New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 100, Fighting Again

() The second round of confrontation drills with the exchange of roles has already begun, and it is almost noon now, and the strong sunlight makes the airport runway extremely hot.The fighter planes on the tarmac were also scorching hot. Valia now really knows how much hotter the summer in the United States is compared to Russia.In beautiful Russia, no matter how hot the summer is, it will never exceed 30 degrees Celsius, and as long as you walk into a shade, you can cool down immediately.In the US, summers are just too hot.Now if you go out on the tarmac and crack an egg and spread it out on the wing, within 3 minutes you'll find the egg is cooked.It's true, Valia has seen that Yankee named Ron perform wings fried eggs for everyone.

Those planes had a white cloth cover over the canopy to keep the cabin from overheating.This is what the Yankees do, but Valia feels that the usefulness of that thing is actually very limited.It was still hot as hell in the cockpit.Therefore, it was impossible to stay in the cockpit on standby. Valia and others were obediently waiting in the pilot's standby room next to the tarmac, waiting for the order to attack.

According to regulations, the exercise began at 6 o'clock in the morning, but until this time, the enemy's armored forces still had not appeared.Valia knew that this was a deliberate tactic by the Americans to exhaust their troops.In order to prevent the Americans from launching an attack early in the morning, the Soviet pilots had breakfast at 5 o'clock in the morning, and then waited here to prepare to attack at any time.Long waits can make people anxious, which will affect the pilot's state.

But such little tricks can't trouble the Soviets. In fact, everyone has a way to relax.For example, right now, in the break room, someone is playing bridge and someone is playing chess.As for Valia herself, well, she is carefully removing dust from a battleship model that was given to her by an American and made of a very special and extremely hard dark red material.In short, everyone has something to do.

"Comrades, it's time to eat. Only when you're full will you have the strength to teach the Yankees a lesson." Kejing walked in from the outside, and then several chefs came in with carts.The pilots all put down what they were doing, walked over, each took a portion and started eating.

At this moment, the ear-piercing alarm sounded suddenly.There was a shout on the radio: "Enemy plane found, all out!"

Valia had just eaten two bites at this time. Hearing the sound, she immediately dropped the tableware, swallowed the food in her mouth quickly, and grabbed the flying gloves, helmet, and a large piece of chocolate and ran outside. .By the time she got to her P-39, she had put on her flight gloves and helmet.The ground crew also got everything ready.

From the side door that has been opened (p-39 is a very weird aircraft, its cockpit is not pushed back like a normal plane, but opened from the side like a car), climb into the plane and start the engine , fasten your seat belt, and then slide down to the runway under the command of the tower.

It was extremely hot in the cockpit, but the p-39 couldn't fully open the canopy like ordinary aircraft, only a small window could be opened.Valya felt as if she was in a big oven, and big beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.Fortunately, those A-20s finally flew up, and now it's my turn to take off.As long as it flies to the top, it will naturally cool down.Valia pushed the throttle to the end, the plane began to accelerate rapidly, and the wind blowing in from the small window was getting stronger and stronger.

It's just that the wind didn't lower the temperature much. It was noon now, and the air on the runway was very hot. The wind blowing in from the small window was also hot, like blowing out of a blacksmith's bellows.Valya felt that the tip of his nose started to go numb, and then the numbness quickly spread to his entire face.

This was a harbinger of impending heat stroke. Fortunately, at this time, the speed of the plane was sufficient. Valia gently pulled the control lever, and the P-39 flew into the air.As the altitude of the plane rose, the temperature in the cockpit finally began to drop.At an altitude of 1000 meters, the temperature in the cockpit finally dropped.Valia lowered the throttle, leveled the plane, and waited for other teammates to take off to complete the formation.

Taking advantage of this time, she took out the large piece of chocolate.Chocolate is a good thing, it is high in calories, easy to digest, and can quickly replenish the pilot's physical strength.Ever since American aid began to appear in front of the Russians in accordance with the Lend-Lease Act, almost all Russian soldiers fell in love with this new gadget from the United States. (Many friends who don’t know much about the efficacy of chocolate always like to think that the U.S. military included chocolate in the munitions list during World War II as the American soldiers are too delicate. This is actually wrong.) Valia also likes this, She even felt that among the three best things shipped by the Americans, chocolate ranked even ahead of the P-39 plane.Of course, Spam is also a very good thing, but her American counterparts are very resolutely opposed.

