New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 55, Meeting and the "Red Flag Military Exercise"

When Tom went to Washington to receive the Medal of Honor, he flew through Hawaii.In fact, when he arrived in Hawaii, it was still early for the ceremony in Washington.The reason why he was allowed to come to Hawaii so early was simply because Tom's injury was just healed, but his demeanor was not very good.If it appears in front of the public at that time, the relevant departments feel that it will affect the image of the US Army, especially the Marine Corps.Besides, people from the Army also received the Medal of Honor together. The upper echelons of the Marine Corps felt that their soldiers must look more spirited than the Army.In addition, Tom's previous records were not very good, and he hadn't read any books, so he would habitually swear when talking to others.If it was time to present the awards, and he made a dirty statement in public, then he would have to embarrass the Marine Corps.So the Marine Corps arranged for him to take a good rest in Hawaii for a while, receive relevant training by the way, and then go to Washington.

When it comes to face-saving projects, Americans are not as unskilled as we usually imagine.In fact, just look at how Second Lieutenant Shesskopf in "No. 20 Catch-[-]" made a marching queue without waving his hands.It didn't take long for Tom to learn that the damn etiquette training was worse than going to war.

It's better for the army. Ron can only recuperate in peace and stability. Although he has also received an order to return to the United States to receive the Medal of Honor, the army has not specially arranged etiquette training for him.After all, looking at Ron's resume, he is a genuine college student.This degree was still very good at the time, and people with this degree had also received basic etiquette training, so Ron had a lot of leisure time.

The compound drug therapy has indeed worked. Ron's condition has basically recovered, but he still needs to be hospitalized for a period of time for observation.Because malaria often relapses, although falciparum malaria basically does not have this kind of problem, it is always right to be careful.Because there was actually nothing to do, and as a result, the visiting time was extended.All morning his ward was filled with visitors, old comrades from the Navy and other visitors.During the period, Hailan also came twice, but didn't stay for long.She told Ron that the company was trying to market an automatic rifle that used intermediate-power cartridges through the Marine Corps.

At 12 o'clock in the morning on December 3rd, Ron boarded a transport plane to the North American continent.As soon as he got on the plane, Ron saw an acquaintance at a glance: Hailan was sitting in a seat near the wing in the cabin. She threw her cowboy hat casually on the empty seat next to her, and she was turning her head. Looking forward through the side porthole.

Ron walked over, picked up the hat she had thrown on the chair next to him, and said:

"Miss, is there anyone here?"

"Oh, it's someone's!" Hailan turned her head quickly, and seeing that it was Ron, her impatient eyes suddenly brightened.

"Ron!...Why did you come up, in a few minutes, you will miss the plane."

"Ah, I was a little delayed at the terminal just now... Is there anyone here? Then where should I go?" Ron said with a smile.

"There is someone!" Hailan straightened her face, her eyes bulged out, and she stared at Ron viciously, "Go over there!"

"Hehe, anyway, there's no one else here, so I'll sit down first." With a wicked smile, Ron sat down next to Hai Lan, and waved her cowboy hat like a fan.

"It's disgusting, like a fly..." Hailan pretended to be angry, and snatched the hat from Ron's hand. While tidying the hat carefully, she whispered without raising her head, "I hate it." , broke everyone's hat!"

"Hey, I'm going to accept the highest medal, how do you feel?" After a moment of silence, Hailan asked in a low voice.

"Oh, it's pretty good. There will be free air tickets in the future. It's a pity that the law stipulates that this item cannot be sold, otherwise it would be good to transfer it to you. You always need to fly around."


Ron raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was almost time to take off.

"Well, the plane is about to take off, aren't you in a hurry?"

"What are you in a hurry for?" Hailan asked puzzled.

"People here." Ron pointed to the chair under his buttocks, "If he doesn't come up, he will miss the plane."

"If you miss it, you miss it, let him die." Hailan replied with a smile.

At this moment, someone really boarded the plane again.But the person who came up was obviously not the one who made an appointment with Hailan.He was wearing a Marine Corps uniform, and as soon as he came up, he went straight to an empty seat next to him.

"Hey, Tom!" Ron recognized the person who came up and hurriedly said hello.

"Ah, Mr. Ron, you are also on this plane." Tom replied, walking to his side.

"Oh, this is Sergeant Tom," Tom introduced to Hailan, "a warrior of the Marine Corps. This time he will receive the Medal of Honor when he returns home."

Then he was about to introduce Hailan to Tom, when he turned his head, he saw Tom stammering, "Ah...Miss Hailan...I didn't meet you..."

"You know each other?" Ron asked suspiciously.

"Hello, Tom." Hai Lan stood up gracefully, and stretched out her hand to Tom.Tom, a little flustered, reached out to shake her hand.

"Tom and I did some small business in New York and Mexico in the company where Tom worked. At that time, I really didn't see that he would be so good on the battlefield." After Tom left in a hurry and ran away, he explained to Ron explain.

The plane took off, and the journey from Hawaii to the North American continent was still long.After chatting indiscriminately for a while, everyone gradually became sleepy...

