Captain Bont took five Dutch sailors ashore in a small boat.He found that the morale of the Dutch sailors occupying the landing field was not high, and all of them were depressed.

He found Captain Van Layden, the commander of the Marine Corps, and found out after inquiring that the Chinese on Penghu Island had harassed them all night, making everyone sleepless.

These Chinese sneaked to the beach and shot cold arrows, and drove a group of sheep to attack the landing site, causing all the Dutch sailors to shoot fiercely at the lights for a long time, only to find that the necks were all killed. Goats with lanterns on them.

"Despicable, shameless! These Chinese are too despicable!" Captain Van Layden said indignantly.Captain Bunter shook his head with a wry smile, thinking: You, a descendant of chicken thieves from Leiden, are not so noble! (The name of the Dutch is very strange. Except for the nobles, the Dutch at that time did not have a surname, so this name can be called anything. Van Layden means "from Leiden".)

Captain Bunter has a bit of aristocratic blood, and looks down on a character like Layton who came from a family of thieves.However, the matter is urgent right now, and Captain Bont said seriously: "Commander Wei Malang has ordered that the entire island must be captured as soon as possible, and the Chinese camp next to the temple be taken down."

Captain Van Layden and Captain Bont put in a lot of effort to form three rows of 200 landed sailors, armed with three 3-pound cannons, and began to attack the Niangma Palace camp.

In the camp of the China United Company in Penghu, Lin Xiao jumped off a wooden wall that was more than one person high, and shouted to his brothers: "The red hairs are here again, pay attention, and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Colonel Coutere directed some people to build a plank on the wooden wall to form a gentle slope, filled the only 4-pound bronze gun with shotgun, placed it on the plank, and was ready to push it to the top of the wall to fire at any time.Luo Aquan and a dozen brothers were cleaning the guns and reloading the ammunition as if nothing had happened.Lin Xiao admired their energy.Luo Aquan and others arrived at the camp at the second watch last night, and immediately participated in the night raid to harass the Dutch landing field. They came back after tossing around half the night, and after sleeping for a while, they were already refreshed and ready to fight.

On the side of the wooden wall surrounding the camp that faces the beach, there is a parapet full of branches, wood, and soil, which is two meters thick, and is used as a buffer wall to prevent shells.On the inside of the wooden wall, a row of wooden benches were placed along the wall, just for the musketeers to stand on it and shoot outside the wall.On the right side of the camp is Niangma Palace. There are 10 Dan people sailors guarding the roof and walls. Once the enemy approaches, they will set fire to the entire temple. The left side of the camp is the same as the front, and the terrain is relatively flat. direction to attack.

The Dutch soldiers walked slowly across the beach, marching in neat rows amidst the rhythmic sound of military drums...

On the surface of the sea, the Orange took two junk ships, sailed from east to west, and rushed directly to the front of the Chinese fleet.

Yin Feng gave an order to Mai Dahai: "Let's start, let the Hongmaoyi see who is the owner of this place." After speaking, he got off the Feilong and took a small boat to the Xinsheng.As the leader of the infantry escort, Yin Feng will land on the island together with 400 musketeers from the Xinsheng, and capture the beach camp, where the Dutch landed.

Mai Dahai took a deep breath, and gave the order: Full left rudder, keep the north-south course, order the gunner, and the enemy ship will open fire immediately when it enters the range.

The 50 auxiliary warships of the battle fleet also changed their course, moving from south to north to east, forming a "T" shape with the Dutch warships that were rushing straight forward, occupying a powerful shooting position.However, except for the Xinxing, the battle fleet is all Chinese-style sailboats equipped with only one cannon. Such a formation has no practical significance for them.

Yin Feng emphasized array line operations, which was considered a relatively advanced concept of naval warfare in the world at that time.He has instilled too many concepts of this kind in these compatriots who are new to naval warfare, but they have not combined them with the actual combat situation and equipment situation. Made such a formation.After all, tactical innovation needs to be practiced before it can become practical. Yin Feng only has written knowledge in this regard.

