Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 197: The Great Hero Chess is only one move away

Chapter 197 The great hero chess is just one move away

Barkol Grassland is a homophone of the Mongolian word "Barkul", which means "tiger front paw". It is located to the north of the dangerous Balskuo Mountain. If Balsikou Mountain were a tiger, wouldn't this grassland be like the tiger's outstretched claws? There is also Balihaizi (Balikun Lake), a crystal clear lake dotted with beautiful grasslands, which is truly a paradise on earth.

Today, in addition to herdsmen, cattle and sheep, this paradise also has beacon towers built at the junction with the Junggar tribe. This was built under the orders of Ananda Gushi, governor of the Western Region of Huite Department, and Xi Rimo, the commander-in-chief of the army. Before Sultan's southern expedition to the Snowy Region, he ordered the Huitewanhu Prefecture and the Western Region Province to be careful of the Dzungars. Ananda Gushi and Xi Ri did not dare to neglect, and built beacon towers at the border, not for defense, but only for alarm.

There was only a ten-man team stationed on a small beacon tower. The commander of the ten men, Duozhao, is in his forties and is a veteran. He is talking to the sixteen-year-old recruit Jiamu. The ten soldiers at the beacon tower are divided into two groups. Each group is on duty for three hours and has one day off every five days. Today, it's their turn to be on duty.

"You kid, you haven't married yet, you haven't tasted what it's like to be a woman," Duojiu teased Jiamu. This guy was just sixteen years old. His family was so poor that he didn't have many sheep, so he had to join the army to make ends meet.

"How can it be possible? As a woman, that's all." Jiamu puffed up his chest and pretended to be experienced, for fear of being looked down upon.

"Hey, you are really good at pretending. You have become more capable." Duo Liezha spat and warned: "There are fast horses in the audience. If you find the Junggar army, without saying a word, light the beacon fire, mount the horse and run away." .

"Why? The Great Khan said that we, the Mongolian warriors, stand upright and would rather die in battle than become a deserter." Jiamu refused to accept it and memorized the Great Khan's quotations. He was young and at the age of worshiping heroes. The Great Khan who led the Huite tribe from victory to victory was the great hero in his heart.

"Shit, you don't need to light the beacon fire on the beacon tower. What's the difference between a brave man and a brave man? The only real thing is to save your life." Duo Zhi cursed and educated him: "As long as we light the beacon fire, we will have fulfilled the military order and run away." No shame. Do you understand?"

Jiamu nodded in understanding.

Duozha ignored him, picked up a grass root in his mouth, and lazily leaned against the wall of the platform to look around.

Suddenly, one after another rode out from the bare and endless Junggar Desert to the west of the beacon tower. "Da~da~da~" The sound of horse hooves carries a shocking power, as if it can shake the mountains.

"Quick, light the fire and ring the bell", Duo was ligated and spit out the grass roots and shouted.

Jiamu, who was on the battlefield for the first time, had never experienced this situation before. He tried his best to use the fire sickle, but could not light the torch.

Duoliuzha didn't care to talk nonsense with him. He lit the beacon fire a few times, shook the bell on the rope, shouted "Enemy attack, run away" a few times, and ran quickly towards the beacon tower.

There were fast horses in the audience. He rode one and rode it galloping. Because he escaped quickly, he saved his life.

Jiamu woke up and ran away desperately. However, the speed was slower. "Whoosh~whoosh~whoosh~" A wave of arrows flew past and was shot into a hedgehog. "Ehhe~" Before the end of his life, the young man called out one last time and then lost his voice.

"Enemy attack ~ Enemy attack ~ Enemy attack ~"

The continuous beacon fire sent a clear signal. Under the organization of officials at all levels, the herdsmen fled into the Balsukuo Mountain with their livestock, leaving only empty grasslands for the Junggar people.


Mergen Daiqing was furious. Now he had only two choices: either capture the pass on the mountain, or return without success. "Second brother, this mountain is very dangerous. The Huite people are already prepared. It's useless to attack by force. It's better to go back," Dalma advised.

"Fourth brother, I, Junggar, have strict military laws and will retreat without fighting. How can you spare me, brother?" Mergen Daiqing smiled bitterly and ordered an attack on the mountain.

