All kinds of Ming history can be mapped to modern China. For the Western world in the Ming Dynasty, colonial activities rewrote their own history in a sense, and China did not lack similar overseas expansion activities in the Ming Dynasty.However, the academic circles often define it in the category of piracy activities, especially the Japanese pirates incident, which makes the color of these overseas pioneering activities more and more confusing.

At that time, South Asia and Southeast Asia were important areas for the colonization of the Western world. In this area, we are now accustomed to seeing the activities of Westerners. Western colonial forces are undoubtedly in a dominant position, but the role played by the Chinese is also irrelevant. Underestimated.The history of interconnection between China and Southeast Asia predates the Western colonists, and China has given great influence to Southeast Asia.Before the Western colonialists arrived in Southeast Asia, the economic and cultural exchanges between China and Southeast Asia had reached a high level as expected.During the Ming Dynasty, China was capable enough to carry out overseas development similar to the West. However, since the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Western colonialists were latecomers. Why did this happen to China, which has geographical advantages?Is it because China, as a landlocked country, lacks the proper pioneering consciousness or other reasons.

I am afraid that the author is not capable of analyzing the reasons, but I am trying to draw on the history of the sea on the basis of the research of experts and scholars, and make a simple history of a "pirate" named Lin Feng who contacted and competed with Westerners in Southeast Asia in the early days. The description is the author never tired of it.Lin Feng is recorded by Westerners as limahong or limoHhong, and some are also recorded as Dim-mhon, which is generally translated as Li Maben, Li Mahong or Li Mafang or even Li Awang.The vast majority of Raoping people in Chaozhou Prefecture, the clan ancestor Lin Tongxian, nicknamed the little tail guy, is a famous pirate in Raoping.Lin Tongxian's affair with Japanese pirates was later broken.And Lin Feng is the grandson of Lin Fengyang and the nephew-in-law of the pirate Wu Ping.

It can be said that Lin Feng grew up in a family that was accustomed to aquatic physiology. Although there is no special information about Lin Feng in "History of Ming Dynasty", "Ming Tong Jian" and "Ming Shilu", some information about his whereabouts before attacking Luzon Island can be found in local chronicles.Mostly it records some of his activities as a pirate.

"The tour of Shenquan is near the sea in Shenquan Village, Shiwuli, Huilai County. It was the city in the 23rd year of Jiajing, and it was once occupied by the pirate Lin Feng" ("General Annals Volume 120 Sanhaifang"), "Wuchen Winter Tenth Year, Longqing Two Years "Yue" Lin Feng "walked to Guangzhou" from Shenquan Town ("Huzhou Fuzhi"), "Entered Penghu in the early years of Wanli" "Tianxiajun Guoli Disease Book Volume 93 Fujian".During this period, Lin Feng kept communicating with the Japanese pirates, and later when he attacked Manila, the Japanese were the commanders.

Later, Qi Jiguang broke Lin Feng in Penghu Mountain. In the first year of Wanli (1573 AD), Lin Feng invaded Minhai again and was defeated by Hu Shouren, the general soldier.At this time, although Lin Feng already had more than ten thousand names, he had no choice but to travel between Fujian and Guangzhou, and then from Penghu to Hong Kong in Taiwan.However, he was "defeated by Shouren, chased him to Danshuiyang, and sank his boat."Whether Lin Feng's strength has been greatly damaged after this blow is still not available to explain the most direct material.However, Lin Feng's situation at that time can be inferred from his motivation for expedition to Luzon.At that time, the composition of Fengbing was very complicated, including farmers, handicraftsmen, fishermen, and some Japanese, Ryukyu people and Filipinos.

