Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 2 Life of the Dan people

Yin Feng is a liberal arts college student and a history buff. After a while, he has come to his senses: it is now the 27th year of Wanli in China's Ming Dynasty, 1599 AD.

I am honored to be part of a very vulgar time-traveling family!

In the 27th year of Wanli, Zhang Juzheng's reforms were overthrown by the Wanli Emperor after he was in power except for one whip. This was also the beginning of the end of the Ming Dynasty and the brewing period of a tragic era.The boring and protracted "national dispute" for the crown prince has been tossing for 44 years and there is no result; the minister Zhang Zuo has been in China for 14 years; From the beginning of the month, there was a ban on the day, and "the feast will never end since then", the lack of officials was serious and they were not filled, and the emperor had been passive and sabotaged for more than 10 years. The "Three Great Marches of Wanli" had already occurred. The savings from the reforms in the early years of Wanli were almost exhausted.

My own fate is really tragic! !In this era, what can such a rootless, powerless and powerless overseas adherent like myself do?However, I have to thank God for not bringing me directly to the era of frequent wars...

Originally, his personality is easygoing, and he often travels around to see a lot. He always thinks that everything is possible, so after a bit of self-pity and self-love, Yin Feng, who is more easy-going, has no choice but to accept the reality.

Now I have to think about how to survive in this world.

He chewed dried sweet potato and fish, and watched the young fishermen chew betel nuts and drink alcohol, laughing and laughing even though they were wearing tattered shorts.These young people are short in stature, with the typical body shape of those who live on the water all the year round: thick arms, big hips, wide waist, hard waist, and curved feet.Their fishing method is very interesting: the hemp net is stretched out on the sea, and the two young men jump into the sea naked, dive into the water and drive the fish into the net. Often when they come out of the same net, the fishermen who dive into the sea also catch the big fish with the net at the same time.Out of curiosity, Yin Feng also went up to help pull the net, probably the more he helped, the busier he became.

Yin Feng remembered some records he had read before, and asked the old fisherman, Mai Bo: "Uncle, are you Dan people?"

Mai Bo talked and said, "We are Danhu from Dayan Port in Yazhou."

"No wonder you are so good at swimming!!" Yin Feng sincerely praised, "I have never seen such good swimming skills anywhere else!".He almost said the word "Olympic" before changing his words in time.

Uncle Mai glanced at him, and asked with a puzzled face, "Where is brother from?" He held back these words for a long time.Seeing that Yin Feng didn't seem to have any feelings for the untouchable class "Danmin" in the Ming Dynasty, he finally couldn't help asking.

Yin Feng sighed, looked at Mai Bo's simple and dark face, and carefully revealed the fake life experience that had been brewing for a long time.

He said that he was a descendant of a businessman who followed the Sanbao eunuch when he went to the West, and his ancestral home was Hangzhou, Zhejiang (yes, Yin Feng is from Hangzhou). Doing business in various parts of the Indian Ocean and the Arabian Sea; his generation is the fifth generation living abroad, because his father missed his hometown in the Ming Dynasty before his death, and ordered him to return to his hometown, so he sold his property and took a red Mao Yi's boat returned to "Tangshan".Unfortunately, on the way to Macau, there was a hurricane and big waves, the boat sank and everyone died. He was the only one who survived.

Living in "Bira" is a helpless rhetoric. This is the name of the place in Africa that Zheng He traveled the farthest he could think of: the official history of his time "Ming History" Biography [-] "Foreign Seven? Bira Sun Biography" There is such a paragraph in it: "There is another country called Bila and Sunla. Zheng He also tasted the imperial edict to give it. It is far away from China, and the tribute envoys of the two countries did not come." Historians are difficult to study "Sunla". But scholars generally believe that "Bira" is today's Mozambique.In this way, I am not afraid of possible investigations by the government in the future; could the Ming court still send people to Africa to check his household registration during the Wanli period?

Among the sailors on Zheng He's voyages were many Dan people who were familiar with water and boat handling, but Mabo accepted this statement without any doubt: "Is there anyone else in your family?"

"After my father passed away, I was left alone at home..." Yin Feng felt a pain in his heart: "Family,..."

His eyes turned red and he lowered his head.Mai Bo was even more suspicious, he sighed and patted Yin Feng on the shoulder: "It's a hard life... When you go back to Yazhou, I will help you find the government. You are Xiang Mu Wanghua. You came back from overseas. What should the government do?" There is a charter."

Yin Feng raised his head: "Uncle, can you speak in front of the government?"

"Heh, heh," Mai Bo coughed, smiled a little smugly and said, "I'm the head of Dayan Harbor, that is, the head of the head. The people in the Hepo Office are familiar with me, and the master of the state government office also knows a few. individual."

