New World War II Eagle Strikes the Sky

Chapter 36, the storm will rise

Two p-38s were flying along the coastline of Guadalcanal Island. At 10 o'clock last night, the Tokyo Express (the nickname given to the Japanese destroyer fleet by the US military in Guadalcanal Island) arrived again as scheduled and bombarded the airport.However, the power of the destroyer's 5-inch guns is really limited, and it hardly caused any damage to the airport.The hole on the runway was filled in less than two hours.

However, whenever the Tokyo Express arrives, it usually means that Japan will go to the island at night.So early in the morning Ron and Billy came out in the p-38 to make rounds.Because there is no air supremacy, there is no way to build any port facilities in the area occupied by Japan itself.That run is the easiest temporary dock.Therefore, if you want to transport things ashore, you can only move these materials from the transport ship to the sampan, and then use the sampan to send them ashore.This is very inefficient and time consuming.And these things are always piled on the beach on the shore first after they are sent ashore, and then transported to a hidden place on the island.In many cases, it was dawn before the supplies could be removed.As a result, I saw a group of American planes flying in the sky, and then the incendiary bombs and things kept falling down, and the supplies that had not been removed, especially the food, were on those hungry people whose chests were stuck to their backs. The devils were burned to ashes under their noses.

"Sir, look there! It's 11 o'clock."

Ron has also seen that there are still a lot of supplies piled up on the beach over there, piled here and there.A large group of Japanese soldiers are carrying those things box by box.Seen from the air, those ri themselves are like a group of yellow ants moving.

Apparently, Ri himself saw the plane, so some people started to throw away the things in their hands and run, while others hugged the things in their hands tightly and ran towards the jungle.Some people actually raised the [-] caps in their hands, ready to shoot into the air.

"Damn! Damn you think you're the golden sun." Ron complained silently in his heart.

There are three 38-pound incendiary bombs hanging under the belly of Ron and Billy's p-3.Swooping down at low altitude, 500 incendiary bombs burned the supplies on the beach into a sea of ​​flames.

Under the hateful eyes of the Japanese, the two p-38s slowly turned their heads and continued to hover over these materials: the things have not been burned up yet, and they cannot leave yet.Otherwise, Ri himself will come out to put out the fire and grab things.And not only did the two P-38s not leave, but after a while, several dreadnought bombers came.All of a sudden, the hope of eating rice balls was shattered.

Fujisaki Shun hasn't eaten anything normal for several days.He came to the island at the end of August on the Tokyo Express.When he landed on the island that night, he was still full of confidence, thinking that as long as he showed Yamato's spirit, he would be able to beat the beautiful animals to pieces.But after going to the island, he discovered that Yamato's spirit doesn't work all the time.For example, when the stomach is full, it is not very effective.Some supplies were brought to the island with him.But the quantity is very limited.And if there are too many, you can't move them away.It didn't take long for the supplies to run out.In the area where the Japanese army is stationed, there are very few wild animals now.When he first came to the island, once when he was chatting with a veteran surnamed Matsuda who had stayed on the island for a while, a big red and black centipede about one foot long suddenly appeared from under the rotten leaves not far away. crawled out.The old soldier's eyes lit up immediately, he pulled out his bayonet, jumped on it with a dive, and nailed the covered centipede to the ground with one blow.Fujisaki was surprised when he saw the old soldier dig out the poisonous glands and fangs on the head of the centipede with a sharp knife, then he glanced at Fujisaki and said, "Mr. Fujisaki, you want half of it too? Crunchy, chicken flavor."

Fujisaki was so scared that he backed up again and again, almost sitting on the ground. "Mr. Matsuda, are you joking?"

"You don't want to eat? Ah, that's great." Matsuda hurriedly stuffed the centipede into his mouth and began to chew it.

At that time, Fujisaki was still very surprised, but now thinking of the half centipede, Fujisaki regretted it terribly, and his stomach became more and more hungry.

When the materials arrived last night, Fujisaki originally planned to carry the rice first, but was ordered to carry other important materials first.As a result, the rice was burned in vain.Although Fujisaki was once full of hope for victory after seeing those important supplies, he also knew that he might not have the chance to go back. He has no son yet, and his parents have passed away long ago.There is only one 15-year-old sister named Sizhi in the family.Before coming to Guadalcanal, he received a letter from her family, mentioning that Japan is also very short of supplies and often hungry.This also made him very worried.


