The Dutch were in a disadvantageous position in terms of terrain; the beach was a gentle slope from the Mazu Palace, and the reefs and ravines made the already narrow terrain more complicated. The "Morris horizontal team" with 200 people lined up in three rows was divided into several small pieces by the terrain.The Chinese company had already spent half a month occupying favorable terrain, building fortifications at the commanding heights, and stockpiling ammunition; the guards had undergone long-term repeated training and were able to operate matchlock guns very skillfully.

The Dutch launched two charges, both of which were repelled by continuous bullets in the Mazu Palace camp. More than ten people were killed and more than 20 people were injured.Those who were killed were all the spearmen who rushed to the front.In the Dutch army that landed, there were only 50 spearmen, and there are not many left.Moreover, sharpshooters such as Luo Aquan also caused a lot of trouble to the Dutch. The officer in charge of shouting the password of the Dutch army was accurately shot one after another within 100 steps from the wooden wall, causing the entire army to fall into chaos and had to retreat temporarily.

The Dutch retreated to the beach, regrouped, and attacked again.This time, Captain Bunter adjusted his deployment and arranged the musketeers in front of the entire battle line, and the spearmen behind the musketeers in the center of the battle line. He planned to use the musketeers to suppress the opponent's shooting, and then approached the outer wall of the camp to use the spearmen Charge.

This time the Dutch kept close to the wooden wall.Amid the rain of bullets flying around, several Tan people sailors used a large iron pan as a shield, pushed a small cannon up to the top of the wall, and fired at the oncoming Dutch spearmen: "Boom!" Hundreds of iron sand hit the Dutch spearmen head and face.The lethality of the shotgun to the dense crowd at close range is terrible. The smoke and shot engulfed the front of the camp at once; after the smoke dissipated, the bodies of dozens of Dutch spearmen lay under the wooden wall of the camp. A chaotic retreat scene.They didn't expect that the Chinese still had artillery—in yesterday's battle, Lin Xiao hid the small 3-pound cannon, and now it really became a blockbuster.

Captain Bunter limped back to the beach with a leg wounded by the iron sand.Captain Van Layden supported him and retreated together, and met a non-commissioned officer who stayed in the camp head-on.

The sergeant said anxiously: "Captain, the Chinese infantry has landed half a league west of the beach!"

Captain Bunter and Captain Leighton looked at each other in dismay, and quickly looked towards the sea: I saw the huge hull of the Orange surrounded by countless small sailboats, rushing from left to right, and gunfire surrounded the entire hull; On one side, one of the two auxiliary ships was still floating half-dead on the sea surface, and the other was completely gone, only the blond hair of a few Dutch sailors was seen swaying on the sea surface.Two large ships flying the Chinese flag on a blue background were cruising near the coastline, firing at the Dutch landing field camp from time to time.

The two took a breath at the same time, but what they thought was the same thought: "It's over! It's a failure!"

Captain Layton looked at the beach in the distance hesitantly: "Captain Bunt, have you seen those Chinese? Their queue is very neat! Shall we retreat to the camp first?"

Captain Bonte shook his head: "No, they have a large number of them, and there are also their warships on the sea, and their cannons can bombard our camp without shelter! We must rush up and fight them in close combat, otherwise we will have no chance."

The Dutch fought the Spanish War of Independence for half a century.Therefore, the Dutch in this era are resolute in war, and in their eyes, the Chinese are not Christians. God knows what bad luck will come if they become their captives, so they would rather fight to the death.

All the Dutch who were still able to act on Penghu Island were gathered, and there were about 130 people who were still able to fight.

Yin Feng was standing on the beach, with several Portuguese mercenary officers behind him; in front of him, two guards of the Chinese United Company were lining up; a total of 400 people formed a 5X80 horizontal team, facing the Dutch camp to the east.The 50 people in the middle of the horizontal team were equipped with the latest flintlock muskets, paper-packed fixed ammunition, and bayonets with bayonets, which were the latest infantry weapons in the world at that time.The 350 men on its two wings still used matchlock guns, but they also used paper fixed ammunition: the paper bag contained just enough gunpowder and bullets for one shot; Gunpowder and bullets can be poured into the gun chamber, which not only speeds up the speed of loading ammunition, but also no longer uses horns to load gunpowder as before.

There are 5 rows of horizontal teams, and each row has an officer who shouts the password; each row of 80 people is exactly the number of two teams, and two captains pass the orders of the first officer in the middle of the row.

"Let's go together, the target is the red-haired camp!"

Chen Zhongji blew the conch, and the guards stepped forward in unison to the Dutch camp.

Yin Feng turned around and asked an old Portuguese mercenary in his 40s: "Andre, what do you think of my army?"

The old mercenary was a friend of Kutley, but he had a cheerful personality, unlike Kutley who always looked like a soldier everywhere.At this moment, he grinned and laughed: "Do you want me to tell the truth?"

"Nonsense, of course!"

Andre said sternly: "I participated in the war in the Netherlands and fought in many places in Europe; in Asia, I fought in India, Java, and Malacca. In my opinion, your troops can deal with Enemies in Asia are enough, whether Japanese or Siamese. But although they are hard trained and skilled, they have too little actual combat experience to fight the best European army, or the new army of Ottoman Turkey, ...oh, your warriors have really good weapons in their hands."

