Chen Xin originally planned to leave for the capital in a few days to attend the launch press conference of "Country Teacher", but this plan was interrupted by an unexpected incident.


This major earthquake caused heavy casualties and property losses to Japan. About 443 square kilometers of territory on the northeast coast of Japan sank into the water after the earthquake and tsunami, equivalent to half of Tokyo.The earthquake was felt strongly in the Tokyo area, and at the same time, the tsunami caused by the earthquake also affected most of the Pacific coast.

What's even more frightening is that the earthquake also caused failures in the cooling systems of Units 1 to 4 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, melting the reactor core, and causing a nuclear leak.

This catastrophe that shocked the world attracted the attention of the whole world, and domestic discussions on "Bring Her Eyes" gradually cooled down, and the media's space was basically occupied by the Japanese earthquake.

Yu Shijian's wishful thinking failed, so he had to call Chen Xin to tell Chen Xin that the launch press conference of "Country Teacher" would be postponed to early April.

"Affected by the earthquake on the 11th, radioactive materials leaked at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, and then a hydrogen explosion occurred at Unit 1. The Japanese government increased the evacuation range of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant from the original 10 kilometers to A radius of 20 kilometers, increasing the evacuation range near the second nuclear power plant from 3 kilometers to 10 kilometers. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Japan is transferring 17 people from the vicinity of the two nuclear power plants."

"Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Atomic Energy Safety and Security Agency announced on the 12th that radioactive substances cesium and iodine were detected around Unit 1 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Both cesium and iodine are products of nuclear fission of the fuel uranium in the core. This shows that the reactor Fuel meltdown in the core has further intensified. However, the steam in the reactor vessel of Unit 1 has been released and the pressure in the vessel has begun to drop.”


Gang Bian sat on the sofa, staring at the TV, then suddenly turned to Chen Xin and said, "Old Dou, I want to go to Japan."

Chen Xin was taken aback, and asked, "Go to Japan? Why?"

Gang Beng pointed at the TV and said excitedly: "I'm going to Fukushima, I'm going to eat nuclear fuel rods."

Chen Xin asked curiously, "Why are you interested in that thing?"

The electronic eyes of the steel 镚镚 flickered, and he said with some trepidation: "These radioactive elements are rich in nutrients and are very good for my body. Moreover, as long as I go to Fukushima to eat for a few days, it is estimated that the upper limit of my transformation quality is at least Can lift 300kg."

As soon as Gangzhu said this, Chen Xin was immediately moved. After raising Gangzhu for so long, it can only transform into an object of about 30kg. If it can be increased by ten times, it will be much closer to his goal.

Chen Xin thought for a while, and asked with great interest: "Eating radioactive elements is also beneficial? Then how about we eat the nuclear arsenals of various countries?"

Chen Xin's eyes glowed, and he thought, if the reactors and all the nuclear warheads on the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier nuclear submarine were all eaten up overnight, what kind of expression would Comrade Ao Guanhai's face be?

What makes him even more excited is that if the steel 镚 eats all the nuclear reactors and nuclear warheads in stock on the earth, how much will its upper limit of transformation be increased to? To drool.

"Stop, stop!" Gang Yan saw Chen Xin's thoughts at a glance, and said depressedly, "Don't be silly, the nuclear fuel in Fukushima alone is enough for me to digest for several months. The whole world? Do you want to support me to death? "

Chen Xin rolled his eyes, you actually have the time to hold on to the steel?

Gang Beng understood the meaning in Chen Xin's eyes, and said with some frustration: "Oh, back then, not to mention all the nuclear weapons on the earth, even if you produced enriched uranium the size of the earth, I could swallow it in one gulp... Humph, What do you look at, don’t believe it, you must know that when your ancestors were fertilized eggs, I have already crossed dozens of star fields..."

Having said that, Gangzheng stopped, with a look of nostalgia on his face.

It was the first time Chen Xin saw such an expression on Gang Bian's face, his heart moved, and he asked: "So, the deeds written in "Rules of Survival Between the Stars" are all true?"

Gang Bian glanced at Chen Xin, raised his head, and looked disdainful to answer.

Chen Xin himself has been following that novel, and it contains very detailed descriptions of the King Kong clan.

Generally speaking, a Biankai King Kong's combat power is equivalent to the entire combat power of a fourth-level cosmic civilization.

Because not only can it transform itself, but as long as it has enough resources, it can continuously produce second-generation robots and interstellar warships.

Therefore, the members of the real King Kong family are rare, and the population has been kept at about [-]. Usually, only when the previous generation of King Kong dies will a new King Kong be produced in Cybertron.

