Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 524 The Battle of Shymkent

Chapter 524 The Battle of Shymkent (Part )
The battle went so smoothly that the Kazakhs captured three trenches in one day and attacked halfway up the mountain. The guards were full of confidence that they would win. Some Mongolian generals, such as Mandu Latu, Tegusi Chaoketu, Enhe Batu, etc. were unwilling to let the surrendered generals take the lead and clamored to attack the mountain. Pioneer. Fortunately, the Great Khan of Lotus was kind and did not let them steal the credit. He still ordered the Tashkent-Bukhara Army to take the lead.

Last night, the merciful Lotus Khan rewarded them with meat pulp, and the morale of the entire army was very high. The deputy capital Qianhu Paile asked Uluk for a battle, "Du Qianhu, the soldiers are ready, please give the order to attack the mountain."

Looking at the empty slope halfway up the mountain, Uluk felt a little scared. After fighting so many battles, he naturally knew that without trees to cover the ground, the soldiers who rushed up would be easily shot by bullets and arrows, and they would be shot from below. If you attack upward, you will also suffer a loss when shooting. But on the one hand, the morale can be boosted but not on the other hand, and on the other hand, the profuse sweat is watching him from the bottom of the mountain. Even if the terrain is unfavorable, he has to rush up.

"Attack the mountain," he waved his fist viciously.

The guardsmen were in groups of three or five, holding swords and shields and slowly climbing the mountain, followed by archers covering them. Gradually, we got closer and closer to the Kazakh earthen wall.

Because he tasted the sweetness of muskets in the Battle of Albrak, Yangir Khan expanded his musket battalion to more than 3,000 people. In order to strengthen the long-range shooting capability, he also allocated 10,000 archers from various tribes. Under the command of Eusten.

This outstanding Swedish general divided the 3,000 musketeers into three tiers and the 10,000 archers into five tiers, preparing to fire at each level to create a hail of bullets.

Four hundred steps, three hundred steps, two hundred steps, Eusten estimated the distance of the enemy, and when he saw that he was within the range of the bow and arrow, he snorted, "Shoot!"

In an instant, a barrage of arrows fell from the sky, and the sky that was clear just now was covered by shadows. The guards who had been prepared put their shields on their heads and started running. Even so, people kept being shot down.

The Guards archers began to reflect, but because they were shooting upwards, they suffered a loss in range and power, and were suppressed by the bows and arrows on the mountain.

"Brothers, run faster and charge forward. The Kazakhs are all cowards. As long as we charge forward, they will be defeated." Pail encouraged his men and led the climb.

Seeing that they had entered the range of the muskets, Justen waved his hand, and the Kazakh musketeers began to shoot. Three thousand muskets took turns to fire volleys, one thousand bullets at a time, continuously.

Some guardsmen wanted to put up shields for protection, but the shields might be able to block arrows, but they couldn't block muskets. The bullets shot through the shield and penetrated into the soldier's body.

The battle of Orbrak seemed to be happening again. The Guardsmen were unable to break through the Kazakh bullets when attacking from the rear. They were shot down in rows and fell in pieces. They retreated due to excessive casualties.

"Send the order to Payil, no retreat is allowed. The whole army will attack. Follow me and the whole army will attack." Uluk became ruthless. After cutting down several defeated soldiers with his supervisory team, he charged to the beacon in person. Seeing him coming, the morale of the Tashkent-Bukhara Army was restored and they attacked the mountains without fear of death.

After all, there were many people, and after suffering huge casualties, they finally filled in the trench and stormed the earthen wall.

"Order the infantry to go up the wall and hold on. I will personally supervise the battle. Anyone who dares to retreat will be killed immediately." On the top of the mountain, Yang Gilhan roared as a tiger and led his guards to the earth wall in person.

