Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 521: The monarch and his ministers compose poems and sing on stage

Chapter 521: The monarch and his ministers compose poems and sing on stage

On the second day of August in the eighth year of David's reign (1651), Lotus Khan Sultan was ready for an all-out war and set out from Tashkent to launch a war of annihilation against the Kazakh Khanate. Because some troops needed to be left to garrison the newly conquered Fergana, Tashkent, Bukhara and other places, and also due to the attrition of the war, only of the Guardsmen who had just set out for the Northern Expedition could be used for the Northern Expedition. Thirty thousand troops surrendered. After the destruction of the Bukhara Khanate, he organized all the surrendered troops into the Tashkent-Bukhara Army, bringing the number of surrendered troops to and serving as the vanguard of the army.

According to intelligence, his old rival Yangir Khan personally led an army of 80,000 men and was stationed in the Shymkent Mountains just north of Tashkent City; the Eastern Governor Hadir led 20,000 troops to guard the city of Talas (Talas) northeast of Shymkent; Central Governor Denis led 20,000 troops to guard Sozak, Sau, Turkestan and other cities in the northwest of Shymkent.

If the enemies are arranged in the shape of "pin", then knock off the "口" at the front of the character. Sultan decided to learn from the Ming army's lesson in Sarhu and concentrate his forces to attack Shymkent without dividing his troops. Yangir Khan, Yangir Khan, aren't you known as the "King of Turan"? I want to see which one is more powerful, this Turan tiger, or my real dragon! Eager to wash away the shame of Orbrak, the Great Khan of Lotus is gearing up for another battle with his old rival.

The 160,000-strong army marched over the mountains and plains, their flags covering the sky and the sun. The Great Khan of Lotus sat on the sweat-blooded BMW "Chasing the Wind", feeling proud. This feeling of commanding thousands of troops was something that he, as a common man in his previous life, could never experience. Power is really a good thing. With it, you can do whatever you want and do whatever you want. Whoever dares to block my way, let him try my horse's hooves!
Originally, this supreme leader wanted to secretly remove the beacon tower set up by the Kazakhs in Zhir and catch the enemy by surprise. But after thinking hard, he decided not to attack sneakily, but to launch an open and frontal attack.

In just half an hour, the Tashkent-Bukhara Army, the vanguard of the Guards and composed of surrendered troops, captured the Zilga Military Fortress and the Beacon Tower. All five hundred defenders were killed, but they still performed their duties well. , lit the beacon fire. With billowing smoke and long horns, the warning of the coming Guards troops spread in all directions. One Kazakh military camp after another was prepared, and one Kazakh soldier after another picked up his sword and gun.

Looking at the billowing smoke from the beacon tower, Sultan sneered, "Just let him send a message to Yangir Khan. Tell Yangirhan that I am here, and I will destroy you with an upright army!"

"Come here, come with the pen!" The Great Khan of Lotus suddenly became angry and took up the pen to compose a poem:
"The Northern Expedition to Shymkent and the Crouching of the Tiger"

There are countless mountains outside the mountains,
On which peak does Turan Tiger lie?
It is difficult to entertain guests if the host is rude.
But the laughing lotus is less magnificent.

A hundred battles and defeats are nothing.
Martial arts has always been determined by one battle.

There is no difference between the present and the past in human affairs.
Why use Wu Song to fight a tiger?

As soon as "Good Poems", "Heroic" and "The Great Khan is Wise" were finished, a group of arrogant soldiers and generals below applauded them one after another, even though many Mongolian nobles had not read "Water Margin" and did not know who Wu Song was. , but still shouted louder than anyone else. Even if the poems written by the Great Khan are nonsense, they should be treated as flattery. This is the way of being an official.

His Majesty is confident and hopes to defeat Yangir Khan in one battle and wash away the shame of Orblak. It's just that Shymkent is a mountainous area with steep terrain, so it may not be easy to attack! Hu Lianqi looked at the vast mountains with his brows furrowed.

