New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 9, Simulated Air Combat

Pilots were unable to conduct liftoff training due to runway damage.Therefore, tactical simulation exercises (that is, simulations with small aircraft models in hand) have become the main content of training.In a hall used for tactical simulation training.Ron was showing those navy pilots how to defeat Ri himself in an air battle.

"Unless in the state of electromagnetic silence, the distance between the two-plane formation of fighter jets can be further extended. Unlike Ri himself, they do not have an on-board radio station and must communicate with sign language and drawing boards, so their formation must be relatively dense , otherwise we will not be able to cooperate. But we are different, and we have a greater distance, which is more conducive to observation and mutual protection."

Although many pilots have a good habit of looking back at the 6 o'clock direction every ten seconds or so as soon as they get on the plane, and never fly in a straight line for a long time.But blind spots of vision exist objectively.For example, in the direction below six o'clock, don't say that you are driving an f4f with unrecognizable vision. Even in the future, the P51 Mustang, which claims to have the best vision, will not be able to see this direction.This requires another plane from the team to look at it for you.If the formation is too dense, the two sides will easily block each other's vision.However, because the planes on the radio station are also relatively close, and in the eyes of laymen, dense formations look better (the opinions of laymen are often very influential), so both the US Naval Aviation and Army Aviation were used to adopting dense formations at that time.

"Target direction 313, altitude 13000, now turn to 350, climb to 15000." The simulated tower command came from the headset.

"Here is Foxhound, the turn is complete, the altitude is 13800, and it is continuing to climb."

"Foxhound" is the code name of the small team f4f that Ron is now leading.They are composed of six fighter jets. The mission of this virtual training is to intercept an approaching Japanese bomber fleet escorted by more than ten Zero Fighters with the cooperation of other aircraft fleets.

According to the plan, under the guidance of the radar, they will first dive and attack the Japanese bomber group from a high altitude. Their mission is not only to shoot down the enemy bomber, but also to attract the Japanese escort fighter jets to facilitate subsequent group attacks.

"Foxhound One, direction 270, altitude 15000, contact is expected in 5 minutes."

"Foxhound One understands."

After turning again, not far ahead, Ram and several other guys were flying in dense formation with the bomber model in their hands.Bombers are different from fighter jets. They must form dense formations to cover each other with defensive machine guns at the rear. Once the formation is destroyed, bombers that fly slowly and clumsily, and are full of blind fire from self-defense machine guns are a dish for fighter jets.

Now, of course Ram and the others saw Ron and the others, but now he had to pretend he didn't see anything.Because according to the training settings, it will take at least 5 minutes for them to appear in each other's field of vision.In fact, due to the difference in aircraft size, bombers will detect enemy fighters later.Moreover, under the guidance of radar, interceptor fighter jets can also occupy the direction facing away from the sun, which also makes the enemy aircraft formation's pre-warning time for them further compressed.

"Follow me and attack!" Ron ordered.He didn't choose the direct attack method of jumping headlong, but continued to approach the bomber group swaggeringly. Because of the interference of the sun, the Japanese fighters were a bit slow when grabbing positions. In a panic, they immediately turned sharply. Put on full power and fly towards the Ron fleet, trying to stop them before they attack the bombers. The Japanese fighter group flew about 500 meters in front of the bomber, and the flying altitude was about 500 meters higher than the bomber. They climbed while running, and barely reached the front of the Ron fleet.But now Ron's altitude is slightly higher than theirs by 200-300 meters, and his flying speed is faster than the climbing Zero War.Even considering the slightly larger number of Japanese aircraft intercepting them now.In this situation, it is still beneficial for the Foxhounds to engage in aerial combat.But Ron didn't intend to engage in such an air battle.

"The first target of an intercept fighter is the enemy bomber! The second target is the enemy bomber! The third target is the enemy bomber!" This is what any Navy fighter pilot will be taught when he enters the army.Before dealing with the enemy bombers, if you foolishly entangle with the enemy fighters, you will be kicked by the officer.

"Follow me and leave the fighter jet alone!"

The plane in Ron's hand rolled 180 degrees, then pulled the nose, and began to dive at a large angle.His plan: If the Japanese fighters follow, they will face difficulties.Originally, the speed of the Japanese aircraft was slower than them at this time, coupled with the defect of Zero War's dive performance, and the height of the Foxhounds was higher.With greater potential energy, they can easily obtain a much higher speed than the Zero War in the dive, leave the following Zero War behind, rush all the way to the bottom of the bomber group, and then jump up from there, according to those bombers. The unprotected stomach came with a hard uppercut.

The pretended Japanese plane had no choice but to follow, but it was actually not very useful.

Ron has already leveled the plane. Due to the dive just now, his current altitude is about 300-400 meters lower than the Japanese bomber fleet, but now his level flight speed, according to calculations, should be nearly 700 kilometers from the dive. The high speed allowed them to easily leave the first escort fighters who intercepted them far behind.Another team of fighter jets staying near the bomber group saw that the situation was not good, and had to fly to the bottom of the bomber group in a hurry to intercept the Foxhound group that might jump up to attack from here.

