teach me how not to be the police

Chapter 085 1 Bay 2 Cases Same Investigation, Temporary Designation of Chief Prospector

When we came out of the hospital, we asked Xiao Hu to lead the way and rushed directly to the scene of the crime.

When we arrived at the scene, the field investigators had already launched investigation and visit work.

I found Team Leader Chen, and I told him what I had learned, and he immediately arranged for a madman to investigate.

Captain Zheng made a simple division of labor. I was in charge of the scene at Huang Yuying's house, and he was in charge of the scene at Huang Rongzhi's house.

After the division of labor, I took Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao to conduct a large-scale search and visit to Huangnitan Bay.

There are 48 households and 159 people in Huangnitan Bay. It is located in a relatively flat area. There is only one east-west machine farming road in and out of the bay. The west side of the road leads to Simao Bay in the same village; Mining Town) Highway, Chenggong Town and Tongkuang Town are divided by Dongtong Highway.

Standing on the Dongtong Highway, looking back, you can have a panoramic view of the whole Huangnitan Bay.This is a small bay. At a glance, it looks like fifty or sixty households.The housing structure is mainly old-fashioned low-rise buildings, and occasionally there are a few newly-built two-story buildings, which stand out like a flock of chickens and are particularly conspicuous.

Two cases occurred at the same time in one night, which of the two will come first?This is my first problem to solve.

Huang Yuying's house is located in the middle of the east side of the bay, while Huang Rongzhi's house is located on the west side of the bay.Judging from the investigation, Huang Yuying was discovered at five o'clock, and Huang Rongzhi was discovered at six o'clock. Excluding other factors, judging from the time, the crime should be committed first at Huang Yuying's home, and then at Huang Rongzhi's home.Combined with the analysis that there is only one road for machine farming in and out of Wanzi.Also consistent with the above conclusions.It seems that the perpetrator entered Wanzi after going down Dongtong Highway to Jigeng Road.After committing two crimes in a row, he should return to Dongtong Highway and escape from the original road.

After determining the route of the perpetrator, we searched Jigeng Road and the connected Dongtong Highway, but found no clues.

After reminding Xiao Ke and Xiao Cao to take photos of the location, we returned to Huang Yuying's house and waited for the arrival of the Municipal Bureau detachment.

Seen from the outside, Huang Yuying's house is a five-room house facing south, with houses on the east and west sides next to each other.And they are all small lanes of about 1.5 meters.The small alleyway is sandwiched between two walls, and there are no doors or windows, so it cannot be an entrance or exit.The bare south side is an east-west passage.It is not like other people who always plant trees or something in front of the house as an embellishment or decoration.There is also a passage on the north side.It is the home of other villagers.However, a few gardenias were planted in this house, which can be regarded as something as an embellishment.There are two front and back doors on the north and south sides of the house.Because the people from the city bureau haven't come yet, we can't investigate these two doors.Can only continue to watch from a distance.

This door is over.Just look at the window.

On the south side, that is, the front, there are four windows in total, with the main room as the center and symmetrical left and right. There should be one window for each room.The windows are small and medium-sized. There is a horizontal log in the middle of each window, and then there are five vertical logs. The vertical logs pass through the middle of the horizontal logs.

[-], [-], [-], [-], the logs and cross-bars of the four windows are all there, it seems impossible to enter through the windows on the south side.

There are five windows on the north side, that is, the back, and each window is the same size, material, and intact as the front windows. It seems impossible to enter through these five windows.

Looking at the sky again, the whole house is divided between the north and the south, the south is high and the north is low, and it is covered with gray tiles. There are no gaps or holes in the tiles. It seems that it is impossible to break through the roof tiles and enter the house.

None of the walls, windows, or roof can enter the room. Judging from the scene, the only thing left is the door.

Now it's hard to get in, we have to wait for the city bureau to come in before we get in!

"Captain Li, smoke a cigarette." Xiao Ke said and handed the cigarette.

"Why hasn't the city bureau come here? It's been such a long time." Xiao Cao grumbled.

"I don't do anything, I tell you to wait, can't you wait?" I asked with a smile.

"I'm in a hurry, I'm afraid that all the physical evidence inside will be destroyed." Xiao Cao rubbed his head and smiled.

"Okay, you will come to the site today to conduct the survey, and Xiao Ke and I will cooperate with you." I said.

"Captain Li Li, I'm not in a hurry, I'll wait, okay?" Xiao Cao said hurriedly.

Xiao Ke covered his mouth and smiled.

"What's the matter, don't you have the confidence to investigate the scene of this case?" I asked.

"Captain Li, this is a major case, and this is a series of cases. I dare not; if it is like a theft case on the street, I can still try it." Xiao Cao said.

I exhaled lightly, and said:

"A major case should be investigated as a general case, and an ordinary case should be investigated as a major case. For a technician, there is no distinction between an ordinary case and a major case. The scene of each case must be carefully and meticulously inspected. That's right, you don't have to be afraid.

Secondly, this is also what you need to grow.You must experience, feel and accumulate experience in different case scenes.

Besides, with me here, what are you afraid of?Accept the task bravely, don't act like a little daughter-in-law! "

Xiao Cao nodded heavily.

I went on to say:

"The scene of this case will not only be investigated by you, but also reported by you. Are you confident?"

"With Captain Li around, I have confidence." Xiao Cao said with a straightened chest.

