Ke Xuezhuo's son-in-law

Chapter 549 Friend’s Daughter

Chapter 549 Friend’s Daughter

After arriving in Osaka, the car sent by Fujiwara Toys and Chess Academy took Mary to take a taxi downstairs of the hotel where the competition was held.

Fujiwara and Mary walked into the lobby and saw exquisite interior decoration, with various ancient scenes painted in reliefs, and elaborate screens hung on the walls, painted with festive red and white plum blossoms.

The hotel's waiters are dressed in Japanese-style clothes, with warm smiles on their faces, and their actions are polite but friendly.

I looked around the lobby and noticed the surrounding furnishings. Every detail revealed its unique craftsmanship, from the small copper taiko drum next to the fireplace to the row of exquisite wind chimes behind the counter. Whenever the breeze blew, the crisp and sweet sound The ringtone will echo in the air, creating a peaceful and warm atmosphere.

Waiters wearing wooden clogs led them through elaborately carved paper doors. After walking through a passage separated by fine grids, we arrived at a spacious luxury suite.

After arriving at the designated suite, the waiter bent slightly and opened the door with the key. Fujiwara followed closely behind. He glanced at the carvings on the door frame. After entering the room, he looked around. He felt pretty good. Moreover, there was a small pool on the balcony of the room that was actually connected to the surrounding hot spring pool. You might be able to take a bath in the hot spring at night. .

The luxurious suite has three bedrooms, each with its own individual style. After the waiter left, Fujiwara asked Mary to choose a room, and she chose the one closest to the master bedroom.

After sitting on the road for so long, feeling a little tired, the two of them returned to their rooms and lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling without moving.

After a while, Fujiwara blinked, took out his mobile phone and saw a message in his personal mailbox, so he clicked on it and started reading.

Sliding his fingers gently on the phone screen, he narrowed his eyes slightly, adjusted the focus, and prepared to check the incoming emails.

The title of the first email came into view: "Invite you to participate in the 'Starlight Dialogue' - Rimai TV Station." He opened the email and read it in detail. The email stated:

Dear Mr. Hoshikai Fujiwara,
  Hello! I am Koji Yasuda, the program producer of Nippon TV. We are honored to invite you to our entertainment talk show Starlight Talk. The program will be co-hosted by Ms. Rena Minazuna and Mr. Yoko Okino, with the aim of bringing a unique art and cultural experience to the audience.

We are well aware of your influence in the art world and your contribution to the advancement of contemporary art. We sincerely hope to hear your unique insights in next Saturday's program and share the charm of art with you.

Looking forward to your positive reply. If you have any questions or special requests, please feel free to contact us.

Sincerest invitation.
  Yasuda Koji
  The TV show didn't interest him, and he had to keep a low profile these days, so he browsed other emails. The second email came from Eiko Toya, who is known as the greatest designer of neon and is also an elder with whom he has a very close relationship. The title is: "Special invitation to the fashion show next week."

(Does Teacher Yingzi have any activities?)
  With a little curiosity, he opened the email and read it carefully:

Dear Xinghai,
  I hope this email will be opened on a quiet night after you arrive safely in Osaka. I will be holding a launch party for my new fashion collection next Saturday at the Tailor Show in downtown Osaka.

This conference is of great significance to me, as I will be showcasing my latest design collection, which combines traditional Japanese style elements with modern design concepts. You have always been one of my sources of inspiration, so I especially hope you will be here to witness this important moment.

In addition, I also prepared a big surprise. I promise, this will be a gift you never thought possible, and I think you will be interested.

Looking forward to seeing you at the fashion show.

I love you——Eiko Fujiwara raised his eyebrows slightly, a little curious about what the other party said as a surprise, but hoped it wouldn't be something weird.

So after a brief browse, Fujiwara declined the invitation from Nippon TV. When he was about to reply to Eiko Toraya's email, he didn't expect the other party to call directly.

Fujiwara was stunned at first, but then he thought about it. After all, given the relationship between the two of them, a fashion show or other event would be just a phone call, and there was no need to write such a formal email.

Fujiwara answered the phone, and the familiar voice of Toya Eiko came from the other end of the phone, always sounding so energetic and enthusiastic.

"Did Xinghai see the email I sent?" Teacher Yingzi asked straight to the point, "I originally wanted to tell you directly, but"

"I saw it, Teacher Eiko. Of course I will go to your press conference." Fujiwara replied, with respect for this elder in his tone.

"That's great, I'm still thinking..." Teacher Yingzi paused, "Actually, I have a small favor to ask you, Xinghai."

"Oh? What help? If I can help, I will try my best." Fujiwara said sincerely.

"That's right," Teacher Yingzi hesitated, then continued, "I have a friend's daughter. She likes your works very much and has always wanted to meet you."

"Really? I'm honored that she likes my work." Fujiwara expressed his sincere gratitude and willingness, "I am very happy to meet her, Teacher Eiko."

It is not uncommon for fans to contact the author through their elders. After all, there was an example of Ooka Momiji in the past. Moreover, with Eiko Toraya's help to him, he was still happy to help with this small favor. However, the noise coming from the phone seemed to indicate that the other party was very lively.

"Well, that's great." Toya Eiko seemed relieved, "By the way, you didn't refuse any other invitations because of my press conference, right?"

Fujiwara smiled and drew the curtains with his hand, "Actually, I did receive an invitation to an entertainment program, but I have declined it. I am looking forward to your press conference even more. After all, my respected teacher Eiko is there. New work."

"You kid, you are always so good at talking." Teacher Yingzi said with a smile, "Then we will meet on the weekend. I hope our press conference will not disappoint you."

"I'm sure not. And are you at a party?"

"Well, it's a bit noisy to attend a party of American friends."

After hanging up the phone, Toraya Eiko looked at the beautiful girl aside and smiled, "He promised to come."

After hearing this, the blond woman just smiled slightly and raised her champagne glass to several FBI agents who were looking far away, scaring those people into quickly lowering their heads to avoid sight.
  Toya Eiko originally didn't want to trouble Fujiwara with this kind of thing, but she couldn't bear to ask her this time for her friend Sharon Wynyard's widow. She couldn't refuse. Fortunately, it shouldn't take too long, so She just made the call herself.

(End of this chapter)

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