Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 570: Brothers are suspicious of each other

Chapter 570: Brothers are suspicious of each other (Part )
"My Lord, the Xifu has rejected your title of King of Xining. He asked you: 'The reward comes from the emperor, but now I am the king, is it okay?'" Yang Xingxian brought back Li Dingguo's original words.


Sun Kewang, the leader of the Qin State, was furious and broke the tea cup on the imperial table, "Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, you have been unwilling to accept your father's death since your father's death. It is not feasible to make him a king. That means you think that you are an orphan." He Gu is an equal king, and Gu is not qualified to seal you!"

"Your Majesty, the rebellious intentions of the Xifu have been revealed. You should make a decision early, otherwise there will be changes later." Fang Yuxuan, who was serving at the side, took the opportunity to tease. If a villain wants to be favored, he will frame Zhongliang to take advantage of him.

"Well, quickly send Wang Shangli, Feng Shuangli, Bai Wenxuan, Zhang Hu, Zhang Sheng, Fan Kuang, Ma Zhaoxi, Wan Niance, Wu Fengsheng, and Zheng Guo to come to the palace to discuss matters." This time, Sun Kewang no longer hesitated and summoned his confidants into the palace to conspire. There is only one content: dealing with his sworn brother Li Dingguo.

More than ten people gathered in the study room of Prince Qin's Mansion, all of them were Sun Kewang's confidants. Sun Kewang first ordered Yang Xing to describe in detail Li Dingguo's rejection of the title of King of Xining, and then said through gritted teeth: "The Xifu did not obey the order, and the counter-intention has been revealed. What can I do?" The sentence "The counter-intention has been revealed" clearly stated what he wanted to do. Determination to attack his adopted brother. Everyone is a smart person, so they naturally understand.

"Master of the country, I think it is appropriate to follow the method of dealing with King Funan, and in the name of corruption and seizure, I decree to deprive the military power of Xifu and order him to return to Kunming to live." Wu Fengsheng, a member of Zhongshushe, was the first to speak.

"No, Xifu has a resolute character, holds a large number of troops, and has the precedent of King Funan. How can he be willing to submit? If so, I'm afraid internal strife is imminent." Fan Kuang, the senile official minister, objected. He was a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli, and he was very senior. As soon as he opened his mouth, Ma Zhaoxi, the Minister of the Ministry of Hubu, and Wannian Ce, the Minister of the Ministry of War, both responded.

Among the people, Bai Wenxuan was an old general who was Sun Kewang's confidant. He had fought side by side for a long time and had a good personal relationship with Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu. When he saw this, he took the opportunity to admonish him, "My lord, Xifu is a tiger general. He became a king after two defeats, and his reputation is famous all over the world." . If we seize his military power just in the name of being captured by corrupt officials, I am afraid that people will be dissatisfied and lead to fratricide. I believe that we should take advantage of the new defeat of the Qing Dynasty and concentrate our efforts on the northern expedition to the Central Plains. It is better to postpone the matter of refusing to accept the king's title. good".

He had good intentions, but unexpectedly, the words "Two defeats to become a king, and his fame spread all over the world" deeply stimulated Sun Kewang. He was already afraid of Li Dingguo's unparalleled military exploits, and after hearing this, he became more determined to deal with his sworn brother. He was furious, "Delay the treatment? I'm afraid if the delay continues, Gu's head will be cut off by the Xifu!"

As soon as he said this, Bai Wenxuan did not dare to say anything anymore, and looked at Wang Shangli, Feng Shuangli, Zhang Hu, and Zhang Sheng, hoping that they would say good things for Li Dingguo for the sake of fighting side by side in the past. Unexpectedly, when the four generals saw the king's anger, they all accused Li Dingguo of not being granted the title and having ulterior motives.

"I have a plan." Fang Yuxuan came up with a bad idea. "Fan Shangshu is right. Xifu has a resolute character. If he directly removes his military power, he will definitely refuse to submit and cause internal strife. It is better to lure him in the name of convening a military meeting." Go to Yuanzhou to discuss the military situation. As soon as he arrives, he will be arrested."

"Uh~, this is a clever plan." Sun Kewang thought for a moment and then ordered: "Yang Xing will go to Hengzhou first to pass on the handwritten letter from the orphan and order Li Dingguo to rush to Yuanzhou to discuss the military situation. As soon as Li Dingguo leaves Hengzhou, Feng Shuangli will immediately lead his troops. The troops rushed to Hengzhou and took over its military power."

