazy.

"No need, it's still warm, how comfortable..." Zhu Yong refused with a look of enjoyment.

(End of this chapter)

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