The Working Emperor starts with Conan

Chapter 187 "Kill" someone with a borrowed knife

Chapter 187 "Kill" someone with a borrowed knife
  Either kill Snake, or hand Snake over to the Japanese police.

These are the two choices before Toru Amuro.

These two choices can be said to have the most essential conflict-whether Snake lives or dies.

Between the organization and the Japanese police, Tohru Amuro would definitely choose the police without even thinking about it.

After all, he is an undercover agent sent to the organization by the Japanese police.

So here comes the question, how can Toru Amuro get away without anyone noticing under Toyama Tobi's nose?
  How could he save Snake's life when Toyama Fei was about to kill him?
  Questions were thrown out of Toru Amuro's mind one after another. In just a few seconds, Toru Amuro even felt a few natural blond hairs falling like fallen leaves from the top of his head.

Toru Amuro didn't feel that the methods he used to fool those peripheral members and ordinary members could be used on Toyama Tobi.

Also based on his understanding of Toyama Fei, if Toyama Fei was really allowed to see Snake, this guy would definitely not talk nonsense and would send Snake to heaven on the spot.

F*ck, why would such a terrible problem fall on the head of an undercover agent like him!
  What kind of sin did he commit in his previous life to be sent to be an undercover agent in a black organization in this life?
  So on the surface Toru Amuro was exchanging information with Toyama Tobi, but secretly he was thinking about one set of action plans after another.

First they have to find Snake. According to Rum's information, Snake will come to Japan in the near future.

But when exactly is this in the near future? That’s up to them to investigate.

Secondly, after learning Snake’s location, the Japanese police must not show up.

At least not openly, unless they were sure to arrest both Snake and Toyama Tobi.

Otherwise, it will definitely be him, Bourbon, who is exposed in the end.

Based on Bourbon's understanding of the organization, the organization is accustomed to using double insurance to ensure the success of the mission.

Maybe there will be someone secretly watching them perform their mission.

The most important thing is that Toyama Tobi was trained by Gin, and Amuro Toru didn't think that Toyama Tobi's skill or marksmanship would be any worse.

Otherwise, Vodka and Toyama Tobi would not be leading the Toyo Arsenal operation.

The most important thing is that Toru Amuro has no idea what the identity of Toyama Tobi is.

Even Bourbon didn't know the information that the organization and the Reptile Park had the same boss. Only people of Gin and Rum's level in the entire organization knew about it.

So the question is, what is Toyama Fei's identity if he knows this information?
  Just because he participated in the Toyo Arsenal operation?

Stop it!
  Vodka also participated in that operation, and Vodka was still the leader!
  Doesn’t he still know nothing?

The unknown enemy is the most terrifying thing - if the entire organization goes crazy because Toyama Tobi is arrested or killed
  The situation might not be as good as it is now.

At least now, the lives of the vast majority of citizens have not been greatly affected.

Toru Amuro felt like his blond hair was leaving him one by one. But how on earth could he save this bastard before Toyama Tobi dealt with Snake?
  and many more!

Toru Amuro suddenly felt a long shining needle piercing his chaotic brain!

Dispose of it. Dispose of it!
  Rum is talking about getting rid of it, doesn’t that mean it doesn’t have to be done by killing it?

If you consider it this way
  "Bourbon, do you have any suggestions for this operation?" Toyama Tobi asked Amuro Toru at the right time.

"Suggestions." Although Toru Amuro had already made a plan in his mind, he still decided to play it safe.

What if Toyama Fei already had a plan in his mind, and the question was just to be polite with him?

Based on Tohru Amuro's understanding of Toyama Tobi, this grandson always knows how to mess with people and will never give up such a great opportunity.

"When Rum said to deal with it, did he mean to kill it?" "No, Rum only said to deal with Snake. As for how to deal with it, that is our choice."

"In this case, why don't we choose to kill with a borrowed knife?" Amuro Toru saw that Toyama Tobi was really asking for his advice sincerely, so he frowned and thought hard, and after thinking for a long time, he said to Toyama Tobi.

"Kill someone with a borrowed knife?"

"That's right.

Now there are too many forces in Tokyo who want to find Snake, even if we can find Snake first.

Maybe we will also be targeted by that time.

Instead of doing this, why not just get it from other forces and kill Snake? "The more Toru Amuro talked about, the more confident he became, and he suddenly felt confident.

Toyama Tobi has figured out Toru Amuro's thoughts. The so-called killing with a borrowed knife is false, but letting the Japanese police get Snake is true.

This is the advantage that intelligence differences bring.

Toru Amuro didn't know that Snake was the scapegoat recommended by Toyama Tobi and Rum.

He really thought that Snake intercepted Hu from the Hu organization.

So he felt that it would be fine even if Snake fell into the hands of another organization.

Standing by, adding insult to injury, and adding fuel to the fire in an organization are all great virtues.

People in the organization do this to their own people, let alone to cadres of fraternal organizations.

How could you not do something like stabbing your brother twice?

Amuro apparently flipped the abacus beads in front of Toyama Tobi, and then smashed the abacus beads directly into his face.

Regarding Tohru Amuro’s plan
  "Killing with a borrowed knife? Sounds very feasible." Toyama Tobi nodded sharply, and then agreed to Amuro Toru's plan.

Perhaps because Toru Amuro is a character in the play, his judgment of the situation in Tokyo is not as calm as Toyama Tobi's.

Toru Amuro really thought that if Snake was caught, everything would be fine and the storm would be settled.
  Bourbon is still too naive!

Since Amuro Toru wanted to struggle, Toyama Tobi didn't mind letting him see what kind of porn his lover was exposed to.

Compared with those yellow hairs - Yuan Shanfei feels that he can be regarded as a good person!

I kill people, I set fires, I blow up buildings!
  But I know I'm a good boy!

"Then the plan is tentatively like this. After we find Snake's whereabouts, we will let those agencies who are looking for Snake know.

Let them take the person away, and I guess the bastards in the pet paradise will be very surprised! "

Yuanshan Fei let out a villainous laugh of "Jie Jie Jie".

When Tohru Amuro heard Toyama Tobi's abnormal laughter, although he felt that he was not normal, he still cooperated and started to "jingjie" together.

Toyama Tobi suddenly stopped smiling and said to Toru Amuro: "You look like a psycho when you smile, Bourbon."

Toru Amuro: ???What the hell are you?

Didn’t you laugh like this first?
  (End of this chapter)

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