However, Admiral Wei Malang on the Dutch Orange was indeed taken aback. He had only seen such a formation used by the British in naval battles.

He immediately ordered the whole fleet to turn full rudder to the left, forming a movement from north to south, passing by the opponent's fleet, and about to form a line-to-bomb situation with the opponent's warships.

The battleship Flying Dragon of the Chinese Company opened fire with the 800-pound heavy gun on the bow when it was 2 steps away from the Orange, about 24 miles away.The bow gun of the Flying Dragon is installed on a gun carriage, and the four sides are connected to the bow of the ship with iron chains.After the cannon is fired, a large part of the recoil force can be removed by sliding the cannon carriage. The biggest feature is that the shooting direction can be changed by 90 degrees in the horizontal direction. The details of these equipment are improved and designed by Yin Feng.

Therefore, the bow gun of the Hiryu can fire at the Orange. Because the bow gun of the Orange is fixed on the bow, it cannot adjust the firing direction quickly. The 24-pound iron bomb rumbled across the sea, creating a splash several feet high at a distance of 80 meters from the Orange.

Wei Malang's scalp became swollen, he gritted his teeth, and stomped his feet angrily on the deck.I don't know what strange tricks the Chinese will have. He doesn't want to be in a passive state anymore.Wei Malang ordered loudly: "Fire! Fire!"

The gunner climbed out of the cabin carefully, and said to him cautiously: "General, although the enemy warship can be shot at this distance, the hit rate is very low. We..."

Wei Malang interrupted him: "Fire quickly! Do you hear that? Fire! Helmsman, turn 20 degrees south and west, lean up and confront them!"

After hearing his words, the gunner took a deep breath; the array line was bombarded, which is an experience that many sailors and sailors have lingering fear.The military order was like a mountain, and the gunner reluctantly entered the gun cabin, ready to fight.

At a distance of 400 paces, Hiryu and Orange missed each other and fired a volley at each other, neither hitting.Then, the Flying Dragon approached the two Chinese sailing ships of the Dutch fleet, and used its 15 cannons on each side of the ship to ravage the two auxiliary ships equipped with only two cannons.

Similarly, the Orange went to bully the more than 50 sailing ships with only one cannon.However, after the first few sailboats were beaten to the ground, Mai Dahai immediately realized his tactical mistake: these sailboats with weak firepower could not maintain the array line.He immediately used the semaphore and the conch to inform the follow-up fleet to siege the enemy warships scattered.And Mai Dahai himself commanded the Feilong to beat up the two Chinese-style sailboats of the Dutchmen.

The "Rotterdam", which tried to sneak out of Penghu Bay the night before, was paralyzed by the repeated artillery bombardment of the Feilong because it rushed too far forward; The Xinxing that rushed out from the slanting stab blocked the way.The Xinxing was taller than this ship, and a 24-pound heavy artillery shell was fired from the bow of the ship, penetrating the bottom of the ship.

The Flying Dragon dropped the half-dead Rotterdam, and when it caught up with another salvo, it immediately smashed the sailboat into pieces and turned it into a pile of waste wood floating on the sea.

The Xinxing was escorting the Xinsheng troop carrier, which came from the north close to the coastline. Seeing an opportunity to take advantage of it, a Taiping fist came from the back of the Dutch ship.Subsequently, the Xinxing continued to escort the Xinsheng, and rushed directly to the Dutch landing place in Magong Port.After crossing Cetian Island in the harbor, Yin Feng, who was standing on the bow of the Xinsheng, could already see the gunpowder smoke from the Mazu Palace with his naked eyes.

"The battle has been going on for more than an hour. It seems that Lin Xiao and the others are still persevering. Good job!" Yin Feng nodded and said to Chen Zhongji: "It's time to blow the Conch Trumpet. Remember, one short and two long!"

Chen Zhongji jumped up and said excitedly: "I know, one short and two long!"

