Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 522 The Battle of Shymkent

Chapter 522 The Battle of Shymkent (Part )
Hu Lianqi's concerns are not unreasonable. The city of Shymkent is mountainous. The city itself is located at the southern foot of the central Ugam Mountains. It belongs to the West Tianshan Mountains to the east, the Kazkurt Mountains to the southeast, and the Karatau Mountains to the north.

Yangir Khan ordered Dayuzi Amul Khan to guard the Western Tianshan Mountains, Zhongyuzi Balandu Khan to guard Kazikult Mountain, his son Touke to guard Karatau Mountain, and he led his army to guard Ugam Mountain. The altitude of these mountains is more than 1,000 meters. Shymkent's Kazakh army only has 80,000 people, only half the number of the Guards. However, it occupies an advantageous location and is condescending, without fear of powerful enemies.

After all, the Lotus Khan had been in battle for a long time. After being reminded by Hu Lianqi, he observed carefully and found that the enemies on the mountain were heavily guarded and had troops stationed at all the key passes. I couldn't help but sigh, "Tiger of Turan really deserves its reputation. I was not unjustly defeated last time."

Because he was afraid of the terrain here, he was reluctant to risk his direct troops. Qianhu Uluk, the capital of the Tashkent-Bukhara Army, was ordered to tentatively attack the outlying mountains of Shymkent.

They first attacked the Xitian Mountains in the east and were severely beaten by five thousand Kangli warriors commanded by Dayuzi Amul Khan. Amul Khan is the younger brother of Yanggil Khan. Unlike Zhongyuzi Balandu Khan and Xiaoyuzi Alei Khan, due to the strength of the Turan Tigers, he can only order his own headquarters: Kangli Department. He is small in power and is close to the Great Khan, so he is particularly loyal. Uluk lost more than 500 warriors but could not even attack the mountainside, so he had to retreat in despair.

He then turned to attack Mount Kazikult in the southeast. Balandu Khan of Zhongyuzi who was guarding the mountain led 15,000 soldiers from the five major departments of Zhongyuzi, including Kelie, Naiman, Alhun (Northern Xiongnu), Qinchak, and Wak (Wanggu), to resist desperately. After three days of fighting, another six hundred corpses were left behind, with no gain.

Uluk felt that he was losing face and was about to launch a strong attack, but unexpectedly he heard the troops from the rear shouting gold to retreat. He returned with great confusion and came to the Great Khan of Lotus and asked: "Great Khan, my servant is about to attack Mount Kazikult, why did you withdraw your troops at the expense of gold?"

Sultan was very satisfied with his loyalty. These soldiers and generals took on the most dangerous combat missions, but they had no regrets. Sometimes they were actually more useful than his own direct troops. He explained with a smile: "I have observed carefully in the past few days that the defenses of the surrounding mountains are not weaker than those of Ugam Mountain. In this case, it is better to attack Ugam Mountain directly, capture Shymkent City, and attack Yangir Khan directly." "Tomorrow, you will lead the main attack, and I will concentrate all the artillery and mobilize enough archers to support you."

"Yes", Uluk replied.

Seeing the bitter look on his face, Sultan smiled and began to draw the cake, "I have seen the general fight bloody battles for David. If he wins this battle, the court will not hesitate to grant him the title of earl."

Upon hearing that he could be crowned a knight by capturing Mount Ugam, Uluk's eyes widened suddenly and he howled: "My slave will definitely live up to the trust of the Great Khan and will not withdraw his troops until Mount Ugam is captured."

"Jamal, the enemy is about to attack the mountain. How is the morale of the warriors?" Yang Gilhan came to Jamal, the leader of the Suwan tribe, and asked carefully about the military situation. The Suwan tribe is a branch of the Wusun tribe directly under it and is a loyal and reliable force within the Khanate.

"Don't worry, Khan. The men are all holding fire in their hearts. They are all gearing up to teach the damn Oirat bandits a lesson. Their morale is high," Jamal assured, patting his chest.

"Let's go, follow me to the position." Yang Gilhan was worried. He wanted to personally inspect the position to encourage his soldiers.

"Look, it's the Great Khan, the Great Khan is coming." The Kazakh warriors saw their hero: Yangir Khan.

"King of Turan!"

"King of Turan!" "King of Turan"

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers like a roaring tsunami.

Yang Gilhan's eyes were moist. He came to the middle of his soldiers and gave an impromptu speech, "Kazakh warriors, pick up your bows and arrows, pick up your swords and guns, and listen to my oath. More than two hundred years ago, a group of The herdsmen broke away from the Golden Horde and joined the Yuejibei Khanate (Uzbek Khanate). After a few decades, they separated from the Yuejibei Khanate again and came to this land in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya River. This It is our ancestors, people call them Kazakhs (refugees). After hundreds of years of exile, our ancestors owned the land under their feet. Now, the damn Oirat people want to take away this land and let us wander around like our ancestors , fleeing everywhere. Are you willing?"

"Unwilling", "unwilling", "unwilling" the soldiers' roars were earth-shattering.

"Warriors, although the enemy is strong, it is not invincible. We once defeated them in the Olblak Valley. Now, the bandits who are unwilling to fail are here again, trying to break into our home and enslave our relatives. Let them Come on, whoever wants to enslave the Kazakhs will be enslaved by the Kazakhs. If someone asks, what is the way to defeat the enemy? It must be courage, the courage to face death! Warriors, for the Kazakhs, no more fleeing , In order for your relatives not to be enslaved, I order you to fight the enemy bloody to the end!"

"Fight bloody to the end~Fight bloody to the end~Fight bloody to the end~" This roar is the unyielding cry of a nation, ringing in the mountains and fields for a long time.

Wusun, Dulat, Kolayir, Alban, Shariwusun (Tuqishi), Sirgeli, Isti, Ushakti, Shaprasiti, Hataganyangirhan inspected Following one tribe after another, wherever they go, their fighting spirit is high.

"Boom~boom-boom~" As the Guards' artillery unleashed its power, the battle to attack Ugam Mountain began.

Because the mountain is high and steep, and the shots are fired from bottom to top, the heavy artillery that is difficult to move at the foot of the mountain has insufficient range, and most of the cannonballs can only reach the mountainside. Although the noise was loud, the casualties caused were minimal. Qianhu Talhun, the commander of the Guards Artillery Battalion, became furious and ordered his son Mengkutmul, the head of Qianhu, to personally lead his men and carry small cannons up the mountain to shoot at close range. Although the power of these small artillery is far inferior to that of heavy artillery, they are superior in number and easy to move, causing some casualties to the Kazakhs. However, Yangir Khan, who was good at fighting, ordered people to dig more than ten trenches on the mountain. The Kazakh soldiers hid in a trench that was more than half a person's height, with only their heads and arms exposed, so the actual casualties were not large.


The artillery of the Kazakh army began to fight back. Although it could shoot farther from a high position, it was suppressed by the Guards' artillery fire because of its small number.

Seeing that his own artillery had the upper hand, Uluk was as excited as if he had been shot to death, and roared an order: "Attack the mountain."

Tashkent - The soldiers of the Bukhara Legion climbed up the mountain in groups of three or five, holding swords and shields.

Saihan, the brave general of the Guards, led a large number of archers, followed by the sword and shield soldiers, and fired towards the mountain. "Whoosh~whoosh~whoosh~", arrows rained down, covering the Tashkent-Bukhara army's attack on the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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