New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 54, Using Special Food Reserves

The little Riben in Guadalcanal Island is indeed so hungry that it wants to eat people.With the strengthening of the Cactus Air Force, the Japanese soldiers on the island can get less and less supplies, and with the increase of night-fighting torpedo planes, it is quite dangerous to use destroyers to transport supplies even at night.Since entering November, several destroyers have been damaged or even sunk.

The navy is no longer interested in fighting Guadalcanal, and it would be too uneconomical to lose valuable warships for it.In order to reduce the loss of warships, in late November, the 11th Fleet of the Japanese Army invented and experimented with a so-called "iron barrel transportation", that is, to put food, medicine and other materials into iron barrels, but only half of them were filled, so that the iron The barrel can float in the water, then seal it, connect it with ropes, fix it on the deck of the ship, put it into the water in the designated sea area, use the tide to float to Guadalcanal Island, and then be recovered by the troops on the island with small boats.In this way, the warship does not need to stop to unload, and the safety is naturally greatly improved.In order to further ensure safety, the Navy changed the warships transporting goods from destroyers to submarines.In this way, there is basically no danger of losing warships.Of course, the traffic volume has also dropped a lot.However, the army and the others are on a tropical island rich in products, can't they do it themselves and have ample food and clothing?There are so many coconut trees on Guadalcanal, wouldn't you climb the trees to pick coconuts and eat them?

If Staff Officer Tsuji Masanobu, who is now starving on Guadalcanal, heard the navy's remarks, he would probably faint from anger.Is our army so stupid?If there are coconuts to eat, can so many people starve to death?Don't even look at what time it is, are there coconuts on the tree?Even if there is, where is it enough for more than 3 people to eat every day?

living comfortably without anybody's help?The imperial army has proved time and time again on Guadalcanal that human beings are definitely the predators with the widest feeding range and the highest level, which are at the top of the food chain. The various animals on the island first crawl on the ground and swim in the water. Yes, and then there were those flying in the sky, all of which were eaten by the imperial army. Later, even the insects of various colors, and even the flying mosquitoes and flies, were almost wiped out by the army.Even the fish schools near the sea were almost caught by the imperial army.Later, those Japanese soldiers who survived on Guadalcanal Island basically became masters of night fishing.What is the bait for?Use earthworms or clamworms?But those of you who have never been hungry, how can you be willing to use such a good thing, and don't eat it quickly!Our imperial army used something borrowed from our teammates who starved to death.

Although the methods are exhausted, 3 mouths are not so easy to deal with. The number of Japanese imperial troops starving to death is increasing day by day. Now it is time to use the special food reserves brought to them by Staff Masanobu Tsuji.

These days, Jin Shuji always felt a little restless, as if something terrible was about to happen.Recently, those soldiers looked at them with weird eyes, obviously with a kind of greedy desire.In fact, Jin Shuji has seen similar eyes a lot. In the past, every soldier who came to the comfort station had similar eyes.But this time was different, this time their eyes were colder, as cold as a knife.This look also reminded Jin Shuji of the scene when she met a hungry wolf at the foot of the mountain when she was only thirteen or fourteen years old.That wolf will always follow her not too far away, wanting to eat her meat.She was so frightened that she almost died, but luckily she had a machete in her hand, which gave her the courage to go to the village; but she will always remember the wolf's eyes, fierce and cowardly, gleaming like two will-o'-the-wisps, as if From a distance, it penetrated her flesh.Now, the eyes of those soldiers are exactly the same as that of the hungry wolf.

The Guadalcanal Comfort Station received a special order: in order to boost morale, all comfort women went to each unit to provide services to the soldiers.Kim Sook-hee was sent to a certain unit with another North Korean comfort woman who was two years younger than her.

Early in the morning, the men sent by the army to fetch them arrived.There were four people who came to fetch them, led by a lieutenant—they were all emaciated.Of course, Jin Shuji and the others are also skinny.Do people like this still need "comfort".

According to the military order, Jin Shuji and them went on the road.Along the way, except for the one who led the way, the other three fell behind them, as if they were trying to prevent them from escaping.Moreover, the eyes of these Japanese soldiers looking at them are also very special, as if they are greedy and joyful.

The road is not very far, but because everyone has no strength, it took about an hour and a half to get there.The four led them through the camp until they came to a corner.Along the way, all the Japanese soldiers: those who can walk, those who can’t walk, those who can still stand up, those who can’t stand up and can still sit, and those who can’t even sit up, and those who can only open their eyes are all there Staring at them with those wolf-like eyes made Jin Shuji's hairs stand on end.

The northeast corner of the campsite is where the kitchen is, where iron pans and other things are piled up, but these things have not been used for a long time.But now, the big iron pot was set up again, and everyone in the pot had already boiled, steaming hot.

"Sister, did they bring us here to help us cook?"

Jin Shuji didn't answer, but the uneasiness became more and more intense.Her body began to tremble, and her heart seemed to be about to jump out of her chest.

The officer who had been leading them all the time turned around. He first bowed ninety degrees to each of them, and then he said in a flustered tone, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I'm sorry... we don't want to... but... everyone is too hungry... so... I can only ask you... thank you... thank you so much"

"But, what exactly do we want us to do?" The younger one still didn't understand.She turned to look at Jin Shuji, only to find that she was standing there blankly, trembling like a leaf in a storm.

Now Jin Shuji fully understands that those Japanese want to eat her just like that wolf.She wanted to run, but her fear made her unable to move her legs. She wanted to shout loudly, but she couldn't open her mouth no matter what.She exhausted all her strength, and finally shouted to the half-old child who called her sister:

"Run!, they want to eat you!"