"Yes", Yang and Feng accepted the order happily. "By the way, is there any secret report from Fan Yingxu and Zhang Yingke?" Sun Kewang asked Fang Yuxuan worriedly. Fan Yingxu is the prefect of Anlong Prefecture, and Zhang Yingke is the prime minister's official. They are Sun Kewang's close confidants. Their main task is to monitor Emperor Yongli who is under house arrest in Anlong for the king.

Since moving Emperor Yongli to Anlong, the power of the government has been completely controlled by Sun Kewang. The so-called Yongli court was nothing but an empty show in name only. Sun Kewang could send someone to notify Emperor Yongli of major military and state affairs after they were decided in Guiyang. Day-to-day affairs had nothing to do with the Bai court. When the soldiers are paid, they don't even hear about it. They kill, kill, and plunder as they please. The emperor is in Anlong, and he doesn't even hear about it." Many officials in the imperial court only had Sun Kewang as the "lord" in their minds, and the emperor was ignored. If he hadn't wanted to attack Li Dingguo and worry about An Longxing having problems, Sun Kewang would have almost forgotten that there was an emperor above him.

"Don't worry, Lord. Magistrate Fan and Premier Zhang have written letters saying that everything is normal in Anlong Mansion. Premier Zhang also said that Ma Jixiang, a powerful minister around Yongli, and eunuch Pang Tianshou have become brothers with him, believing that destiny is in Qin and no one can violate it. A few days ago Yongli said that the fee was insufficient and sent someone to request an increase of two thousand taels of silver every year, but they ignored him."

"Pfft!" Sun Kewang couldn't help but laugh out loud. The noble king of a country was so depressed that no one paid any attention to his request for an increase of two thousand taels of silver every year. Yongli, Yongli, you are really pathetic!

He immediately realized his gaffe. Since he became king, he has paid great attention to cultivating his royal manners. The behaviors he used to do when he was a rebel, such as chirping while eating and farting loudly in public, no longer appear, and he has become noble and elegant. He stopped laughing and ordered: "Tell Fan Yingxu and Zhang Yingke to monitor every move of Xing Zai. Without Gu's warrant, no one is allowed to see Yongli."


The laws of heaven are infinite and cannot be mastered absolutely by human beings. Sun Kewang thought he had taken good care of Emperor Yongli, but he didn't know that Emperor Yongli's envoys had arrived in Li Ding's army.

Zhu Youlang said privately to the eunuchs Zhang Fulu and Quan Weiguo: "I hope I will never have anyone to treat me with courtesy. The traitorous ministers Ma Jixiang and Pang Tianshou are my eyes and ears, and I can't sleep or eat well. I recently heard that Li Dingguo of the Western Fan was a pro-reunion master, and he went straight to attack In Chu and Guangdong, we captured the rebellious Chen Bangfu and his son, who served the country with great loyalty. They spread the news at home and abroad for a long time, and the army was very popular. In the future, this person will be the one who will put me in danger. Since there is a long gap between the rule of the country and the hope, I want to secretly compile an edict and send it to you. The officials are marching to the camp and summoning Dingguo to protect them. Can you guys tell me about this secretly?"

Zhang Fulu, Quan Weiguo Liaison Xu Ji, Lin Qingyang and others went to the chief assistant Wu Zhenyu to conspire. Wu Zhenyu said: "Today the imperial court has declined, it is the fatal autumn for our generation. Nai Quan is always watching, fearing that the secret will not be kept secret. Who among the princes can serve as this envoy?" Lin Qingyang volunteered to do it. At that time, Li Dingguo was fighting the Qing army in Hunan and Guangxi and had no time to look inside. Seeing no reply, Emperor Yongli asked Wu Zhenyu to send another envoy to inquire about the news. Wu Zhenyu recommended Kong Mu Zhouguan of the Hanlin Academy.

Zhou Guan arrived at Li Ding's state camp and handed out the imperial edict. Li Dingguo was deeply moved after reading the emperor's edict "The purpose of the poem is to express sorrow". He kowtowed to the ground and said, "I have not died for a day. I would rather have your majesty suffer humiliation for a long time. Fortunately, I can bear with it for a while. My brother, I'm sorry." I hope to have a long life, I would rather betray my friends than betray you." In his letter to the bachelor Wu Zhenyu, he also said: "The central part of Guangdong is uncertain and difficult to advance and retreat. Everything must be kept secret. The responsibility lies with the old man."

(End of this chapter)

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