My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 281 Gaocheng Transfer Order

Chapter 281 Gaocheng Transfer Order
  281 Gaocheng Transfer Order
  Gao Cheng couldn't stand Chen Fan's bad appearance anymore.

He began to ask Chen Fan as a company commander.

He used his previous tactics to order Chen Fan.

He wanted Chen Fan to be as he was before.

The next morning, as soon as the wake-up call sounded, Gao Cheng came and shouted: "Chen Fan, get up! Get up, get up!"

He yelled and patted the bunk bed. When Chen Fan turned over and wanted to continue sleeping, he just pulled Chen Fan's quilt and threw it aside.

"Get up, it's time to run morning exercises!"

"Company commander, how can we run away just the two of us? You should let me sleep?"

"Get up!" Gao Cheng grabbed Chen Fan and said, "What's wrong with the two of us? As long as one of us is still alive, the Seventh Company is here! Now, the two of us represent the Seventh Company of Steel, so we are more important than Well done at all times, we will put anyone who wants to see our jokes to shame!”

Chen Fan had no choice but to get up.

The two people came to the playground and started running. They ran for three kilometers and jogged.

After running back, Gao Cheng said again: "The arrangement for this morning is as follows. From eight to nine o'clock, early exercise, from nine to ten o'clock, reading and studying, from ten o'clock to eleven o'clock, normal classes, and at half past eleven Let’s eat!”

"The canteen is gone!" Chen Fan reminded.

"Let's go to the Sixth Company to form a partnership!" Gao Cheng said.

"I dont go."

"I didn't discuss it with you, I ordered you!" Gao Cheng said with a cold snort.

"Press me like that again!" Chen Fan muttered.

"It's not pressure, I'm asking you with the demands of a Chinese People's Liberation Army!"

At eight o'clock in the morning that day, Chen Fan and Gao Cheng came to the reading room of the company headquarters together.

Gao Cheng brought a copy of "History of War" and Chen Fan brought a journal.

The two of them found a place to sit down, each opened their own books and started reading.

After watching for a while, Gao Cheng seemed distracted and didn't look in, so he raised his head and asked Chen Fan: "Chen Fan, what are you thinking about?"

Chen Fan looked out the window in a daze.

Hearing Gao Cheng's inquiry, Chen Fan withdrew his gaze; "Company Commander, I was thinking about a question just now. How can we maximize the role of informatization under limited conditions?"

"Informatization?" Gao Cheng was stunned.

Chen Fan picked up the journal in his hand and shook it: "I just saw an article about informatization, and I was thinking that our current conditions are not very good. To achieve full informatization, true informatization, we must If we still can’t do it, how will we implement informatization?”

"Your question is indeed a big one. In fact, this problem has always existed in our military development. In the past, it was mechanization. We didn't have enough money to buy so many armored vehicles, tanks and artillery. So we had to equip what we needed first and then what we equipped. A big problem."

"In other words, good steel must be used on the blade!" Chen Fan's eyes lit up.

"Yes, that's what it means!"

The two people exchanged words with each other and had a heated discussion.

The discussion between the two was so lively. They had planned to train in the morning, but they stopped doing it. They kept discussing, from the past of informatization to the future, from the informatization of foreign military to our own informatization. From the information warfare cases of the United States to the development of our own information warfare strategy, we are free to think wildly and allow ideas to collide fiercely.

At some point, someone ran in: "Captain Gao, dinner is ready!"

"Let's go and eat!" Gao Cheng stood up.

"Okay!" Chen Fan sighed.

The two people came to the door of the sixth company's cafeteria.

The soldiers of the Sixth Company had already formed a neat square formation, but they were quiet and silent.

"Stand still! Look to the right, look forward, take a break, stand at attention!" Gao Cheng shouted the command, and stood with Chen Fan on the side of the Sixth Company.

There are more than a hundred people in the Sixth Company, magnificent and majestic, and there are two people in the Seventh Company, alone.

"Captain Gao, you go first to the cafeteria!" said the commander of Dagong Sixth Company.

"Lao Liu, why don't you play a song?" Gao Cheng asked.

Today is the first time Gao Cheng and Chen Fan come to the Sixth Company for dinner after finishing the Seventh Company.

The previous few times, Gao Cheng waited for others to eat before coming over quietly, or the Sixth Company Commander simply sent someone to the Seventh Company. Today is the first time that two people have come to the Sixth Company Canteen very formally.

