Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 569: Brothers are suspicious of each other

Chapter 569: Brothers are suspicious of each other (Part )
"King Anxi, the last general has followed your wishes and hired a painter to draw portraits of Kong Youde and Nikan, and published them in Guangdong and Chu, revealing the victory. The news that our army won a great victory in Hengyang and completely recovered Hunan is now known to the whole world. It is estimated that this trip Now I will make you the king just like I made the King of Qin." In Hengzhou City, Jin Tongwu said cheerfully to Li Dingguo, his young face smiling like a flower. He is a confidant of Dingguo, so he naturally hopes that the rising tide will lift all boats. If the coach can also be named a king, he and others will not be inferior to the people in the Qin Palace.

I remember that the four generals of Daxi proclaimed themselves kings, Sun Kewang was called Pingdong King, Li Dingguo was called Anxi King, Liu Wenxiu was called Funan King, and Ai Nengqi was called Dingbei King. But those are all self-proclaimed grass-headed kings. Later, Ai Nengqi died in battle, and Sun Kewang was named King of Qin by Emperor Yongli. Li Dingguo and Liu Wenxiu were not named kings. Although Li Dingguo's subordinates still called him King Anxi, after all, his name was incorrect and his words were inconsistent. The outside world called him "Xifu". There were four kings back then, so why is there only King Qin now? Jin Tongwu had been holding his breath for a long time. Now that the coach has become a king, it is natural for him to be awarded a title!

"A great victory? Although Nikan was killed, the main force of the Qing captives was still there, so we fell short. What a pity! What a pity!" Li Dingguo sighed heavily, without much joy on his face.

As an excellent military commander, the battle of Hengyang he deployed was by no means as simple as setting up an ambush in Hengyang. In fact, before the Battle of Hengyang, he had ordered Ma Jinzhong and Feng Shuangli to move their troops to Baigao. After waiting for Nikan's army to pass Hengshan County, Ma and Feng moved to the enemy's rear. They first ambushed and then attacked from the north and south to completely annihilate the Eight Banners commanded by Nikan. . Indeed, although the Qing army heading south this time consisted of 150,000 troops, Nikan was too arrogant and led 60,000 Manchu and Mongolian Eight Banners to go ahead and go deep alone. This was a good opportunity to annihilate the enemy. If these 68,000 banners are completely annihilated, the remaining Han army will definitely be frightened, and Huguang can be sure.

Unexpectedly, Generals Ma and Feng did not appear in Baigao. Instead, they withdrew from Baoqing, leaving themselves alone to fight. Although Nikan was killed, the casualties caused to the Qing army were not large. They had to abandon Hengzhou when they were alone. It is said that the leader of the Qin State was afraid of his success and secretly ordered Feng Shuangli to withdraw from Baoqing. well! Although my sworn brother is talented, he is narrow-minded and only has his own interests in mind. His selfishness harms the country. It is so sad!
Things in the world are often very evil, and whatever you think comes to you. While Jin Tongwu was muttering about making him a king, Sun Kewang's confidant Yang Xingxian came with the intention of making him a king.

"Congratulations to the King of Xining, I wish you the best of luck. The Lord of the Kingdom has decreed to make you the King of Xining and Feng Shuangli the Marquis of Xingguo," Yang Xingxian said with a smile.

"Master? Are you saying that it was Sun Kewang who named me the King of Xining, not His Majesty the Emperor?" Li Dingguo asked in shock after hearing this.


Yang Xing knew something was wrong as soon as he heard this. The matter of conferring the title of king was so important. How could it be that the emperor should not confer the title? But after all, he is Sun Kewang's confidant, and he must stand by Sun Kewang's side no matter what. Qiang argued: "His Majesty Yongli has entrusted all the power of the government to the king of the country. Does it matter whether the emperor or the king issues the edict for canonization?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Li Dingguo was so majestic and mighty that he had the power of becoming a king. He scolded Yang Xingxian with a slight scolding that sent chills down Yang Xingxian's spine.

"You go back and tell Sun Kewang that the reward comes from the emperor. Now I am the king, is it okay?" A decisive question came in the wind, but he was not granted the title.

