A thousand-year-old family that began with the Battle of Makino

Chapter 340: If you want to advance, suppress it first, take action

Chapter 340: If you want to advance, suppress it first, take action


Liu Zhi went to Shanglin Garden for hunting. Since Shanglin Garden was in Chang'an, it would take a month or two. Liu Zhi took Hu Guang, Huang Qiong, Fang Zhi and other three ministers and nine ministers with him. General Liang Ji was left to handle state affairs on his behalf.

When the carriage passed Hangu Pass, Liu Zhi ordered that in order to prevent people from suffering losses due to his carriage, he would reward the elderly people over ninety years old beside the passage with money.

Here, Huang Qiong was successfully reinstated as the Third Duke, but he was still worried that he would be dismissed again, because he was only from a small clan, had no background in the court, and was not familiar with the ministers from Liang and Ji.

After all, he had risen to power through merit and bribery. Although others regarded him as a member of Liang Ji's party, he was actually a loner. If another natural disaster happened next time, he would definitely be the one to take the blame.

And some things can only be done one by one. No matter how rich Mr. Huang is, he can't help but go up and down like this, so he is very anxious to find a backer for himself.

Don't think about Zhuoliu from Liang Ji. There are too many people there, and they have become an interest group. You can't squeeze in at all.

As for Qingliu of Yuzhenfang, there is no need to think about it. Although he has some talents, he relied on bribes to get to the top. This is what Minister Qingliu cannot tolerate and despise the most. He can only ask for trouble by relying on it.

Then he had no choice but to surrender to His Majesty, and he was from a small clan. As the head of a noble family in Henan, Yuan Tang was naturally his leader. Before this tour, he successfully met Yuan Tang, who was already idle at home, and got Yuan Tang's support. Tips.

Now the emperor goes to Chang'an for hunting and staying away from Liang and Ji will be his biggest opportunity.

Liu Zhi ordered to reward the old men along the way with money. As a Situ, Huang Qiong was within his duties, so he burst out with great enthusiasm to do this.

Not only that, he also vigorously promoted the benevolence and righteousness of Liu Zhi's move along the way, and used the court's money to reward the laborers along the way, saying that this was the emperor's order, so that on the way from Luoyang to Chang'an, from the counties and counties along the way The laborers who served the convoy were grateful to Liu Zhi.

Because according to Han law, these servants were recruited to serve. Not only did they not have commissions and food, they also needed to bring their own dry food.

Liu Zhi naturally saw these reactions, knew what Huang Qiong meant, and was very enthusiastic about it, because he also needed someone of his own in the outer court to attract Liang Ji's attention and stop him from focusing on it. At the Shangshutai.

He was also very satisfied with Huang Qiong's background. He was from a small family in the county and had no backers. Although he got to the position through bribery, Liu Zhi didn't care.

So Liu Zhi asked Huang Qiong to come to him to report on the progress, and the two got together smoothly during this tour.

In addition, there is another reason that Liu Zhi cares about. Huang Qiong was once sent to the palace to give lectures to Liu Zhi, and he can be regarded as an imperial master. Although there are not a hundred but dozens of such people, and the only person who can be called an imperial master is Tai Tu. Only then can he claim to be so, but in this case, this experience is Huang Qiong's plus point.

So after returning to Luoyang, Huang Qiong replaced Yuan Tang and became the person Liu Zhi often consulted, and he often treated him as a teacher.

Huang Qiong also quickly separated from Liang Ji. Liang Ji looked at the recommendation letter returned by Huang Qiong and looked confused.

In the past, he never refused anyone who was recommended by Huang Qiong. But now that he has rejected them all, who gives him the courage?

After many investigations by his men, Liang Ji understood the reason why Huang Qiong rejected him. This made Liang Ji very angry and directly called Huang Qiong a traitor in front of many ministers.

But Huang Qiong was also very firm: "General, please respect yourself. I am a minister of the Han Dynasty, and I am not a member of the general's palace. How can I talk about betrayal?"

Liang Ji was also angered by Huang Qiong's words: "Okay, okay, I hope he won't regret it."

The second year of Yongxing
When the celestial phenomena changed, Liu Zhi took the opportunity to put Taiwei Hu Guang in charge, dismissed him, appointed Huang Qiong as Taiwei, and appointed veteran Guangluxun Yin Song as Situ to take over Huang Qiong's position.

Yin Song belongs to the Qingliu sect and has a good reputation in the government and the public. Even Liang Ji can't say much.

Yongshou three years (Yongxing five years)
Although Liang Ji tried to pull Huang Qiong down many times in the past three years, he was saved by Liu Zhi.

Moreover, in the past three years, the world has never been peaceful for a moment. First, the Western Qiang tribe rebelled and brought disaster to the counties. Liu Zhi sent the veteran Zhang Fang as the captain to protect the Qiang. Zhang Fang was very powerful, and he came to the West without incident.

Then there was famine in Sili and Jizhou, and the court quickly began to provide disaster relief. Although Liang Ji was domineering and greedy, he was in the position of a general and had the right to participate in the decisions of the Chancellor.

Therefore, political affairs in recent years have also involved a large part of Liang Ji's energy.

Fortunately, the Han Dynasty had enough savings, and Liu Zhi also promptly ordered disaster relief and tax exemptions, so that there was no major turmoil in the world.


Situ Yinsong was old and died of a sudden illness while in office.

This was an important moment for disaster relief in the world. Liu Zhi did not want any changes, so he agreed to all recommendations and appointments made by Liang Ji.