Now the entire escort formation has lost its position, and they have all lost their altitude.At this moment, another interceptor fleet—the frigate bird fleet and the wild wolf fleet all appeared.In front of them, there is an empty space...

The Foxhounds completed the task perfectly, and the entire Japanese bomber fleet was dispersed.Some bombers were judged to be shot down, and some dropped their bombs and ran for their lives—obviously, the enemy plane's attack had been disintegrated, and the safety of the aircraft carrier was guaranteed.It was a textbook interception.The cooperation of the forward radar warning ships and air power has achieved the effect of 1+1>2, becoming a force multiplier for the entire fleet's air defense.

But the matter obviously didn't end, and the enemy fighter jets who had been tricked were closely chasing after Ron's fleet.At this time, Ron could dive directly from 13000 feet, so as to distance himself and escape.But now, the task of tactical training has been completed, and it is time to teach those naval pilots who are only used to horizontal grinding how to use coordination to fight in the air.Under Ron's command, the six planes dispersed into three groups.The enemy planes also scattered and followed.If the opponent is really a Japanese pilot, then the first trick must be the cross of scissors.But now it is the Americans who play the role of the Japanese pilot.They have already understood this tactic in the previous study.Certainly not fooled.However, there are more than one tricks that a seasoned old bird can master.The cross scissors can be horizontal, upward or downward, or between different small formations.One of the groups began to dive down, and when the enemy planes following it also dived down, the group pulled up again.Originally, this was a wrong move—f4f's climb was far inferior to that of Zero War. Not only was it impossible to get rid of it by climbing, but it would also send one's ass to Zero War's gun.But just when the pursuers were getting closer and closer to firing, another group of f4fs rushed over from the slanting stabs, and the two enemy planes that were at a low speed due to the violent climb were judged to be injured and had to withdraw from the battle .At this time, it is of course easy to succeed in chasing the enemy plane that was injured and fled.However, the sudden f4f was followed by a zero battle.Protecting yourself is much more important than destroying the enemy.

The existence of radio makes the cooperation between f4f far more convenient than that between zero battles.By covering each other, f4f gained far more shooting opportunities than before.The crew, and even the fleet, cooperate well with each other. The sturdy body and stronger firepower give the Wildcat the upper hand in simulated air combat for the first time.By the end of the simulated air battle, the f4f side actually achieved a 4-8 result.Although this was not an actual combat, it also encouraged the pilots who had been overwhelmed by the zero battle.However, this is not actual combat after all. In actual combat, the skills of Japanese pilots, whether it is the technology of setting up the aircraft, or the cooperation between them (after all, they have long been accustomed to not having radios) are far better than the American pilots who simulated them.

Practice like this almost every morning.The content involves interception, escort, and attack on ships.In the afternoon is the wrap-up meeting.As for the evening, well, the pilots who have nothing to do get together to brag, play poker, and play billiards. Days passed by like this, monotonous and fulfilling.Now, although he hasn't really competed in the sky, Ron has become more and more respected by everyone in these days.Now it wasn't just those officers who wanted to lure him into the navy.When many pilots met Ron in the restaurant, they would say hello: "Hey, buddy, come to the navy! Our food is better than the army."

At the end of this afternoon's wrap-up meeting, Lieutenant Commander Peterson announced the good news: three days off.Because it is expected that in the evening, they will be able to return to Pearl Harbor.

There was a frenzy of clapping and howling at the news. VF-3 pilot Kenyon shouted: "Beauties! I'm back again, how much I love you!" "I'm going to party in the nightclub until..."

The pilots left the restaurant one after another amidst the noise.When they came to the open deck, they gathered in twos and threes to discuss the activities after going ashore.

Ron also hangs out with three guys.One of them was Ram, whom he had known for a long time, and the other two were two fighter pilots who lived in the same dormitory these days—Petrov and William.Petrov is a Slav. According to his bragging, his grandfather was an aristocrat in Tsarist Russia. After the October Revolution, his family first followed the fearless general Kolchak to the Far East, and then immigrated to America.As for William, according to his own statement, their ancestors were Irish and immigrated to the United States during the Great Famine.

"I said buddy, what are you going to do tonight?" Ram asked.

"Needless to say, of course I'm going to drink. Let me tell you, there is a wine called Flame Girl over there. Not only does it have the most exciting vodka, but it also has more exciting women than vodka..." Petrov swallowed After spitting, he continued: "One of them is Louise, that figure, that..."

"Come on!" William interrupted him, then turned to Ron and said, "Don't listen to him, the wine there is slop and the women are inferior. I know a place where The most authentic Havana cigars, and California wine - the best wine in the United States, tender California steak, and a young girl who can sing and dance as a nurse..."

"Can wine be considered wine? Anyone who can only drink this kind of thing is also considered..."

