After Ram returned to the flight team, he talked with his comrades about some analysis of the Japanese aircraft and its tactics by him and Ron, and conducted some tactical exercises on the map.Some of these tactics, especially the two-machine scissors tactic, were praised as creations of genius.In addition, the news from the army confirmed his identity as an ace pilot, so Oscar, the commander of the air wing.Lieutenant Commander Peterson found General Fletcher and asked Ron to talk to everyone.In his words: "Drain his experience while he's still in the navy."

So, Ron was taken by a small boat to the aircraft carrier Yorktown.

As soon as he got on the deck, Ron saw several officers in flight jackets walking towards him.Ron recognized one of them as Ram.

"Hello, sir!" Ron hurriedly saluted them. He noticed that all of these people, except Ram, had the rank of major.

"Well, the young man is good, very energetic!" A tall officer nodded and said after returning the gift, "Rahm talked to us about some of your ideas, and we are very interested... You see, the wind on the deck is too windy, we Or go to the pilot restaurant to talk."

The pilot restaurant is the place where pilots usually stay, especially when there is no combat mission.Although it was not time to eat, there were many people in the restaurant. Many pilots were drinking coffee or playing poker here.Seeing Ron and the others come in, everyone fixed their eyes on Ron.And Ron also faintly heard some discussions

"This is the trump card of the army? It doesn't look like a young man at all."

"The army likes to brag the most, maybe it's blown out..."

Hearing this, Ron's mouth unconsciously showed a smile. He knew that the U.S. Navy and the Army often see each other differently. It is also common for the pilots of the Navy to suspect the Army, but it has not developed into the hatred between the Japanese Army and the Navy. That's all.

Lieutenant Commander Peterson took everyone to sit down at the largest dining table. On his left was John, the commander of the VF-3 Wildcat Squadron.Lieutenant Commander Thatch, on the right is Maxwell, commander of the VB-3 Dreadnought dive bomber unit.Lieutenant Commander Leslie, and Commander Lance of the VT-3 Avenger torpedo bomber unit.Marcy Lieutenant Commander.The main officers of the entire flying wing, except Wallace Jr. who commanded VS-3.Lieutenant Commander Short wasn't there because he was on readiness duty, so it's pretty much all here.The pilots in the restaurant also gathered spontaneously.

"Rahm said that you have some knowledge about Japanese aircraft, especially Zero War... You know, this kind of aircraft has caused a lot of trouble for our team. We think that your experience may be helpful to us. So We hope that you can communicate with us, I think this will not only benefit the navy but also help the army." It was John who commanded the wildcats who spoke.Lieutenant Commander Thatch.

Ron understands that the so-called "trouble" is not just "trouble". The fact is that in the early days of the war, the aircraft of both the US Navy Air Force and the Army Air Force were basically the objects of abuse in the face of Zero War.Historically, in the Battle of Midway Island not long after, although the U.S. Navy achieved a decisive victory, they only shot down 42 Japanese aircraft in the air, but they were shot down by more than 140 aircraft.Apparently, "trouble" is a way of saving face, especially in front of the Army.But Ron also understands this very well, who has no vanity.Seeing that everyone wanted to fight devils, Ron decided to reveal a little bit about the Zero War to them.Of course, he would not say that this is common sense that can be seen everywhere on the Internet in later generations, but he said this as his own conjecture.

"Many colleagues here have encountered Zero War in combat. Zero War is indeed a very good aircraft. It is fast, especially the acceleration is fast, the climb is terrible, and the hovering performance is also very good. No matter In both horizontal and vertical planes, we have an advantage over our p40. I think the situation in the navy may be similar to what I encountered. The first time I encountered zero combat, I was almost stunned. I still remember that I followed the Behind a Zero Fighter, that Zero Fighter began to climb, and then I climbed up, and as I climbed, my speed became lower and lower, and the stall was getting closer and closer. At this time, that Zero Fighter suddenly flipped back, and Occupied my rear hemisphere, and then a storm of bullets kept hitting my plane." Ron looked around and saw many people nodding silently, it seems that many people have encountered this situation .

