A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 341: Killing national traitors and causing eunuchs to disrupt the government

Chapter 341: Killing national traitors and causing eunuchs to disrupt the government

Situ Colonel Bai Ya and Huangmen Commander Ju Yuan led nearly 2,000 soldiers under their command and surrounded the general's mansion.

"Bold, who are you? This is the General's Mansion, how dare you bring troops here!" The guards of the General's Mansion drew their weapons to confront Bai Ya and others.

Bai Ya and others did not reply to the scolding of the guard at the General's Mansion, but just surrounded him.

Since there was only the emperor's order and no accurate talisman, Bai Ya was in a state of confusion. Although Ju Yuan urged them to attack many times, Bai Ya and his generals were still hesitant, delaying time on the grounds that they could not see the talisman.

Who knows if this is a real warrant? What if these eunuchs are pretending to pass on the edict? It's not like they haven't done it before. If it was true, nine heads of mine and others wouldn't be enough to chop them off.

Because in the Han Dynasty, the emperor's warrant was not recognized at all, only the official talisman was recognized. Even the emperor's warrant did not give him the right to mobilize the army.

But Bai Ya didn't let Bai Ya wait long. When he saw Yuan Xu running over panting and holding the knot high, Ju Yuan's face lit up and she said to Bai Ya: "Colonel Lieutenant, it's time to mobilize the troops!"

Bai Ya also breathed a sigh of relief and quickly took the knot handed over by Yuan Xu. Without hesitation, he raised the knot high and immediately turned to face the crowd and said loudly:
"I am Bai Ya, the commander of the Sili School. I am strictly following the emperor's orders to kill the national traitor Liang Ji. Anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy. All officers and men, advance!"


Because Bai Yachijie had great righteousness, the attackers were extremely sharp, and the defenders knew that Liang Ji was gone. Therefore, although there were many guards in the General's Mansion, the resistance was not fierce, and they quickly attacked Liang Ji's location. 's courtyard.

As a steady stream of soldiers poured into the General's Mansion, it meant that the life of Liang Ji, who had dominated the Han Dynasty and controlled the government for fifteen years, had come to an end, and the wealth of his family, the Liang family, had also been cut in half.

August st

Emperor Liu Zhi secretly launched a coup, and General Liang Ji, his wife, and relatives committed suicide in their mansion.

Same day
Taiwei Hu Guang was dismissed. Liu Zhi thought that he was too old and had made great achievements in governing the country. He was just on the wrong side, otherwise he would be a good prime minister, so he was dismissed.

Situ Hanyan and Sikong Sunlang were arrested and imprisoned as members of Liang Ji's gang.

Then, Liang Ji's clan guards Liang Shu, Henan Yin Liangyin, Tunqi Colonel Liang Rang, Yueqi Colonel Liang Zhong, Chief Colonel Liang Ji, etc., as well as dozens of Chinese and foreign clan members, were ordered to be executed by Liu Zhi.

In addition, more than 300 of Liang Ji's former officials and guests were dismissed, the court officials were almost all empty, and the interest groups that were associated with Liang's relatives were wiped out and wiped out. When the people of Luoyang heard about it, they all celebrated.

Bai Ya led the soldiers and officials to inspect the confiscated property at Liang Ji's mansion. After statistics, the total amount reached more than three billion yuan.

Liu Zhi ordered all of them to be added to the national treasury, and at the same time, he issued an edict to reduce and exempt half of the taxes in the world. He also disbanded the gardens built by Liang Ji and gave them to the poor people around Luoyang who had no place to stand due to the last disaster.

August 4th
Five eunuchs, Shan Chao, Zuo Ming, Xu Huang, Ju Yuan and Tang Heng, were granted the title of marquis on the same day because of their meritorious service in plotting to kill Liang Ji. "Nineteen princes" are compared.

The five princes also relied on their merits and began to interfere in the government affairs. The unauthorized power of foreign relatives was eliminated, and the situation of eunuchs in power was about to appear.

