teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 096 The investigation points to the local people, and the 86 meters are suspicious

We wandered around in and out of Wanzi all morning, and after lunch, the meeting was held in the conference room of the Chenggong Police Station.

"Director Xiong, how is Chen Hongmei's situation now?" Director Tang asked.

"I went to the hospital and found the director of the hospital. He organized the key doctors of the hospital to treat Chen Hongmei's wounds. The treatment was satisfactory. The doctor said that scars are certain." Director Xiong replied. .

"Director Xiong, you arrived at the scene, why didn't you carry out emergency treatment! I'm not going to criticize you, do you know the consequences of not treating? If Chen Hongmei can't get timely treatment, infection may cause complications , That may lead to death. If this death occurs, the consequences of the case will be more serious. As the director of the police station, I hope you will consider the issue more complicated." Director Tang stared at Director Xiong and said.

"Don't worry, Director Tang, I'll take care of the rest of the work." Director Xiong said.

"The next meeting will begin. Each group will report on their work in the morning." Director Tang changed the subject.

Ke Zunping, the leader of the second group, said:

"According to the arrangement, we interviewed Chen Hongmei and her mother Lu Wang Huixian. The overall situation is as follows: Chen Hongmei's father, Chen Youzhi, died of illness three years ago. There are currently three people living in the family. In addition to her and her mother, there is one My elder brother is in high school and lives in school, so there are only their mother and daughter in the family.

After they had dinner last night.Continue to paste cardboard boxes at home, in order to earn some money for my brother to go to high school.The mother and daughter didn't go to rest until twelve o'clock pasting paper boxes. Chen Hongmei looked at it at this time.So remember.Regarding the time issue, I compared the clock at her house, which was 3 minutes behind Beijing time.After they stopped working, they went to take a shower and estimated that they went to bed around 12:30.Therefore, the upper limit of the incident time should be around 12:30.Two people sleep separately, as to why they sleep separately.I also asked, Wang Huixian likes to snore when she sleeps at night.She was afraid that it would affect Chen Hongmei's sleep, so she slept separately, as she usually does.

When Chen Hongmei woke up from the pain, she turned on the light in the room.Looking at the time, it is 4:15 in the morning today, so it can be determined that the lower limit of the crime time is at this point.

Interviewing the surrounding neighbors, two people in the same bay reported that they heard the sound of dogs barking twice at around midnight and three o'clock in the morning, and both sounds came from the east of the bay.Combined with the situation at the scene, we believe that these two times are the time when the perpetrator came and went.This family is relatively difficult, and there is nothing decent in the house. I took Wang Huixian home again in the morning and counted it repeatedly.No property was stolen from home, or even turned over.

From this point of view, the purpose of the perpetrator is to rape something without infringing money.This is consistent with the motivation and purpose of the previous cases. Therefore, I personally tend to investigate together with the series of cases. "

Chen Guanghui from the third group went on to say:

"After the case happened, we interviewed some villagers, and the unanimous feeling is that the perpetrator is from this Wanzi."

"Did you explain the reasons and basis?" Director Zhang asked.

Team Leader Chen nodded, and continued:

"The villagers generally reflect that it is impossible for outsiders to come to Benwan to commit crimes. This is because:

2139. This bay is relatively large.There are 1248 households with 437 people.There were 246 men, [-] of whom were old and young, and actually only [-] were at home last night;

Second, in the past four years, the public security in this bay has been relatively stable, and no criminal cases have occurred, let alone such vicious cases.

The third is the structure of Chen Hongmei's house.Her home is located next to the ancestral hall, and it is located in the middle of Dawanzi. It is an old-fashioned building, and the routes to and from it are a bit complicated.I also looked at this route on the spot, and the conclusion I reached was consistent with that of the villagers.

Therefore, I suspect that the perpetrator is from this Wanzi. "

"You mean that the perpetrators of the series of cases are from this Wanzi?" Director Tang asked.

Chen Guanghui nodded and continued:

"If it is determined that the people in this Wanzi committed the crime, then it must be among the 246 people!"

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became active, and everyone whispered to each other.

"Okay, is there any other report from the field office?" Director Zhang asked.

No one answered Director Zhang's question, and everyone continued to discuss in a low voice.

"Then the technical team will tell you about the site investigation." Director Zhang's voice.

Captain Zheng said:

"Our technical team is divided into two groups to conduct on-site surveys. I am in charge of the center site, and Captain Li is in charge of the peripheral site. Let me talk about the situation of the center site first.

The entry and exit route of the scene is indeed as complicated as Team Leader Chen introduced. It is not easy for strangers to find this location at night.

There are three rooms in Chen Hongmei's house, which are connected together. There is only one door to enter and exit, that is, there are three rooms in one entry.According to the interview, because the room was dark, humid and stuffy, when the mother and daughter slept this morning, the door was open as usual. This is consistent with our on-site investigation, that is, the door has no signs of damage. .