The old mercenaries were very interested in Yin Feng's improvements and "inventions" in some small details, and they didn't expect that the ammunition could be combined in this way.

Yin Feng nodded and said: "Yes, you are right. Now, my troops will experience what is actual combat!" He is still very confident in his troops; this army starts from recruitment, training and training. Equipped with weapons, establishment, military discipline, logistics and reward and punishment system, every aspect has Yin Feng's painstaking efforts.Yin Feng has taught him everything he knows; but what he learned on paper is superficial, and the rest has to be perfected by these fighters who have trained hard for half a year in actual combat.

... At this time, on the sea, the Orange was already surrounded by Chinese sailing ships that surrounded it like flies.

Admiral Wei Malang estimated that his ships sank and smashed at least a dozen ships.But the Chinese still surrounded him, biting him from time to time with the cannon on the bow, and then flew away.

"Turn the rudder! Go back to the coast!" Wei Malang took a telescope to look at the direction of the beach, where the Dutch were lining up for battle; 200 meters away from them, a neatly arranged Chinese army was approaching.

"Fireboat!" screamed a sailor.

Wei Malang jumped to the bow of the ship, and was surprised to see a large number of burning fireboats appearing on the front, rear and left sides of the ship, which were being towed by other ships and gathered in the direction of the Orange.It was high tide now, and the sea current pushed a dozen fireboats towards the Orange. The sky was full of smoke, the heat wave was empty, and everyone in the Netherlands was pale.Many fishermen in Yin Feng's fleet travel between Penghu and Penghu, and they are familiar with every sea route in the Penghu Islands and the time of every high tide. .

During naval battles in European countries, fireships were also used as auxiliary weapons to attack each other, but it was rare to ignite dozens of fireships at once to attack.

In fact, Wei Malang's battleship didn't suffer much damage in the battle just now, it just took a few shots without pain.But once entangled by the fire boat, it will be the end of the ship crash!

The first mate of the Orange ran over sweating profusely and reported loudly: "Your Excellency, the enemy warship is approaching!"

Sure enough, the Flying Dragon had approached within 500 paces of the Orange.In front of the Orange are countless fireboats, and on the left and right are densely packed Chinese sailboats, and behind it is the coastline and the battleship Hiryu.

The Dutch are worthy of the sea coachman, and they can still make an emergency U-turn of the warship at this time.I saw that the Orange suddenly dropped its iron anchor at the stern, and the iron anchor went into the sea and caught the bottom of the sea, pulling the whole ship.The huge inertia caused the Orange to rotate in a circle with the stern as the center. The huge hull tilted and turned 180 degrees. direction rushed.At this time, the Orange changed from being tail chased to almost parallel to the Flying Dragon, and also threw the fireship to the stern.

Mai Dahai on board the Flying Dragon was surprised to see the huge Orange make such incredible maneuvers, he opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

"Damn it! The red-haired barbarians are so evil, they can even turn around like this!" Mai Dahai shook his head, and said to the messengers beside him: "Commander, prepare to fire! Go through it!"

"Attention! Reload! Aim! Hold on, hold on! Not enough distance!" shouted the gunner.

The air in the gun bay below the deck was seriously polluted, and most of what everyone breathed was gunpowder smoke and dust.There are three men for each gun, and since only one side of the ship can fire, there are only 45 men in the gun bay.Everyone was so busy that they were sweating profusely, and their whole body including their faces were all black—it was the result of the gunpowder smoke.

The gunner Ye Haizi was the first group of Dan civilian sailors who had received professional training from Portuguese gunners. He was old and experienced, small in stature but loud in voice.As the Flying Dragon and the Orange approached, he continued to issue orders while observing through the gun windows; "No. [-] to No. [-] guns, raise the muzzle half an inch, and face their upper deck; the rest don't move, stay steady." Hold! Check the match! Near! Ready!"

Suddenly, he turned his head and shouted at the gunners, "Fire!" By the way, he immediately stuffed two cotton balls into his ears...

"Boom boom boom!"

Fifteen cannons of the Flying Dragon were fired one after another, and the hull trembled and tilted.

The Orange's artillery fire was also fired almost simultaneously, and 30 shells quickly swept across the sea and rushed towards the Hiryu.Two shells hit the tail of Feilong's gun bay, and gunner Ye Haizi immediately lost three members of the entire No. 15 gun crew.Another shell penetrated the side of the upper deck, killing two sailors.A shell passed over the bow of the ship and broke several cables. Fortunately, the crew of the Flying Dragon grabbed the severed end in time, so that there was no problem with the foresail.

Only one of the Hiryu's shells hit the Orange, piercing a large hole in the middle of the upper deck, and two Dutch sailors were beaten to pieces.

The two ships staggered at a distance of 300 steps, turned their rudders to each other, and once again formed a parallel situation.The two warships are like knights dueling each other on the sea, and they must fight to the death.

Yin Feng watched from a distance by the beach, and said helplessly to Chen Zhongji: "Blow the conch, tell Mai Dahai to follow the plan, and stop entangled with Hong Maoyi. He is addicted to beating!"

At this time, bursts of "bang bang bang bang bang bang" bursts of intense gunfire suddenly erupted in front of the beach, and the infantry of the escort and the infantry of the Dutch also began to exchange fire.

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