teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 086 Good little Cao, detailed investigation, trial report and quick supplement

After a short rest, we started to survey again, and Xiao Cao continued to lead the survey.

After we went outside again, Xiao Cao took Xiao Ke in to record and take pictures.

Xiao Tang smiled and said:

"Captain Li, I have a question and I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Brother, are we still making exceptions? If you have any questions, please try your best to say it." I said with a smile.

Xiao Tang continued:

"Captain Li, you ask Xiao Cao to take charge of such a big case, can he do it?"

I smiled and replied:

"Not only does he have to investigate, but he also needs to report at the meeting."

"No, he still wants to report?!" The two looked at me with wide eyes.

I nodded.

"Captain Li, I know that you are not lazy and do not investigate in person, but to grow up for Xiaocao. However, I have to remind you that you know the temper of the Ai detachment. Many people are afraid to report to him because he asked He asks a lot of questions and asks them in detail. If he doesn't know how to answer the questions, he will criticize people. Once he criticizes people, he is merciless.

I think he must be counting on you to personally report the situation of the on-site investigation. If Xiao Cao reports, maybe he will be unhappy. "Xiao Tang reminded. "Thank you for your reminder. I can't stop training our technicians just because I'm afraid that the leader will be unhappy.Our technicians need to be trained and trained. They must be fully trained in major and important cases.This is a very good opportunity.This is my starting point.

As for whether Xiao Cao you are worried about was asked by the Ai detachment and didn't know how to answer it, I think this kind of situation will not happen.I have confidence in our technicians.

Besides, this case is only investigated by Xiao Cao, and we still need to help check it.You are more familiar with the temper of the Ai detachment, please remind Xiaocao more precautions. "

Xiao Tang and Xiao Cao nodded.

After taking pictures and videos, we all entered the room again and started detailed investigation.

The front door is a pair of wooden doors, which are relatively large.Also thicker, after the door is bolted.Unable to open from the outside, Xiao Cao was worried, and carefully checked the position of the door latch and the shaft, after confirming that there was nothing abnormal.It took us to the back door again.

The back door is also a split wooden door, but it is smaller and much lighter than the front door. Xiao Cao shook his head at me after reading the hinge, and then twitched the latch. On the wooden latch, there were fresh spots and lines!Photography and video recording will follow immediately.

Xiao Cao closed the door again and asked Xiao Ke to bolt the door from the inside.After he had an interview outside, he asked Xiao Ke to open the door again.

In the ditch outside the back door, Xiao Cao lay down on his stomach.After watching for a long time, I stood up and said excitedly:

"Captain Li, there are footprints, fresh ones! There are mold conditions."

I nodded and didn't speak.

Xiao Cao said:

"Brother Ke, you have worked hard. Tell the driver to take Xiao Hu from the police station to the hospital to get the plaster powder. Prepare the casting tools when you come back."

"Cao sir, obey!" Xiao Ke left quickly after speaking.

I said:

"Xiao Ke, let me take a picture for you."

"No need for that, Captain Li. Since you called me the chief surveyor, I will be in charge. You can guide me. I will take care of the photography and video recording." Xiao Cao said hastily.

After taking pictures and recording videos, Xiao Cao found a cardboard case of a convenience box and covered the footprints to prevent them from being destroyed.

Thumbs up for tip and little soup.

The two rooms on the west side, including the back room, are full of sundries. There is no sign of any movement of the items inside, and there is no obvious abnormality in the door lock. This is obviously not the focus of the investigation.

The back room on the east side is a kitchen, and there is no obvious abnormality in the kitchen, while the east room and the east outer room are two bedrooms, in which there are beds, tables, cabinets and other items. The items are a bit messy, but they are relatively orderly. , with no obvious signs of flipping.

Xiao Cao used the light to check and observe everywhere, for fear of missing something.

While we were observing, Xiao Ke walked in quickly again, and said with a smile:

"Cao sir, everything has been carried out according to your instructions, and the tools are ready. Everything is ready, only the plaster is owed! Just wait, this plaster will be back soon!"

Several people burst out laughing.

In the East Outer Room, Xiao Cao inspected the bed in detail, and found spots of blood and a few strands of hair from the bed.

The light bulb in the room has been dropped, but Xiao Cao still checked the lamp head device very carefully.

Then, the cabinets, tables and other items that the perpetrator may have come into contact with were dealt with.Since the furniture is very old, and the wood is of natural color, the surface is also very rough, and fingerprints cannot be extracted at all. Xiao Cao was so anxious that he was sweating profusely and wanted to continue processing it again.

"Stop working hard, don't make useless efforts, hurry up, there is still a lot of work ahead, continue to investigate." I reminded.

Xiao Cao nodded, and came to the door of the east bedroom again, and found a few fibers at the lock. After taking pictures and videos, Xiao Cao took tweezers and carefully clamped the fibers into a bag.

Xiao Cao looked around the room again, and after making sure there was nothing missing, he led us out of the room.

The indoor survey work was basically over, and it happened that the driver Ke Zhengda brought the gypsum powder.

Xiao Cao took us to the back door, uncovered the cardboard shell, carefully picked up the soil scattered on the footprints, and grabbed the soft mud next to it to start making a wall.The black ooze was shaped into long strips by him, and he circled the long strip of ooze around the footprints.Xiao Ke was busy looking for the skeleton.

He found a plastic basin, filled it with water, and washed his hands. With the cooperation of Xiao Ke, Xiao Cao took out the gypsum powder, added water, and started to prepare the gypsum liquid. He added the gypsum powder and tried the consistency. After about a while, start pouring.