"In any case, is he more manly than a guy who can't even handle a woman?" William's words probably hit someone's sore spot, and someone's eyes widened and he roared.

"How many times have I told you! That's's just that good men don't fight women..." Perhaps it meant that loud voices would bring more onlookers, and someone's voice gradually became quieter .


During such a conversation, the sun gradually approached the sea surface, dyeing the sea surface crimson.A few frigate birds twittered and flew over the aircraft carrier, and the evening sun gave their white wings a dazzling golden edge.Their appearance indicates that the land is not far away.The sea breeze is also strong, and it seems that the fragrance of coconut trees can be smelled from the wind.

When the sun sank into the sea reluctantly, gathering its last ray of light, leaving only a little dark purple cloud in the western sky, the black silhouette of the island appeared on the sea ahead.Then you can see the lights that light up one after another.Pearl Harbor is just ahead.

The warship docked at the pier.The time is the evening of May 5th. For some reason, it is a few hours earlier than in history.The sailors and pilots who stayed in the small cabin for many days, except for the unlucky ones who had to stay on duty, all swarmed down.

Walking down the gangway and walking across the trestle, Ron's feet finally stood firmly on the solid ground.It had been many days, and he seemed to have gotten used to the faint shaking of his feet.Standing on this solid ground again now gave him a strange feeling.

"Haha, are you not used to walking on the shore?" Petrov said with a smile, "This is the case for people who have been in the sea for a long time. I said, why are you still in the army? You should make up your mind to join our navy."

Ron didn't answer.He was very moved by the importance the navy attached to him, but in the final analysis, he was not a person who was brave enough to make sacrifices.The next big battle, the Battle of Midway, is about to begin.America will win this decisive battle.But if history holds true, the USS Yorktown will sink.Many pilots and sailors will lose their lives.The sea is different from the land. If you parachute over the land, the chance of survival is much higher than that at sea.It is too dangerous to join the navy now and then go to such a battle right away.

But Ron didn't say that.He didn't want to be sent to the Academy of Sciences or the Abnormal Human Research Center for research specimens.

Before going far, there was a louder noise on the York City behind than when it docked just now.Ron and his group looked back and saw many lights illuminating the aircraft carrier York City like daylight, and countless workers and various machinery were boarding the ship in an orderly manner.

When did the navy become so efficient?Petrov and William looked at each other.They also realize that this is not a good sign, which may indicate that they will soon face a decisive battle.

"Hey, Ron!" a cry interrupted everyone's thinking.Looking back, it was Tom and Pato, and brothers Marcos and Curtis were a little behind them.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you!" Ron hurried over, and lightly punched each of these brothers who had been through hardships with him on the chest.

"What are your plans now?" Ron asked.

"Stay overnight at the navy site tonight, and report to the army garrison on the island tomorrow morning. What about you? I heard you..." Tom pouted at Petrov and William who were walking towards this side , "I heard that you made a big splash on their side and stunned them all? What a great job! Besides, I heard that the navy wants to keep you and plans to make you the captain of the regiment?"

"Who said that, nothing." Ron said.The navy has expressed this meaning, but it is absolutely nonsense to say that it is the commander of the wing.Although in these days of drills, I have performed very well in tactical design and on-the-spot command, but that is just a drill, no one will hand over a wing to an outsider who has never even commanded a brigade.If this is the case, don't say that the pilots of the navy will have concerns, even I will feel unconvinced.

"You still said no, you lied to us, you see, the navy clothes are all on."

When Ron and the others fled, it wasn't that they didn't bring a few extra clothes.But when I transferred to the seaplane, I had to discard these clothes due to space constraints.Obviously, it was impossible to wear only the army uniform on his body for so many days, so Ron had to borrow a set of clothes from the navy to wear in rotation.As a result, he was still wearing a sea soul shirt.

"You don't either," said Ron, "don't tell me the Army just changed their clothes to look like you."

Among them, Pato and Marcos are also wearing sea soul shirts.

"We are not the same, don't look at me wearing blue and white stripes, but my heart will always be green."

While they were playing, Petrov and William came over.

"Ron, who are these?" Petrov asked.

"They're all my fellow sufferers, my brothers. They just can't find a place to sleep."

"Sleep? Someone is going to waste time going to sleep?" Petrov made an exaggerated and surprised expression, "God, listen to me guys, it's war time, war, just fucking nature will give you a lot The bad luck of the opportunity to sleep for a long time. Before such an opportunity is shared, shouldn’t you go have a good time? Brothers, listen to me, I know a good place..."

Just as Petrov was spitting and gleefully flickering those army bumpkins who had never seen the world, Ron saw an acquaintance passing by.It was Ram's freshly laundered army uniform and polished new leather shoes, with Ram wrapped inside.With a silly look on his face, he walked without looking sideways, as if he was being inspected.He didn't even hear Ron calling to him.

"You don't need to call him, he looks stupid, it looks like he is going to take an exam." Petrov commented.

This made Petrov right. Ram was indeed going to take an extremely important exam.

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