"Pirates of the Ming and Qing Dynasties" written by Akira Matsuura and Li Xiaolin of Japan cited the records in "Juyouna Kingdom Chronicles" as saying: Li Mahuan, a pirate from the country of Juyouna, led a large fleet to do bad things For the purpose of invading the Philippine Islands.What is wrong with this point.Because his departure was completely forced and helpless, and his arrival in the Philippines was not planned.At the same time, Akira Matsuura and Li Xiaolin continued to quote the book, believing that this pirate was born in a middle-class family in Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province.Since childhood, his parents put him in an indulgent and unscrupulous environment, so.He was born with the rough, misbehaving Zog.He robbed all the way without any occupation and skills, giving full play to his robbery ability.Soon many people gathered around him.He was raised as a leader and ran amok on one side of the province.The king and his cabinet knew about it.In order to ensure the safety of the province full of pirates, the king ordered the local officials to concentrate the border guards as quickly as possible and arrest the pirate Li Mahon.And escorted to Beijing, if the enemy is no match, send the pirate's head.In it, the author obviously did not mention that Lin Feng had a large number of Japanese, Ryukyu people, Malays, etc., which blurred many things.Due to limited materials, although this paper cannot make a comprehensive analysis of the author's materials, it tries to give a detailed description of the whole process of its arrival in the Philippines and what happened afterwards.

In the second year of Wanli (AD 62), Dong Linfeng led 500 warships, [-] women and [-] people in the navy and army, and led the boat to the south with the Japanese Zhuang Gong (siocos) as the commander. IIocos Sur) encountered a small Spanish boat, Lin Feng ordered his soldiers to snatch the boat.

However, it was discovered by the Spaniards stationed there and quickly reported to Juan Salceds, an officer in Vigan.Sashiluo immediately sent three aborigines to Manila as a warning.But the natives were intercepted by Lin Feng's men on the way.Lin Feng took the opportunity to attack Vigan, and Juan Salceds fled with fifty soldiers.Lin Feng took advantage of the victory to pursue and headed for Manila.On November 29, the second year of Wanli (AD 600), Lin Feng's navy arrived at the port of Manila, Mariveles.At dusk, Lin Feng ordered General Zhuang Gong (siocos) to lead 200 people to attack Manila in a small boat. There was a storm on the way, and more than 200 people died of drowning due to the capsized boat.But the rest still dived to Paranaque, eight miles south of Manila, under the leadership of Siocos.Arrived in Manila in the early morning of the second day, when the officer Martin de Goiti was stationed outside the city, the Chuangjian was unprepared, and the siocos quickly defeated him and took his territory, Martin de Goiti (Martinde Goiti) Also died in battle.The defenders in the city took this opportunity to strengthen their defenses, and when Duke Zhuang (siocos) attacked, they desperately resisted.However, Duke Zhuang (siocos) lost more than [-] troops in a storm during the march, so he was unable to capture the city wall in a hurry.

So Zhuang Gong (siocos) retreated to Jiami (C**ite) and joined Lin Feng.At the same time, on the other hand, the Spanish governor Lavisaris (L**ezaris) immediately built a high wall along Manila Bay and defended it as soon as the Duke Zhuang (siocos) retreated.Juan Salceds also led six battleships and hundreds of soldiers to help in the battle.After Lin Feng's first offensive was completed, the natives of the Philippines (Moro people) thought that the Chinese had won the victory and quickly assembled nearly 500 people near Manila, and began to take action against the Spaniards.On December 6000, Lin Feng launched a second attack, ordering Duke Zhuang (siocos) to lead 650 troops into three teams to attack, and Lin Feng's battleship also fired artillery outside the port to assist.However, because the Spaniards strengthened the city walls and added reinforcements, they did not take it in a hurry.Lin Feng then sent another 1 reinforcements, but in the end they retreated without success.When Lin Feng's army attacked Manila, the Filipino natives (Moro) killed missionaries, businessmen and soldiers who were preparing to support Lin Feng's army, but Lin Feng quickly collapsed after his failure.After Lin Feng's army failed, he led his army back from the Ango River to Pangasinan to build a city four miles above the river and build a fort as a long-term solution.And ordered the local map chief to pay.The governor of Spain, Lavisaris (L**ezaris), was worried after hearing the news and decided to gather the Spanish troops in the Philippines to Manila to prepare to attack Pangasinan, with Juan Salceds as the commander.Juan Salceds, with 32 Filipino soldiers and [-] Spanish soldiers, first sailed to Lin Geyin Bay in the north of Pangasinan.At that time, [-] of Lin Feng's warships were moored there, and all of them were wiped out.Sashiluo (Juan Salceds) raised his troops and landed.The two armies fought for more than four months, and Lin Feng was short of supplies and finally lost.So they broke out and fled, some of them fled to the mountains.

