teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 097: Disagreement of Opinions Intense Debate

Director Zhang had just finished pointing, and Team Leader Chen immediately said:

"Even if it is as analyzed by 20, it does not prove that the perpetrator is not from this Wanzi."

"Group leader Chen, I'm just saying it's a possibility, I didn't draw an absolute conclusion." I explained.

"Team Leader Chen, listen to what Captain Li has to say." Director Zhang said.

Even the leader spoke, Team Leader Chen immediately nodded and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm done talking, there's nothing else to add." I didn't want to continue arguing.

"Since Captain Li and Team Leader Chen have different opinions, and this involves the direction of the next step in the investigation, everyone discussed and discussed this issue freely," Director Zhang said.

The team leader talked first and said:

"I agree with 20. The perpetrator is not in this bay. There have been no similar cases in this bay for so many years, and the social security is relatively good. The perpetrator has no reason to choose to commit crimes in this bay. You must know that in this bay The risk of Wanzi committing a crime is very high, what if he is recognized?"

Group Leader Chen hurriedly said:

"Leader Tan, let me remind you that the first case in this series of cases, that is, the '1985.6.8. Now we can't confirm whether the perpetrator is wearing a mask. Captain Zheng, can your technical team confirm that the perpetrator in this case is not wearing a mask?" Captain Zheng shook his head.said:

"This cannot be determined from the technical survey. I hope your field investigation and visit can solve this problem."

Everyone laughed softly.

"If I can solve it, do I still need to ask you?" Team Leader Chen said with a blushing face.

"You don't have to ask this or that. I agree with 20. If 20 says it's right, then it's fine. If the team leader says it's right, then it's fine. If Captain Zheng asks you to check it, then go check it out." The lunatic said.

Team leader Chen was choked up by the lunatic brother.

"Are you making an old mistake again? This is the case analysis meeting, what nonsense are you talking about?!" The team leader said angrily.

The lunatic stuck out his tongue, and immediately fell silent.

Captain Hu of the intelligence team said:

"The analysis of the two captains has some truth, but there is no conclusive evidence to confirm it. I suggest not to let go of both aspects."

Office Director Wang immediately said:

"There are only so many police forces, and there are more than 200 people involved in this bay. How much police force will it take and how much time will it take to investigate? Moreover, each group has its own tasks at present, and it is basically impossible to get away from it. Work. I agree with Captain Li’s point of view, the perpetrator is not from this bay.” Team leader Chen got anxious, stood up and said:

"Don't be afraid if the police force is not enough. Our team will take care of the investigation in this bay, but if the case is solved, don't say I took credit for it!"

"If the case is really solved according to your thinking, then it is not meritorious service. It is a matter of course for you to be rewarded for your meritorious service. Don't worry, we will never be jealous." Director Wang said with a smile.

"Team Leader Chen, can your team take care of it?" Director Zhang expressed his concerns.

Team Leader Chen continued to stand and said:

"Leader, please don't worry, I just don't eat, drink or sleep. I will complete the investigation of all personnel within five days, and it will not affect the progress of other tasks."

Director Tang raised his hand, and pressed it down again.said:

"Group leader Chen, sit down and talk, sit down and talk, if you have something to say, don't worry."

Group Leader Chen finally sat down.

For the rest of the time, everyone from the person in charge to the police participated in the discussion.Opinions vary, and the debate is fierce.But neither can convince others.

Seeing that the discussion was almost over, Director Zhang said: ...

"Since everyone's opinions are inconsistent, let's include this bay in the investigation. Team leader Chen is in charge. The time is five days. Regardless of whether it is true or not, I hope you can quickly come up with a conclusion. The work of other groups will continue. In progress, I hope that everyone will hurry up and work, and be patient and meticulous in the work, so as not to miss the object.

Team Leader Chen, you have taken care of this work, and your responsibilities and burdens have increased.Is there anything else you want? "

Team Leader Chen immediately said:

"I hope that 20 yuan will be drawn to our team to cooperate with the investigation. I know he has a lot to do, and I don't want to take up too much of his time. I can only borrow it for five days."

"Captain Li, do you have any comments?" Director Zhang asked.

"I have no opinion, everything is mainly about case investigation." I said.

"It's getting late today, everyone should go to bed early. The meeting is adjourned now." Director Zhang said.

Early the next morning, Team Leader Chen found me and said:

"20. Although we have different opinions, there is only one goal. Don't think too much about it. I think only you can help me speed up. Brother, you must help me wholeheartedly."

"Group leader Chen, from what you said, do you think I look like a person who doesn't work wholeheartedly?" I said with a smile.

"You are definitely a person who helps me wholeheartedly!" Team leader Chen smiled, sharing cigarettes, and several people were smoking and talking.

"Tell me, how can I help you?" I cut to the chase.

"Your technology is responsible for two aspects of work, one is blood type, the other is barefoot prints, and we are responsible for the rest." Team Leader Chen said.

