The Working Emperor starts with Conan

Chapter 188 Look at my fresh sincerity

Chapter 188 Look at my fresh sincerity

In the end, because they didn't know the specific time of Snake's arrival in Japan, Toyama Tobi and Amuro Toru decided to split up.

Tohru Amuro is responsible for keeping an eye on airports, train stations, bus stations, and even smugglers smuggling across the border.

Amuro Toru cannot do these things alone, and he needs the cooperation of other peripheral members.

In this regard, Toyama Tobi's main character is helpless. He only counts two and a half of his subordinates out of full strength, and yes, Miyano Akemi can only count as half.

Toyama Tobi did not intend to expose his men to Toru Amuro's sight now.

Maybe Toru Amuro is wary of himself and won't do anything easily, but he may not be so polite to his subordinates.

Toyama Tobi didn't want to have one or two of the two and a half men he finally got his hands on be confiscated by Amuro Toru inexplicably.

Then wasn't my special mission in vain?
  Throwing this time-consuming but not necessarily rewarding task to Amuro Toru, who was secretly ecstatic, Toyama Tobi said that in order to prevent Snake from sneaking into Tokyo quietly, he decided to try to find Kaitou Kidd. .

Toru Amuro was not surprised by Toyama Tobi's choice. Toyama Habi told him when he was at the Metropolitan Police Department that the people in Pet Paradise had issues with Kaito Kid.

Since Snake can't be found for a while, it's not impossible to look for Kaitou Kidd first.

After Toru Amuro left the Metropolitan Police Department that day, he didn't think about trying to find Kaitou Kidd, and thus found the person in the pet paradise in a roundabout way.

But when he retrieved Kaito Kid's files from the Metropolitan Police Department, Amuro couldn't help but express his silent sympathy for Ginzo Nakamori.

how to say
  The file on Phantom Thief Kidd in the Metropolitan Police Department is at least a foot thick. In this foot-thick file, not once, not even once, did the police gain the upper hand in the confrontation with Phantom Thief Kidd.

This means that Toru Amuro has to start from scratch if he wants to find Kaitou Kidd.

Toru Amuro is a Japanese police officer and a member of the black organization, but he is not a detective with a lot of time to waste.

He believed that if he tried his best to mobilize a large number of resources, he would definitely be able to scrape Kaito Kidd out of Tokyo.

But even if you find Kaitou Kidd, you may not really be able to find the person who lives in the Pet Paradise.

After thinking about it, Toru Amuro finally gave up his plan to find Kaitou Kidd.

Now Yuan Shanfei is willing to carry out this work that not only consumes time, but also consumes resources.

Amuro Toro couldn't allow Toyama Tobi to do this.

What's more, Toyama Tobi used the resources of the black organization to investigate Kaito Kidd - using other people's money to do your own things, where in the world can you find such a good thing!
  In order to ensure that Toyama Tobi can carry out this work firmly, Amuro Toru even transformed into a close brother before leaving the Cupido Hotel, bringing unlimited encouragement to Toyama Tobi as Bourbon.

It wasn't until Toyama Tobi sent Amuro Toru out of the room that Amuro Toru closed his mouth.

"What happened to Tohru Amuro this time?" Toyama Tobi rubbed his temples, which were sore from Toru Amuro, and returned to the sofa to let out a deep breath.

He always felt that it didn't matter whether it was Toru Amuro or Conan. These two people seem to have mastered some methods of dealing with themselves.

Physical attacks are useless, they all give me mental strength, right?

His grandma is playing tricks on me, right?

After finally recovering from the shadow that Amuro Toru had brought to him, Toyama Tobi was completely sleepless at the moment.

Anyway, I'm awake so I can do some business.

Toyama Fei called Vodka and asked him to inform him about the organization's base selling weapons on the black market. If someone wants to buy weapons in large quantities these days, they can take out the weapons from Toyo Arsenal first.

Toyama Tobi still vaguely remembers that when Snake first appeared, he led a large group of men with guns on the roof and pointed them at Kaitou Kid.

Apart from anything else, there are only a few organizations in Tokyo that can provide a sufficient number of weapons to such a group of people.

This business is most likely to end up in the hands of a black market organization's weapons sales base.

What Toyama Tobi has to do is to dress up all the people in the Pet Climbing Park with weapons from the Toyo Arsenal.

It doesn't matter if the price suffers some losses during the transaction. Let them take the blame first.

Otherwise, these guys would have robbed the Dongyang arsenal, and then they would have all kinds of miscellaneous weapons in their hands.
  No one with any brain would believe that they were the real culprits who robbed the Toyo Arsenal~

Vodka fully agreed to Yuan Shan Fei's request. He had already learned from Gin that Rum asked them to cooperate with Yuan Shan Fei's mission.

It's just a loss of some money on a transaction. The organization is now rich and can afford the loss!
  Needless to say, Vodka has gained a lot of experience since following Yuan Shan Fei to do big things.

Now my waist is not sore and my head is not hurting. I can fall asleep at night by putting it on my pillow, and the dark circles on my eyes are gone.

The whole person's mental state is countless times better than before.

As the first code-name cadre in the organization to believe that Toyama Fei would be a big leg in the future, Vodka is now proud of him.

Except for Gin and Toyama Tobi, Vodka now looks down on everyone else in the organization equally.

Big Brother, Dad Yuanshan, please stand up. I am not targeting anyone, I am saying that everyone here is happy!
  After arranging the vodka work, Toyama Fei drove to the Metropolitan Police Department, found Takagi and asked him to help check a person's address.

Toyama Tobi drove to Ekoda with the address given by Takagi.

Arriving near Kuroba Kaito's residence, Toyama Tobi found a seafood store and spent a huge sum of money to buy Kuroba Kaito a good, fresh, and unstoppable angler fish. Toyama Tobi took the fish back to the villa. door.

Yuan Shanfei was very obsessive about the etiquette of visiting someone's home, so he came without warning and might even break in later.

Definitely bring a gift to put your mind at ease.

This angler fish is also known as western puffer fish or eastern angler fish in Japan, especially the angler fish.

Angler fish is known as the best in the world. It not only tastes great, but also has extremely high nutritional value.

After being carefully cooked by the chef, the taste is extraordinary.

The most exquisite part of the anglerfish has to be the anglerfish liver, which is also known as [undersea foie gras].

Angler liver is astonishingly large, weighing about a quarter of the whole fish. It is plump, plump and has a delicate taste, which is in no way inferior to foie gras.

The only shortcoming of this anglerfish is that it is ugly. It is shockingly ugly, surprisingly ugly, and abstract.

From a distance, you can't even tell that this thing is a fish, and even if you look up close, it's not much better.

Of course, nothing in the world is perfect, since this fish is so delicious and the liver is so delicate.
  Even if this fish looks a little reserved, Kuroba Kaito-san should be able to understand it, right?

(End of this chapter)

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