Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 282: Snowy Plateau Demon Fenglie

Chapter 282: Snowy Plateau Demon Fenglie (Part )
Lhasa is a magical place. In summer, the sun is strong and the ultraviolet rays are strong. However, it is extremely cool if you stay indoors or under the shade of trees, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, so you need to cover yourself with a quilt all year round.

A group of soldiers patrolled along Balang Street. "Brothers, stand up and hold your chests up. Don't hold your heads down one by one and lose energy." The merchants from hundreds of households shouted to their subordinates and wiped their sweat with their hands. " This weather is so hot!"

"Hundred households, a group of mobs are rushing toward us." Deputy Baihu Gongpo Tashi suddenly pointed towards the alley ahead.

"You kid, don't be kidding me. Where did the mob come from in broad daylight?" Shang Du chuckled and glanced at what Gonpot Tashi was pointing, and his expression suddenly changed. The whole place is full of people! Carrying a variety of weapons, including Zen staffs, Tibetan knives, wooden sticks, and spears. The key is that there are too many people to count.

"No! It's Gelug's monk soldiers!" Shangdu recognized the opponent's identity from the yellow monk's robe and shouted to Gongpo Tashi: "Go and inform the head of the Rison Wan household immediately, and I will stop them." . "Arrange the formation!" he issued the military order.

Gonpot Tashi gave him a military salute, shouted "enemy attack", and ran towards the Lhasa garrison camp.

One hundred people formed a square formation, with twenty musketeers in front, twenty spearmen in the back, thirty sword and shield bearers, and thirty archers in the rear.

"Shoot!" Shangdu gave the order, and arrows flew up. The alley was not wide, and more than ten people were shot down immediately.

"Protect!" A fat monk's Zen staff roared like a tiger in his hand, roaring towards him at full speed. Behind him were several monks and soldiers, all of whom were huge and round-waisted Vajras.

"Boom~boom~boom~" the sound of gunfire sounded, the sound of "protection" stopped, and the fat monk fell in a pool of blood.

Occasionally, if someone rushes forward, the pikemen will stab them with their spears, supplemented by swords and shields. One hundred people guarded this main road. The combat power of the regular army was far beyond that of a ragtag group.

"What's going on? Why don't you move forward?" Suonan Qunpei asked.

"Qiang Zuo, the alley is too narrow for our army to rush through," his subordinate replied.

Suonan Qunpei looked forward and saw that the opponent only had a hundred people. He was very angry. If he couldn't deal with this enemy, how could he attack the Potala Palace?

"Fireguns forward, archers behind, shoot for me," he shouted. Three hundred musketeers and a thousand archers emerged from the central army. This group of monk soldiers was much more elite than the mob just now.

A good tiger could not hold off a pack of wolves, and soon Shang Du and his one hundred warriors all fell at the entrance of Barkhor Street. The sacrifice was not worthless. The sound of gunshots and shouts of death alerted the 4,000 imperial guards and 2,000 bodyguards on Mount Maburi.

"There is a riot among the monks. Please retreat to the safe area in the back mountain and let the slaves wait to defend the enemy," Du Qianhubu, Artu, and the chief of guards Saraletu begged Queen Uli Jibayar.

Uligibayar pointed to the nine-year-old crown prince Zhuoligetu and said: "His father named him Zhuoligetu because he wanted him to be brave and fearless, not to make him a deserter."

"Hey, I want to fight the enemy bravely with the soldiers." Xiao Zhuoli Getu pulled out the knife he was carrying.

Bu, Altu, and Salaletu felt a fire burning in their chests, and they gave a military salute to the queen and the crown prince. "The slaves and others swear to the death to stop the mob and never let them enter the palace."

"The Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince, and the servants are here to escort you." Ministers such as Batu Hetan, Tiemoer, Nasutu, Hashha, and Reheman came with their respective servants. "My lord, you have come at the right time." Ulijibayar smiled brightly at them, and then said to Bu, Artu, and Salaletu: "The two generals only focus on fending off the enemy. The palace has its own civil and military officials and palace officials." People guard”.

The Battle of the Potala Palace began, with 15,000 monk soldiers and 6,000 defenders engaged in a fierce battle. Although Gru's army had a numerical advantage, their opponent was a regular army. The Kingdom of David was in its founding period, and the army had a very strong combat effectiveness. Those stationed at the palace were warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles. Relying on their rich combat experience and relying on the mountains, they resisted at all levels and killed a large number of enemies. After the rebels captured the first and second floors of the White House and the first floor of the Red Palace, they were unable to advance further.

In the Jokhang Temple, the sacred monk Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso stamped his feet anxiously, constantly urging Suonan Qunpei and Dimu Hutuktu to take over the Potala Palace as soon as possible. But no matter how hard the two of them tried, it would be difficult to break through.

"You mean the rebels came from the Jokhang Temple?" Ri Songwan asked, staring at Gonpo Tashi.

"Yes, heads of ten thousand households, there are twenty thousand of them, heading towards the Potala Palace," Gonpo Tashi said anxiously.

"Potala Palace?"

That day Song let out a long sigh. There are 15,000 troops garrisoned in the city. Five thousand are guarding the city, led by General Saihan. They are fighting fiercely with the rebels outside the city and cannot be mobilized. Four thousand are guarding Maburi Mountain and cannot be mobilized. Now he is with him. There are only six thousand people.

In war, every moment of hesitation is a crime. That Risong quickly made a decision to "gather troops and horses to attack the Jokhang Temple."

"Chief Ten Thousand Households, the Potala Palace is in danger. Why didn't you go to save the Potala Palace and instead attack the Jokhang Temple?" The subordinate asked in surprise.

"The defense of the Potala Palace is strong, and Buhe Artu and Salaretu are veteran generals, so the rebels will definitely not be able to defeat them for a while. Now that their main forces are besieging the Potala Palace, the Jokhang Temple will definitely not have many guards. If If we capture the Jokhang Temple and capture the thief monk, the monk soldiers will definitely collapse without a fight." That day, I felt confident.

"But the head of the household, the queen and the princes are all in the Potala Palace. If you don't rescue me immediately, what will happen if your majesty blames you in the future?" Another subordinate was worried.

"Alas! I don't care about that anymore. If Your Majesty blames me, this household will bear the responsibility alone." That day, Nisong let out a long sigh.

Not far from the Lhasa garrison camp, Luobuzangtu Dobu paid close attention to the movements of the garrison in the city. He was ordered to lead more than 6,000 monks and civilians to delay the garrison in the city and prevent them from rescuing the Potala Palace.

"Look, Cui Ben, the garrison has come out," the subordinate pointed in the direction of the military camp.

Luobuzang Tuduobu looked from a distance and saw that soldiers were forming up one after another in the military camp, but they were heading in the direction of the Jokhang Temple.

"Eh? Why don't they go to the Potala Palace?" Luobuzang Tuduobu looked suspicious, but the situation did not allow him to think too much, and he hurriedly gathered his subordinates to stop the attack.

On the surface, the strength of both sides is about the same, around 6,000, but how can a ragtag group of 6,000 improvised troops be a match for 6,000 well-trained soldiers?
When the guards fired waves of bullets and arrows and charged in a cone formation for several times, the monk soldiers collapsed. The monks and common people who had just claimed that they would protect the religion to the death immediately became confused after seeing the tragic situation of corpses and flesh flying everywhere, and no matter how hard the generals at all levels tried to suppress them, it was useless.

"No, go and protect the holy monk!" Luobuzangtu Dobu roared angrily and hurried to the Jokhang Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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