() If the problem of the "Reverse Cross" summary meeting is that it is not serious enough and often boring and crooked, then the summary meeting of the Soviets is too serious and often serious and crooked.

"I have to take considerable responsibility for this failure," Ketin said first, "I adopted too hastily the combat plan proposed by some old pilots without serious investigation and research." He read Valya glanced and saw that her face was flushed red, and under her long eyelashes, her big brown eyes were faintly shining, like lightning hidden in the clouds before a thunderstorm arrived.Kejing suddenly felt a little gratified, but also a little pity, and maybe even a little flustered.He suddenly doubted himself: "Is it right to point the finger of criticism at this woman?"

But Ketin immediately became firm. He knew that as a leader from a non-combat force, he would naturally be suspicious of the pilots, and Valia even publicly expressed his contempt for him many times.If he can't overwhelm her, how can he lead this team in the future?

So Kotin continued his speech:

"Some of our comrades, because they have won many battles, become complacent. This is an extremely dangerous situation! It is a manifestation of the decadent thinking of the bourgeoisie. This is forgetting their own identities and thinking that they are heroes. The problem of being able to override the general public, even the party organization! It is not in line with our identity as a revolutionary soldier. If we fail to recognize this point and make serious corrections, it will endanger our cause! It will become the ideal sinner of the party and the Communist Party! I hope everyone can seriously think about this and express it in the following speeches.

The revolutionary cause of the proletariat and the liberation of the people of the world require us to be vigilant at all times, not only against those open enemies and those hidden within us, but also against our own thoughts..."

Kotin's speech took a full half an hour.Although there are many contents, the most important points are actually only a few points:

1. This failure is not accidental. The root cause of the failure is not in the technical and tactical aspects, but in failing to guide myself with correct thinking.

2. It is necessary to strengthen the leadership of the party, strengthen organizational discipline, and clearly oppose individual heroism.

3. We must remain humble and prudent, and oppose the behavior of being arrogant and complacent after a little achievement.

In the end, Kejing also said that everyone must speak up, carefully investigate the reasons, find ways, and pass the test one by one!

When his speech was over, there was silence in the hall.

Kejing sat there quietly, scanning the other people in the venue.Kovzan sat upright with no expression on his face; Skomorokhov was just turning a pen in his hand for some reason; Put it down on the table, and put it on the head after a while... Finally, Kotin saw Valya. He saw that Valya's eyes were breathing fire, and his hands were clenched into fists, as if he was about to jump up.

"Comrade Valya, do you have anything to say?" Kotin deliberately named Valya.He deliberately looked into her eyes provocatively.

"Get angry quickly, lose your temper quickly!" Ketin said in his heart.This meeting is a party meeting, and everyone's speeches will be recorded in detail in the meeting minutes.If Valya had jumped up at this time, Kotin could have made a report to her superiors. If it had been a few years earlier, such a report would have been enough to send her to a certain department for tea.Of course not now, the country will no longer kick an air combat hero to the Gulag just because of one or two nonsense words, now at most it will give her a punishment, and then return her to the original combat unit to go.However, it was enough for Ketin to drive this damned woman out of here.

"I have something to say." Valia slowly stood up.She is not actually a female tyrannosaurus like she usually appears, to a large extent, it is just a disguise for a woman who wants to get ahead in the combat force.At least, that was the case at first.Many years ago, when she was in middle school, she was a little girl who would blush shyly whenever she talked to anyone.At that time, she was still wearing two beautiful big braids, and she spoke in such a soft voice that when she answered questions, Boris, the math teacher, would often smile and say, "Walya, you have to use your voice. Amplify it, or an old man like me can't hear anything."

It's just that most of the time, the character you pretend will also affect you subtly. Now, even Valia herself doesn't know if she is about to become a real female tyrannosaurus.