Yanxi four years
Lingwu, Xianling Qiang, Shen Di and Jie from Shangjun jointly attacked Bingzhou, Liangzhou and Sanfu, threatening the western capital of Chang'an. General Duan Jiong, who was originally able to suppress the northwest, was demoted for offending the eunuchs, making the situation in the northwest even more corrupt. .

Since the first year of Yanxi, the foreign tribes around the Han Dynasty have been constantly attacking the counties and counties of the Han Dynasty. The Xianbei people in the north have occupied the homeland of the Xiongnu and constantly harassed the northern frontier of the Han Dynasty.

The barbarians from the Shu region in the south came out to burn, kill and loot many times. The local army could not control it. The Qiang people in the west also continued to rebel. This made the entire border of the Han Dynasty full of war. The originally full treasury was depleted due to continuous wars.

Originally, Zhang Huan, the general who protected the Xiongnu in the north, led the southern Xiongnu and Zhenbei General's Mansion, suppressing the Xianbei people in the grassland and not daring to invade the border.

The Zhonglang sent by the imperial court in the west appointed Duan Qiang as a captain to protect the Qiang to suppress the situation in the northwest. The barbarians in the south only dared to go out to plunder sporadically. The border defense on the entire border can still be maintained.

However, in the third year of the first year of Yanxi, Duan Jiong, who had a high prestige among the ethnic groups in the northwest, was slandered by the eunuch before Liu Zhi because he did not bribe the eunuch who came to work for the army.

Although under the strong protection of the officials, Yan Xibei was probably unable to control him without Duan Jiong, but he was still demoted and transferred away from Liangzhou.

"Your Majesty, the military situation in the northwest is urgent. It is better to transfer Duan Jiong back. Duan Jiong has always been prestigious among the Qiang people in the northwest. He has suppressed the northwest for several years. The Qiang people cannot break it. The safety of the near and far is at stake. The foundation of the ancestors is all in Guanzhong. Ah, your majesty, please think twice!”

Taichang Qing Yuan Xu came out and suggested to Liu Zhi. "Your Majesty, you can't. Duan Jiong has been operating in the northwest for a long time, which makes the northwest generals and Qiang leaders only recognize Duan Jiong and not your majesty. This is a taboo for generals.

However, he refused to repent. Not only was he calm and composed, but he even despised the envoys sent by His Majesty. His intentions were obvious to everyone.

This time the Qiang people defeated all the armies in the northwest, making the situation chaotic and uncontrollable. Doesn't this reflect this situation? After all, the Qiang people are just a minor problem. What if another Liang Ji appears?
The servant heard that the Qiang people in the northwest are all small tribes, and each tribe only has a thousand people. It is better to send a small general to make the Qiang people understand that even a new general from the Han Dynasty can beat the shit out of them. Wouldn’t it better reflect the might of the great Han Dynasty? "

Hearing that someone wanted to use Duan Jiong again, the eunuchs couldn't sit still. This Duan Jiong dared to call them eunuchs and talkative people. They must teach him a lesson.

Li Ying, the lieutenant of Sili School, heard that Zuo Ning, one of the Five Marquises, actually treated military affairs as a trivial matter and ignored national affairs for his own selfish interests. He decisively stated:
"Your Majesty, don't listen to such nonsense. The situation in the northwest is very critical to the Han Dynasty. The Qiang people have not changed their ways despite repeated admonitions. It has not been a year or two.

Since the Yongshou period, there have been Qiang people who were dissatisfied with Wang Hua. Previously, the old general Zhang Fang suppressed the Qiang rebellion. This prevented the Qiang rebellion from endangering the Han border.

Now that Duan Jiong has been demoted, the situation in the northwest has deteriorated again, which has proved that the Qiang rebellion cannot be stopped by ordinary people. Moreover, in order to suppress the Qiang rebellion, the imperial court invested less in the northwest, leaving the national treasury empty.

If a new general is appointed indiscriminately, the Qiang rebellion may become even more severe and the financial expenditure will be immeasurable. At that time, if there is no money available from the treasury, how can we quell the Qiang rebellion? How can Chang'an ensure safety, and how can a big man be stable?