The white gypsum fluid slowly flowed to the low part of the footprint, and as the gypsum fluid increased, the entire footprint was covered.Xiao Ke put the skeleton on.Xiao Cao accelerated the speed of pouring the gypsum liquid, and stopped when the gypsum liquid was basically parallel to the wall.

Ten minutes later.Xiao Cao tested the hardness of the gypsum liquid, and then carved words on it.

After a while, the plaster cast was lifted out, Xiao Ke hurriedly rinsed it with water, and soon, a clear footprint appeared.

Tip took the plaster cast and tried it in his hand.Then said:

"Not bad! Not bad! This thickness, this hardness. This operation process, this result, are all very good!"

"Thank you for the compliment from the leaders of the Municipal Bureau." Xiao Cao said with a smile.

"What kind of compliment from the leaders of the city bureau? The on-site investigation is over. You can take a rest." Tip said with a smile.

"You rest, I have to go to the periphery with Captain Li to investigate." Xiao Cao said with a smile.

"Peripheral survey? What is the peripheral survey here? Isn't this the peripheral site?" Tip asked.

"Let's go along." I said with a smile.

Starting from the back door, Xiao Cao took us eastward to Jigeng Road, and stopped at a place where there was water on the road.

"Xiao Cao, what are you looking at? What's so interesting about this?" Xiaotang asked.

Xiao Cao didn't answer, just lay on the ground and continued to watch.

After a short time, Xiao Cao raised his head.smiled and said:

"Captain Li, take a look, is it the kind of footprint at the back door?"

"I don't look at it. Just tell me the result," I said.

"The types are the same, and the footprints are relatively incomplete, so they cannot be identified uniformly, but the direction of the toe of the shoe is facing the road. Based on the analysis of the scene, it should be left by the perpetrator." Xiao Cao said.

"Conclusions must be well-founded. Be confident in the conclusions you draw," I said.

Xiao Cao nodded, and lay down again to look.

After looking up again.He said:

"Captain Li, it's definitely the footprints of the perpetrator."

"Tell me why." My voice.

"The black substance attached to the footprint is the kind of texture at the back door." Xiao Ke said a key detail.

After taking the video, we smoked a cigarette and had a rest.

After the rest, Xiao Cao took us and prepared to move on again.

"Is it necessary to continue to follow up?" I asked.

"Accordingly, it's not necessary, but I still want to read it, so I can rest assured after reading it." Xiao Cao replied.

"Okay. Seeing is believing! After seeing it, I know it." My voice.

We returned to Huang Yuying's house again, and with the cooperation of Xiao Ke, Xiao Cao measured and recorded various data.

"Captain Li, didn't you draw the scene pictures on the spot? Didn't you see Xiao Cao draw the scene pictures?" Xiaotang really found out the problem.

"Captain Li wants to cultivate our ability to remember the scene, and requires us to draw the scene picture directly on the computer after we go back. For a scene picture with this structure, we can draw it accurately after we go back with a glance." Xiao Ke snatched said.

"That's it, no wonder Captain Li is full of confidence." Xiaotang sighed.

"Xiao Ke, you dare to say anything big in front of the leaders of the city bureau." I said with a smile.

"The two leaders forgive me, I'm joking, I'm joking." Xiao Ke hurriedly corrected.

"Captain Li, don't say that. I have learned a lot today. I think we will learn more tonight. I want to listen to Xiao Ke's report and take the opportunity to study hard." Xiaotang said with a smile.

"Study is not required, you still need to give more advice. Let's wait and see!" I said.

"Captain Li, are we going to visit Huang Rongzhi's scene?" Xiao Cao asked.

"It is reasonable to go, I suggest you not to interfere with Captain Zheng and his team's investigation, you should develop the habit of independent thinking, or spend more time thinking about the things that will be reported at the meeting at night." I said.

Xiao Cao nodded, and went to find witnesses to sign.

We went back to the police station for dinner. After dinner, I gathered our investigation team together in the conference room.

"Xiao Cao, try to report now, let's do a drill." I said.

Xiao Cao reported on the entire site according to the order of the survey.

"Xiao Ke, how do you feel after hearing this?" I asked.

"It's as if we were writing a survey transcript. When I arrived at the scene, I knew that if it was someone who didn't come to the scene, I would feel that the words were in a cloud. Another thing, I think, I didn't say the key points, and I felt that the key points were everywhere. "Xiao Ke replied.

Xiao Cao's face was flushed and he couldn't make a sound.

"This is the first time to report a series of cases like this. It's normal for problems to arise. Don't blush, adjust your thinking and say it again." I comforted.

After listening to the second report, Xiao Ke said nothing more.

Tip and Xiao Tang just listened and didn't say anything different.

"What do you think about the footprints?" I asked.

"It's the perpetrator. I checked all the shoes in the victim's house and ruled them out completely," Xiao Cao replied.

"Are you sure you ruled it out completely?" I frowned.

"The shoes worn by the victim and her mother have not been ruled out, which cannot be considered completely ruled out," Xiao Ke said.

"Another problem is that after the on-site investigation is completed, you need to further review the victim in relation to the relevant issues based on the on-site investigation situation." I reminded.

"Captain Li, I understand, then I'll go to the hospital right away." Xiao Cao stood up and said.

"Think more, think more. Don't just do what I remind you." I said.

"Captain Li, I'm going too!" Xiao Ke said.

I nodded, and the two of them disappeared outside the door immediately.

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