"Group leader Chen, you see that the two aspects of work you mentioned are relatively routine. Others can do such routine work. Why do you insist on me coming, and you also called me to come at the meeting? ?” I was a little surprised, so I asked.

"Haha, everyone knows that you will be lucky if you handle the case with 20 yuan." Team Leader Chen continued with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

For the convenience of work, we set up the temporary work place in the ancestral hall of Chen Shi Dawan.

Team leader Chen first called together all the village cadres and elders in Wanzhong to hold a mobilization meeting.After figuring out Team Leader Chen's intentions.Everyone expressed their support.

After unifying everyone's opinions, Team Leader Chen divided Chen Shida Bay into several small areas, and asked the cadres of each village to find someone to do the job.We sat in the ancestral hall.Let the village party secretary bring the village cadres and elders to notify every qualified person to come to the village committee.

The personnel dispersed quickly, and those who were required to investigate came one after another. They stood in a large area in a dark crowd at the gate of the ancestral hall. A few people were dissatisfied, saying why people from the Public Security Bureau asked us to investigate, but most of them actively cooperated. Our work.These few people didn't dare to say anything when they saw the situation.For fear of being regarded as an object of suspicion.

Everyone who comes to the ancestral hall must first have their fingerprints printed, their blood drawn, and their bare feet printed.These two tasks are basically carried out by Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao; and then the team leader Chen leads people to conduct investigations and investigations.I listened to it, and it involved many factors such as the time of committing the crime.

All aspects of this investigation work must be asked clearly, which is very time-consuming, so the progress is very slow.Many villagers had objections, but under the persuasion of the village cadres and elders, they all reluctantly cooperated.

The work involving technology is progressing much faster than the work of Team Leader Chen and others. After a certain amount, I started to look at the barefoot prints.

I used a transparent plastic sheet to draw the outer outline of the perpetrator's footprints compared to the footprints extracted at the scene, which also formed a mold, relying on this mold.I compare the footprints of each person to be compared.If the outline does not match, just exclude it directly; if the outline matches, study it carefully.

In this way of thinking.The progress is relatively fast, even faster than Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao's footprints.

There are no footprints to see, so I help Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao with technical work.

By the third day, we had taken relevant information on 320 people, which is far more than the 264 people who were eligible.

On the fourth day, I am afraid that there will be omissions.We expanded the scope and extracted footprints from all males in Chen Shi Da Bay.Even the people who came to visit relatives recently came to find them.

The screening of all personnel was completed, and the mold was passed on all the samples. Some of them felt a bit similar. We immediately notified the team leader Chen, who immediately arranged for investigation, but in the end they all denied it.

No one inside and outside here can really match up, that is to say, there is no match when extracting socks prints on the spot.

I was afraid of affecting Team Leader Chen's investigation and interview, so I didn't tell him the result.

It was busy until the afternoon of the fifth day, and Team Leader Chen’s investigation and interview work was basically completed, so I told him about the technical investigation. Obviously, he had expected the result and said nothing, just lowered his head and smoked. .

I knew that he was feeling uncomfortable, and he didn't speak, and several of them were smoking cigarettes.

"20, what do you think I should do? I was so confident at the meeting, but now this is the result." Team Leader Chen finally spoke.

"It's nothing, this situation is normal, it's all work, don't think too much about it." I was relieved.

"I only now understand what the lunatic said. If you say it's true, then it's fine. If you say it's not, then it's not. If you don't agree with your conclusion, you're asking for trouble." Team Leader Chen looked at me and said seriously.

"Don't listen to crazy brother's crazy talk." I continued to comfort.

"He is talking crazy, but he understands it in his heart! 20, don't worry, I will follow you in the future, whatever you say, so as not to make a fool of yourself." It was still the voice of Team Leader Chen.

"Okay, okay, let's report to the leader." I said.

After listening to our report, several leaders did not speak and looked at Team Leader Chen.

"It's all because I insisted on going my own way and wasted precious time." Team leader Chen self-criticized.

"Team Leader Chen, what are you doing? This is also part of the work. This bay was originally to be investigated, but we have moved forward the time of the investigation. Don't blame yourself, and continue with the following work .” Director Zhang was relieved.

Team Leader Chen nodded seriously.

I also explained my working methods and results in detail, and several leaders had no objections.

Before the evening meeting, the team leader said with a smile:

"Team Leader Chen, five days are up, how are you doing? We are waiting for the news of your victory? Why are the bells and drums not ringing now?"

Group leader Chen blushed, shook his head, and didn't speak.

"That's right, you see, I told you not to play against 20, but you didn't listen, and now you know you regret it, so you don't make a sound now? How are you doing at the conference?" Crazy Brother Cheerful voice.

"Crazy brother, don't make trouble like this, can you?" Team Leader Chen said with a wry smile.

"Okay, then you have to stuff my mouth with something, or I'll talk about it every day and make your face thinner!" The lunatic brother threatened.

Everyone laughed.

After the madman got a pack of cigarettes, he really didn't mention it again.

The evening meeting will continue, and the situation remains the same.

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