Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 283 The bloody setting sun is extremely red

Chapter 283 The bloody setting sun is extremely red (Part )

On the golden dome of the Jokhang Temple, the sacred monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso stared at the Potala Palace in the east, his eyes wide open as if spitting out fire. It is said that this great master can emit three flavors of true fire, but somehow, he The Potala Palace was never lit. Unknowingly, his clenched hands were full of sweat. Even an eminent monk could not remain calm at a time of life and death.

Suddenly, there was a noise of people in the north of Jokhang Temple, and an army was approaching quickly. The great monk stood on the golden roof, condescending and could see clearly, "Huh? What is going on?"

"Great Master, what's wrong, the garrison in the city did not go to save the Potala Palace, but came to kill the Jokhang Temple." Luobuzangtu Dobu stumbled to the Golden Summit to report.

"What!" The divine monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso looked panicked, "Quickly, stop the monk soldiers from resisting."

"There are only two thousand soldiers and horses left in the temple, how can we defeat the guards?" Luobuzangtuduobu complained.

Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso looked at him and asked, "Where are your subordinates?"

Luobuzang Tuduobu blushed and said, "The young monk is incompetent and his men were scattered by the guards."

"Hmph", Ngawang Losang Gyatso snorted coldly, "You lead my followers to stop them, you must stop them!"

The followers of the divine monk were much more elite than ordinary monk soldiers, but after all, they only numbered two thousand and had insufficient firearms. They were defeated after only blocking for half an hour.

"Great Master, please follow me to break out of the siege from the east city. We have a section of the city wall in the east city," Luobuzangtu Dobu returned again to plead.

This time Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso did not refuse, but ordered him to notify Suonan Qunpei and Dimu Hutuktu who were attacking the Potala Palace, and he fled to the East City in a panic.

That day Risong climbed to the Golden Dome of Jokhang Temple, and this thousand-year-old temple is now his trophy. The square was littered with corpses, which was just normal for this veteran general.

"Chief Ten Thousand Households, our army has been assembled. Do you want to rescue the Potala Palace?" the subordinate asked for instructions.

"Well, burn the Jokhang Temple for me before we leave," Narisong said calmly.

What! That's the Jokhang Temple!

"Do you want to disobey the military order?" Seeing that his subordinates were too shocked to speak, he let go of the knife handle and sneered.

"I don't dare," the subordinates wiped away their sweat and arranged for people to gather firewood and light a fire. The thousand-year-old temple was transformed into a sea of ​​​​flames.

"Let's go to Maburi Mountain with me," Song Song shouted that day. Thousands of warriors took off their arrows and shot towards the Potala Palace on Mabouri Mountain.

"Warriors, follow me and kill. The treasures of the Potala Palace are your trophies." Suonan Qunpei loudly encouraged morale, preparing to lead the dead soldiers to attack the third floor of the White House. Dimuhutuktu ran over in a panic and pointed in the direction of Jokhang Temple with trembling fingers, "Qiang~Qiangzuo, 伱~look~"

Suonan Qunpei looked back and saw the majestic ancient temple with magnificent flames. Qiang Zuo, who had been standing like an iron tower just now, suddenly stumbled and almost fell. It’s over, the Jokhang Temple has been lost! The holy monk is in trouble!

With the light of the fire, the Gru army, which had been fierce just now, was suddenly at a loss and became a mess. Some of them were smart and simply threw away their swords and guns and ran away.

"Haorui~Haorui~Haorui~" Buhe Artu and Saraletu led their troops to charge down from the mountains.

"Haorui~Haorui~Haorui~" That day Matsube launched an attack from behind the rebels.

Under attack from two sides, the rebels were defeated. "Don't panic, form a formation~ form a formation~" Suonan Qunpei tried his best to restrain the troops around him.

"Chirp", an arrow shot with a whistling sound.

"Yeah", he fell heavily from his horse, leaving a big hole in his chest.