After Lin Feng was defeated in the Philippines, he led his troops to commit internal crimes.He has reached Zhelin, Jinghai, Jieshi and other places.At the same time, it has also reached Fujian and other places, and looted everywhere based on Hong Kong, Taiwan.But at that time, Fujian was very strict in cracking down on pirates. Lin Feng ran into obstacles everywhere and had to leave.Hu Shouren defeated Lin Feng again, and Lin Feng led his troops back to Guangdong to attack Chaozhou.At that time, Chaozhou was the governor of Jinzhe, who participated in politics, and Lin Feng himself saw the strength of the navy in Fujian and Guangxi provinces, so he was cold and disheartened and did not make further preparations for resistance.So Lin Feng's subordinates Ma Zhishan, Li Cheng and 710 people were recruited, and 660 eight men and women were taken in.Knowing that the Chinese tradition has shown no mercy to so-called thieves, Lin Fengsu fled overseas alone.

In the battle between Lin Feng and Spain, there was an empire behind Spain, although this support may not be able to be materially effective; but behind Lin Feng was a huge empire that was ready to destroy them at any cost, so in the end The Spaniards were victorious.On the surface, it seems that this is the failure of Lin Feng's personal struggle with Spain. In fact, this is not the failure of the Ming Dynasty. This failure also reveals China's fate of being attacked and invaded in the future world.Because the awareness of overseas expansion of the two empires is so far apart, it also reflects the gradual distance between the two nations in the process of moving towards modern society.

After Lin Feng's defeat, it was difficult for the Chinese to occupy a dominant position in Southeast Asia, so they were often slaughtered and expelled.Therefore, the fate of Lin Feng's failure also vaguely foreshadowed the future fate of the Chinese in Southeast Asia.And the tragic ending of the Chinese overseas development also vaguely foreshadowed the tragic experience of China in the modern world.The failure of Lin Feng's career is actually a sign that China and overseas Chinese will fail in the future competition between East and West, and it is a mirror that reflects their respective futures.However, when we realized Lin Feng's pioneering spirit, the Chinese nation was already in the period of the Republic of China when the wind and rain were dark and the roosters were crowing.And it is shocking that a nation's spiritual inertia can last for hundreds of years.

List of references and papers:

"A Brief History of Sino-Western Relations During the Ming and Qing Dynasties" by Zhang Weihua, Qilu Publishing House, 1987 Edition

"History of Overseas Chinese in Nanyang" written by Li Changfu, Shanghai Bookstore, 1984, photocopied according to the 32nd edition of the Republic of China

"General History of Overseas Chinese in Nanyang" by Wen Xiongfei in Shanghai Bookstore in 1984, photocopied from the [-] edition of the Oriental Press

"A Hundred Years History of Overseas Chinese Exclusion" "Beauty" by Shen Jiyao, China Social Sciences Press, [-] Edition

"Chinese Colonial History" written by Li Changfu, Shanghai Bookstore, 1984, photocopied according to the [-] edition of the Commercial Press

"A Real-life Examination of Li Maben Limahong in the History of Philosophy" by Zhang Xinglang, "Journal of Yenching", No. 1931, 8

"Supplement to the Real-life Examination of Li Maben in the History of Feilu" Li Changzhuan "Journal of Yenching", No. 1931, 9

"Modern Southeast Asia (1511-1992)" Liang Yingming Liang Zhiming Zhou Nanjing Zhao Min Peking University Press 1994 edition

"The First Encounter and Conflict between China and the West" by Zhou Ning, Xueyuan Press, 2000 edition

"China Nanyang Transportation History" by Feng Chengjun, Shanghai Bookstore, 1984 edition

"Wang Gungwu's Selected Works" Wang Gungwu Shanghai Education Publishing House 2002 Edition

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