high official

Chapter 1212 Why is this?

Chapter 1212 Why is this?

"Zhongde, how can you be so heartless?!" Zhu Gaochi woke up and said with tears rolling down his face.

"Your Majesty! Wang Xian is a wolf with ambition, and his repercussions have been revealed early," the ministers were filled with righteous indignation: "There is no need to be sad because of him!"

"Hey..." Zhu Gaochi sighed painfully. He was really surprised. He really didn't expect Wang Xian to be so decisive. According to the emperor's understanding of Wang Xian, it shouldn't be like this...

The so-called "thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king", this is the idiot logic of those in power. They can suspect, trample, and abuse their subordinates wantonly, and the subordinates must accept it without complaint.It seems that this is the way of the monarch and ministers in their hearts.If there is a slight complaint, it means that there is a disobedient heart. If you dare to rise up and resist, then you are a traitor and a traitor!

It's all because the majesty of the imperial power is based on the unconditional obedience of the subordinates. Once the subordinates refuse to accept and resist, the imperial power will become bullshit, and the emperor will become a ****!

The most ridiculous thing is that there are so many low-ranking people who are also oppressed by the imperial power. Instead of applauding the rebels, they can't wait to pick them out and insult, beat, and kill the rebels on behalf of the high-ranking people!To prove that they are loyal family dogs, so that in exchange for a few delicious bones!
This is the goddamn logic of this goddamn world...


The ministers scrambled to curse and curse Wang Xian and his party, but it was of no use. Zhangjiakou had been breached, and the defense line of the Xuanfu was in vain. It's a hundred miles away!

Seeing Zhu Gaochi's deeply shocked look, Zhu Zhanji had no choice but to stand up, stop the spitting minister, and said to the emperor in a deep voice: "Father, it is useless to say anything now, only the power of the whole country can be used." , fight to the death with Wang Xian!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Yang Shiqi also seemed to come back to life, as if the military newspaper was his life-saving elixir.Mr. Shoufu's careful thinking is not enough for outsiders. Before the emperor decided to appease Wang Xian, Yang Shiqi was very worried that he would be thrown out as a victim.Now that Wang Xian is blatantly raising the flag to rebel, there is no room for relaxation between the two sides. The emperor still has to rely on him to advise and manage the Cao Bureau. He, the chief assistant, will naturally turn the crisis into safety, and there is no need to worry about being given to Wang Xian someday...

"Although Wang Xian seems to be full of arrogance, he actually has no chance of winning!" Yang Shiqi said in a deafening voice: "Victory must belong to the emperor and the court!"

"Oh, really..." Zhu Gaochi glanced at Yang Shiqi sleepily, and everyone also looked at Mr. Shoufu, waiting for his boost!

"First of all, Taizu expelled the Tartars and restored China, and the country has been settled for a year! The emperor inherited the shadow of his ancestors, unparalleled benevolence, and the hearts of the world are in the court! Wang Xian was deeply favored by the emperor, but he dared to rebel. The hearts of the people are against each other, and the outcome is clear!"

"Secondly, although Wang Xian's army is said to be 10,000+, except for his iron rod, it is impossible to resist the imperial court with all his heart. Those troops in the Xuanfu or Dawangcheng were forced to surrender temporarily because of his power." Yang Shiqi With an excited expression, he said: "So, it is not an exaggeration to say that his army is a bunch of mobs! As long as there is a slight setback, the people will betray their relatives sooner or later!"

"Furthermore, Juyongguan is as strong as gold, and a hundred thousand troops are enough to make Wang Xian die!" Seeing that everyone was gradually cheered up, Yang Shiqi became even more excited: "And according to Chengshanhou's report, Xuanfu has not fallen, Zhu Yong There are still [-] to [-] troops in hand! However, Wang Xian dared to bypass the Xuan Mansion and go straight to Juyongguan, which is a big taboo for military strategists who underestimate the enemy! As long as Datong's army arrives and joins Zhu Yong to cut off the retreat of Wang Xian's army, they will be hit by the enemy , The desperate situation where they cannot advance or retreat, even if they are trapped, they can be trapped to death!"

Zhu Zhanji and all the ministers couldn't help but nodded one after another, saying that although Yang Shiqi caused the chaos this time, this old thing does have two brushes!

Yang Shiqi is right, Juyongguan is not Zhangjiakou, it is the last barrier of Beijing.Since the Hongwu period, the imperial court has built fortifications in Juyongguan.During the Yongle period, huge sums of money were spent on rebuilding the Great Wall and perfecting the defense system. Now the [-] troops led by Chengshan Hou Wangtong are stationed there, and there are no loopholes to exploit.Wang Xian is a heavenly soldier, and he has to attack with all his strength, and he may not be able to attack.

Moreover, Wang Xian did not capture the Xuan Mansion. As soon as Datong's army arrives, Wang Xian can be trapped in Juyongguan. When the time comes, food and grass will be cut off, and there will be no way to advance or retreat. The betrayal of relatives that Yang Shiqi said will almost appear...

Zhu Zhanji also got rid of the depression and shock, and cheered up: "My son, I ask my father to issue an order immediately to announce Wang Xian's treason and rebellion, and the whole country will search for members of the royal party! All the family members of the officers and soldiers who followed Wang Xian in rebellion must be arrested." Get up, to disturb the enemy's mind! At the same time, the capital is under martial law, the city gates are closed, and the army is mobilized to prepare for any eventuality!" After a pause, he said: "In addition, order the entire army to enter combat readiness and be ready to enter the capital at any time!"