"In the first battle, I was wounded and a bullet hit me. I was in a coma for a while in the air. When I woke up, the plane was rolling to the left and diving crazily towards the sea. I exhausted all my strength. I just leveled the plane, but fortunately there was no enemy plane chasing me. Later, I spent a period of time in the hospital. During that time, I almost had nightmares every day. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw a Zero Fighter flipping over. My direction at six o'clock." Ron laughed at himself and continued.

"In the hospital, I was also thinking about how I escaped. Why didn't Ri himself shoot me down during the period when I was unconscious, and I got rid of it? Later, I finally figured out how I got rid of Zero fighting."

"Talk about it!" a pilot interjected.

"I think, when I was unconscious, I pressed the control lever forward and left, so the plane did a downward and left barrel roll. Maybe this action saved my life. I have been doing it ever since. I'm thinking about Zero War. I never believed it, and I think you all have the same idea as me." Ron looked up at everyone, "I don't believe that Japan's aviation technology can fully lead us. Therefore, Zero War Your advantage must have come in exchange for paranoia!"

Everyone has a thoughtful look, John.Lieutenant Commander Thatch spoke first: "You mean that the Zero War is an unbalanced aircraft that sacrifices some performances to strengthen others?"

"Yes, sir. That's what I think. I think that Zero War's nose diameter is not large, so it shouldn't have a powerful engine, but he has excellent climb and acceleration. This may be Because its weight is very light. This guess also explains why Zero War has such excellent hovering performance, and why Zero War can fly so far. I don’t know how Ri himself made Zero War It's so light, but I think it's impossible to fly an aircraft this light without making sacrifices in other ways. So I had some guesses."

"Go on, Ron! Come on!"

"My father is an aircraft engineer, so I have some understanding of aircraft design. I think that if an aircraft is particularly light, it may encounter such troubles. First, its airframe structure may have limited strength. , Therefore, its dive speed must not be high, which also explains why Zero Fighter failed to bite me when I dived. And it must be very difficult when it overcomes the propeller torque. The opposite direction, the roll to the left would be sluggish, and the higher the speed the more so. And I was rolling to the left when I was unconscious. That way when I started to roll, he didn't bite right away Me, after he finished the roll to the left and entered the dive, my dive speed has far surpassed him, making him unable to continue chasing me—that’s how I got my life back.”

Having said that, Ron laughed out loud. "I have to say, I'm very lucky."

"Ron, I wonder if you are God's illegitimate child, and the unconscious movements in the temporary coma were wrong." John said.Lieutenant Commander Thatch stood up while speaking, and stretched out his hand across the table to pat Ron on the shoulder, "Kairnes had a similar escape last time. But he didn't conclude anything of value. When he got up and down, his face was as white as a woman's..." It was obvious that he was so happy to know what he could do to get out of Zero War, that he forgot to pay attention to the navy's face in front of the army.

"Sir, you can't slander me like this!" Someone in the crowd protested.

"Come on! We all saw what you looked like at that time." Someone continued to boo.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let Ron continue talking!" Lieutenant Commander Peterson spoke, and everyone fell silent again.

"If you are bitten, the height is not enough and there is not enough space to do the roll and dive, you can also use the problem of the zero-combat roll to use the barrel roll as a defense. Of course, the timing is very important. If you do it late, the shell It hit the body, do it early, people climb up directly, and watch you waste energy there. And the zero battle is too light, which means that the same airflow will interfere with it more. There is really no way, high-speed skimming the sea Escaping is also an option. The airflow close to the sea is changeable, which will make the Zero War tremble badly and interfere with its shooting. In addition, its machine gun is very weak, the shooting speed of the machine gun is not high, and the ballistic curve is the same as piss ( laughing all around). This way we have a greater chance of escaping.”

"However, wars are not won by running away. Now I will talk about some of my thoughts on how to fight a zero battle. In the original army, I have tried this way, and the effect is very good. I think the zero battle is so light, Its protection must also have problems. Even, maybe it doesn’t even have a self-closing fuel tank. It’s just that we didn’t have the opportunity to shoot at it before, because we couldn’t go around its six points. It’s too flexible, and this flexibility is it protection."

"That's right, even if you know it has no armor, it's not in vain if you can't hit it."

"I think it's really difficult to deal with a zero battle with a single machine, so you can rely on group cooperation to protect each other. For this reason, I designed such a tactic..." Here, Ron once again shamelessly used other people's future creations for oneself.