Since the outbreak of the war, Hailan has become the pillar of the newspaper office.As a woman, she kept showing up on the frontlines where the war was raging, and from there came impassioned report after report.This made her a celebrity herself.In particular, some women's liberation activists took her as an example to prove their point of view.Hailan is also very good at using this position to continuously bring extra benefits to the big poisonous snake.

This time, when she heard that on September 9th, after Ron and the others won another air battle, she immediately proposed to come to the island for interviews like relevant parties.However, due to the sudden arrival of an important customer from the company, the trip was delayed, and I did not come to the island again until today.

In this interview, both Ron and Vandergrift became supporting characters.The Vulcan cannon of the boa constrictor seems to have become the protagonist.Both Ron and Vandergrift were full of praise for it.Other pilots also demanded that their planes be equipped with Vulcan cannons.This situation really, um, made Hailan smile all over her face.The radiant look has fascinated many soldiers and pilots.

Everyone thought that Hailan was happy for the victory of the United States, but Ron knew that what really made her happy was the possibility of Vulcan Cannon getting an order after this battle.The Soviets learned about the boa constrictor weapon through the Spanish War.Although the boa constrictor's rifle made the Soviets very disdainful.But those black-hearted anti-personnel mines designed by the boa constrictor are deeply loved by the Russians.These mines have ceramic casings, which make them almost impossible to spot with mine detectors.And the power is very, um, very appropriate.It never blows up any enemies.Because it has very little charge, its power is just enough to blow up a leg.But it's better than being blown up.Anyway, if he is crippled, he won't be able to go to the battlefield, and the enemy has to spend money to treat that unlucky guy, and at least two people have to be used to carry him down.This means that if a thunder strikes on the battlefield, the opponent will permanently lose one person, and temporarily lose two people.What's more, this guy's tragic situation will seriously damage the morale of the enemy.In Spain, when the Soviets came into contact with this thing for the first time, they saw that the charge was so small, and the first reaction was that the imperialist capitalists were really black-hearted, and when they witnessed the effect of this thing, their reaction was The hearts of the imperialist capitalists are so dark that it is unimaginable.Later, the Soviets also began to copy this small anti-personnel mine.Recently, a Soviet purchasing group came to the United States. The Soviets who remembered the mines of the boa constrictor even made a special trip to the boa constrictor, but they also fell in love with the powerful Vulcan anti-aircraft gun.The Soviets have an almost morbid obsession with the density of firepower. The only dissatisfaction is that the caliber is too small.They strongly demanded that they get a larger caliber, at least 30mm, and it would be even better if they could get a 37mm or even 57mm.It is said that after hearing the number of 57mm, the company's technicians fainted several times.

Hearing that the Soviets wanted to purchase the weapons of the boa constrictor, Ron suddenly remembered the two most classic Soviet weapons he had seen in his previous life. How happy he would be if he copied them first and sold them back to those old men.So he told Hailan that he had a new idea for a weapon, and he would come up with it in a few days, and let the company's after-sales personnel take it back for a try.

While Ron was busy thinking about how to make more money, Ri himself was not idle. After the big air battle on September 9, the Japanese navy and army held separate meetings to review World War I on Guadalcanal.Although both sides tried to blame each other for their failures, the Army blamed the Navy for failing to protect their convoys (due to the Navy's disagreement with the Army, the Army built its own convoy); The capture of the airfield resulted in frequent air strikes on naval ships.But at least on one point everyone has reached a consensus.That is, it is impossible to obtain air supremacy over Guadalcanal only by relying on the strength of the Japanese army at the Rabaul base.Continuing to do so will only result in constant failure.

At the end of September, the 9nd Division commanded by Maruyama, who had just been transported to the island, had an encounter with the 2st Marine Division, which was expanding its defense zone.Relying on the support of heavy artillery and aircraft, the First Marine Division killed and wounded more than 65 Japanese soldiers with only 700 casualties. This battle was different from Ichiki's one. Army, but with the advantage of heavy firepower, it can still achieve an exchange ratio of more than 1:10.This battle made Ri himself even more aware that there is no such thing as tanks and cannons.

And if there is no air supremacy, it is impossible to transport troops and heavy equipment to the island on a large scale, and it is impossible to seize the island.But to win, it is necessary to find a way, a way that can truly and effectively paralyze Guadalcanal Island Airport.As a result, a bold plan appeared in the minds of some naval commanders: use the giant guns of battleships to completely destroy the airport!

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