Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 525: Going up the river to destroy Huanglong

Chapter 525: Going up the river to destroy Huanglong (Part )
"Ru Meng Ling·The Army Marches to Shymkent"

Looking at the countless mountains in the distance,

Why march thousands of miles westward?

Swinging his sword to kill Turan,
But trapped deep in the mountains and forests.

Crouching tiger, crouching tiger,
A long roar of sorrow and anger.

The moon waxes and wanes, and people have joys and sorrows. Everyone will encounter troubles and deal with them differently. Some people sighed, some drank to drown their sorrows, and the great Khan of Lotus, who liked the arty elegance, played the trick of expressing his feelings in words. The thirty-three-character Ru Meng Ling has only four central thoughts: nothing can be done.

Good guy, as soon as I finished writing this word, I suddenly felt a sense of sadness and sadness permeating my heart. In the last battle of Albrak, he suffered a big loss and had been thinking of revenge, but he didn't expect to suffer another defeat in Shymkent. If this battle is defeated again, where will the Oirat God of War lose his face?

Seeing that Dahan was in a bad mood, everyone on the left and right held their breath and did not dare to say anything. Upon seeing this, his confidant Malaqin asked cautiously: "Great Khan, will you summon Concubine An from Tashkent to relieve your worries?"

Fatima, the daughter of demoted Murad and his concubine, has been deeply favored since entering the palace. During this expedition to Kazakhstan, Suletan placed her in Tashkent and stayed with her until the war. However, the Great Khan of Lotus was a powerful man after all. For fear of affecting his morale, he refused to let this beauty enter the military camp. As the army moved north, the distance between the two became wider and wider.

After hearing this, Sultan's eyes lit up at first, and then his face darkened, "Do you think I am a foolish king who likes sex? If my women enter the military camp, can the women of the generals also enter the military camp? At all levels What about the women of the generals and soldiers? In the end, the warriors are hugging each other and indulging in the gentle countryside, how can they think about fighting? What kind of heart do you have, you dog slave?"

After hearing this, Malaqin was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his back, and he hurriedly knelt down on the ground to plead guilty, "I only said this when I saw the Great Khan frowning, and was afraid that the worry would damage the dragon's body. I beg the Great Khan to forgive me." ".

"That's all, please step aside. Don't mention such words again in the future." Sultan waved his hand, feeling a little disinterested.

Malaqin stepped away wisely and returned quietly after a while, saying, "Great Khan, Vice President Hu wants to see you."

"Hu Lianqi? He still has the nerve to see me? Last time he came up with a bad idea and advised me to cut off the enemy's water source. The soldiers struggled for more than ten days before they discovered that the ground here was full of water, and the water from the wells was sweet." Sultan muttered angrily, and finally ordered Scholar Xuan Na to enter the account.

Hu Lianqi came and saluted calmly, still showing the demeanor of a scholar who was neither humble nor arrogant, calm and gentle.

Sultan dislikes his arrogance the most. When other ministers see me, they want to kneel down and lick my boots. But you have the guts? He asked angrily: "Hu Qing came to see me, but he came up with a clever plan? He didn't come to persuade me to cut off the enemy's water source again, right?"

Hu Liangqi blushed. It was true that he didn't think carefully last time and came up with a bad idea in a hurry. Seeing that he was also embarrassed, Suletan secretly expressed his anger and softened his tone, "I was just joking, Hu Qing, please don't mind. If you come, please give me a seat."

A chair was moved around, and Hu Lianqi was not polite. He sat down and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, I have been thinking hard these days, and I have come up with a plan."

"Oh, please tell me, Aiqing." Hearing that he had another plan, the Great Khan's face became a little kinder, and his title of "Hu Qing" became "Aiqing."

"Your Majesty is familiar with history books and naturally knows about the conflict between Chu and Han. The Chu army is far more elite than the Han army, and Xiang Yu's bravery is not comparable to that of Liu Bang. But why did Liu Bang win in the end?"

"What's the point of asking? Liu Bang has a broad mind and is good at using people. Xiao He, Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Peng Yue, etc. are all outstanding people, but Xiang Yu can't use him even if he has Fan Zeng, so he is defeated."

Hu Lianqi smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty is right, but this is only one of the reasons. I think there is another important reason why Xiang Yu failed: he did not build his capital in Xianyang, which could rely on the danger of Yaohan, but It was based in Pengcheng (Xuzhou). Pengcheng was located in the Four War Zone of the Central Plains and was extremely vulnerable to attack. During the conflict between Chu and Han, Xiang Yu defeated Liu Bang many times, but all because Liu Bang united with Qi, Zhao and other countries to harass the Chu army's rear, Threatening Pengcheng, he had to lead his army back to help, and ultimately failed. What a pity! If Xiang Yu made Xianyang his capital, where would the Liu family come from? "

At this time, silence was better than sound. After speaking, Hu Yushi stopped talking and looked at the Lotus Khan quietly with an incomprehensible posture.

Obediently listening to the voice, the Great Khan carefully studied what the counselor said and murmured to himself, "Xiang Yu's Dingdu was wrong? Well, Dingdu was wrong." He suddenly realized, "You mean Turkestan, the capital of Kazakhstan?" Is there a problem with the location of the city? What’s the problem?”

Hu Lianqi used his fingers to draw heavily on the map hanging in the tent, "The problem lies on the Syr Darya River. Your Majesty, please see that the city of Turkestan is located on the plain on the right bank of the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River, with Karatau as its back. Mountain. If we attack from land, we have to pass through Shymkent, Aresi, Koksarai, Zhenzhak, Sau and other places to reach this city. But what if we attack from the river? The Syr Darya River is gentle, and It's a flood season. As long as we build more boats and sheepskin rafts, we can reach the city in the 6th or 7th day. The Kazakhs are good at riding and shooting, but not good at water warfare. They never expected that our army would come up from the water. The minister Yang Gil Khan There won't be too many defenders left in Turkestan City, so we can just go straight to Huanglong and capture the Kazakh capital in one fell swoop. By then, the enemy's military morale will inevitably fluctuate and they will collapse without a fight!"

Silence, silence, even the great Khan Lotus was shocked by this unbridled plan. The Mongolian warriors are good at riding and shooting, but not good at water warfare. The plan is to have the main force take boats up the Syr Darya River and directly take the Kazakh capital Turkestan. Although it was unexpected, it would be dangerous if it failed and the troops were trapped under the fortified city. Too bold, too bold!

After a long time, Sultan let out a long breath and said, "Yangir Khan is a terrible enemy and will never leave elite soldiers to guard the capital. I predict that the garrison of Turkestan City will not be less than 10,000, and the number of troops defending Turkestan City will be at least 10,000." There are also 10,000 troops of Touq, the son of Yangir Khan, on the nearby Karatau Mountains. There are also thousands of garrison troops in the city of Sau in the southeast. These armies can rush to help quickly. The Kazakh people are tough, and so can the people in the city. They were organized to fight against our army. I think it is impossible to capture the city of Turkestan from the water."

"Your Majesty, soldiers are crafty. How can you know if it won't work if you don't give it a try?" Hu Lianqi still insisted on his opinion.

Sultan was happy, "Hu Qing, you are talented and have many ideas, but you are too stubborn. Attacking the city of Turkestan by force will not work. There is another way. There is no need to go all the way to the dark side. The way of using troops , lies in mobilizing the enemy. The city of Turkestan is the heart of Kazakhstan. Although our army will probably not be able to break through the city along the Syr Darya River, it can scare Yangir Khan. As long as this Turan tiger is afraid, the battle will be It’s a good fight.”

(End of this chapter)

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