The conch sounded, and miraculously hundreds of fishermen appeared on the beaches and reefs of the bay.Pushing the small fishing boats and sampans, they quickly went down to the sea and rowed towards the Xinsheng.

These fishermen disappeared without a trace when the Dutch landed, so that it was more difficult for the Dutch to find some supplies on the shore than to go to the sky.Last night, Luo Aquan took Yin Feng's letter to the fishing village leader and found these fishermen.These fishermen have all had drinks with Yin Feng, and they heard that Yin Feng asked them for help, so he agreed without saying a word.

With the support and cooperation of hundreds of fishermen, dozens of fishing boats, and sampans, more than 400 infantry escorts and their equipment on the Xinsheng ship landed in less than half an hour.

The place where Yin Feng landed was about 1 mile away from the Dutch camp.At the very beginning, the Dutch left behind discovered that the Chinese were landing, and hurriedly sent more than a dozen people to intercept them, but they were bombarded back by the Xinxing, which was cruising on the shore.


The attack of the Dutch landing force on the Mazu Palace did not go well.

This time they did not have the cannon cover and support of the Orange, and only two 3-pound cannons brought ashore could be used to support the infantry attack.

But for the two-meter-thick bunker of mud, wood, and haystacks in the Mazu Palace camp, the power of the 3-pound cannon was too small. When the shells were shot out, they got stuck in the thick wall and lost their power.Unless the Dutch can bring the 24-pounder or the 36-pounder to direct bombardment, there is no hope of breaking the wall with these two small guns.

After Captain Bunter commanded the small artillery to bombard for a while, he ordered to stop very boringly.Then, the rhythmic drums sounded, and the Dutch army continued to advance, and soon approached the 80-step range of the Mazu Palace camp, and was soon welcomed by 60 musket bullets in the camp.

The company commanded by Captain Van Layden was attacking from the front. The sailors led by Lin Xiao were all experienced fighters. Many of them had experienced the Battle of Luzon Island, so they were very proficient in handling muskets, comparable to the Dutch in front of them. They can reach the super level of firing two bullets in one minute.

The tactics adopted by the Dutch infantry at that time were the infantry formations reformed by Morris.At the age of 21, Morris was elected as the military governor of the Federal Republic of the Netherlands. He was a talented military strategist.The combat units he adopted were much smaller than the Spanish phalanx.The Spaniard's combat unit was the regiment, and Morris' reformed infantry combat unit was the company.Each company was reduced from 150 in the old system to 115, and later to 80, with musket infantry and spearmen divided equally.He also reduced the depth of the musketeer ranks to ten and widened the front to a maximum width of 10 meters.

The battle formation invented by Morris is called "Morris horizontal team".There are about 50 spearmen in each row of the Morris horizontal team, and the distance between soldiers is about 1 meter.Morris' reformed battle formation was completely different from that of the Spaniards.In the Spanish phalanx, musketeers were in the center of the phalanx, surrounded by spearmen.Morris did the opposite. His musketeers were on the flanks of the pikemen, and their real position was parallel to the fourth or fifth column of pikemen.Musketeers are in this position, protected by spearmen on both sides. Even in close combat, they can still shoot effectively and kill the enemy.

On both sides of the horizontal line are 3 rows of Musketeers, 40 people in each row, arranged in 4 columns, 10 people in each column.After the musketeers have fired, stand back and reload until the last line of musketeers has finished firing.The Morris line is the prototype of the linear battle formation in the history of military warfare.Morris adopted the tactic of spearmen in the center and musketeers on both sides, which avoided the waste of soldiers in the Spanish infantry regiment. At the same time, not only the flexibility was enhanced, but also the cooperation between soldiers was more tacit, and the combat effectiveness was also doubled.In the war, the spearmen fought very smoothly, and under the cover of the spearmen, the musketeers could also shoot at the enemy calmly.

The problem is that the "Morris horizontal team" is more mobile and flexible in large-scale battles, battles with more than 10,000 people or [-]+ people.

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