Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 358: Persuading Hobokseri to Surrender

Chapter 358: Persuading Hobokseri to Surrender (Part )
There is no airtight wall in the world. Dalma thought she was secretive, but she didn't expect that the walls had ears.

In the Hutaiji Mansion in Hoboksali, Yumhagaskotun sat quietly and let her personal maid comb her hair. She was in her thirties and looked like a girl in her early twenties. Her skin was smooth and delicate, and she could blow. break. From the outside, she is a petite and frail woman, but her frail body contains perseverance and strength. Behind every successful man there is a virtuous woman. It was she who assisted her husband Batur to create the powerful Junggar Empire. As a female politician with a reforming spirit, she gave up her tent after the city of Hoboxer was built and moved into the Huetaiji Mansion in the city with her husband.

"Ehe~Ehe~Ehe~" Zhuoliktu and Shuoqi, the fourth son of Batur Hutaiji, stumbled in. At the age of sixteen, he is already a mature warrior in Oirat Mongolia, but he still inevitably panics when encountering big events, and there is wind in his steps when he runs.

"Taiji, how could you be so rude and break into Ketun's palace without permission?" the maid scolded.

"Sorry, I'm sorry. It's really because of something extremely urgent that the child was rude." Zhuoliktu and Shuoqi hurriedly apologized. Despite the fact that he keeps saying "Ehe", he is actually not Yumhagas' biological son. He is usually jealous of his father's favoring of his fifth brother Sengge and sixth brother Galdan, and he is not in harmony with Yumhagas' mother and son.

It is said that Batur Hutaiji was indeed biased. Because he loved Yumhagas very much, and because his sixth son Galdan was a great monk of Wensa, he wanted to make Galdan the Hutaiji of the Junggar tribe. As a result, the young Galdan said: "I still have an older brother. The throne will be inherited by my older brother. I want to go to the Snowy Mountains to seek Dharma." Batur then appointed his five sons, Sengge, as Huitai Ji. He loved him so much that he even wanted to give half of his subjects to Sengge during his lifetime, and the other half to be divided equally among his other sons. This aroused strong opposition from the other sons, and they were temporarily shelved because they were afraid that the imminent war would trigger civil strife in Junggar.

Originally, Zhuoliktu and Shuoqi hated this Ehe very much. This woman was so scheming! When the sixth brother was just born, rumors about auspiciousness spread everywhere in Junggar. Things like "white rainbow piercing the sun" and "visions coming from the sky" were all written by this woman. But when it came to a matter of life and death for Junggar, he could only discuss it with her.

"My son, don't be impatient. Speak slowly. As long as Ehe is here, the sky will not fall." Yumhagasi held a bronze mirror to carefully observe his newly combed bun, while soothing the young man in a warm voice. Taiji. On the surface, she treats her non-biological sons very well, never gets angry with them, and loves them very much. But those are all appearances. Between the belly and the mountain, Batur's adult sons have always been a huge threat to his own sons Sengge and Galdan in the heart of Ketun, and he has tried every means to weaken and limit the power in their hands. that power.

"A defeated army fled back from the Gurbantunggut Desert (also known as the Junggar Desert). The Junggar army was defeated. Eqige did not want to be captured and humiliated, so he committed suicide on the bank of Manas Lake."

"Click", the copper realm fell to the ground in his hand. No matter how powerful a woman is, she will be sad when she hears the news of her husband's death. Yumhagas couldn't control his trembling hands. But after all, she was a Junggar Ketun who had experienced strong winds and waves, and she quickly regained her composure, "You, Eqige, are a great hero who stands upright and we should all be proud of him! The most important things at the moment are three things: First, You immediately organize the people in the city with Dalma to guard the city; secondly, immediately send envoys to the Qing Kingdom and the Khalkha Mongols for help; thirdly, send people to negotiate peace with the Wei Kingdom."

"Eh? Why didn't your fourth uncle Dalma come?" The shrewd and capable Yumhagas quickly sensed something was wrong. Dalma, who was in charge of city defense, must have known that the defeated army had fled back. Why didn't he report it to him?
"My fourth uncle sent someone to detain these defeated soldiers. Someone reported it to my son, and my son knew about it. The informer also said that a few days ago, a guard envoy came to persuade me to surrender. My fourth uncle has decided to surrender to the Wei Kingdom and wants to sell us for money. "Rong Yan," Zhuoliktu and Shuoqi said angrily, "Well, why don't we take a preemptive strike and capture the city garrison to seize the military power of Fourth Uncle?" "Don't talk nonsense, Fourth Uncle is not such a person. He detained defeated soldiers. Just because he is afraid of shaking the morale of the army in the city." Yumhagas sighed, "Besides, the military power in the city is in his hands. How can you defeat your thousand-man army and the hundreds of personal guards in the palace? Why? The current plan is to lead the people to leave Hoboksali and go to Altay City, which is our ancestral land of Junggar and has the danger of the Altai Mountains to rely on. When the time comes, we will rely on the Qing Dynasty and Khalkha Mongolia as foreign aid, and we will surely be able to make a comeback. ".

"Ehe, the Qing Dynasty is too far away. Khalkha and our Oirat are feuding. Will they support us?" Zhuoliktu and Shuoqi were not confident.

"The regent of the Qing Dynasty, Dorgon, is a talented and strategic hero. He must be able to see that Wei Guo is a potential threat to the Qing Dynasty. He will never allow them to become powerful. He will definitely support us in containing Wei Guo; Tushetu Khan and Chechen Khan In the past few years, because he supported the Sunit tribe's Tengjisi who rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and was severely defeated, he must not dare to go against the will of the Qing Dynasty; Zhasak Tuhan Subadi was cunning and did not want to see a unified and unified state. The powerful Oirat threatens Khalkha. He and Ombul Erdeni Hutaiji of the Tohuite tribe have ambitions for the pastures at the southern foot of the Altai Mountains. As long as we cede part of the territory to them, they will definitely be willing. Send troops to help us resist the Guards."

After hearing these words, Zhuriktu and Shuoqi felt much more at ease, but they still had doubts, "Hey, what if the fourth uncle really surrenders his guard and refuses to let us go to Altay?"

Yumhagas was very calm, "Your fourth uncle is a man who values ​​love and justice. Even if he surrenders the guard, he has no choice but to do it. He has no intention of harming us. Otherwise, troops would have been sent to control us. I will take your troops with me later." Several young brothers went to beg him to let our orphans and widowed mothers live."

"Ehe, you just said that your younger brothers are young. Although Eqige once appointed his fifth brother as Huitai Ji during his lifetime, how can a ten-year-old son hold the riding whip of Junggar? I ask Ehe to put the great cause of Junggar first and appoint his son as Huitaiji instead. Taiji, my son will treat Ehe and his brothers well, and he will never dare to betray him in this life." Zhuoliktu and Shuoqi suddenly knelt down and begged.

Are you worthy of holding the riding crop of Junggar? If you want to be Huitaiji, dream!

After hearing this, Yumhargas was very angry, but she knew that the enemy was facing a powerful enemy and there must be no internal chaos, so she gently encouraged her: "In times of crisis, you want to shoulder this heavy burden. Ehe is very happy in her heart." , the spirit in heaven who prays for Ge on your forehead will also be proud of you. But for one thing, your third uncle Chuhu'er Ubashi is out in command of the troops and has not come back yet. This matter must be discussed with him; secondly, Junggar is a vassal of the Qing Dynasty. The establishment of Huitai must be approved by the Emperor's uncle, His Highness the Regent. You will serve as the regent of Junggar first, and we will wait until the edict from Beijing arrives."

(End of this chapter)

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