Valya originally planned to take this opportunity to eat two bites of chocolate, but she hardly ate any of the lunch just now.However, she found that the large piece of chocolate wrapped in a tin foil bag felt very wrong. It seemed that it had completely melted into a liquid.

It was inedible, so Valya put down the chocolate and cursed the weather inwardly as she waited for it to condense again after the temperature dropped.

After a while, several other planes that belonged directly to her formation took off and followed her, forming a typical "Kuban shelf" (two aircraft formations at a slightly lower position and two A compound formation composed of a two-plane formation at a slightly higher position.) At this time, an order came from the tower: climb to 2000 meters.

Valia took her formation to fly a little in front of the A-20 fleet, and behind and above her, there was an upper formation composed of 8 F6Fs.

It takes about 40 minutes to fly to the sky above the target area. Taking advantage of this time, Valia picked up the tinfoil bag wrapped in chocolate and held it to the small window that was not closed yet.This will take a while, and the chocolate will be ready to eat.She looked at her wingman by the way, and she saw Skomorohov gave her a thumbs up, and then imitated her, and lifted her bag of chocolates to the small window.

Armored units on the move are the easiest targets to spot, as they raise a lot of dust as they travel, and the dust grows so high that it can be seen from a long distance.

Since the armored units are ahead, the enemy fighter units must be nearby as well.Valya raised her head and carefully searched the sky ahead.


Ron discovered the opponent earlier than Valia and the others.This is because on Valia's side, there is a group of A-20 attack aircraft. They are several times larger than fighter jets and are easier to spot in the air.And once they were found, based on some superficial understanding of Soviet tactics, the escort plane must be above them, and there must be a fighter formation behind and above that team of escort planes.So after a closer look, I found Valia's formation naturally.

How to intercept it now?There are three options before the Americans.

The first method is to take advantage of the altitude and attack the Soviet aircraft at the highest position first, peel off the outermost layer like peeling the skin of an onion, then kill the Soviet fighters at a lower position, and finally eliminate those attack aircraft.

This is the safest tactic for yourself.The number of fighters on both sides is the same.Playing like this means that you are always in an energy advantage.If you only look at the air combat exchange ratio, this is undoubtedly the best way.It's just that this kind of tactics does not attack the enemy's attack aircraft until the end, and the attack opportunity will get a certain amount of time to attack the ground troops.To adopt such a tactic, it must be able to kill the enemy's escort fighter jets in a short time.But considering that the opponent is also a trump card, how easy is it to solve it quickly?

The second method is to send some fighters to hold down the Soviet fighters, and other fighters will attack the opponent's attack aircraft first.If you have a numerical advantage, this is a good way.But now, this approach is difficult to implement, because the number of fighter planes sent to deal with others is too small, and they cannot be held back. If more planes are given, the number of planes sent to attack those attacking planes will be too small , it is difficult to complete the task with quality and quantity.

The third method is the simplest, and that is to rely on the high altitude advantage regardless.Directly rush towards the attacking aircraft group, attacking the attacking aircraft first, as for what will be attacked when climbing, just let him go.War cannot be without loss, and victory cannot be without price!

If Ron and the others were in the Luftwaffe, they would choose the first option without hesitation.In the regulations of the German Air Force, fighter pilots are given great freedom.They have the right to choose the combat method that is most beneficial to them, and they have the right to choose to retreat when the situation is not dominant.What?What about ground troops?Hehe, I wish I were lucky.

However, the U.S. Army Aviation does not have such a tradition that dead friends never die poor people. At yesterday's preparatory meeting, everyone unanimously opposed this safest plan.On the contrary, the third option is supported by more people.Reasons and very good:

Those who drive the A-20 are all rookies, and it is much easier to deal with them than the Soviets.And according to the rules, who wins and who loses does not depend on the exchange ratio of aircraft, but on whether the campaign goal is completed, that is, the success or failure of the ground washing.In fact, this is not only the rules of this exercise, but even the core rules of the entire air combat.No matter how high the exchange ratio is, if it can't effectively wash the enemy's land, and can't prevent the enemy from washing its own land, how much effect will the exchange ratio have on war?

Therefore, there is no doubt that the third method is the Warriors' approach.

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