super robot clone

Chapter 20 Sandwich Biscuits

When he arrived at the hotel, Chen Xin ordered a dinner. After filling his stomach, he turned on his laptop and searched the Internet for the latest developments of the Fukushima nuclear leak.

This laptop was specially remodeled by Gangzhu for Chen Xin. It looks no different from those ultrabooks, but whether it is memory, graphics card, hard disk or cpu, it can surpass those products on the market by a few streets.Moreover, the battery life of this notebook is also amazing, it can watch art films for half a month continuously, which makes Chen Xin very satisfied.

It's just a pity that these products can only be manufactured by Steel Metal itself, and they cannot be put into industrial production on a large scale. Otherwise, Chen Xin could become the richest man in the world just by selling batteries.

Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant) is located in Okuma Town, Futaba County, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan. It is currently the largest nuclear power plant in the world. 10 units).

On the afternoon of March 3, a hydrogen explosion occurred at Unit 12 of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. In the following days, explosions were heard from Unit 1 and Unit 2. Since March 3, the condition of the nuclear power plant has rapidly deteriorated. The casing of the No. 3 reactor was damaged in the explosion, causing cooling water containing radiation to flow out continuously.Immediately afterwards, the No. 15 reactor, which had been calm, caught fire, and a large amount of radioactive material leaked.Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan immediately issued an order requiring residents within 2 kilometers from the nuclear power plant to stay at home to avoid danger.

The nuclear reactors of this power station are all single-cycle boiling water reactors, with only one cooling circuit, and the cooling water is directly introduced into seawater, so the safety is not high.For Japan, an area with frequent earthquakes, it is very unreasonable to use such a structure.

Moreover, Unit 40 of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant has been in service for 20 years, and many signs of aging have appeared before, including the embrittlement of the nuclear reactor pressure vessel, corrosion in the pressure suppression chamber, and corrosion in the gas waste treatment system in the heat exchange area.This unit was originally planned to extend its life for 2031 years, and it will take until [-] to officially decommission.

After such an explosion of the earthquake, all plans came to naught.

Japan's nuclear leak has also made the whole world nervous. In recent days, technical terms such as radionuclide cesium-137 and strontium-90 have been frequently seen in media reports.

There were even rumors that iodine could protect against radiation, so there was a rush to buy iodine in the United States, Europe and other countries, and there was a rush to buy iodized salt in China.

The Japanese government has designated the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant as a warning zone within a radius of [-] kilometers, and all traffic arteries leading to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant have been controlled by soldiers of the Ground Self-Defense Force.

But it's not a problem for Chen Xin, anyway, he won't go there by himself to feel what nuclear radiation is.

After nightfall, Gangzheng created a clone of glasses for Chen Xin to wear. Chen Xin lay on the bed, and the scene in front of him instantly switched to the visual mode of Gangzheng.

Gang Beng climbed up the window of the hotel, turned his head and waved at Chen Xin, and then jumped down from the window. After turning over lightly, the little robot turned into a miniature J-20 fighter jet model in an instant.

Although it is incomparable with the eyes that can transmit the sense of touch and smell in "Bring Her Eyes", this pair of glasses that can only transmit vision and hearing allows Chen Xin to experience another unprecedented feeling.

The moment the steel 镚 jumped out of the window on the 33rd floor, Chen Xin felt that the whole night sky was turning upside down. The beautiful lights of Tokyo flowed in his eyes, and the whistling of the wind sounded in his ears. That kind of extreme experience, Chen Xin Xin felt that he had become a bird soaring in the blue sky.

Light blue flames spewed out from the tail of the mini J-20, and the plane began to accelerate, shuttle and climb among the high-rise buildings in Tokyo.

In Chen Xin's eyes, the night flames in Tokyo gradually became dotted and faded away.

Chen Xin felt that the fog around him was gradually getting heavier, the steel coin had entered the clouds, and the lights below were dimming and disappearing.

Chen Xin asked: "Gangyi, will we be spotted by the Japanese radar?"

Gang Beng replied: "If you were a monitor, would you pay attention to a target the size of a bird? Besides, the Japanese must be able to receive the electromagnetic waves reflected by me."

It was only then that Chen Xin realized that he had asked a stupid question. He smiled awkwardly and was about to speak when the scene in front of him changed. At some point, the surrounding fog had disappeared, and the steel penny jumped out of the clouds. The sky was full of stars under the moonlight. Under the blue moonlight, the tumbling sea of ​​clouds presents an extreme beauty that almost makes Chen Xin suffocate.

The Fukushima nuclear power plant is 220km away from Tokyo. This sci-fi journey ended in less than half an hour. Chen Xin had no time to miss it. The steel box instantly changed from a J-20 to a model of a Wuzhi-10, and the speed quickly dropped. .

Through the eyes of steel pennies, one can clearly see the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which has experienced the ravages of the tsunami and the explosion of nuclear reactor units below.

Wuzhi 10 landed slowly like a ghost, passed through the roof of the bombed factory building silently, and entered the factory building of Unit [-] of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

The fire at unit 50 yesterday caused Tokyo Electric Power Company to evacuate most of the employees of the Fukushima nuclear power plant. Now there are only [-] people left at the nuclear power plant. No one would have thought that a robot from outside would have the idea of ​​a nuclear reactor. .