"Qiangzuo~Qiangzuo~" the subordinates shouted with a sob tone. His death wiped out the last bit of morale in the Gru army.

Dimuhutuktu fled to the east city desperately, but humans could not outrun the horses. Dozens of horses came galloping, led by a general with a long beard, who was not angry and powerful, and did not speak. He used his legs to control the horses. Circle around him, holding the hilt of the knife and sneering.

"You can't kill me," the great monk said tremblingly.

"Give me a reason not to kill you."

"Because I am the great master of Changna Temple and one of the messengers of Buddha in the human world. If you kill me, there will be great evil retribution." The great monk bit the word "Buddha" very hard, and he suddenly felt infinite power!

"The great master of Changna Monastery? Well, so you are Dimuhutuktu? Aren't you in Gongbu (Lingzhi)? Why did you come to Lhasa?" The beautiful bearded man pulled out his scimitar and continued to drive The horse circled around him.

The great monk forced himself to calm down and said, "I am here to obey the Buddha's wishes."

"I heard that your lineage is endless and it has been passed down to you for the fourth generation. For you, life is just one practice after another. In this case, I will help you practice another life." After finishing speaking , the handsome bearded man raised his knife and dropped it, what a fast knife! There was a flash of white light and the head fell to the ground.

Narisong, the head of ten thousand households, carried the heads of Suonan Qunpei and Dimuhutuktu and walked towards the Kunning Palace in the Red Palace of the Potala Palace, not to ask for credit, but to ask for sin.

"My servant came late that day, it's a capital crime." The calmness and calmness that he had when he committed the murder were completely gone, and he was just filled with shame and fear.

"The general suppressed the rebellion for the country and dealt with it decisively. Not only was he not guilty, but he also made great contributions. When Your Majesty comes back, I will plead for your merits in front of Your Majesty," Ulijibayar said warmly to comfort him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Queen." Risong let out a long breath. He first attacked the Jokhang Temple and then saved the Potala Palace. It was extremely risky politically. If someone labeled him disrespectful, his head would be moved. After the queen said those words just now, her head was finally saved!

Luobuzangtu Dobu escorted Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso and fled to the east city. The city wall controlled by his own side fled outside the city. After meeting with Ganden Tripa, Reting Hutuktu, Datsa Guru and others, they gathered again More than 10,000 soldiers and horses were gathered.

"Great Master, please return to Drepung Monastery quickly and call on the believers to stay at Genpi Wuzi Mountain," Ganden Tripa advised. This is actually a good idea. Drepung Monastery is located at the foot of Genpi Uzi Mountain in the western suburbs of Lhasa, and is at the corner of Sera Monastery in the northwest of Lhasa. Both temples are Gelug holy places, and there are many believers around them. With the influence of the sacred monks, they are guarding Drepung Monastery, and the guards will probably not be able to do anything to them for a while.

"Uh", Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso hesitated.

"Are you waiting for Suonan Qunpei Qiangzuo and Dimu Hutuktu? The old monk is willing to stay here to support them. Please go quickly." Ganden Tripa asked loudly, his white hair flowing in the wind.

"The young monk is willing to stay here with the teacher," Rezhen Hutuktu also shouted. He was originally the Dharma platform of Rezhen Temple, and he sacrificed his life to protect the teachings.

"Thank you, two masters, Amitabha Buddha." Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso was greatly moved. Just as he was about to say a few words of encouragement, he suddenly saw the city gate open and more than a thousand cavalry galloping out of the city. It was not the defeated troops of Suonan Qunpei Qiangzuo and Dimuhutuktu that they expected, but the guards.

It was rare for the Jokhang Temple to be on fire during the general military competition in Lhasa. Knowing that the rebels were gone, they were afraid that Risong would take all the credit, so he did not bother to assemble too many soldiers and horses, and only brought more than a thousand cavalry to fight out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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