teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 36 Test of Alcohol Capacity

()No.30 six-section alcohol test (one)

Having achieved all the breakthroughs in the review, we also felt a lot more relaxed, and everyone left the detention center talking and laughing.

Director Shen said that he would invite us out for dinner, but the team leader Tan declined.

Since I didn't have dinner at night, the team leader Tan treated the guests and went to a night market stall outside for dinner.

We sat down at a store on "Night Market Street".

"Ke Daxia, you know how to eat. You are in charge of ordering the dishes. There are many dishes. Let's have a few drinks in the evening." The team leader made arrangements.

"Okay, then I'm not going to be polite, I'll do bloodletting and have a good meal for you. Only after eating and drinking will I have the energy to talk about friends." Daxia Ke said cheerfully, and immediately called the boss to order. .

We are ordering food over there, and chatting over here.

"Xiao Li, how is your drinking exercise going?" the team leader asked.

"It has to be done slowly, it's not something that can be done in a day or two." I replied.

"Then test your drinking capacity tonight to see how much you can drink." The team leader said boldly.

The lunatic also became interested, "Let's test Xiao Li's drinking capacity tonight!"

Big brother, brother, my crazy brother, when you work, follow the leader of the talk group, wherever he points, you will hit there, that is correct.Don't be like this about drinking; besides, neither am I. . .

I have learned how powerful the Four Masters of Criminal Investigation are. They are so fierce at work, so can drinking be bad?

Still have to be careful.

Everyone was chatting, and soon, the dishes began to be served, and the dishes were served one after another, and we also started eating.

Xiao Liu filled up the wine glasses in front of everyone.

A Dong picked up his wine glass and stood up:

"Leader Tan, you have always been the sub-section leader of our Jiangnan Police Station. Although you have gone down to guide our work before, and I have heard that you are excellent criminal investigators, I have never had such a close opportunity to learn from you. I don’t have such a deep experience this time, so I offer you a toast, thank you!”

"Adong, you sit down, I want to drink this first glass of wine with Xiao Li first." The team leader stood up, raised his hand, and pressed it down.

Seeing what the team leader said, Ah Dong immediately sat down.

Why did you drink with me first? Didn't Adong toast you?Just drink it.My team leader, don't just come and show off if you want it.I thought about it, and my heart was in a panic.

The team leader said that I should drink first, so I also stood up.

"Team leader Tan, I respect you!" I said, how could I ask Team Leader Tan to toast me first!

"Little Li, wait until I finish speaking." Team Leader Tan said.

I stood with my wine glass in my hand, listening to what the team leader said, and the lunatic and others also looked at the team leader and listened carefully.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Team Leader Tan spoke:

"Xiao Li, after the '3.26' case, I heard that Team Zhang and Liu taught that you are good. They also called on the new police to learn from you at the meeting of the Criminal Investigation Team. This is the first time I heard your name. I felt strange at the time. The police station in my subdivision produced such talents. I, as the director of the film, didn’t know about it. I’m really ashamed. I really want to see how good you are, and see what kind of talent you are. .

Now the opportunity has come, and I have seen it.

You have solved 116 cases through one theft case, which is very remarkable.I have been engaged in criminal investigation for so many years and have not achieved such results.I read your case files, and I also asked Director Feng, Team Leader A Jian and others about the detection of the entire case. main role.I also have the same feeling as Zhang Dadui and others, that is, you are very good!

What's more, the idea for the arrest of the Star Hotel was proposed by you, and you were the one who conducted the disguised investigation, and you were the one who directed it. It is because of your capable command that our special case team can create criminal investigation history. Brilliant, I dare not say that there will be no one in the future, but what you have done is absolutely unprecedented.I appreciate you very much, and I also like you!

Therefore, this first glass of wine, I respect you first! "

Talking about what the team leader said, my blood boiled with excitement. He thinks highly of me so much, how can I lag behind!As soon as the team leader finished talking, I immediately went on to say:

"Talking about the team leader, I am a new militia. I don't know many things. I still have to study hard from you. I hope you can guide me a lot. I am very touched that you think highly of me as a new militia. You care about me personally. Personal question, I am very grateful to you! This first glass of wine is still my respect to you, in order to express my gratitude to you, I will offer you three glasses in a row, and I drink first as a respect."

After finishing speaking, I drank up the wine in the glass, and then drank up two glasses of wine.

Madman, Daxia Ke, Xiao Liu, and A Dong all applauded.

Team Leader Tan watched me drink with appreciative eyes. When I finished drinking, I drank the wine in the glass. I filled up the glass for him again. dry.

After the team leader finished drinking, he said loudly: "It's refreshing to drink with your little brother!

We all sat down and ate food, and Xiao Liu was busy filling us with wine.

A Dong picked up his glass again and stood up, "Leader Tan, I can always respect you with this glass of wine?"

"Okay, I'll drink!" The team leader continued to drink up boldly.

Then the two sat down.

My eyes follow them.

"Xiao Li, Xiao Li, your lunatic brother is here, let's have three cups too?" The lunatic looked at me cheerfully.

"I wanted to respect you after eating some food. Since Brother Feng has already opened his mouth, I'd rather be respectful than obedient. I'll respect you first, and we'll drink three cups too." After I finished speaking, I turned my head to meet the The busy boss said, "Boss, bring us some more wine glasses!"

The boss immediately delivered a small bamboo frame filled with small white porcelain cups.

I first placed three glasses in front of me, all filled with wine.

I put three more glasses in front of the lunatic brother, and they were all filled with wine.

"Brother Feng, I'll drink three glasses at once, toast you!" I said, and after finishing speaking, I picked up the wine glass and drank three glasses in a row.

"Okay! I'll take it!" The lunatic said, and then added, "Don't call me Brother Feng, just call me lunatic, I like it when people call me that!"

Then, the lunatic also drank three cups at once.

"Hero Ke, I'll toast you three too!" I took the initiative to attack, otherwise I would have to be beaten passively.

"Haha, Xiao Li, I'm waiting!" Ke Daxia is not a person who is afraid of people, so he immediately agreed.

I drank three cups with Ke Daxia.

"Brother Liu, it's your turn now, let's drink three cups too." I continued talking and drinking.

"Okay, don't call me Brother Liu, just call me Xiao Liu. I haven't had friends yet, so don't call me old. I'll be in trouble if I don't have a girlfriend." Xiao Liu said with a smile.

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became more lively.

After Xiao Liu and I finished drinking, we sat down.

After sitting down, I gently touched A Dong with my arm.

A Dong immediately stood up, "Leader Tan, Officer Li has had three drinks with you, and I will toast you three too!"

"Okay! I'm open to anyone who comes tonight!" The leader of the discussion group drank up his drink boldly again.

A Dong drank three glasses of wine each with Madman, Ke Daxia, and Xiao Liu.

The first round of wine was drunk happily, and everyone was busy eating.


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