"Facts have proved that whether it is a dive attack, a hit and run, or a scissors cross that protects each other at 6 points, they all have good effects." Ron ended his experience introduction with such a sentence.He looked around at the audience, did they all show thoughtful expressions.It seems that their experience beyond time and space is very inspiring to them.

Ron's lecture made him gain considerable respect among naval pilots, and on the second day, when the pilots were conducting tactical exercises together, this respect rose further, almost turning into respect.

Today's tactical exercise is actually a review of the Coral Sea Battle that just passed.We use this to analyze the problems exposed in the battle to improve the efficiency of the next battle.This is extremely important for the flying unit, and it is also very critical for the entire fleet.So General Fletcher, the commander of the fleet, was also present.Ron originally only intended to listen with his ears, but unexpectedly, after a general review of the entire battle process, General Fletcher actually asked him to talk about his views by name.

"I think we have some problems in this battle. Some of our advantages have not been fully utilized." After being named by General Fletcher, Ron began to express his views as if he was driving a donkey to the shelf-in fact, it was Some of the irrigation content he saw in the forums of later generations.

"First of all, Japan itself is not sure about the existence of our fleet. This is a big advantage. We can hide on the one hand and use the long range of the land-based b17 to help search for targets. Waiting for Japan's carrier-based aircraft After attacking the port, use the windows of their recovery planes to attack them." Ron raised his head and looked at General Fletcher, the veteran in his 50s frowned.

"Does he think I'm going too far? Think I'm blaming his command?" Ron thought, "Maybe it's better not to say these spamming content from the future website."

"That's a good idea," the general said as if sensing Ron's hesitation, "Go on. This battle is the first battle between aircraft carriers in history. We have no experience before, so there must be many problems."

"Okay, General." Ron looked at General Fletcher, and he seemed to see a little appreciation in his eyes, so he decided to continue.

"We took the initiative to attack an unimportant anchorage by mistake. Although it hit Ri himself, it also exposed the existence of the fleet. This was our first mistake. Secondly, our pilots' interpretation of the Ri warship There was a problem, and the light carrier was recognized as a fleet carrier. This directly affected the follow-up operations. Our pilots later misjudged that the enemy fleet carrier was severely damaged or even sunk, which affected the combat arrangements. Of course... ...This is the first aircraft carrier battle after all, so it is normal for lack of experience to have such omissions." Although he is the army and the navy are two systems, Ron does not intend to offend them for no reason.

"Training in this area must be further strengthened." It was Maxwell who interjected.Lieutenant Commander Leslie

"We have radar, which gives us an advantage when intercepting enemy aircraft. But this advantage is not fully utilized. We set up the intercept point so close that our interceptor aircraft will even be attacked by fleet anti-aircraft artillery. .” John.Lieutenant Commander Thach said, "I think our interception point should be earlier. It can be done at this position earlier, based on time calculation."

"That's right, so our anti-aircraft artillery department doesn't have to worry about hitting our own people."

"And when we intercepted, it was too easy to get entangled with the escorting Zero Fighter, and as a result, too many bombers ran over. The enemy's altitude is about 13000 feet at this time. If we can climb higher here, Climb to 16000 feet, and then dive from this height to the bomber at high speed. Zero War can attack us head-on once at most. As Ron said yesterday, Zero War's machine gun has a curved trajectory, and its efficiency in head-on shooting is far inferior to ours. And once staggered, their dive speed is not as good as ours, and even if they appear at our six points, they will not be able to pursue us, so that we can teach those bombers an unforgettable lesson more effectively."

"But to climb to 16000 feet, is there enough time?"

"General, unless the pre-warning time can be extended by more than 5 minutes, it will be difficult for the fighter force to climb to such a height while expanding the interception range." John.Lieutenant Commander Thatch replied.

"Oh, this is indeed a problem." The general pondered, "Anyone of you have any opinions."

"General,..." Ron said, "I want to know, does the navy have any destroyers equipped with radars? If so, we can put some of these ships in a dangerous direction that the enemy may attack, as the eyes of the fleet. Of course In this way, the ships ahead will be more dangerous, just like..." Ron stopped talking, he almost mentioned the Falkland Islands and the destroyer Sheffield.