"Hu Qing, you also compose a poem to add to the fun." Seeing that he was the only one who did not applaud, the Lotus Khan, who boasted that his literary talent was unparalleled in the world, was a little displeased, so he ordered him to compose one too. Is it possible that you think I didn’t do a good job? Then you can also compose a song for me to see.

It is difficult to disobey the king's orders, and scholars have their own character. Hu Lianqi was angry, and his pen moved like a dragon and a snake, brushing~brushing~brushing~, and he also composed a poem:
"The Northern Expedition to Shymkent"

Don’t care how heavy the green hills are,
Don't ask which peak the tiger is lying on.

The dragon returns to the river and the sea can make waves,
When a tiger enters the forest, it creates wind. Although people and things are different from the past and present,
The tactics and strategies are the same in ancient and modern times.

The Chu River and Han realms still exist today;
Overlord does not lack martial arts skills.

As soon as this poem came out, Suletan Khan, a generation of genius, became so angry that his nose became crooked. I wrote "The Northern Expedition to Shymkent to Ambush the Tiger", but you wanted to write "The Northern Expedition to Shymkent to Ambush the Tiger". What a Hu Lianqi, so brave! Arrogant! How dare you sing opposite me!

When the emperor is angry, blood flows like a river, so people say that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. The Great Khan of Lotus was angry and remained silent. The dragon's body trembled slightly, the veins on his forehead and arms were exposed, and he pressed the Yilite sword with his hand. He glared at Hu Yushi angrily.

Hu Lianqi seemed not to notice, looking at the king with a smile, as calm as water and as upright as a mountain.

Sultan's hand on the sword became tighter and tighter, no one spoke, and the air was deathly silent.

"What a poem, what a poem," suddenly a tall man in the crowd shouted loudly. The Great Khan followed his reputation and found that it was his confidant and favorite general, the third-class Luntaihou Mandu Latu. This Mandu Latu has the courage to be unstoppable by thousands of people. He has smashed the heads of countless enemies with the mace in his hand, but he is not literate in writing, let alone poetry. Just now the Great Khan was composing a poem, and he used his loud voice to shout out an earth-shattering "good poem", which made Long Yan very happy. Now he saw that the Great Khan's confidant Hu Yushi also composed a poem. This reckless man didn't care about anything. Twenty-one, he shouted again, "What a poem, what a poem."

Everyone looked at Mandulatu like a fool and sweated for him, but he was completely unaware and looked at the Great Khan flatteringly, waiting for praise.

Fortunately, this person has been following the real dragon for a long time. The real dragon knows that he can't even write a few big characters, so he doesn't know anything about poetry. I couldn't help but feel angry and funny, and rolled my eyes at him, "Marquis Luntai, when I was composing a poem just now, you shouted 'good poem', and when Hu Lianqi was composing a poem, you also shouted 'good poem'." These two poems What a good method, please tell me in detail."

This is hard to do for Mandu Latu. He can't even understand the meaning of the poem, so how can he tell what's good about it? After holding it in for a long time, he replied with a blushing face: "My slave! I actually don't understand what these two poems mean? I just think that the poems written by the Great Khan must be good poems. The poems written by the Great Khan ordered Hu Yushi to write , it must also be a good poem. So I called it "good".

"Ha~ha~ha~" After hearing this, everyone laughed happily, and the tense atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Sultan was also amused by this reckless man and loosened his grip on the knife. After thinking about it carefully, Hu Lianqi reminded himself that the Shymkent area was mountainous and Yang Gil Khan had a favorable geographical advantage, making it difficult to fight. He could not imitate Xiang Yu and show off his bravery. This was a good intention, and it was even more loyal to dare to publicly write poems to admonish myself. Xiang Yu had a new style but could not use it, and eventually lost the world. If he killed Hu Lianqi, wouldn't he be inferior to Xiang Yu?

After thinking about this, his expression softened and he said to Hu Lianqi: "Hu Qing reminded you very much that the enemy occupies a favorable location. Our army must not be careless and must be cautious."

(End of this chapter)

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