In each generation of Biankai King Kong, there will only be a new King Kong King, and the steel iron is exactly the King Kong King of their generation.

It’s just that when Gang Bing was born, the situation of the King Kong clan was not very good. At that time, they had a war with a powerful cosmic civilization. The scope of the war spread to one-third of the river system, tens of thousands of light-years deep.

In that war that lasted for more than 20 years, more than [-] stars were detonated, countless interstellar warships were destroyed, and the King Kong family gradually fell into a disadvantage.For this reason, King Kong decided to put the neutron battleship Cybertron into the battlefield.

In order to protect those underage clansmen, the King Kong sent people to transfer them to a secret star field known only to the King Kong clan. As a result, they were ambushed by that powerful civilization on the way to retreat. Its people have lost contact.

Later, Gangzheng hid in a remote star system for more than 1000 years, and felt that his body had fully entered the prime of life and his strength had been achieved, so he led the huge interstellar fleet built by himself over a thousand years. to the battlefield.

Who would have thought that after arriving at the battlefield, the star field would be as dead as a cemetery, and there was no shadow of half a battleship, only the flames of war and the remains of gunpowder smoke remained.

Gang Bian has searched the battlefield for hundreds of years, but not only has he not encountered a single clansman, even the enemy has completely disappeared.It has sent countless calls to Cybertron, but Cybertron has no response, only countless warship wreckage, space turbulence, collapsing nebula, and meteorite groups are still telling the tragedy of this battle.

The outcome of the war, steel penny does not know.

For more than 9000 million years since then, Iron Fist wandered around in the universe, crossing from one river system to another, looking for the Cybertron. During this period, he encountered countless cosmic civilizations, but he never heard of them again. I told you about the King Kong clan and that powerful civilization.


Since Gang Bi was in a hurry to go to Japan, it was too late to apply for a Japanese visa.

Gang Bian directly invaded the Japanese domestic government website, created a Japanese identity of Ichiro Watanabe for Chen Xin, then forged Ichiro Watanabe's entry and exit information, and wrote an email to the Japanese embassy in China, claiming that he had a passport lost.

So the embassy issued a temporary identity certificate to Chen Xin, and Chen Xin bought a plane ticket with this temporary passport, and Shi Shi ran back to China as Ichiro Watanabe.

It’s just that when passing through the customs, the staff seemed to have some doubts about Chen Xin’s identity. They asked Chen Xin several questions, and Chen Xin was taken aback. Fortunately, his English was not bad, and it was safe to deal with the other party in English. Exit.

When Chen Xin boarded the plane, his pounding heartbeat gradually eased. He whispered: "Steel, you must not do this next time. You almost revealed your secrets just now."

Gang Beng said contemptuously: "There is nothing to be afraid of. All the formalities and documents are complete. Even if you don't know Japanese, so what? Now your name is Watanabe Ichiro, a Japanese with official status in Japan! doyouknow?"

Chen Xin was speechless.

There were more than a dozen passengers sparsely on the plane, most of whom were Japanese. Naturally, at this time, there were no Chinese people who went to Japan to enjoy the earthquake and nuclear pollution areas for a few days like Chen Xin did.

Chen Xin was happy to be quiet. Although the sisters of the China Eastern Airlines flight attendants looked very attractive, he was not easy to strike up a conversation with. He put on the blindfold and fell asleep when he got on the plane.

When Chen Xin woke up again, the plane was ready to land.

On March 3, at 17:[-] pm local time in Japan, Chen Xin walked out of Narita International Airport.

Narita Airport is crowded with stranded passengers everywhere.

The seats in the airport had already been taken up, many people simply sat on the floor, and many people waited too long at the airport, unable to support their physical strength, so they just spread a newspaper on the floor and lay down to sleep.

These passengers are basically waiting to leave the port, and there are relatively few passengers like Chen Xin entering the port.

Chen Xin picked up the luggage, got into the taxi, and spent most of the day gesticulating with the equally bad driver in bad English, taking a map and writing the name of the hotel, before the driver figured out where Chen Xin wanted to go.

The sky in Tokyo is gloomy, as if the souls of the victims have not yet rested.

Along the way, you can see many pedestrians. Although the faces are still shocked, the supermarkets and convenience stores on the streets of Tokyo have already resumed business. It can be seen that the lives of Tokyo citizens have stabilized.

When entering the center of Tokyo, Chen Xin saw workers re-strengthening Tokyo Tower, a famous landmark in Tokyo. On the afternoon of the 11th, due to the impact of the strong earthquake, the top third of Tokyo Tower was skewed.At that time, the staff urgently closed the elevator inside the tower and evacuated the tourists who were sightseeing.


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