"Ron, your idea is good, but now the navy only has radars on cruisers, not every one has them, and the loss of their anti-aircraft firepower is not small, and their number is limited, it is difficult to take care of too much The direction. But we can order and modify a batch of such destroyers in the future." General Fletcher nodded.

"General, the radars are too large for existing destroyers to accommodate them."

"Ah, that's not something we're worried about. It's up to the shipyard to consider. We just need to make a request."

"In fact, as long as there are enough radars, we can also cut out one of the rear main guns of the destroyer, so that it can basically be installed. This kind of modification can even be carried out in Pearl Harbor." Another officer added.


The meeting ended successfully after heated discussions, and the participating officers and soldiers said: This is a meeting of unity, a meeting of victory, and a meeting from victory to victory.After the meeting, the officers and soldiers said that they must seriously study and understand the spirit of the meeting, strengthen their studies, and make continuous progress...

The meeting was over and Ron got up to leave like everyone else.Just then, he heard someone calling him.

"Lieutenant Ron, can you walk on the deck with me?"

Ron turned his head and saw that it was General Fletcher who was speaking.He nodded to the general, "Yes, General!"

The deck of an aircraft carrier was originally the busiest and most dangerous place in the world, but now because of a bomb, it is basically impossible for the plane to take off and land.So now the deck is quiet, only the sea breeze is blowing, bringing the sound of seagulls.As far as the eye can see is the boundless and calm sea, it is almost noon at this time, and you can see the hot tropical sun jumping between the waves.

"Ron, how old are you this year?" General Fletcher asked while leaning on the railing and looking at the sea in the distance.

"General, I am, um, about 25 years old. I have been in the army for 3 years."

"About 25? Haha, this is the first time I've heard such an answer." General Fletcher turned his face away, leaned his body sideways on the railing, and said with a smile.

"General, last time the plane crashed, I bumped my head, and as a result, I was often a little confused about the past."

"It turns out that's the case. Fortunately, your head is not damaged." The general laughed, "at least it is much better than I was back then. I joined the navy when you were about your age. Back then, my head was full. I always thought that maybe there would be a war soon, and I would have a chance to become a hero. In the end, a big war came, but nothing happened to our navy, so I waited, year after year, until I was old, I thought I was leaving the navy, but it turned out to be a war. But do you know?"

The general shook his head, smiled, and continued: "You know, when this war, this war that I have been waiting for and preparing for for decades finally came, I didn't feel excited at all. .Instead..." The general paused, as if he was considering what words to use, "Instead...I felt at a loss instead. Yes, I was at a loss. For decades, I have been preparing for a Rideland-style The decisive battle of the battle—battle line, formation maneuver, seize the thead, organize artillery fire. For decades, all I have dreamed is the roar of battleship cannons. As a result, when the war started, I realized that I was prepared Things that have been cherished for decades, and things that have been cherished for decades, are like, um, have you seen "Gone with the Wind"?"

"Yes, General. Saw the movie."

"Oh, as it said in "Gone with the Wind", the world of ladies and knights has...then what does it say?"

"I'm sorry, General, I don't remember this sentence." After all, Ron didn't study literature, so he could remember it everywhere.At most, I can remember the beautiful and stubborn heroine.

"It's okay, anyway, anyway, everything I am familiar with is like being blown away by a gust of wind. Look at how many mistakes I made in this battle. If it is still a decisive battle... It seems that I am really old, and I actually like to fight with you. Young people talk about this." The general smiled self-deprecatingly, "Well, let's stop talking, this is not the era of old gunners. Ron, this era belongs to you sky knights."

The general stood up straight, facing Ron.He stretched out his hand and patted him heavily on the shoulder, "Young man, not bad! You have technology, and more importantly, you have brains! This is your era, seize it!"

After finishing speaking, General Fletcher slowly turned around, walked towards the bridge, and walked to the hatch, where a sailor opened the hatch for him.He turned around again, and said to Ron with a smile: "If you want, I can ask you to come to the Navy. In the Pacific Ocean, the Navy has a better chance... Don't rush to answer, you can think about it."

After speaking, the general winked narrowly at him, then walked in.

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