The general guarding the Huite Army on the mountain is Sabir, who joined the army in the Western Region Province. He was the first Turpan surrendered general to surrender. He had repeatedly made military exploits, was awarded the position of joining the army, and was in charge of the recruitment affairs of the province. He has rich combat experience.

"Push all the rocks and logs to the front of the pass. Don't throw them down in a hurry. Wait until the enemy reaches halfway up the mountain before throwing them." Sabir chuckled. "Don't be afraid. This mountain is very dangerous. The Dzungars don't have wings. They can't fly." If you don’t come up. As long as you hold on for ten days and a half, reinforcements from General Xi Rimo will arrive.”

The general is the courage of the soldiers. Inspired by him, four thousand Huite soldiers relied on the steep mountains to defend desperately. Although there are 10,000 Junggar soldiers at the foot of the mountain, they are restricted by the mountain and cannot use them. After nine days of strong attack, it was difficult to advance except for the bodies left on the ground.

On the tenth day, Xi Rimo, the commander-in-chief of the Western Regions, arrived with 7,000 reinforcements, and a "Hao Rui" sound was heard on the top of the mountain.

On the thirteenth day, Batur Hutaiji led an army of 30,000 people. Seeing the steep mountains, he said gloomily, "This Barkol is worthy of the front paws of a tiger. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack." After tentatively attacking for a while and leaving more than a hundred corpses behind, they decisively ordered a retreat.

Since it is difficult to attack Barkol and Hami, let’s go straight to the heart of the Huite people: the Yuledus Grassland!
Batur's army turned to the Yuledus Grassland, and what greeted him was still beacon towers and two fortified cities: Yingsochuan City and Xiao Yuledus City. These two cities were built in the Greater and Lesser Yuledus Valley areas, surrounded by mountains, making them easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Huite Wanhu Mansion Tu Mian Nasutu and Wanhu Chief Balsi were both experienced senior ministers. Although Sultan left many elite soldiers in his lair, the two veterans were mature and prudent and adopted a tortoise tactic, only defending but not attacking. Batur showed weakness several times, but was unable to induce the two to fight.

After two months of campaigning, the troops were lost and generals were lost, but the results were minimal. How could the arrogant Batur Hutaiji accept this? He gritted his teeth and determined to fight to the death with the Huites at Yuledus. Unexpectedly, he received an alarm from his third brother, Chuhuer Ubas, who stayed behind, saying that the Oros people in the north were restless, and Cossack musketeers appeared in the Burqin area and on the north bank of the Emin River.

The Wolf King finally understood that he had underestimated his opponent. Since Suletan dared to leave his nest and venture into the snowy region, he was naturally well prepared. This battle should not be fought! The current stalemate has given the Oros people a chance.

"Come here, bring Bobetaiji," he ordered.

As soon as Bobei entered the account, the Wolf King apologized, "Bobei, you advised me not to fight in the south before driving away the Oros people in the north, but to fight the Kazakhs in the west to expand my power. I didn't listen to your advice. , now we are attacked from both sides. What can we do?"

"Huntaiji, the Huite people are determined to be in the snowy land, and they can't take care of you for the moment; the Oros people's army is not large, so they only need to send envoys to question and send troops to intimidate them, and their troops will go on their own; they just want to attack Kazakhs, I am afraid that our tribe in Junggar is not enough. In the past, you and Heshuote Dayan Ozil Khan were joint leaders of the Oirat dual alliance. As the alliance leader, you should summon all the tribes to fight the Kazakhs together." Bobei offered a clever suggestion.

"Alas! It may be difficult to summon all the ministries to fight against the Kazakhs. This time I asked them to accompany me to conquer the Huite people, but none of them refused to come," Batur sighed.

"Otherwise, they are unwilling to attack the Huit because the Huit have strong soldiers and horses and are afraid that they will not get any advantage. The Kazakhs are weak and are a big fat piece of meat. Those Taijis must be willing. You should take advantage of the opportunity to attack the Kazakhs. , and formed an alliance with them in order to jointly deal with the Huite people in the future."

"Oh, my Junggar tribe has a wise man like you. It is really blessed by the immortal God!" Batur Hutaiji Maocai suddenly burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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