Twenty years of deep brotherhood and heart-to-heart ties. Just when Li Dingguo accused his sworn brother Sun Kewang of not passing through Emperor Yongli and conferring the title of king, which was inconsistent with etiquette, in Sun Kewang's camp in Yuanzhou, the leader of the Qin State was also discussing his sworn brother Li Dingguo with his confidants. To be precise, someone close to him was slandering Li Dingguo against him.

The confidant was none other than Fang Yuxuan, the editor and editor of the Hanlin Academy who created the unique book "History of the State of Qin". This man was deeply valued by Sun Kewang because he advocated that the Ming emperor should be virtuous and should give way to the wise, and the Qin king should be virtuous and should be crowned emperor. He stayed by his side as a military counselor.

"My lord, I heard that Li Dingguo captured a lot of money after he conquered Guilin. The only things that could be sent to Guiyang were Kong Youde's gold seal of King Dingnan, a gold book and a bundle of human figures. There were no gold or silver treasures. I thought that Li Dingguo was either hiding it secretly or sharing rewards with the soldiers. Thank you for your kindness. His heart is unpredictable!" Fang Hanlin enthusiastically applied eye drops to Li Dingguo. "No way, Gu Na's sworn brother is not a greedy person." Sun Kewang shook his head slightly.

"Even if Xifu is not greedy for money, he can annihilate two kings and restore territory thousands of miles away. Such military achievements are rare in our dynasty. In the past, when the four kings were parallel, he did not obey you very much. Now that they have become kings, the world only knows that Xifu , I don’t know if there is a king. If you have a disobedient heart, how can you control it? You should have made plans early."

The thief took one bite and penetrated three points into the bone. Fang Yuxuan's words hit Sun Kewang's sore spot. Li Dingguo is the "enemy of ten thousand people" of the Great Western Army, and he has never been very convinced by himself. In order to persuade him, he planned the flag-raising incident at the martial arts field and beat him with fifty military sticks. From then on, the brothers developed a flaw that would never recover. Because of this, after learning about his sworn brother's plan to encircle and annihilate Nikan, he secretly ordered Feng Shuangli to retreat to Baoqing, not wanting it to succeed. Unexpectedly, the sworn brother was so good at fighting that he won the battle and killed Nikan in formation, breaking the myth that "the Eight Banners are invincible". Nowadays, the sworn brother's achievements are so great that he can shock the Lord, so he really has to guard against it.

Sun Kewang stroked his beard and said slowly: "I have ordered Yang Xing to make him the King of Xining with my will. If you are willing to accept it, your status as king and minister will be determined; if you are not willing to accept it, you will have counter-intentions and make further calculations." .

Fang Yuxuan praised him from the bottom of his heart as "the wise ruler of the country."

"Military report, our army was defeated in Baoning. General Wang Fuchen, commander-in-chief Yao Zhizhen, Zhang Xianzhen, Wang Jiye, and Yang Chunpu were killed in the battle. King Funan was leading the defeated army back to Guizhou." While they were discussing, some guards suddenly arrived. Military newspaper.

"Liu Wenxiu is disgusting. Even if he loses, he should stay in Sichuan. How can he return to Guizhou!" Sun Kewang was furious and put a big hat of "losing his teacher and losing his land" on the head of his other sworn brother, King of Funan Liu Wenxiu.

"My Lord, this is a God-given opportunity. King Su of Funan has good relations with Xifu. You just use the name of 'losing troops and losing land' to relieve King Funan of his military power and cut off the arm of Xifu." Fang Yuxuan hurriedly offered his plan.

"Yes," Sun Kewang said softly, and ordered Liu Wenxiu to be relieved of his military power and sent back to Kunming to live in peace. He also ordered that the first commander-in-chief, Zhang Xianbi, who was defeated and escaped, be beaten to death with sticks.

Aixinjueluo Nikan's body was transported back to Beijing. The grief-stricken Emperor Shunzhi ordered him to stay out of court for three days, and the prince came down to the suburbs to greet him and give him a posthumous title.

The Eight Banners disciples who carried the coffin described the scene when Nikan was killed in battle. According to them, Prince Jingjin shouted before his death: "Our army is attacking the thieves and no one can retreat. I am a member of the royal family. If I retreat, what will happen to me?" He rushed in bravely and was surrounded by many enemies. When he attacked, he fell into the ditch and lost all his arrows. He drew his sword and fought, exhausted, and died in the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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