Seeing the arrival of the Great Khan in person, Berkhawul of Turkestan City, Jamal of the Suwan Tribe, Erken, the leader of the Alban Tribe, and Mendel, the leader of the Shaprasiti Tribe, etc., all took their troops with them. The soldiers and horses resisted desperately. The fighting was extremely brutal, with broken limbs and broken arms visible everywhere. "Great Khan, when will our troops counterattack? The warriors are impatient to wait," Kessel complained to Yangir Khan dissatisfied.

"Don't be impatient, my Baturu, wait until the cannons of the Musket Battalion fire before counterattacking. You warriors from the Korai tribe are best at mountain warfare, and I will use you at the most critical moment." Yang Gilhan laughed, His tall body shook with laughter, like a hunting tiger.

On this slope halfway up the mountain, the gun range had been measured in advance, and fifty artillery pieces of various types were concentrated. They started roaring just after Eusten gave an order. But the Swede thought that the rushing guards were not dense enough, so he delayed giving the order to fire. It wasn't until Uluk charged in person that dense guards crowded the slopes that he excitedly uttered two words through his teeth: "Fire."


The sudden artillery fire stunned the soldiers of the Tashkent-Bukhara Legion who were attacking the mountain. They fell down in pieces, panicked.

"My Batulu, do you dare to compete with me to see who can kill more enemies?" Yang Gilhan laughed at Kessel and pulled out his Khan Sword. This knife is different from the ordinary Mongolian scimitar. It is much thicker and the blade shines with a cold light.

Turan's Tiger moved and pounced on the enemy fiercely. A big knife flew up and down, killing people like melons and vegetables. Qianhu Paile, the deputy capital of the Guards, was unlucky. He encountered this tiger and was split in half with just one move.

Hearing that the Great Khan wanted to compete with him, Kessel rushed into the Guards formation with two axes in hand without saying a word. The two thousand Kolay'er soldiers under his command went crazy and were not afraid of death, killing them wantonly. These warriors who are good at mountain warfare further tore apart the Guards' combat formation and made them even more panicked. Kazakh generals such as Khawul, Jamal, Erken, and Mondale also led their respective headquarters to join the battle group.

The Tashkent-Bukhara Army, which had just been "certain of victory", collapsed, and Uluk managed to save his life by rolling and crawling down the mountain. Counting the troops and horses, a total of ten thousand people were lost and their vitality was damaged.

Seeing this, Sultan knew that these surrendered troops would not be able to fight in the short term, so he had to order Uluk to lead the remaining troops to rest and recuperate. Unwilling to fail, he heard that the guard of Karatau Mountain in the north of Shymkent was Touq, the son of Yangir Khan. The boy was only thirteen years old and was still young. He must be easy to deal with. He ordered his deputy Wan Huen and Batu to lead 10,000 troops. Sneak attack on Karatau Mountain.

However, Great Khan Lotus forgot that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Men on horseback grow up quickly. At the age of thirteen, he was already holding the riding whip of the Huite Department. Lin Dan Khan, Gushi Khan and others also commanded the army at the age of thirteen. one party. Although Tou Ke is young, he is a ferocious tiger, with his father's unyielding blood flowing in his veins, and he fights bravely and tenaciously. Enhe Batu lost five hundred warriors, but could only look at the mountain and sigh.

Just when Sultan was frowning, Hu Lianqi offered his advice, "Your Majesty, there is little rain in Shymkent in summer, and it is a mountainous area. The water source mainly depends on the Badam River in the south. As long as we cut off the enemy's water source, they will definitely If you don’t fight, you will collapse.”

"Excellent! Hu Qing's plan is excellent!" Suletan jumped up from the fearless lion throne with joy, and immediately ordered heavy troops to be guarded at the Badam River and other water sources.

After more than ten days of struggle, the Kazakh army's water source was finally cut off. But the defenders in the mountainous area were still very active, with no sign of thirst. After careful inquiry, the Great Khan of Lotus was so angry that his liver ached. It turns out that this place is only short of water on the surface. In fact, there are abundant underground rivers. Just dig a well and you can gush out sweet springs.

(End of this chapter)

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