He suddenly felt that only by letting Bei Sheng kill him could Bei Sheng calm down.

Then, he lowered his hand, and a short dagger slipped from his sleeve into his palm. He raised his hand and handed it to Beisheng.

The madness in his eyes is still blazing, "I am the superfluous one in this world. If I die, all the sins and debts will be gone!"

Beisheng stared at the dagger, her heart beating rapidly. She didn't dare to reach out to pick it up, even though she hated Lang Zhuo very much at this moment.

But Lang Zhuo roared: "Come on, take revenge on Xiao Xu!"

Beisheng knocked off the dagger and dropped the sheath into the thick snow, making a dent.

Even so, Beisheng didn't want his hands to be stained with human blood.

The moment she saw Qingyang coming back, she had already breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the look on the face of someone who has killed someone will be different.

But Qingyang was very relaxed and normal, without the slightest murderous intention.

If he hadn't been able to pretend and act after following Lang Zhuo for a long time, he really didn't kill anyone.

She walked closer to Lang Zhuo, and the hatred did not disappear from the depths of her eyes. On the contrary, it became even worse: "If Xiao Xu is really killed, I will never let you have an easy time. You have tasted my methods. I have been here all my life. If you are a fan, the net will be broken, and I am not afraid of you having another enemy!"

Enemy? There was a layer of anger in Lang Zhuo's eyes. After killing Xiao Xu, he became her enemy?

He moved closer to her, and all the emotions in his eyes suddenly receded. Suddenly, he bowed and picked him up.

His strength was so great that Bei Sheng struggled desperately but could not break free from his hand.

The blood dripping on her clothes also stained Lang Zhuo's robe. The wounds on her face had burst, and Bei Sheng was still struggling and shouting regardless of life and death.

"Xiao Xu is not dead, you don't want to die?" Lang Zhuo yelled loudly, and then shouted to Oofeng Qingyang: "Are they all dead? Why don't you hurry up and invite the doctor!"

Qingyang had long wanted to call the doctor, but the two of them had been arguing so fiercely just now that even calling the doctor would not help.

The adult's shout made him react quickly, Qingyang turned around and ran away.

Orfeng followed Lang Zhuo, and when the two of them went upstairs and entered the room, he hurriedly rummaged through the medical box, clumsily asking for help.

Lang Zhuo had already put the person on the bed, and when he saw Orfeng holding the cotton cloth, he glared at him, "Go and call Shu Tang!"

"Oh," Orfeng stuffed the things in his hands into Lang Zhuo's hands and ran out again.

These two of his men usually look very smart and reliable in their work, but sometimes they act clumsy and dull when the critical moment comes.

Bei Sheng was lying on the bed, still angry, "Lang Zhuo, if you are angry, come to me, don't touch others."

Hot tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, and the lingering fear that Lang Zhuo wanted to kill Xiao Xu still lingered in her heart.

She didn't know why she failed to kill him this time, but as long as Lang came up with this idea, he would definitely not let Xiao Xu go in the future.

What's more, the news that he is the son of the eldest princess has been exposed to King Leping, and it is only a matter of time before it reaches the capital.

But where did Xiao Xu go wrong? He has grown up next to the eldest princess since he was a child. He has been living with the reputation of being an "evil breed" since he was born.

He is the most innocent person, and his life has been ruined. Why should Lang Zhuo let him bear all the sins?
Her angry words undoubtedly hurt Chao Lang Zhuo. How could Lang Zhuo understand what Xiao Xu meant to Bei Sheng.

The more she defended Xiao Xu, the deeper Lang Zhuo's hatred for Xiao Xu became.

Lang Zhuo never thought that one day, he and Bei Sheng would have a conflict over the humble Xiao Xu.

He didn't know whether it was because he was too narrow-minded to allow Bei Sheng to look at Xiao Xu differently, or because that man had already stolen Bei Sheng's heart. I just felt that all the anger buried deep in my heart was stirred up, and I couldn't help but start roaring: "If you have him in your heart, why don't you go back to Beijing with him today, instead of staying here!"

"I'm so unbearable and you're so reluctant to me, why do you still want to stay!"

He leaned over and supported the head of the bed with his arms, and the veins on his forehead and neck swelled from roaring. At this moment, all the resentment in his heart poured into his chest and was about to explode!

Unfortunately, she had just as much resentment in her heart as he did, and she couldn't explain why she wanted to stay.

She sat up and glared at Lang Zhuo's venomous eyes, "Who is it that's been pestering you again and again? Why do you want to provoke me when I'm already soft-hearted?"

When people are angry, they no longer have a brain. They express their feelings just for the sake of being happy, and in vain do they take care of the other person.

Lang Zhuo's eyes twitched, he raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Are you soft-hearted?"

He poked Bei Sheng's blood-stained chest and growled coldly: "Why are you soft-hearted and not me first? You are soft-hearted towards Xiao Xu, right? You cried to him and were hugged by him. You treat me like a baby?" Can't you see it?"

Beisheng's eyes were red, "Shut up if you don't understand!"

There was ridicule in Lang Zhuo's eyes, and he sneered softly: "What? Did I speak to your heart?"

"What don't you understand about this? If you are so worried about Xiao Xu, I will take you out of the city immediately before he is far away!"


Lang Zhuo was helpless, and Bei Sheng was so excited that he lost his mind. All the resentment and hatred rushed out!

She got up and went to the ground, pointing to the dim outside where the sun had set, "You ask someone to prepare the horse now. If you don't prepare the horse, I will go barefoot!"

Lang Zhuo was extremely angry and pushed him onto the bed again, "Get on my boat and you won't be afraid of drowning if you jump off halfway!"

My waist suddenly hit the edge of the bed, feeling a dull pain.

Beisheng's eyes were red, and he said sternly: "I have already died once. This life is not just for myself. What else should I be afraid of!"

Bits of blood seeped out from under the dirty gauze, and Beisheng's face was ferocious and cold.

And Lang Zhuo is equally paranoid, crazy, and terrifying.

He leaned over and looked at Bei Sheng coldly, feeling dazed and silent for a moment.

Many times, he felt that Beisheng's vengeful and crazy and paranoid nature was similar to his, but he didn't know why she, a young harem girl, behaved like this.

Even now, he still doesn't understand why Xiao Xu became her savior? How had she ever died?
At this moment, O Feng has called Shu Tang, and Qing Yang has also invited the doctor.

Hearing the fierce quarrel inside, the four of them stood outside the door, no one dared to make a sound.

At this moment, there was suddenly no sound inside, and Qingyang gently knocked on the door and said carefully: "Sir, the doctor is here."

Lang Zhuo came back to his senses and looked at the strong resentment and dirty embarrassment on Bei Sheng's face. He suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "Let them clean up for you first, and then we can settle the accounts!"

The blazing fireworks suddenly and silently went out.

Beisheng stared at him coldly, and Lang Zhuo slammed the door and left.

Even at this moment when Lang Zhong and Shu Tang suddenly entered the door, Bei Sheng's heart was still in a daze, and the anger on his face had not yet dissipated.

She didn't know whether she was pitiful or whether Lang Zhuo was pitiful.

The doctor cleaned her wound again and left. Shu Tang asked the kitchen to boil some bath water, peeled off Bei Sheng's bloody clothes, and let her take a good bath.

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