A slight jolt woke Ron up.He found that Hailan rested her head on his shoulder, soundly asleep...

The plane landed in San Francisco.Hailan still has affairs to deal with locally, and Ron has to rush to Washington. Before meeting the president, he still needs to report to his immediate boss, General Arnold.

The next day Ron took a different plane to Washington.After a night's rest, on December 12th, Army Aviation sent a car to take him to the Pentagon to meet General Arnold.

General Arnold was the founder of the U.S. Army Air Forces, which would later become the U.S. Air Force.He has always believed that: due to the emergence of air power, warfare has become three-dimensional.Air power can attack the enemy's ground forces and surface ships on a large scale, and can penetrate deep into the enemy's strategic rear, destroying the enemy's rear supplies, industrial economy, transportation hubs, and even densely populated central cities, destroying the enemy's will to resist as a whole.Therefore, there is no need to invade and occupy the enemy's territory at all, and air power alone can force the enemy to surrender and thus end the war.

Under the influence of his thoughts, although the United States has not yet established a large air force, it has established the largest aviation force in the world.This force continued to prove its value in World War II and became a nightmare for the entire Axis powers.Because of his outstanding contribution, he was promoted to the army five-star general after the war.Later, after the Air Force became a separate army, he was awarded the rank of five-star general of the Air Force.

But now, General Arnold's rank is only lieutenant general.However, his aviation team has shown great effect, which makes his promotion to admiral almost imminent.

Led by a lieutenant officer, Ron walked into the general's office.

"Your Excellency General, Lieutenant Colonel Ron is reporting to you!" Ron raised his hand to salute the general.

"Ah, here comes our hero." The general raised his hand to the brim of his hat as a salute, "Sit down, let's chat."

Ron sat down.

"I told you that you had malaria not long ago, how are you doing now?"

"It's all right, General!"

"What do you think of the prospects of this war? Where do you think the most important battlefield for our Army Aviation is?" It was strange that the general didn't ask much about the situation in Guadalcanal, but instead asked such a question.

Ron looked at General Arnold suspiciously, and then began to think about this question.

According to the history of World War II that he knows, he knows that the current Pacific Ocean is not yet an ideal battlefield for Army Aviation, and there is no airport for Army Aviation's strategic bombers to attack strategic targets.And attacking moving targets such as warships is not competent for the four-engine strategic bombers of Army Aviation.Now the most important battlefield of Army Aviation is in Europe.There, there is a very suitable base, and bombers taking off from Britain, whether it is b-17 or b-24, can drop bombs on the hinterland of fascist Germany.In addition, among the enemies of the United States, Germany is the first in any case, and Europe first and then Asia is also the national policy that the United States has always adhered to in wars.

"General, it's Europe!" Ron replied firmly, "Because there are the most suitable bases and the most suitable targets there!"

"Haha, you got the point." The general said happily, "There is just one more question, I want to ask you, because you are the best fighter ace of our army aviation." General Arnold then asked:

"The British have always chosen to bomb German targets at night, but the effect is very poor. We want to carry out precise bombing during the day, only in this way can we ensure the effect of strategic bombing. But this also means that we will face stronger interception forces. From From your combat situation in Guadalcanal, the daytime bombing launched by the Japanese against you suffered heavy losses after being intercepted. Therefore, some people have a lot of concerns about daytime air strikes, do you think daytime air strikes are feasible?"

"General, the anti-air attack on Guadalcanal Island is not comparable to the anti-air attack on the European mainland." Ron thought for a while and gave this answer.

"First of all, the Japanese bombers were extremely wrong in terms of design thinking. They actually tried to let the bombers use maneuverability to avoid fighter jets. But this is impossible. No matter how flexible the bombers are, they cannot compare with fighter jets. And In order to meet their mobility requirements, they must have weakened the aircraft's defenses and self-defense firepower. The result is that even a few . Our bombers are extremely strong, and their self-defense firepower is also very strong. This is the first difference..."

Ron talked for a long time in one breath, including the difference in the altitude of the combat airspace, the defects of German aircraft, and so on.But in the end, Ron said honestly: "If the fighter jets are not escorted, the bombers will lose a lot. We urgently need a long-range escort fighter jet."

"Can the p-38 perform such a mission?" the general asked.

"I'm afraid not. The p-38 is more suitable for interception missions. If it is an escort, its roll is too slow, and it is easy for the enemy to find a gap to attack the bomber."

"Ron, we have a mission for you." The general said after listening to Ron's answer, "I'll give you a fighter unit, and you will take them to imitate those Germans, and let all the bomber units I come to your place to practice before the Germans, to get acquainted with the state of being intercepted. What do you think?"

"Oh my god!" Ron's eyes widened, almost popping out of their sockets, "Could this old man also be a time traveler? Why did he suddenly use the simulated enemy army and Red Flag Exercise 1 all of a sudden?" Got it out?"

Notes: 1 Red Flag Exercise A mainly Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and Eielson Air Red Flag Exercise in Alaska


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