Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 359: Turmoil in Khalkha

Chapter 359: Turmoil in Khalkha (Part )

In early February 1648, the atmosphere at Erdenizhao (called "Guangxian Temple" in Chinese) of Tushetu Khan was solemn. Groups of soldiers in war robes patrolled and guarded. The guards at the door prevented any suspicious persons from approaching. .

This temple is remarkable. It was built in 1585 by Abadai Khan, the grandfather of Tushetu Khan Gonbu and the leader of the Khalkha Mongols. Once completed, it became the religious and political center of the entire Khalkha. This place is famous even throughout Mongolia. Without him, this place was built next to the ruins of Halakhorin City (also known as Helin and Hening).

In 1220, Genghis Khan founded Haraholin on the basis of the capital city of Kerei. In 1235, Ogedai Khan ordered Han craftsmen to build an outer city wall about four miles from south to south and two miles from east to west. The inner city wall of Wan'an Palace. This is a city that combines the architectural style of the Han people in the Central Plains and the life characteristics of the nomadic people in the north. The first four Khans of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, Ogodai, Guyu, and Mengge, all sat in this city to manage their dynasties. Later, after Kublai Khan defeated Ali Buge and proclaimed himself emperor, he moved his capital to Dadu (today's Beijing). During the Ming Army's Northern Expedition, Emperor Zhaozong of the Yuan Dynasty (the prince of the Yuan Shun Emperor, Aiyoushili Dala) still made Halahelin his capital, and it was known as the Northern Territory in history. Yuan.

In short, this place was once the political, economic and cultural center of the Mongolian Empire, and it has an extremely important position in the hearts of the Mongolians. At the same time, it is also the place where the people in the forest, including the ancestor of the Huite tribe, Yabu Gammelgan, lived. Sultan's father, Nomdale, was determined to restore his ancestral heritage and regain the ancestral land occupied by the Golden Family. When he was a child, Sultan often witnessed his old father lamenting with tears in his eyes: "The majestic and beautiful Hala and Linhe are dotted with various treasures. The summer camp of Huite's ancestors, my Orkhon grassland, the yellow grassland"

Nowadays, distinguished guests have come to Erdenizhao (Guangxian Temple), including princes from all the Khalkha Mongolia, including Zhasak Tuhan Subadi, Tushetu Khan Gunbu, Chechen Khan Shuolei, and Tuohui Big figures such as Special Department Huntai Jiombu Erdeni all gathered here for a meeting.

The main hall in the temple is majestic and magnificent, with all the princes and ministers gathered together. It is said that this is the territory of the Tushetu Khan tribe. Ever since Dayan Khan, the 11th generation of Genghis Khan, ordered his 11th son, Gessenzhazhaerhutaijisuo tribe, to nomadically live in the Hangai Mountain area, named "Khalkha". Tushetu Khan is the leader of the Khalkha Mongols, and Tushetu Khan Gunbu should sit at the top of the Western throne. But in the era when rites and music collapsed, the emperor's soldiers and horses were strong. Now the leader of the Khalkha Mongolia is Zhasak Tuhan Subadi, and Gunbu's seat can only be ranked below him.

Originally, Zasaktu Khan was just the right-wing commander of Tushetu Khan, but Subadi's father Laihuer and his cousin Shuolei Ubas were both talented and beautiful gods of war, and they repeatedly fought against the Oirat Mongols. The extraordinary achievements made the Zasak Tu tribe become more and more powerful. Laihuer was named the right-wing Khan by the Tushetu Khan Abadai at that time. Although the Hetuohite tribe established by Shuolei Ubas was subordinate to the Zasaktu tribe, the vast area it controlled was no longer under the main tribe. , and was even called "Altan Khan" by Tsarist Russia in the north.

