Desert Eagle Suletan Khan

Chapter 182: Bragging to conquer the demon

Chapter 182: Bragging to conquer the demon (Part )
"Oh, my chess friend from the previous life is here, let him in." Master Sangye Lingba's eyes flashed, and there seemed to be a wick burning in his eyes.

As a powerful monk, he knows the importance of creating a sense of mystery. In order to convince the people of himself, in addition to the statue of Guanyin talking to himself, he often made predictions about the future. Most of these predictions are inextricably linked to previous events. With careful speculation, they are almost accurate, thus earning the reputation of being able to know the past and the future.

That year, the great monk who liked talking with his hands met Lang Song of Qamdo Temple who also liked talking with his hands. When Lang Song saluted him, the great monk smiled and helped him up, "You are my chess friend in the previous life, there is no need to salute." , Yiqi is good.” For a time, everyone in the Bon sect was greatly surprised. The look in Lang Song's eyes changed, and even the status of Qamdo Temple was improved.

This is what Sangye Lingpa wants. If he wants the Bon sect to prosper, he must make people believe in these mysterious and mysterious things. As a great monk, you must be mysterious at critical moments.

Lang Song of Qamdo Temple entered the monastery's Zen room and respectfully bowed as a disciple, saying, "Disciples see the great master."

"Infinite Light Buddha, how many times have I told you that you and I were close friends in the previous life. There is no need to bow as disciples and we can just be friends as equals." Sangye Lingpa said slowly, and suddenly his tone was sad, "I haven't remembered it yet. Are you remembering something from your past life?"

"The young monk is ignorant, hazy, and vague," Lang Song's eyes were red. Under long-term psychological suggestion, he truly believed that he and the great monk had a wonderful past life, but he was sad that he could no longer remember it.

"Don't be sad. If you want to become a Buddha, you have to go through hundreds of thousands of lives. Just forget one life and live another. The key lies in the present. Come on, the chessboard is ready." The great monk pulled him away with a simple word. Back to reality.

Lang Song took a look and saw that there were indeed black and white displays in the Zen room. Thinking of his brother Chuosijia Tusi's instructions, for some reason, he suddenly lost all confidence. The person in front of him gave him an unfathomable feeling, "Great Master, I do it for~"

As soon as he said this, he was stopped by Sangye Lingpa, "I already know your purpose of coming, please stay with me for a while."

"The great master really knows the past and the future. He already knew it before I even opened my mouth." Lang Song became more respectful and carefully served his elegance.

After a while, it could be one game of chess, or it could be two games. Finally, the great monk stopped playing and sighed, "Life is like chess!"

"Jiayang Dorje", he shouted.

"Master, my disciple is here." Skinny Monkey hurriedly stepped forward.

"Go and summon the monk soldiers from each peak to Zizhu Temple. A few days ago, I sent about three thousand monk soldiers from each temple to Zizhu Mountain and hid them in the six peaks. You lead them and follow Lang Song Stationed in Qamdo".

Lang Song was secretly surprised and hurriedly thanked him.

"Yes, Master, this disciple will send people to deliver orders to each peak," Jiayang Duoji said.

"No, just blow the white conch left by the Buddha, and they will arrive naturally," Sangye Lingpa said calmly.

When the great monk mentioned the white conch, everyone couldn't help but get excited. This left-handed white conch is the legendary treasure of Zizhu Temple! According to the scriptures, when the fortunate Buddha went to the sacred mountain to slay the demons, the demons tried their best but were defeated repeatedly. In despair, they could not help but shed tears. Seeing this scene, the Buddha was filled with great sorrow. He immediately pulled out one of his teeth, turned it into a flawless left-handed conch, and blew out a burst of extremely pure and warm Dharma sounds. Immediately, the demons stopped crying and laughed. Their originally hard and evil hearts suddenly became soft and pious. They knelt down on the ground, prayed for refuge in the Buddha, and vowed to protect the Dharma forever. This conch represents the voice of Buddha, and when blown, all demons can be driven away.

The monk respectfully invited the left-handed white conch out. But no matter how hard Jiayang Dorje blows, it can't make any sound. "Don't be impatient, just concentrate and hold your breath, and recite the Buddha silently in your heart, and the blowing will naturally sound louder." Sangye Lingpa smiled and gently touched his head with his hand.

Strange to say, when the great monk touched it, Jiayang Dorje suddenly felt infinite energy, and he blew it bravely, shocking the world.

"Woo~wu~wu~" a long voice echoed in the mountains.

"The Buddha is calling us to go to Zizhu Temple," Khenpo of Ruyi Zhenbaofeng shouted to his subordinate monks.

"Follow me to Zizhu Temple to protect the Dharma. This is the will of the Buddha," Khenpo of Wushou Crystal Peak shouted to his monk soldiers.

We can see the Emptiness Peak, the Suixin Suojia Peak, the Invariable Yongzhong Peak, and the Great Top Peak. One peak after another, a total of 3,500 monks and soldiers from various Bon monasteries gathered at Zizhu Temple.

During these days, the great monk Sangye Lingba has been ordering people to train these monk soldiers. The 3,500 soldiers were organized into three thousand-man teams and a 500-man guard battalion. At all levels, Zongben (Tu Qian Hu), Jie Ben (Tu Bai Hu), E Tu (Team Leader), Qiansong (Ten Captain), Dang Du (Team Leader), etc. commanded their subordinates. Ordinary soldiers were mainly composed of serfs who served as Ula servants. Supported by their faith and in order to protect their religion, they fought with high spirits.

"Master, the monks and soldiers have been assembled. Please give instructions from the Buddha's voice." Jiayang Dorje energetically asked the teacher to speak.

Sangye Lingba nodded slightly, but was not in a hurry to speak. He looked directly at a tall man in front of him, "Are you from the Xincang family?"

"Yes, great master," Najiemoto cheered up and was happy that the great monk could remember him.

"Well, are you from the Zhucang family?" Sangye Lingba looked at a short man, Otu.

"Yes, Great Master", the man also looked happy.

"Excuse me, Bacang, Meiwu, Qiongbo! All the major families have sent out their bravest children! You are so devout in your defense of religion, I am proud of you!"

Sangye Lingpa changed the subject and began to read out the war message against the Mongols to these monks and soldiers: "People of Yongzhongben sect, thank you for following Bai Faluo's guidance and coming to Zizhu Temple. This is the call of Buddha Xingrao. ! When the Buddha went to the Holy Mountain to succumb to demons, his teeth turned into this magical left-handed white conch. As soon as the sound of the white conch was heard, the demons and ghosts disappeared. Now, a new demon has appeared in the world, and this demon is the Oirat Mongolian Huite Tribe. Suletan. He was originally the reincarnation of the Rakshasa king, and when he grew up, he tried to bring trouble to the three realms. He accepted the canonization of the evil sect Gru, called himself the Great Khan, massacred believers of various sects, invaded our homeland, and tried to enslave the entire snow region. There are only two roads before us: protect the teachings or surrender, which one do you choose?"

"Protect", someone in the crowd shouted.

"Protect the teachings~Protect the teachings~Protect the teachings~" The monk soldiers were inspired to fight and their fighting spirit was high. In this era, the power of faith is very powerful. Those Mongolians who believe in heretical sects want to take advantage of Kham. We must not tolerate it and must fight them desperately!
Seeing that he had successfully mobilized the morale of the monk soldiers, Sangye Lingpa ordered the expedition: "Go to Qamdo, my warriors! Let the voice of the white conch guide you forward!"

(End of this chapter)

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