Han Yan, Sikong, was promoted to Situ, and Sun Lang, Taichang Qing from Beihai, was promoted to Sikong. They are all Liang Ji's party members. The first year of Yanxi (the fourth year of Yongshou)
There was a solar eclipse in the sky. Taishi ordered Chen Shuo to take the opportunity to write a letter saying: "The cause of the solar eclipse lies in the great general Liang Ji!".

Liang Ji handled political affairs on behalf of the emperor at the Chancellery. When he saw this petition, he was furious and ordered his death.

Liu Zhi was very angry when he heard about it. He was not angry about Chen Shu's death, but angry that Liang Ji had Tai Shiling executed at will without asking Liu Zhi.

Taishi Ling is a close minister of the emperor and a minister with a salary of 600 shi in the imperial court. He is a person who can be ranked in the imperial court. Only the emperor has the power to appoint, remove and punish, and no one else has the right to deal with it, not even the general.

But the people below actually executed a central official worth 600 shi with only the general's seal without the emperor's seal, which shows how powerful Liang Ji's power has reached.

So he felt murderous intention towards Liang Ji.

However, the first step is not to contact the ministers, but to lower Liang Ji's vigilance.

Liu Zhi approved the memorial proposed by Liang Ji to remove Huang Qiong from the position of Taiwei, and reappointed Hu Guang as Taiwei.

Now the three princes are Liang Ji's die-hard party members, and before he killed the emperor's close ministers, Liu Zhi didn't dare to let go. This made Liang Ji look down on Liu Zhi even more, and his behavior became more domineering.

The second year of Yanxi
After Empress Liang passed away, the position of the Lord of the Inner Palace was vacant, and Liang Ji's control over the Inner Palace reached a historical low.

Liu Zhi knew his chance had come.

On this day, Liu Zhi used the excuse of going to the toilet and asked the regular attendant Yuan She to serve him.

Yuan She is a descendant of the Yuan family in Runan. After Yuan Tang was dismissed, he realized that Yuan's position could no longer protect him in the court, so he selected children from the family and secretly sent them to the palace. Only Liu Zhi knew Yuan She's true identity. .

While going to the toilet, Liu Zhi lowered his voice and asked Yuan She, "Do you know who among the people around us is at odds with Liang Ji?"

Since Yuan She entered the palace, he has been paying attention to the situation in the palace and replied to Liu Zhi: "Zhongchang Shi Shan Chao, Xu Huang, Huangmen Ling Ju Yuan, Xiaohuangmen Zuo Ning, Xiaohuangmen Shi Heng, all are privately Very dissatisfied with Liang Ji."

So Liu Zhi found an opportunity and called Shan Chao, Zuo Ming and others into his secret room:
"General Liang Ji controls the government. Both the inner palace and the outer court are controlled by Liang Ji's people. The ministers in the court are all people of Liang Ji. I want to get rid of them. What do you think?"

Shan Chao and Xu Huang looked at each other and knew that wealth was coming. Who wouldn't want to do the deeds of the nineteen princes during Emperor Shun's time as an eunuch, and be granted a title as an eunuch and glorify history?
"Your Majesty, Liang Ji is a traitor to the country. Everyone should punish him if he finds it. It's just that we people don't have the wisdom. I don't know what your Majesty's thoughts are."

"My meaning has been made very clear. Please plan on how to eliminate the Liang family."

Shan Chao knew that this matter was related to his life. If the matter was exposed, Liu Zhi could blame them all and have a chance to survive, but he and others would be dead.

So he hesitated and said: "If His Majesty really wants to destroy the Liang family, it is actually not difficult. We are afraid that His Majesty will hesitate midway."

Liu Zhi knew that he needed to give these people some reassurance, so he said firmly: "Liang Ji is a national traitor and should be eliminated. There is nothing to hesitate about!"

Then he bit Shan Chao's arm with his teeth, and the six of them formed a blood alliance and conspired to destroy Liang. Yuan She was sent by Liu Zhi to contact support outside the palace.

Liu Zhi did not tell Yuan She when and where he would launch the coup, but bypassed him and met with Shan Chao and others alone. Because he is a member of the family, he has a way out, and may rebel, but he cannot trust him, and he is not as easy to control as Shan Chao.

For Liu Zhi, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better.

As time passed, Liang Ji got a piece of news from nowhere and asked Zhang Yun of Zhonghuangmen to enter the palace to prevent accidents.

Huangmen Ling Ju Yuan learned of this and knew that the matter could not be delayed, so he immediately contacted Shan Chao and asked him to tell Liu Zhi, and immediately asked the officials to arrest Zhang Yun. He said he "came in from the outside and had evil intentions."

Liu Zhi did not hesitate, and immediately got up from the front hall, summoned the ministers of the Shangshutai and the various Cao ministers, etc., and began to launch a coup.

Liu Zhi was seen sitting on the emperor's throne, giving orders. He did not directly say that he wanted to kill Liang Ji, but all the ministers realized it.

But they have been waiting for this day for a long time, because they are all Liu Zhi's people.

Liu Zhi ordered his minister Yin Xun to observe the rules, and asked officials below the prime minister and Lang to guard the palace gates. No one could be allowed in or out without his order. He also took back the talismans everywhere and entered the palace.

He also ordered Ju Yuan to lead more than a thousand swordsmen and halberds from the left and right stables, Huben, Yulin, and Duhou, and together with Sili Colonel Bai Ya, surrounded Liangji Mansion, and asked Guangluxun Yuan Xuchijie to take back Liangji Mansion. The general sealed his ribbon and changed his title to Bijingdu Township Marquis.

Bai Ya is the new generation of Yuzhenfang, Yuan Xu is the son of Yuan Ke, and they are both enemies of Liang Ji.

(End of this chapter)

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