Yin Feng recalled the historical materials he had seen before, and it was true: it was established in the early Ming Dynasty, and the household registration of the Danmin was under the Hebosuo, and there were elders and people.The big family among the Dan people is called the head of the Dan family, also known as the head of the Dan family, or the head of the Dan family.The Hebo Office was originally a taxation agency, which was in charge of collecting fishery taxes. Dan people used fishing as a profession and had to pay fish and rice to the government on a regular basis. Therefore, the Hebo Office became a management agency for Dan people at the same time.Generally, places where Dan people live together have river berths. "Danmin", a group of residents on the water that evolved from the Yue people in the pre-Qin period, has thus become one of the lowest classes under the household registration system of the Ming Dynasty.

At that moment, Mai Bo assured him that he would be a security guard for the other people, and that he would not be treated as a pirate in front of the government.While thanking Yin Feng, he took out some silver trinkets bought on the journey before crossing from his mountaineering bag as gifts, but Mai Bo resolutely declined.According to historical records, most of the Dan people were impoverished, with no family and only a boat, but these ancient people with low social status in front of them were so simple and kind. Yin Feng, who had experienced the ancient and modern society, was greatly moved and became popular again eye socket.He wasn't a sentimental person at first, but now that he was feeling his life experience, he was really moved.

In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Hainan Island belonged to Siqiongzhou Prefecture, the governor of Guangdong Province. It had jurisdiction over three prefectures and ten counties. Yazhou was the southernmost administrative region, which was Sanya City, Hainan in Yin Feng’s time and space. The state government was more than 40 west of Sanya City. Kilometers away, it was originally Ningyuan County in the early Ming Dynasty, and it was merged into Yazhou in June in the fourth year of Zhengtong (1439).In the ninth month of the lunar calendar in the first year of Wanli, there were 2500 registered households in the whole prefecture, but the population was only over 18000, and the total population was no more than [-] at most.Although the city wall of the state government is built of bricks, it is obviously in disrepair.

Two days later, after being brought back to Yazhou by Mai Bo, Yin Feng was discovered by the guards of the Hebo Station as soon as he landed, and he was suspected of being a pirate—it is true that his attire was too strange.Mai Bo hurriedly explained, and Yin Feng also said that he returned to the Ming Dynasty from the West thousands of miles away. Five generations of his ancestors admired Zhonghua and said that he would present the strange items brought by the West to the government.

The guards looked at each other for a while, and an elderly guard said to everyone: "A few years ago, some overseas Chinese were caught in a strong wind and drifted to Qiongzhou Prefecture. ...It seems that they were sent to Guangzhou." After discussing for a while, the only conclusion was that this was not something they could handle.

The local folk customs are quite simple, and the few servants are not very greedy, otherwise, if they must seize people's property, Yin Feng really has nothing to do; Mai Bo, take Yin Feng to the state capital to find the elder to deal with it.Walking on the narrow street, Yin Feng is taller than the people around him, standing out from the crowd; the city is still crowded with people, almost all the street vendors are shouting in front of the houses along the street, and the crowd can still see To a few Li people wearing earrings... Today is the day to go to the market.

Dayan Port, where Hebo is located, is just a police agency. Historically, Hebo in Yazhou was dismissed during the Jiajing period; the nominal headquarters of the current tax collectors and servants is in Qiongzhou Fucheng, and these servants have been staying in Dayan Port continuously. It's been 10 days, and the news is not very well-informed-the master of the state government told everyone: Because the imperial court sent a tax supervisor to assess money and food, Master Zheng Bangzhi, the Zhizhou, went to Qiongzhou Mansion to report on his work. He has been away for 5 days and he will not come back until 5 days later.

Therefore, the guards of the Hebo Office entrusted Dantou Maibo to take care of Yin Feng, and wait for the master Zhizhou to come back.Yin Feng inquired about it. This Grand Master Zheng Bangzhi, who has the same name as the famous official of the Song Dynasty, was from Yongchang, Yunnan.This kind of local officials in the ends of the earth is generally not recorded in the history books. Before that, Yin Feng had no idea that there was such a master who knew the state.In fact, in the history of the original time and space, the name of the master Zhizhou also appeared in the Ming Dynasty imperial examination Chinese personnel files and Yazhou local chronicles.However, according to Mai Bo and others, Master Zhizhou was a good official who exempted many exorbitant taxes and donated his salary to buy land to support the school.