"What does it mean to have confidence when Captain Li is here?! Without me, you should follow the regulations and procedures to investigate and report according to the usual analysis, and you should also have confidence!" I corrected.

Xiao Cao nodded hurriedly again.

"Tell me about your whole exploration plan," I said.

"Captain Li, are you serious?" Xiao Ke asked.

"What do you think?! Do you also want to lead the survey?" I asked back.

Xiao Ke stuck out his tongue and remained silent.

Xiao Cao nodded and said:

"Captain Li, let me talk about it first, criticize and correct where you don't reach.

1. Inspect the site and delineate the inspection and inspection scope.We have just done this work, and done it very well.They all patrolled the road.In this way, the combined survey of the peripheral site and the central site can completely avoid the mistake of missing the mask hat in the toilet made by the previous technicians.This is a comprehensive site survey.

2. Determine the inspection and inspection sequence.The principle to be followed is to be quiet before moving, to go down first and then to go up, to be easy before being difficult, to look first and then to be inside, to focus first and then to be general, to fix first and then extract.In doing so, it can be ensured that traces and physical evidence at the scene will not be destroyed during the investigation, and the scene will be protected to the greatest extent.This is also what you usually remind us, a technician is going to survey the site.Instead of destroying the scene.

3. Preliminary inspection and inspection.Fixed site.This is the preliminary fixation of the site, to ensure that the photos and videos are in their original state and avoid man-made damage.Taking photos and videos, such simple things are carried out by Xiao Ke and me.

4. Detailed inspection and inspection.Discover, fix and extract traces, physical evidence.This is the focus of the survey site.I'm not quite sure about this one yet.Leadership is required.

5. Record the on-site inspection and inspection situation, and improve the relevant procedures.

6. Inform the victim of the safety precautions to prevent similar cases from happening again.

Captain Lee.Do you see something wrong? "

I didn't answer, but looked at Xiao Ke.

Xiao Ke said with a smile:

"Brother Cao, you are so right. Learn from you! Salute you!"

We all laughed.

"Xiao Cao, there is one more question." I reminded.

"Yes, yes, there is also the question of the witnesses. I will go to the witnesses right away." Xiao Cao ran away after speaking, and soon, two witnesses from the same bay came over.

After another cigarette was smoked, we finally saw Director Tang and others approaching. We immediately stood up and greeted them.

The criminal investigation detachment of the city bureau who came with Director Tang included Captain Ai, Technical Brigade Ke Brigade, police dog trainer Xiao Yang, and others, and everyone was busy exchanging greetings.

Captain Zheng also hurried over.

"Captain Li, is there a source of smell?" Xiao Yang asked.

"We haven't entered the scene yet, waiting for you to come over." I replied.

"Detachment Ai, shall we start on-site investigation immediately?" Team Ke asked.

"You must be cautious and strive to extract useful traces and physical evidence." Ai Detachment urged.

Several of our technical people gathered together and briefly met. Captain Zheng introduced our grouping. Team Ke expressed his approval and grouped several technical people from the detachment. Tip and Xiaotang joined us. Team, Captain Ke led the others and followed Captain Zheng away.

I nodded to Xiao Cao, and he immediately said:

"Brother Fei, Brother Tang, let's do a simple division of labor, shall we?"

Tip and Xiao Tang looked at me, a little surprised.

"Oh, I forgot to mention. Captain Li asked me to inspect the scene of this case. This is the first time I have conducted an inspection on such a large scene. I hope all the leaders can give you some advice." Xiao Cao explained.

The two smiled and nodded.

Xiao Cao said:

"Captain Li and I advanced to the scene, opened the passage, and then everyone went in. Brother Ke was in charge of taking pictures, I was in charge of video recording, and the two leaders of the Municipal Bureau mainly gave guidance."

Everyone nodded.

After putting on the gloves, headgear, and footmuffs, Xiao Cao took the flashlight, and I followed behind and entered the room through the gate.

As the lights were turned on, a beam of bright light slowly swept across the ground.

The indoor floor is earthy, dry and uneven, with no footprints visible.However, Xiao Cao still carefully scanned the ground inch by inch with lights, not letting go of any suspicious spots.

After viewing the main room, enter the room on the west side. After reading the west room, go to the east room; then go to the back of the main room, then to the back room on the west side, then the outermost room on the west side, and then turn back to the small room behind the main room. room, then to the back room on the east side, and finally to the outermost room on the east side, with a total of eight rooms of different sizes.

Although Xiao Cao was very serious and meticulous, no footprints or suspicious items were found on the ground.

After inspecting the ground, no useful evidence was found. I saw that Xiao Cao was sweating profusely on his face. He must be nervous!

"Captain Li Li Li, what should I do, I can't see a single footprint on the ground?" Xiao Cao was really anxious.

"Do you think footprints can be extracted from such ground?" I asked.

Xiao Cao shook his head and said:

"The ground conditions were too poor to spot the footprints."

"On-site investigation is not a subjective matter, it is an objective process. It is normal and objective that no footprints can be found on such a ground. You have done it very carefully. In the on-site investigation, traces and physical evidence are not only footprints, but also There are fingerprints and so on. Don't worry now, we will take it step by step. First of all, you must be calm. If you can't calm down and calm down, it will affect the subsequent work. At that time, it will be a failed on-site inspection. "I said seriously.

Xiao Tang gave me a thumbs up.

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