Shouting this sentence almost exhausted all her strength, Jin Shuji felt her legs go limp, her eyes darkened, and she passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, Jin Shuji slowly woke up.It was very dark all around, and I couldn't see anything, maybe it was already in the dark.But she immediately felt as if she was tied to a big tree, her mouth was blocked, and she could not move her whole body except her head.Could it be that he will suffer something terrible when he arrives in the underworld?

At this moment, the moon came out from the clouds, and her bleak light penetrated through the woods, illuminating the little clearing in the woods.It also let Jin Shuji know that she is not dead yet.

The first thing that caught Jin Shuji's eyes was the cauldron. The lid was open, but there was no heat coming out of it.The black cauldron looked like a bottomless abyss, as if it was going to swallow her in one gulp.

"Why am I not dead yet?" The fact that she was not dead did not bring any comfort to Jin Shuji, and even this discovery made her even more frightened.She struggled desperately, but they were tied so tightly that she couldn't get away.

While she was struggling to twist her body, she saw the reason why she was not dead:

A pair of pale arms were hanging not far from her, swinging in the fetid night wind of the jungle.She recognized those arms.Just this morning, those arms helped her on the way here again, and the owner of those arms called her sister sweetly...

In addition to the arms, there are many other things: thighs, ribs...all were smeared with salt by Ri himself and hung up.It seems that maybe they can't eat so much at one time, or maybe the imperial army has learned how to save food.

The next day, Jin Shuji was still tied here. She saw with her own eyes how those soldiers chopped up the hanging arms into small pieces and put them into the cauldron.She wanted to shout to those people, but her mouth was blocked, and none of those people turned to look at her.Sometimes someone would come and remove the rag that was gagging her mouth and give her some water to drink.But once the water was finished, they gagged her and walked away.Never talk to her, never even look her in the eye.

The third day... the fourth day... As the half-grown girl had fewer and fewer parts left, Jin Shuji understood that death was getting closer and closer to her.And Jin Shuji herself is constantly looking forward to and even longing for the arrival of that day.

The time drew near, and the last bit of flesh left by the half-grown girl was eaten.That evening, a few people came to her side, bringing a knife and a wooden basin—that was used to catch her blood—blood is also a precious food, and it must not be wasted.Because there is life in blood, life is in blood, blood symbolizes life, blood is life! (Refer to "400 Years of Surprise")

Those people bowed to her in turn, and then they didn't know what to say, but she didn't have the energy to listen.She was untied from the tree, one person took off her blouse, pulled her hair, stretched her neck as far as possible, and pulled her over the tub, while the other person held a sharp knife in one hand, The other hand was groping for the carotid artery on her neck, while the others held her firmly.

Jin Shuji felt that the man's hand stopped somewhere on her neck, and then, a sharp knife with a cold touch touched there, Jin Shuji closed her eyes silently.

However, the expected severe pain did not come as expected. On the contrary, with a gunshot, many hot things splashed on her body...

Since the end of November, Vandergrift's 11st Marine Division has fully switched to a counter-offensive. Not only have they continuously compressed the Japanese position, but they have also sent many elite squads to continuously attack the Japanese.Sometimes, under the leadership of a bold captain, they would even cross the front line to attack the Japanese army behind the front line.

Tom and Jerry are in such a squad, and Sergeant Tom is the captain of the squad.His team consists of 8 soldiers: a machine gunner equipped with a Browning automatic rifle, a deputy shooter equipped with an M1 carbine, 5 infantrymen equipped with Springfield rifles (among them, Jerry is a sniper), and another Plus myself with a Chicago typewriter.

It has been four days since they went deep into the enemy's front line. This is the second Japanese camp they attacked.During the reconnaissance, they found that the condition of the Japanese army in this camp seemed to be much better than that of the previous camp, as if they still had something to eat.A closer look brings them a shocking discovery: the Japanese army is eating people!They've already eaten one woman, and there's another woman tied up next to it, who might be due for the next meal.

Tom has always felt that he is not a good person. He has been in the underworld, bought marijuana, and done things like prostitution, and used a Chicago typewriter to fight Italians in New York.But this was the first time he had seen such a terrible thing.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, if someone told him such a story, he would definitely kick that guy into Hollywood to become a third-rate bad screenwriter.

Time was running out, Sergeant Tom had a hasty discussion with his subordinates, and then launched an attack, just in time to save Jin Shuji.Then Heavy Stam carried her while Tom and the others took cover.A large number of full-fledged Japanese followed closely behind, gunshots, and the explosion of grenades rang together.In the fierce firefight, one after another malnourished and slow-moving Japanese soldiers (drinking broth for a few days was not enough to make them recover immediately) were knocked to the ground, but the squad went deep into the enemy's line and was in danger of being surrounded .At the critical moment, Tom ordered Jerry to take the team back, and he grabbed Stam's Browning automatic rifle and fired continuously, attracting the attention of the Japanese army and leading them in the opposite direction.

Under the leadership of Jerry, he took the woman they rescued and ran towards the direction of the US military.The gunshots got farther and farther away from them, and it seemed that Tom had successfully distracted them.The squad returned to the American camp a day later, but Tom did not return.Everyone is worried about him.The next day, he still didn't come back.By four days, everyone thought he was dead, and General Vandergrift was even ready to write a letter to his parents.In the evening of this day, Tom returned to the camp with many injuries and dying.

Because of Tom's bravery, tenacity, self-sacrifice, and fearless spirit in this battle, he became the first soldier of the [-]st Marine Division to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor, the highest honor in the United States.He was also one of the few soldiers in the Marine Corps who survived to receive this medal in the entire war.The rescued Kim Sook-hee became the living evidence of such violence (that) by the Japanese army. The interview with her caused a sensation in the United States. Later, she also participated in the trial of Japanese war criminals by the Tokyo military court as a witness. Watching the criminals who started the war were hanged one by one.

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