Zhu Gaochi managed to pull himself together, and said slowly: "As I said, these matters will be left to the chief assistant and the crown prince..."

"Yes." Zhu Zhanji and Yang Shiqi bowed to accept the order, and they were about to withdraw and quickly handle it, but the emperor said softly again: "There is one more thing, I want to inform all my loves."

"The ministers and others listen to the hadith." Zhu Zhanji hurriedly and all the ministers pretended to listen attentively.

The emperor looked at the crowd and was silent for a long time, then Fang slowly said: "I have made up my mind, and I am going to return the capital to Nanjing." After a pause, the emperor continued: "A few days ago, I sent the great scholar Huang Huai to lead the people to go south. I am ready to return to Nanjing."

Although the prince and others had known for a long time that the emperor had the intention of returning the capital, Zhu Gaochi raised it at this juncture, which caused an uproar.

"Father! Moving the capital is not a child's play, and it will shake the country even more at this time!" Zhu Zhanji shouted hastily.

"It's returning the capital, not moving it." Zhu Gaochi frowned and said, "Facts have proved that the first emperor's move to Beijing was ill-advised. Returning the old capital is a deliberate move, no doubt about it!"

"Your Majesty, the old ministers have always supported moving the capital." Although the emperor was very firm, Yang Shiqi still bit the bullet and said: "However, His Royal Highness is right, moving at this time will make people in the world think that the emperor is afraid of Wang Xian! "

It was good that Yang Shiqi didn't mention this, but when he mentioned it, Zhu Gaochi said with a cloudy face: "I just listened to you...you, that's why this disaster happened. How dare you speak nonsense here?!"

"My minister is guilty..." Yang Shiqi, Zhu Zhanji and others hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty.

"Hey," even if they were guilty, Zhu Gaochi couldn't let it go now, so he could only sigh quietly: "I said earlier that Wang Xian can only appease, not force it. Now, I have a certain responsibility for what happened now." After a pause, the emperor said wearily: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. Beijing is too close to the border. If there is any disturbance, the capital will be uneasy. I have long intended to return the capital... Now that I bring it up at this time, it is certainly a bit of gossip. , but the resistance is much smaller..."

"..." The officials stopped talking, they couldn't expose the emperor and said, 'You're just scared! '

Seeing that the emperor had made up his mind, Zhu Zhanji said proudly: "Please allow your father to stay in Beijing and fight to the death with that thief!"

"Yes, after I moved the capital, the crown prince will guard Beijing," Zhu Gaochi immediately agreed, "The Chief Assistant will also stay to assist you..."

"I obey the order." Of course Yang Shiqi knew that anyone could leave, and he, the culprit, had to stay in the capital.


Although the imperial court tried its best to keep it secret and did not want to cause panic among the common people, the news spread like wildfire.In the afternoon of that day, Wang Xian led a large army to attack Zhangjiakou under the pretext of "punishing treacherous ministers and the Qing emperor's side", and the news that the soldiers were approaching Juyongguan still spread throughout the capital!
The city of Beijing exploded immediately, and some people applauded Wang Xian, saying that the court deserved it, but more people fell into panic.At this time, there is no time to discuss who is right, escape is the most important thing!
Juyongguan is less than a hundred miles away from the capital city, and the common people don't care about a hundred thousand soldiers, fortified as gold, they only know that Wang Xian is invincible, gods block and kill gods, and the flames of war may reach the city of Beijing at any time!
As if you think the situation is not chaotic enough, another big news broke out - the people actually heard that the emperor has decreed to return the capital to Nanjing!At first, the common people didn't believe it, but the news became more and more true. Some people said that they had seen many eunuchs mobilizing chariots and horses to the palace; Some people say that Jishuitan has been put under martial law by the Habayashi guards, and all the ships are used for official purposes...

The news spreads well, and the common people can't help but believe it.What's more, this is something that would rather be believed than not.People began to flee the capital in groups. Xuanwumen, Zhengyangmen, Chongwenmen...all the city gates were filled with carriages and sedan chairs leaving the city. It stretches for more than ten miles...

Even the emperor is about to flee, who dares to stay in the capital? !
At the beginning, Zhu Zhanji did not intend to prevent the people from leaving the city. A city with a million people consumes an astronomical amount of food every day. Fewer people in the city can reduce the burden on the court.But a few hours later, he had to quickly order to close the nine gates of the capital and not allow anyone to leave the city!
Because he found out with horror that if he didn't stop him, the city of Beijing would become an empty city!Panic is contagious. The people of the whole city are rushing out. Even many officers and soldiers have taken off their military uniforms and fled among the people. I am afraid that even the defenders of the city will be lost...

It took a lot of effort for the officers and soldiers of the imperial army to drive the common people back and close the nine gates of the capital.Those people who were stopped in the capital cried and cursed: "The emperor is about to run away, why stop us?!"

Zhu Zhanji on the top of the city looked dizzy for a while, what and what is this?How come it's the same as reaching the point of subjugation...

Why?Why is this!
(End of this chapter)

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