Li Datong's voice shouting at the top of his lungs came from the other end of the phone. The voice should be from Zhao Shaokang's office, but it was a little far away from him.

"Ah?" Song Xiaoran really didn't expect it, "Okay. Then let's meet and hear what's going on."

"Okay. Should I take them to you, or should you come to the office?" Zhao Shaokang said.

"Of course I will go to the office!" Song Xiaoran said sternly, "How can any boss not go to his own company? He is too careless."

"...Okay, you've said it all. I'll ask Wu Shuai to pick you up right away." Zhao Shaokang said with a smile.

Song Xiaoran didn't refuse. It was the bus rush hour at this time, and whether his small body could squeeze in or not was one thing.

Moreover, there are no taxis here in Dachang, and there is no app in this era. I really don’t know how to take a taxi, and riding a bicycle is a waste of time.

To sum up, waiting to be picked up is the easiest thing to do.

Xinxin Milk Tea Headquarters.

When Song Xiaoran came back, it was different from last time. The entire second floor was full of people.

Mainly the investment and franchise department, it can be said that it is crowded now.

Song Xiaoran looked over and saw that the door was blocked by crowds of people.

Fortunately, when I rented an office, I was very thoughtful and took out the investment and franchising part and gave it a separate office. Otherwise, it would be difficult to work with so many people.

"Why are there so many people?"

Song Xiaoran asked casually. It stands to reason that Xinxin Milk Tea has just resumed business. How did these people come so quickly?

"These people lined up to join us early in the morning. Brother Kang had a show yesterday and the response was really good.

Now everyone knows that the ingredients used in our Xinxin milk tea are guaranteed, delicious and nutritious, much better than foreign cola.

Not to mention them, I received calls from several buddies yesterday, crying and wanting to join. "

Wu Shuai sighed while looking at Song Xiaoran with admiration.

How could he use the media and public opinion to overturn the situation so easily? !

Not only has business resumed now, but it has even been restored to normalcy, and the advertising effect has been directly boosted.

I believe that for a long time in the future, Xinxin milk tea will be the national drink of Wangjing City, and its status cannot be shaken.

Wu Shuai felt ashamed when he thought that he had planned to persuade his boss to bow his head. He was really impressed by his boss who solved the problem standing up like this and made money along the way.

Song Xiaoran nodded and said with emotion:

"There are indeed many smart people, and they all know that joining now is a guaranteed profit. There are too many people, and there are not enough places in the city. Let's do this,

Wu Shuai, go tell Guihua and give priority to franchisees who have confidence in us during this period and will never leave us. As for whether to increase the franchise fee, I will discuss it with Zhao Shaokang before placing an order. "

"Okay." After receiving the order, Wu Shuai burrowed into the crowd like a loach and squeezed in through the office door ahead of everyone else.

Song Xiaoran turned around and entered Zhao Shaokang's office, and saw Li Datong sitting on the sofa with a nervous expression.

As soon as Li Datong saw Song Xiaoran, he stood up excitedly, with a smile that was uglier than bitterness on his face, and rushed towards her with his hands stretched out.

Song Xiaoran dodged and came behind Zhao Shaokang: "Hello, Director Li, don't be so excited, please sit down."

Under Zhao Shaokang's stern eyes, Li Datong laughed twice, backed away and sat back on the sofa. Song Xiaoran sat on Zhao Shaokang's boss chair. Zhao Shaokang pulled over a similar boss chair that he had prepared in advance and sat next to her.

"Miss Song, I haven't seen you for a long time. You look really beautiful again." Li Datong had a flattering smile on his face.

Song Xiaoran thanked him politely.

"Boss Zhao is getting more and more energetic. He was even more like a star on that show yesterday."

Seeing that Zhao Shaokang was silent and ignored him, Li Datong didn't take it seriously and continued to approach him,

"I read the interview in the newspaper, and it turns out that Boss Zhao was born in a textile factory compound. To be honest, my wife's brother's wife's cousin was also there before. Maybe you guys even know each other and are good friends."

Song Xiaoran was thinking about his wife's brother's wife's brother's relationship with him and how he should be called.

Next to him, Zhao Shaokang finally spoke: "Oh, what's his name?"

Li Datong thought to himself, "I've forgotten it a long time ago. It's just a condom."

Zhao Shaokang hummed and stopped answering.

Seeing that this road was impassable, Li Datong looked at Song Xiaoran again.

Song Xiaoran was seen smiling: "Director Li, if you want to catch up on old times, why not wait until we get off work? You saw how busy we are here when you came."

Li Datong complimented: "You are busy. It's better to be busier and busier. Business will be booming and money will be made..."

"Director Li, let's get down to business!"

"Business is business," Li Datong's mouth turned 90 degrees, revealing his iconic bitter gourd face.

"Ms. Song, you are so busy here, but we are so busy over there! All production lines have been shut down, and the workers have been on vacation for more than a week. Now there are more people coming to the factory to demand payment than coming to work."

Song Xiaoran sneered and said, "Do you still blame us?"

"No wonder, no wonder." Li Datong quickly waved his hand and wiped his sweat.

Song Xiaoran's expression softened: "Director Li, let me ask you a simple question. When you come today, are you here to seek peace?"

"Seek peace! Seek peace! We demand peace." Li Datong stood up and said loudly, barely holding a white flag.

"Let's make it clear first, is it you who wants peace, or your factory director Xiao Li?" Song Xiaoran asked.

Li Datong hurriedly said: "It was him who asked for peace, and it was Factory Director Xiao Li who entrusted me to negotiate."

Is Li Qirui giving up now? So simple? I also prepared a backup plan... Song Xiaoran was a little uninterested for a moment: "Zhao Shaokang, then come and talk to Director Li."

"No, no, no, Miss Song, let's talk." Li Datong didn't want to negotiate with that ruthless Zhao Shaokang. When it came to the end, the milk powder factory would have to skin him even if he didn't die.

"Let's talk?" Song Xiaoran's expression changed, "You don't think I'm easy to bully, do you? Are you looking for someone who's weak?"

Li Datong shook his head like a rattle: "How is that possible? Miss Song, you are the reincarnation of a living Bodhisattva, with a beautiful person and a kind heart."

So she figured out that I am soft-hearted and easy to bully... Miss Song thought for a while and said: "Director Li, if you want to talk to me, I will ask you another question. If your answer is satisfactory, I can come forward to negotiate with you. Zhao Shaokang can Does not participate."

As she spoke, she looked at Zhao Shaokang. Zhao Shaokang shrugged, picked up several preliminary review reports of franchisees on the table and began to annotate them.

"Okay, feel free to ask." Li Datong was delighted when he saw Zhao Shaokang's laissez-faire attitude. Miss Song is much easier to talk to. As long as he is willing to suffer miserably, he can really restore Xinxin Milk Tea without paying much price. For own purchases. (End of chapter)

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