Yin Feng has 5 days to finish some things and lay a foundation for his future life.He borrowed a pen, ink, calligraphy and inkstone from the guards, claiming that he wanted to write about his experience so that he could report it to Master Zhizhou.Now he borrowed to live in the back room of Maibo's seaside house, turned on his laptop, and began to write and write day and night.The laptop computer, which claims to be cruising for 16 hours, completely ran out of power within a day, and there was still a lot of information that was too late to transcribe.Yin Feng had no choice but to bury his hand in the corner of Mai's house at night—he didn't want to be regarded as a monster with a magic weapon or a magic stick.Then, he began to rack his brains to recall all kinds of things in his own time and space - about weapons, history of shipbuilding, history of technology... Human memory will slowly degrade and be forgotten, so he must quickly record it now.

His calligraphy is completely at the level of a primary school student, probably not as good as that of a private school student in the Ming Dynasty; in addition, his writing in simplified characters is very scribbled, and the written characters will be regarded as heavenly scriptures by everyone except him who can recognize them.However, he did not avoid the Maibo family. The untouchable Danhu in this era were excluded from the "four peoples". Showed a very respectful look.At the beginning, Yin Feng only avoided super-era things when the guards came to check every day according to the routine. After throwing away his handbag that night, he didn’t have any worries. Anyway, the guards don’t know much, and they can’t recognize this ghostly symbol. What.

That night, Yin Feng stayed up all night and sat on the beach by the sea until dawn.Looking at the extremely clear starry sky without industrial pollution, and the long sound of waves on the seashore, Yin Feng's boundless sense of loneliness surged in his heart.

People in later generations have the greatest impression of the Dan people as "floating houses with floating families, with no fixed habitat." They are "floating homes in rivers and seas", "nomadic" people on the water who "live in boats", and generally live on the water and are not allowed to go ashore. of.However, after coming to Yazhou, Yin Feng knew that the historical reality was a bit different from the impression of ordinary people; in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, a very small number of wealthy Dan people had already settled on land. The other Dan residents in Dayan Harbor are much richer, and they have two fishing boats that can "discuss the sea" (Dan villagers call fishing in the sea "discuss the sea", and only fishing in the inner harbor is "discuss the small sea") Boundary house.It's just that his main business is still aquatic industries such as fishing and raising pearls.

Among the local Dan people, only a few such as the Mai Bo family have the strength to build fishing boats that can "go for the sea", so the Mai family's family background is the best among the Dan people in Hong Kong.

Mai Bo’s family’s diet is very simple, usually sweet potatoes and rice, and most meat dishes are various seafood; pollution-free and natural seafood, although there are no good condiments and cooking, but Yin Feng also had a taste Fresh, it is impossible to eat such natural seafood in the time and space of the previous life.

There are two children in Mai Bo's family, and his wife and daughter-in-law have a total of five people. This is considered a small population in a Danmin family with many children.Their son, Mai Da, is 5 years old, and their daughter, Mai Waner, is 21 years old. They usually avoid Yin Feng and seem to be a little afraid of him. They talk about him as a weird person in private.Especially one time, when Yin Feng tried to help Aunt Mai move the table, the whole family was at a loss for what to do.Mai Bo kept saying: "Anyway, you are a person who can read and write. How can you do this kind of work..." This made Yin Feng very embarrassed.However, when he tried to present those silver ornaments, he was unanimously opposed by Mai Bo's family.

A few days later, people came to Mai Bo's house in an endless stream, basically all of them came to watch Yin Feng.Many of them are Dan people wearing coarse clothes, and there are also Han people nearby, and there are many girls and daughters-in-law.Yin Feng is like a rare animal in a zoo, being carefully commented on by others; in 3 days, at least a thousand people came to watch it --- and the total number of Dan people in Hong Kong is no more than a thousand.Fortunately, Yin Feng put on a scholarly style and kept writing, while the onlookers all spoke in a low voice.The Dan people are basically a family with a boat, and the boat is the family's residence and production tool, so these days the small pier of Maibo's house is full of fishing boats.Interestingly, some boats put potted grass on the bow, and some boats put potted flowers on the tip, swaying at the stern of the boat.Yin Feng curiously asked Mai Bo, who was repairing the net on the boat, what did this mean?Mai Bo smiled: "Men are unmarried, they put potted plants; women are not hired, so they put potted flowers, that's just the meaning."

This is an ancient Dan people's wedding custom.

A potted flower on the Maibo family's boat was also placed there, and Mai Wan'er was always watering it.

The Dan people usually fall asleep with the sea waves very early, and the fishing village is completely quiet when the sun sets.And the fishermen got up early in the morning to work ----- According to Yin Feng's estimate, it was around 5:[-] am at most.