The Fukushima nuclear power plant uses mox fuel (mixed uranium oxide plutonium fuel), and the fuel rod casing is made of zirconium alloy.Due to the failure of the emergency cooling system caused by the earthquake and tsunami, the cooling level in the reactor dropped and exposed the core.Insufficient cooling makes the temperature of the fuel rod shell exceed the limit temperature of the zirconium-water reaction, so that the zirconium-water reaction generates a large amount of hydrogen.

As the pressure in the containment gradually increased, hydrogen began to be discharged from the passage of the safety valve into the plant. When the concentration of hydrogen relative to the air in the plant reached the explosion limit, an explosion occurred after encountering high temperature or even an open flame.

The huge force of the explosion knocked off the roof of the factory building, leaving only the steel skeleton.

After the steel 镚 went in, it was found that the reactor of the containment was not damaged, but the thick steel containment was no different from the air to the steel 镚. It turned back into a robot state, and then pressed the containment with both hands, and the whole body seemed to be heated Like melted butter, it quickly disappeared inside the reactor containment.

Chen Xin's video connection was interrupted, but Gang Yan's cheerful voice could still be heard.

"Wow, a lot of radioactive elements, full of positive energy."

"Well, the taste of this zirconium alloy is really good, but unfortunately the concentration of radioactive elements contained in it is a bit low, old bean, I think the taste of the fuel rod is a bit like a cream sandwich biscuit, do you want me to bring you a taste?"

The steel coin is already raving nonsense with excitement in the reactor, one can imagine how hungry it is for radioactive elements.

Chen Xin curled his lips, who knows how the steel hammer made the nuclear fuel rods taste like sandwich biscuits.

The steel scorpion raged in the No. 1 reactor for a whole night before returning with unsatisfied feelings. At this time, the number of nuclear fuel rods in the No. 1 reactor had been reduced by one-third.

Chen Xin also stayed up all night, paying attention to the movement of the steel coin. It was not until it came back by itself that Chen Xin went downstairs to have breakfast, and then returned to the room to sleep soundly.

In the next few days, Gangbang worked day and night and ate happily at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

People from Tokyo Electric Power Company also quickly discovered the abnormality. The temperature of the nuclear reactors that exploded before was dropping rapidly, and the radioactive substances contained in the discharged sewage were also slowly decreasing.

This made the Japanese government very excited. In the past few days, the media has been full of accusations about the unfavorable handling of the nuclear crisis. The Naoto Kan cabinet has been under domestic and international pressure. The government and TEPCO immediately announced to the media that the Fukushima nuclear crisis was gradually being brought under effective control.

When Chen Xin saw this news, he was very disdainful. If it weren't for the steel, how could you have been so relaxed?

He even had such an urge to simply let the steel hammer poke a few big holes out of the containment of the nuclear reactor, and then see how the Japanese react.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. Although he doesn't have a good impression of Japan, Chen Xin still can't do such a crazy thing.

But we can't just cheapen the Japanese government ax for nothing, Chen Xin casually scrolled through the webpage while thinking about whether he should do something disgusting and disgusting to the Japanese government axe.Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he was attracted by a piece of news.

"According to Japanese media reports, after a tsunami triggered by a magnitude 11 earthquake in northeast Japan on the 9th, 18 F2 fighter jets at the Japan Self-Defense Force Matsushima base in Higashi-Matsushima City, Miyagi Prefecture were flooded and malfunctioned, and 200 personnel at the base lost contact. "Sankei Shimbun" reported that due to seawater and muddy water pouring into the fighter body, it is expected to be very difficult to repair the flight. The Matsushima base is stationed with the 4th Aviation Regiment and the Matsushima Rescue Team. A 2-meter-high tsunami struck, and the buildings below the second floor were submerged in seawater."


"According to Japan's Asahi Shimbun, the Ministry of Defense of Japan has decided to scrap 12 F2 fighter jets that were damaged by the tsunami, and spend huge sums of money on repairing the other 6 planes."

"It is reported that the Matsushima base of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force in Miyagi Prefecture was seriously damaged in the 3 earthquake and the disasters caused by it. According to the Ministry of Defense of Japan, the Matsushima base was closed on March 11. A total of 3 F11 fighter jets were eroded by sea water that day. The Ministry of Defense believed that 2 of them were seriously damaged and parts replacement was impossible, so they decided to abandon them. At the same time, the 18 fighters were disassembled and some of the parts were recycled.In addition, the remaining 2 of the 12 were slightly damaged, so the Ministry of Defense of Japan will spend 12 billion yen (about 18 billion U.S. dollars) to repair It was completely repaired."

Chen Xin pouted his chin, his eyes rolled wildly, and a somewhat crazy plan appeared in his mind.

However, this plan requires the cooperation of Gangzheng. In the past two days, Gangzheng has eaten a lot of oil at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, so it is time to find some work for it.

Chen Xin smirked strangely, and Gangzhen shuddered suddenly, then turned his head and asked, "Old Dou, what are you laughing at?"

Chen Xin waved to it and said, "Gang Bian, come here, I have something to tell you."

Two heads, one big and one small, came together and whispered in a low voice.


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