You must know that the Han Dynasty is not only troubled by the Qiang. The Xianbei people in the north are now very ambitious, and the Southwest Yi in the south are also repeatedly plundering counties and counties. These are all places that need money. As the saying goes: one hair can affect the whole body. Please think twice, Your Majesty. ! "

"Hmph, it's not as serious as you say. It's obvious that you scholars are exaggerating the facts for the sake of political and military achievements. If you are really capable, how can the Qiang chaos last for so long?
Let us see, you guys just want to deceive His Majesty, want to form a party for personal gain, and control the government! "

"Shut up, eunuchs only know how to flatter their superiors. Your Majesty, I want to accuse the five princes of nepotism and disrupting the official system. Their cronies are also misbehaving in the local area, and the people have been suffering for a long time!"

"Your Majesty, please don't listen to the nonsense of these scholars. It's obvious that they are jealous of the slaves and others being close to Your Majesty, and they can't stand the slaves and the others. It's pitiful that the slaves and the others took such a big risk for Your Majesty and got rid of Liang Ji, but in the end they ended up like this. The fate of a eunuch, your majesty, slaves and slaves are suffering!"

"Eunuch, you still want to bark in front of His Majesty. Others are afraid of you, but I, the king, are not afraid of you. Don't think that no one knows what you are doing in the local area. You must know that this day is still the day of the man, not your eunuch. God for eunuchs!"

When he saw the courtiers, they quarreled with the eunuchs again. The eunuchs were crying and making trouble, and the courtiers also made unpleasant remarks, which gave Liu Zhi a headache.

Liu Zhi rubbed his head and said loudly: "Okay!"

The court suddenly became quiet.

"Things in the northwest need to be resolved in a timely manner, but it cannot be said that if the Han Dynasty lacks a Duan Jiong, the Qiang people will do whatever they want. Let's talk about it. Who else can solve the problem in the northwest besides Duan Jiong?"

The five princes below looked at each other, and Tang Heng came out and said: "The slaves recommend one person, Shesheng Colonel Hu Hong is a rookie in the army and a native of Liangzhou. He understands the nature of the Qiang people, so he may be able to fight."

"Your Majesty, no. Hu Hong is only thirty years old. It is rumored that he got to the position by bribing eunuchs. How can he have generals? I'm afraid I can't control him. I recommend Huangfu Gui, the Grand Administrator of Taishan.

Huangfu Gui had long experience in military affairs and was a veteran on the battlefield. He also solved Shusun Wuji's rebellion. In the early years, he had followed General Ma Xian in the Western Expedition and was deeply appreciated by him. He was the first to know about Qiang affairs.

He was demoted because he offended Liang Ji. His loyalty to His Majesty can also be tested, so it is most appropriate."

"Your Majesty, you are all talking nonsense, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? Hu Hong is a talented general in the army. You cannot turn away talented people just because they are relatives and friends of slaves and others.

Moreover, the slave girl heard that the Qiang people have attacked Shangjun, which is not far from Chang'an. The military situation is urgent, and Huangfu Gui is far away in Taishan County. By the time he arrives, the day lilies may be cold. "

Liu Zhi listened to the speeches on both sides, pondered for a moment and then decided: "The matter in the northwest cannot be delayed for long. Although Huangfu Gui is a veteran, he may not be able to arrive in time.

Tang Heng is right, you can't make random guesses just because Hu Hong is someone else's relative. I've seen Hu Hong before, and he does have some talent, so let him try it out.

When the champion Hou Beiping defeated the Xiongnu, didn't he also fail to win the championship? It will be good for the big man to let these young generals practice and practice.

Okay, I don’t need to say any more. Also, you people, don’t just make guesses out of thin air just because Zhong Changshi and others are eunuchs. You must provide evidence for everything. Before you look at others, you should check whether you are clean or not? "

With Liu Zhi's conclusion, the court meeting came to an end. The courtiers in the next court were all resentful, while the eunuchs such as the Five Marquises were arrogant. It seemed like a big victory had been won.

(End of this chapter)

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