After hearing Gao Cheng's words, the commander of the Sixth Company didn't know how to answer.

According to tradition, singing should be played at this time.

But if the Sixth Company pulls the song, what will happen to the two soldiers of the Seventh Company?
  Gao Cheng seemed to have noticed Liulian's dilemma and said directly: "Lao Liu, you just pull, we'll pull after you finish!"

"Okay!" The commander of the Sixth Company had no choice but to let the Sixth Company sing a random song first.

After singing six consecutive songs, Gao Cheng said to Chen Fan: "Chen Fan, sing!"

"Yes!" Chen Fan agreed, then waved his hand and sang: "I have a company, I have a gun, ready to sing!"

Chen Fan and Gao Cheng started singing with loud voices.

The captain of the sixth company couldn't help but laugh. Although he hurriedly covered it up, Gao Cheng still saw it.

Gao Cheng suddenly became angry, and his voice roared many times louder than before.

Chen Fan's voice suddenly became much louder.

"Brother, stop singing." The sixth company commander couldn't bear it.

Gao Cheng ignored that and yelled even more fiercely.

Until the song is finished.

The soldiers of the Sixth Company of Dagong stood quietly on one side. They were snickering at first, but by this time, there was only admiration on their faces!
  "Old Seven, you go first!" said the commander of the Sixth Company.

"You are the sixth company, we are the seventh company, first six and then seven, you go first!"

The Sixth Company had no choice but to enter the canteen first.

"Let's go together!" Gao Cheng shouted the command.

The two went straight to the small table prepared for them and sat down.

The Sixth Company specially prepared a table for Chen Fan and Gao Cheng.

So for five days.

On the sixth day, when Chen Fan and Gao Cheng came to their little Zhuozi again, they were about to sit down.

The instructor of the Sixth Company suddenly shouted: "Communicator, bring over the tableware for the Seventh Company Commander and his companions!"

Gao Cheng said hurriedly: "No, your table is reserved for company and platoon commanders only."

The instructor of the Sixth Company's voice was loud and echoed throughout the canteen. He said: "That's right! You, the Seventh Company, have done a good job, and you should sit here! Your Seventh Company is good, and you have set an example for our Sixth Company. I I have been criticized for military conduct ten times, but none of them can match the example set by your seventh company!"

Only then did Gao Cheng notice the looks of the soldiers next to him, which was clearly a sign of respect, because what the two of them had just done was something that no one else could do.

The sixth company commander took matters into his own hands and took Gao Cheng and Chen Fan's tableware.

He said to Gao Cheng: "Brother, I really admire you. Two people have defeated us as a company! We have always been unconvinced by you before, but now, we have to say that your Seventh Company of Steel is this. You Steel Company are like this." The seventh company is stronger than our sixth company!"

Chen Fan and Gao Cheng had no choice but to sit with them honestly.

Not long after, the soldiers finished eating. When the last two soldiers walked out of the cafeteria, the instructor of the Sixth Company turned back to look at Gao Cheng and said: "Did you see that? After you came, our Sixth Company immediately standardized the military discipline. The image has all improved to a higher level. The military discipline I have been practicing for a few months will be effective. The power of role models cannot be underestimated."

Gao Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "A role model? What's the use of a role model? It's not just like being thrown aside like garbage!"

"Old Qi, don't worry. I'd definitely say there's no chance if someone else stays behind. But between you two, a top student in the military academy, two-time outstanding company commander; an all-around top soldier, with a medal on half the wall, there must be something else in the regiment. .”

Gao Cheng said: "I don't want any deep meaning, I just want my soldiers to come back?"

The sixth company commander poked Gao Cheng: "Your soldiers will never come back, but you - the regiment's arrangements must have profound meaning. I won't talk about you first, let's talk about Chen Fan first."

The commander of the sixth company was analyzing by himself: "Chen Fan, you are the soldier that several of our companies tried to break their heads to come over. I personally made more than ten trips for you, but in the end, the regiment came to nothing. Do you think this is normal? Lao Qi, you can also follow the same reasoning. A company is not withdrawn in vain, there must be major changes...I heard rumors that-"

At this time, a civil servant asked at the door: "Is Captain Gao Cheng of the Seventh Steel Company here?"

Gao Cheng replied: "I am."

The civil servant said: "The regiment headquarters has issued an urgent notice, asking you to go to the regiment commander's office immediately! The people from the division headquarters have already arrived with the order."

(End of this chapter)

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