Lang Zhuo was the prince's mentor, and the entire court considered him to be the most upright person.

It was obvious that after only drinking one cup of tea, Lang Zhuo no longer wanted to have any guests.

He said: "Your Highness is a person who cares about the world. He will not miss important events because of the love between his children. Miss Xu Er was born in a humble background and grew up in the countryside. She does not have the authority of the mother of the country and is not worthy of Your Highness. However, because she is also the daughter of Duke An, she Not everyone can cling to it.”

Xiao Xu could tell that he was speaking to himself.

But it's not that important anymore.

There is no need to tell outsiders what happened between him and Xu Beisheng.

He will never forget Xu Beisheng's words, "Master Xu is the person I, Xu Beisheng, protect."

And when she stood on the stone steps outside Duke Anguo's mansion, she said from a distance, "Congratulations, Mr. Xiao! The day when the clouds rise and fly, that's when the wind and power rises."

Even though he was so far away, he could hear it clearly.

There was a strong wind and snow outside, and the swaying dead trees were about to be broken by the wind.

He stood up and saluted Lang Zhuo to say goodbye. When he reached the door, he stopped again.

He turned around, raised his eyebrows slightly, stared at Lang Zhuo in silence for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Who is the eldest princess, sir?"

Lang Zhuo's eyebrows tightened, and after a long moment of silence, he stood up and looked directly at Xiao Xu, "Master, what do you think?"

Xiao Xu raised his lips and smiled, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask."

Chao Langzhuo cupped his hand, opened the door, and hurried away.

After more than twenty years of this, the truth seems important, but not that important anymore.

There will be a new path to take in life in the future. Even if he knows the truth, it will become a burden for him to move forward. It is worse than not knowing.

Lang Zhuo was stunned, and for the first time, he felt an indescribable emotion in his heart.

He studied hard, walked from Runing to the capital, and served beside the Holy Master, with no regrets in his heart.

Only Xiao Xu was a thorn in his heart.

The thorn is getting bigger and bigger, and it is wrapped in the flesh and blood, and can no longer be pulled out.

"Qingyang," Lang Zhuo called out.

Qingyan was originally going to go downstairs to see Xiao Xu off for a while, but when she heard the call suddenly, she had no choice but to come back.

Lang Zhuo's expression was not very good. Qingyang came in and asked cautiously: "What's the matter, sir?"

"Kill Xiao Xu."

His tone was so calm that he seemed to be telling Qingyang what to eat tonight.

Qingyang suppressed the shock in his heart, raised his eyes slightly, said "yes", then took three steps back, put his hand on the sword at his waist, turned around and walked out the door.

After Bei Sheng sat in his room for a while, he went to find Lang Zhuo.

She had too many things on her mind and was afraid that Lang Zhuo would see her thoughts.

It has calmed down a lot now.

The dinner served in this room was very rich, including stir-fried meat, cold vegetables, pickled fish, and wine, but there was only half a bowl of gruel in front of Bei Sheng.

This was the first time she had dinner with Lang Zhuo since she was injured.

From the moment Bei Sheng walked in, the strangeness on Lang Zhan's face was already revealed. There were only two of them in this room, and Bei Sheng felt extremely depressed.

Lang Zhuo didn't speak. He just ate the food in front of him and drank one glass after another of the wine in his cup.

For a moment, Bei Sheng wanted to escape from here.

The porridge had been cooled down, and the vegetable stems inside were not soft. The injury on her face meant that she could not chew it properly. Use a small spoon to pick out the vegetable stems, and carefully endure the pain and drink the half of the bowl.

Lang Zhuo suddenly handed over his wine cup and asked with a smile: "What big deal did you go out to discuss today? How much do you plan to make?"

Her injuries are not fully healed and she is not suitable for drinking.

When she met Zhang Zheng, she just found a place to go when she was bored and chatted about the tea market next year for Yan Mo.

Just when I came back, I met Xiao Xu at the door of the post house and chatted for a while.

Even if she didn't say it, she knew that Orfeng reported all these things to Lang Zhuo one by one.

Bei Sheng sensed that Lang Zhuo might be in a bad mood because of this, so he took the wine and left it undrinked, saying softly: "Just small talk, not any big business."

Lang Zhuo put his hands on his knees and looked at her, his tone full of ridicule: "Miss Xu Er will do nothing if she doesn't take action. Once she does, it will be a big business of tens of thousands of taels of silver. Why didn't we talk about it this time? I also said that I would do it." I’m congratulating you for setting up such a table.”

He also didn't expect that with such a big injury on her face, she could still show up on Baoding Street. He really thought that it was some big business that was worth her while.

Lang Zhuo's eyes fell on the undrinked glass of wine again, "Don't let me down, just drink this glass of wine."

Seeing the coldness in Lang Zhuo's eyes, Bei Sheng was confused, but she was also a person who was used to going her own way and could not bear to be wronged.

She flicked her sleeves and the wine cup fell to the ground with a crash and shattered into pieces.

Bei Sheng raised her eyes and looked at him closely, "If you have any dissatisfaction, sir, just tell me directly. Don't be arrogant!"

Her face hurt and she couldn't open her mouth, otherwise her voice would definitely be loud.

Lang Zhuo was very calm. He took another wine cup, poured another cup of wine, and put it in front of Bei Sheng. His eyes were full of madness, but his tone was extremely light, "This is a cup of sacrificial wine, drink it." "

Beisheng's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up quickly, his voice a lot more urgent: "Who did you kill?"

Lang Zhuo looked at her with a faint smile, "A person who should not have existed in the world a long time ago."

The smile was so scary that it sent chills down the spine.

In just a moment, she knew who the person Lang Zhuo had killed was.

Bei Sheng felt that she had been driven crazy by Lang Zhuo, and she shouted at the top of her lungs: "You are crazy, he is my savior!"

She shouted too hard, and the wound on her cheek opened again, and the plaster gradually became smudged.

She ran out like crazy, without wearing her thick cloak, rushed out of the post house, and ran towards Baoding city gate under the heavy snow like goose feathers.

He said that the prince was waiting for him outside Baoding City, and that if Lang Zhuo wanted to harm him, he would pursue him along this road.

Lang Zhuo also chased her out, grabbed her by the collar, and dragged her into the post house.

Bei Sheng took off her shoes and was pulled back step by step. The snow got into her pantyhose and her neck was strangled so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Seeing this struggle and beating, the soldiers guarding the sentry did not dare to intervene and lowered their heads. No one dared to speak out for Bei Sheng.

She had seen the crazy and murderous Lang Zhuo, but she never thought that such an act would happen to her.

She took out the embroidery needle from the purse at her waist and raised her hand to prick Lang Zhuo's arm, causing him to suddenly stop.

Lang Zhuo raised his head after feeling the pain, and saw that the girl in front of him had been dragged into a state of disarray by him. The open wound on her face and blood had infected half of her chest. She stood barefoot in the snow and glared at him.

Her shoes and socks were scattered meters away.

Lang Zhuo was stunned. Now that he had regained his thoughts, he realized what he had done to Bei Sheng.

After hearing the news, Orfeng chased him out of the post house, and Qingyang also came back from outside. At this moment, they both looked at Lang Zhuo and Bei Sheng blankly.

Qingyang guessed a little bit and called out softly, "Sir."

But Lang Zhuo didn't notice. His whole body was numb. At this moment, he couldn't do anything except glance at his hands that had just dragged Bei Sheng.

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