Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 550 Prelude to the Magician at the End of the Century

Chapter 550: The Magician at the End of the Century·Prelude

Fujiwara put away his phone, feeling a little expectant and nervous. Not only because of the upcoming fashion show, but also because of the friend's daughter who wanted to meet him.

After making the call, Fujiwara saw that it was almost time for dinner, so he walked to Mary's room and knocked on the door. After receiving permission, Fujiwara opened the door and said to Mary who was sitting at the desk reading a book:

"I'm going to go out for dinner now, but Mary won't go out. I'm worried that there will be media squatting near the competition venue. If you are photographed on the news, those men in black will probably notice."

The curiosity in Mary's eyes turned into understanding. She put down the book, turned around, nodded slightly, and continued reading without making any complaints, "I understand, safety first. Just pack your bags and come back, I'll wait here."

She also knew that Fujiwara was right, and she didn't plan to go out today.

Fujiwara breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still curious about why Mary came with her, so he walked to Mary and patted the table gently. When she turned back, Fujiwara asked casually, "Then you want to eat something?" What? I'll bring it back for you."

Mary turned her head and thought for a moment, then her eyes lit up, as if she thought of something, "Well, I want to eat takoyaki, and that... Hey, what's it called? Crispy skewers fried, they are sold outside. It should taste good. By the way, I want tea, black tea."

Fujiwara smiled slightly, "Okay, I've written it down. Takoyaki, fried skewers, and black tea. Are you sure you don't want some fruit for dessert?"

Mary thought for a while and agreed, "It's up to you. Actually, I don't like eating fruit very much." Then she put down the book and stretched a bit, "Okay, I'll take a bath first."

"Taking a shower?" Fujiwara asked a little confused, "Now?"

As if eating before meals was a very strange thing in his eyes, this sentence also aroused Mary's confusion, and she asked, "Do you want to wash too?"

"Oh, oh no, you go ahead, I'm leaving first"

An hour later, Fujiwara finished his meal, brought some barbecue and sake with him, and placed Mary's dinner in front of her door. Fujiwara also went back and took a shower. After washing away all the fatigue, I put on a bathrobe and scarf, took some sake and some snacks, and went to the small hot spring provided in the room, took off my shirt and soaked my body in it.

After a while, Mary put on her bathrobe and towel, opened the door, took a look at Fujiwara outside, picked up her dinner and walked back to the house.

It was late autumn at the moment, and although the temperature did not reach subzero, there was still an occasional cold wind blowing through, which made it seem a bit cold, and the water in the hot springs was very effective in keeping out the cold. On such a cold day, snowflakes will not drift into your eyes, and soaking in the hot spring water is particularly soothing.

A mouthful of wine and a mouthful of food, and soon the wine bottle could not be poured out. Fujiwara glanced at the suite phone three or four meters away from him, but he was too comfortable to get up at the moment, so he had to use his telekinesis to hold up the phone receiver and turn it to the side. Play, followed by two beeps, the voice of the operator in the lobby soon came:

"Mr. Fujiwara, what services do you need?"

"A bottle of soju and some snacks. It would be better if there are peanuts."

"Okay, it will be delivered right away."

After hanging up the phone in the guest room, Fujiwara was just about to relax when his charging cell phone placed next to the bedside cabinet rang. Fujiwara tried to use telekinesis to drive it, but because the weight of the phone exceeded the range of telekinesis, he was unable to activate it. .

So Fujiwara tried to wait for a while before going to get it, but the phone kept ringing, so he had to get up and get out of the water.

"If you're calling so late, it won't be Kaito again, right?"

So I put on my bathrobe and went to the bedside to take a look. The phone screen clearly said 'Kuroba Kaito'. It was really him calling.

So Fujiwara didn't think any more and answered the call directly.     “Hey, Kaidou.”

"Hey, Brother Xinghai, did I bother you?" Kaito's voice came through the slightly trembling microphone, sounding like something was urgent.

Fujiwara unscrewed the waistband of the bathrobe to fit it more closely to his body to prevent water droplets from dripping, while answering: "No, I'm just relaxing here. What's wrong? You're calling me so late."

"I'm sorry." Kaito said with a hint of apology in his voice, "There is an urgent matter that I think is a bit tricky. I would like to hear your opinion."

Fujiwara grabbed a clean towel and wiped the water stains on his hands, then sat on the edge of the bed and let his body sink into the soft quilt.

"What's the matter? Are you talking about gems?" Fujiwara asked, while picking up a notebook and pen placed there from the bedside table, preparing to record down points that may need attention.

"Yes, it is indeed about gems, but it's not Pandora." Kaito said eagerly, "Do you remember what I told you last time about Mr. Kiichi, the magician at the end of the century?"

Fujiwara nodded slightly, knowing in his heart that Kaito was mentioning the memory egg in The Magician of the End of the Century.

"Of course I remember, you said it has something to do with the egg of memory," Fujiwara took a deep breath, trying to adjust from the relaxing state of bathing to the mode of analyzing problems, thinking of the plot of the magician that was about to enter the end of the century, and let him Some excitement.

Kaito began to slowly explain some of his thoughts on the Egg of Memory. Fujiwara frowned and listened carefully, while using a pen to outline the scene layout Kaito described on the paper.

"Do you think this will work?" Kaito finally finished speaking and asked with some expectation.

Fujiwara pondered for a while, and then said slowly: "I think the idea itself is very creative, but have you considered the impact of blowing up the substation? From a social perspective, your behavior is too destructive. , I hope you don’t do this.”

Kaito was silent on the other end of the phone for a moment. It was obvious that Fujiwara's question gave him a new perspective on thinking.

"Well, I have to think about this more carefully," Kaito finally said.

"Don't worry, take your time. A good magic requires time to ponder, and you must also think about all the consequences. Although I believe your intentions are good, I think you may be concerned about the consequences of your bold behavior. Think about it first if necessary." Fujiwara put down the pen in his hand, giving himself and Kaito a space to think and experiment.

"I know, Brother Xinghai, I'll think about it again." Kaito's voice sounded more relaxed, "By the way, do you have any competitions these days? I heard Aoko often talk about you."

"Ah, yes." Fujiwara smiled, stood up, and prepared to return to the soup pool. "There is a game the day after tomorrow in the afternoon, but I will be free all day tomorrow. If possible, you can come to me and we can plan together. Operations regarding the Egg of Memories.”

"Sounds good." Kaito said with a smile, "Then I won't disturb you anymore. I'll contact you if there is any progress."

"Okay, you are welcome to come to me at any time, but Kaito please remember that magic is not used to hurt people, nor can it harm society. You can have bold performances, but you can't destroy them."

"Yeah, remember"

Fujiwara hung up the phone, sighed softly, and walked towards the soup pool again. He took off his bathrobe and gently dipped himself back into the warm water, letting his tired body relax again. He closed his eyes, and the plot about the magician at the end of the century in his mind slowly melted away as the water floated.

(End of this chapter)

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