But at least for now, Valia feels that she has not fallen to that level. For example, now, she has completely seen through Kotin's intentions.She knew Ko-kyung was waiting for her to spout nonsense, then take the minutes and kick herself back from here.It's a good thing to go back to the combat team, but it's unbearable to be kicked out by others.

So Valya looked into Kotin's eyes, and she saw the anticipation and tension there all too clearly.So she laughed.

"The problems that Comrade Kotin mentioned exist among us," Valia said, "and the seriousness of the situation is as serious as what Comrade Kotin just said.

The leadership of our party committee is indeed weak. Of course there is an objective reason that we were formed temporarily, but is there no subjective reason for our ineffective work?For example, as an old party member, I did not take the initiative to remind the party committee to strengthen its work.

There is indeed a sense of pride and complacency in our team. We always feel that we are all high-level pilots, so we just look down on our opponents casually. Moreover, the planes we use are more powerful than the ones in our hands, but we still think that we can win a complete victory without taking risks.This is an expression of pride and ignorance!It also reflects that when some of our comrades analyze problems, they do not start from a materialist worldview of seeking truth from facts, but from a subjective idealist worldview.If this subjectivist attitude is not abandoned, it will be impossible to analyze the problem effectively and formulate the best countermeasures.

We must remain humble and prudent. After receiving the advice, our commanders should think carefully, study its pros and cons, and make various plans for changes on the battlefield.But none of these principles were followed..."

At the end of his speech, Valia made a suggestion:

"In order to help Comrade Kotin do a good job, I propose to form a staff group to strengthen the military command work."

This suggestion was supported by many people. Everyone stood up to speak one by one. On the surface, everyone was supporting Ketin, but Ketin knew that they were actually doubting their commanding ability.


In the debate and thinking, the next round of confrontation is getting closer.

In response to this battle, both the Soviets and the Americans got busy.

In order to guard against the possibility of another sneak attack by the Soviets, Ron has arranged a lot of lookout posts around the airport, far or near, and he has also prepared some mobile lookout posts on Willis jeeps.

The Soviets were not idle either. They also formulated a very similar plan and began to deploy observation posts everywhere.It seems that last time, everyone was frightened by the opponent's sneak attack.

After making various preparations, Ron felt that it might not be so easy for others to steal his chicken.Of course, it may not be so easy to steal other people's chickens, and the Soviets will definitely be prepared for defense.Then, the only hope is to defeat the Soviets in a head-to-head battle.

This time it was the turn of the "Reverse Cross" to intercept the Soviet attack fleet. As a traverser, Ron remembered that when the Soviets escorted the attack fleet, there were several common tactics.

First, if their aircraft were significantly superior in numbers, they would try to arrange an ambush formation between the target being attacked and the enemy airfield.One is to kill the enemy, and the other is to disrupt the enemy's rhythm.

Of course, the number of aircraft in the hands of the Soviets does not currently have the upper hand, so it is unlikely that they will use this trick.So the more common practice of the Soviets is this.They will divide the fighter jets into two layers, and the lower layer will be placed about 500 meters above the attack aircraft to provide direct protection.But they will also face a difficulty in doing so, that is, the opponent may ignore these fighter jets, but rely on the high speed obtained when diving from a higher altitude to get rid of them and directly attack the attack aircraft fleet.In order to guard against this trick, the Soviets placed a group of fighter jets about 500 meters higher than them at a place 600-500 meters behind the lower fighter jets on the first floor.The mission of this group of fighters is that if any enemy fighters dare to dive directly, when they try to pull up, they will fall into the trap of the Russians, and the group of fighters behind them will ruthlessly attack them when they are weak in climbing. Give them a dick hard.

This tactic is probably the most likely tactic used by the Soviets this time.The question now is how to crack this tactic in the limited time.This requires serious research.However, in the tactics of the Soviets, there are problems, especially now, the aircraft performing ground attack missions is not the Il-2 familiar to the Soviets, but the A-20 of the Americans.When fighting against fighter jets, the Il-2, known as a flying tank, is much more resistant to beating than the A-20.

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