In fact, Yin Feng has no specific plans yet.He has always believed that it is impossible to turn the world around with his own strength, and there are so many capable people who took advantage of the trend in history.What can a liberal arts college student, former TV station post-production staff, and freelance photographer do in this era?The answer is self-evident.

It is a joke to engage in a vigorous revolution in the mid-Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, which was unveiled in troubled times. To engage in overseas trade, which is the easiest way to get rich in this era, one has no capital; It is also a thief, or there are royal relatives and wealthy businessmen as the backing; as a refugee with no power, no power, and no economic strength, the possibility of suddenly becoming rich is almost non-existent.Moreover, based on one's own level of Chinese studies, it is okay to scare ordinary netizens in the previous time and space, but it is impossible to take the imperial examination in the Ming Dynasty.Moreover, in less than [-] years, the world will be in chaos, and when the time comes, jade and stone will be burned, and people will die. Is it possible that I am too poor to be old and suffer from military disasters?

Although Yin Feng is in good health, he was a judo runner-up in the Universiade, and he has two years of military experience from filming military TV dramas, but he knows nothing about cold weapons, so if he goes to fight as a soldier, it is tantamount to death.

How to do?What should be done?

When Yin Feng couldn't think of anything to record for the time being, Huang Daqiao, an officer of the Hebo Station, came to inform: Lord Zhizhou is back!This is the sixth day since Yin Feng traveled to this era.

At this time, Yin Feng had already moved to the backyard of the Dayan Harbor River Pond, and Zhoucheng was 2 miles northeast.As Zhizhou and Tongzhi went to Qiongzhou Mansion some time ago, the state judge Zeng Qi presided over the state affairs.After Master Zeng heard about Yin Feng's incident, he recruited people to visit him. This civil servant who was born in Fujian was very interested in overseas affairs because he was born in Fujian, where the overseas smuggling trade is well-developed.However, as a state judge, it is inappropriate to always come to Dan Min's house, so Yin Feng is lucky to live in the backyard of Hebo Institute, and his living conditions are much better.The state judge Zeng Qi would come to talk with Yin Feng for an hour for several days in a row.Yin Feng also learned some "celestial etiquette" from him, such as welcoming and sending off, which almost didn't bother him to death----you have to bow countless times just to send guests out on the road:

When the guests get up to leave, the host and the guest go to the door together and bow to each other.Then the host invites the guest to get on the horse or the sedan chair, and the guest asks the host to go back to the house and close the door, the host turns around and turns to the door, and the host and guest bow for the second time.The host stands on the threshold again, salutes the guest for the third time, and then enters the door so that the guest cannot see it. This is the time for the guest to mount a horse or a sedan chair.The host comes out again and keeps bowing and saying "please, please", and the guest turns his head while walking on the horse or in the sedan chair and says "please, please".

Theoretically speaking, after the guest has walked a certain distance, the host should send a servant to say goodbye to the guest for the fifth time in his name, and the guest should also ask his servant to greet the host's representative.At last, Yin Feng had no servants yet, so he skipped this link when he practiced the farewell ceremony for the first time.

Yin Feng watched Zhou Juan Zengqi's sedan chair go away, and couldn't help feeling that Matteo Ricci said: "Chinese people don't hesitate to waste a lot of time on etiquette." This sentence is indeed reasonable.

During the conversation, Yin Feng talked a lot about his overseas experience: blacks lived in the place where he "lived", and he said that the Franji people in Macau were actually Portuguese in Europe --- at that time, many people in the Ming Dynasty believed that Frangji is in Malacca.He opened the wooden box, the relic of the sunken Portuguese ship, and showed Master Zeng. Master Zeng was interested in maps and magnifying glasses; he was also interested in Yin Feng himself.Yin Feng never called himself a "little man" in front of him, and he seemed to know the overseas situation very well.He asked the most questions about what kind of goods Westerners like most, and Yin Feng almost forgot that he was a bureaucrat when he answered.

August 27th, 25th year of Wanli, October 1599th, 10 AD; Italian Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci was exchanging ideas with Chinese scholars such as Li Zhi in Nanjing. Nurhachi of China has just ordered Erdeni and others to create old Manchu; 13 days later, Tokugawa Ieyasu of Japan will enter Osaka Castle, and almost meets an assassin; in South Asia, Akbar of India is conquering the Deccan in the southern part of the Indian Peninsula Ahmednagar and Kandersch in the region; in Europe, the tactical genius Prince Moritz of the Interprovincial Republic (Netherlands) is constantly defeating the Spanish governor, King Philip's consort, Duke Albert of Austria, is Occupy the coastal area...

Therefore, on this day, it was completely insignificant that Yin Feng, a small citizen who had returned from overseas, met with the magistrate of Yazhou.

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