The grounds of the three rooms are full of cardboard boxes. On one of the cardboard boxes, we extracted the footprint of half a Jiefang shoe, which reflects the forefoot part. After comparison and screening, we extracted it from Huang Yuying's home in '6.9' The types of footprints are the same and the size is the same, and the same identification cannot be made due to their incompleteness.

After careful inspection of the room, a hanging light bulb in Chen Hongmei's room was taken away by the perpetrator, and nothing else was stolen.In addition, we extracted thick-line glove prints from the socket at the head of the bed; fibrous tissue was extracted from the door of his mother's room, and the analysis is more likely to be a rope.

Next, let me talk about Chen Hongmei's injuries, which are basically the same as those of the previous victims.It is divided into two parts, one is being raped, we extracted the sperm spot.The blood type test is still type B blood.The other part is the *injury, which is located on the inner right thigh. The length of the scar is 7cm, the width of a single scar is 2cm, the depth is [-]cm, and the distance between the two scars is .Slant down to the outside of the right leg, still heavy on the inside and light on the outside.Judging from the injuries, the tools used to commit crimes are similar to the previous ones.Because other data are basically the same, only the distance between the two scars has changed. This small gap does not affect the judgment of the criminal tool.

Inferring the process of committing the crime, the perpetrator slipped into the room.She used a rope or something to buckle the door of her mother's bedroom. After entering Chen Hongmei's room, she turned off the light bulb, then plugged in the socket at the head of the bed, and connected her own crime tools.After committing the crime, take away the light bulb.

Judging from the on-site investigation, it is certain that Chen Hongmei's case can be combined with our previous cases.

That's all I have to report. "

"Captain Zheng. Are you sure there is no problem with the parallel case?" Team Ai asked.

"The lightbulbs were turned on, the door was buckled, the types of footprints were the same, the tools were the same, the motivation and purpose of the crimes were the same, and the process of the crimes was basically the same. It is certain that the cases will be combined." Captain Zheng replied.

"If there is no problem with this string of mergers, then the next investigation will be easy." Team Ai finished speaking, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

"Captain Li, tell us about the situation," Director Zhang said.

I went on to say:

"I completely agree with Captain Zheng's analysis. This case can be connected in series, and the reasons and basis will not be mentioned. Let me talk about the situation of our peripheral investigation.

In this series of cases.Among the cases I investigated and reviewed, Chen Shida Bay, where the case occurred, is indeed a very large bay.It is not only large in size and large in population, but also has intricate housing structures. When we walked through the bay today, we almost lost our way. I think everyone working in this bay this morning should basically feel the same as me.

Looking at the case from a technical point of view, I also think that Chen Hongmei's house was not the best location for the perpetrator to choose, because the access routes are complicated, and there are residents living around it, and this location is located in such a large bay. If found, the possibility of escape is very small.

I have said so much above, and the conclusion is that the perpetrator is not from this Wanzi..."

Team leader Chen Guanghui immediately interrupted my words and rushed to ask:

"Captain Li, is there any basis for your statement?"

I shook my head and continued:

"At the beginning, I also shared everyone's thoughts, that is, the culprit is a native of this bay. Although this bay is relatively large, so many of us can concentrate our efforts to quickly solve the case.

However, when I questioned the victim and her mother again later, my conclusions were shaken. "

Team Ai then asked:

"Captain Li, what made you shake?"

I nodded and said:

"Everyone has been to the scene, and I don't know if they have noticed a detail, that is, there are no bathrooms in the three rooms.

In rural areas, it is normal to have no bathroom in the room. This is nothing to be surprised about, but the problem is probably that there is no bathroom.Chen Hongmei and her mother started getting ready to go to bed around midnight. Before going to bed, Chen Hongmei went to the toilet to relieve her hands instead of urinating.And where is the toilet?It is on the south side of the ancestral hall, 86 meters away from Chen Hongmei's house.I suspect that there is a problem at this distance of 86 meters..."

Team Ai then asked:

"Captain Li, what problems can these 86 meters cause?"

As I was about to answer, Team Leader Tan said:

"I think what Captain Li means is that Chen Hongmei was targeted by the perpetrator while going to and from the toilet. Captain Li, is that what you mean?"

I nodded heavily and said:

"My analysis is just like what Team Leader Tan said. The victim was watched by the perpetrator, and she was followed and watched. If this is really the case, then the perpetrator we mentioned earlier has a great influence on the geographical location of Chen Hongmei's home. The strangeness of the location is easily solved, and this time point is more consistent with the first sound of the dog barking, so the possibility of being the perpetrator of the bay is less."

Chief Zhang nodded lightly.

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