Although today's Zasak Tuhan Subadi does not fight everywhere like his father Laihuer, he has superb political skills and silently increases the strength of the tribe. He was sufficiently wary of the Qing Dynasty, Tsarist Russia and the newly emerged Wei Kingdom. Externally, they manipulated each other vertically and horizontally, borrowed their own strength, and restrained each other; externally, they used subordinate ministries and the Tohuite tribe to contain the Oirat Mongolia, but did not allow the Tohuite tribe to grow bigger, and took advantage of the Tushetu and Chechen tribes to support Sunit. The leader of the tribe took the opportunity to think about the defeat and weakening of strength in the war against the Qing Dynasty, strengthen his influence on the two tribes, and consolidate his position as leader.

As the leader of the alliance, it is natural that he should be at the top of the list. But at this moment, he could only sit in the second seat. Sitting in the first seat was the thirteen-year-old monk Jebzundamba Hutuktu. "Kutuktu" means immortality, and all the monks who can get this title are very important. In 1614, Doranatha, an eminent monk of the Juonang sect, was welcomed to Kulun by the princes of the Khalkha Mongols and was honored as "Jebtsundamba". In 1634, Taronatha died in Kulun. Similar to Batur Hutaiji of Junggar, Tushetu Khan Gonbu made some manipulations and made his second son Jebtsundamba II, with the dharma name Lobsang Dambe Gyaltsen.

Although Gunbu's political skills were not as good as those of Jasak Tuhan Subadi, he was by no means a good person. After his son succeeded Jebzundamba, he moved his son from Kulun to Erdenizhao. It is the geographical center of Khalkha Mongolia and a holy place in the hearts of Mongolians, which is more conducive to missionary work. Sure enough, after moving to Erdenizhao, the number of followers of the Jonang sect increased greatly, and it quickly developed into the largest sect in Khalkha Mongolia. History has gone awry here. In another time and space, as the Gelug sect became more powerful, Rosangdenbe Gyaltsen converted from the Jonang sect to the Gelug sect, making Khalkha Mongolia the sphere of influence of the Gelug sect. But in this time and space, the Gelug sect was suppressed by Suletan and its power declined greatly. Naturally, Lobsang Dambe Gyaltsen was unwilling to change his religion, but continued to be the "Jebtsundampa" of the Jonang sect.

The monk who had nothing to do with the four major affairs should not interfere in secular affairs, but the matter discussed today was very important. As a religious leader, he was still invited by the princes to listen. Since I was just listening, I closed my eyes and mouth and meditated.

"Everyone, the imperial uncle of the Qing Dynasty and the regent sent an envoy to Khalkha again. This is the third batch of envoys. The attitude of the Qing envoy is very tough, saying that if we continue not to obey the order and send troops to rescue Junggar, it will be regarded as a violation of the great power of the Qing Dynasty. Qing's betrayal, the Qing Dynasty will send troops to conquer. Alas! If you don't send troops, you will offend the Qing Dynasty; if you send troops, you will offend the Wei Kingdom. What can we do?" Zasak Tuhan Subadi took the lead in speaking with a heavy tone.

"What!" Upon hearing that failure to send troops would lead to a Qing army's attack, the expressions of Tuxietu Khan Gunbu and Chechen Khan Shuolei changed drastically. They were really afraid of being beaten by the Qing army.

Two years ago, in order to expand their own power, they supported the leader of the Sunit tribe to rebel against the Qing Dynasty and join the Khalkha Mongolia. As a result, they angered the Qing Dynasty. The imperial uncle and the regent sent his younger brother, Prince Yu Duduo, to lead the army. Twenty thousand conquests. The two men ignored the mere 20,000 soldiers and horses, and quietly recruited troops, preparing to let the Qing army see the bravery of the Mobei warriors. As soon as the battle began, they were surprised by the bravery of the Eight Banners Army. Duduo first defeated the Sunit tribe in the Kerulen River and the Gertek Mountain; then in the Battle of Burhantu, he killed Tengjisi's two sons, Dorzi and Batu; In the Battle of Zibulak, the 50,000-strong Khalkha coalition army of Tushetu Khan, Chechen Khan, and Sayinoyan tribe was once again defeated by 20,000 Qing troops. This battle caused the two Khan kings to suffer from "Qing fear syndrome". They were afraid when they heard that the Qing army was coming to conquer.

(End of this chapter)

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