My experience in Soldier Assault Liver

Chapter 280 Chen Fan, stand up straight for me

Chapter 280 Chen Fan, stand up straight for me

280 Chen Fan, stand up straight for me

Chen Fan completely let himself go.

No more fucking, no more exercise. To hell with the rules, he didn't care about anything anymore.

He fell asleep on the bed, ate when he woke up, went to bed when he was full, and drank a whole bottle of beer when he was thirsty. He didn’t throw the garbage in the trash can, he just threw it away, so after a while, he was neat and tidy before The third class dormitory is like a garbage dump.

The reason why he did this was that on the one hand, Chen Fan wanted to take Gaocheng's path and leave Gaocheng with no way to go. On the other hand, he also really wanted to indulge. To be honest, although he had been a soldier for a long time. , but deep down, he still prefers a free life. After being under supervision in the army for so many years, he also wants to reminisce about a free life where no one can control how he can relax as much as he wants.

He was quite happy.

But Gao Cheng was frightened.

"Chen Fan, don't sleep, get up and run!" Gao Cheng begged.

Chen Fan turned around and said, "Lao Gao, let me sleep a little longer!"

"Stop sleeping, you'll lose sleep if you sleep too much!" Gao Cheng said as he pulled Chen Fan away.

"Oh, please stop being annoying, okay? Let me be quiet."

Gao Cheng's hat suddenly flashed, and he was about to get angry when he suddenly heard a trumpet sound outside.

"What the hell?" He muttered dissatisfiedly and had to turn around and go out.

When he went outside, he found three trucks parked in the open space.

Soldiers from each company and battalion were constantly moving all kinds of imaginable household items onto trucks.

"Hey - what are you doing? What are you doing?"

Gao Cheng was heartbroken. Although he understood what was going on, he still couldn't help but chase him and question him.

"Lao Qi - Lao Qi -"

The commander of a company rushed up to him, took out a cigarette, and blocked him.

These people are here to share the property of the Seventh Company.

Pots, pans, books, various tools, guns, infantry fighting vehicles, and various weapons were all taken away.

After all these things were moved, the Seventh Company was really empty.

Gao Cheng looked at the empty company, suddenly squatted down, and couldn't help crying.

The 702th Gang Company was not originally the backbone of the Regiment. It was he who pulled it together and gradually grew stronger. But now, after several years of hard work, his
  Few people can bear this kind of pain.

After a while, he turned around and rushed back to the dormitory.

After a while, violent military songs burst out from the dormitory.

Even Chen Fan, who was sleeping in the dormitory of Class 3, could hear it very clearly.

Chen Fan turned over and sat up.

He also knew what happened before, but he didn't come forward.

After thinking about it, he got out of bed, opened the cabinet, and took out a few bottles of beer and some snacks.

He took these things to Gao Cheng.

But in Gaocheng's dormitory, the door was locked.

The soldiers' quarters were unlocked and opened with a twist, but the company commander's quarters were locked and locked from the inside.

Bang bang bang!
  Chen Fan knocked on the door.

"Lao Gao - open the door - open the door -"

I took four or five shots but there was no response, only the manic Soviet military songs played one after another.

Chen Fan raised his foot and kicked the door.

  The door was kicked open and the lock was broken.

Gao Cheng, who was sleeping lifelessly on the bed, sat up in shock.

"Chen Fan, what are you doing to his mother?" Gao Cheng was so angry that he wanted to cut Chen Fan into pieces. His eyes looked like they were spitting fire.

But Chen Fan ignored him and remained indifferent. He picked up a bottle of beer, bit it open and handed it to Gao Cheng.

But Gao Cheng didn't answer, he just stared at Chen Fan menacingly, wanting to eat him.

"Don't drink the ball!" Chen Fan slammed the wine bottle on the table in front of Gao Cheng.

Like to drink or not.


Chen Fan bit open another bottle, took a sip himself, then walked over and turned the volume of Gao Cheng's player to the maximum. But after waiting, he still felt that it was not exciting enough, so he walked around and found a speaker in a corner.

This speaker is of good quality and is a foreign brand. It is specially used for listening to music such as symphonies. It has a loud sound and a wide range, and is especially suitable for listening to exciting and violent music.

He moved the speaker over, connected it to the power supply, channeled the sound from the player, and turned the sound up to the maximum.

What is being played at this time is a song "Holy War" from the Soviet Patriotic War period.

This kind of song was originally majestic and shocking, so Chen Fan turned up the volume as loud as possible, and he even sang along while drinking.

His voice is very loud, like a tenor in bel canto, very penetrating!

"Rise up, great country!
  Life or death depends on this!
  Come and beat up the fascist gangsters,

Eradicate heinous evil!

Full of righteous fury,

Tremendous waves!
  A holy war for all the people,

Stand up and defend your motherland! "

The music and singing were like ocean waves, crashing hard in all directions.

This time, not only could the entire dormitory be heard, but even people outside the Seventh Company could hear it.

Gao Cheng was stunned and stared at Chen Fan who was singing along to the melody.

"Crazy, crazy! This kid is crazy!"

He murmured to himself, feeling his head grow bigger.

Outside, the loud noise prompted two pickets to come over.

"What are you doing? Why is it so loud?" A picket frowned dissatisfied.

Another soldier winked at the first one: "This is the seventh company. Just today..."

"But this is too outrageous. If the leader knew about this,"

After hesitating for a while, the two of them bravely entered the seventh company and decided to give a kind reminder.

The two people came to Gaocheng's dormitory.

The dormitory door is open.

One of the soldiers looked at the door, his eyelids twitched suddenly, and he felt even more guilty.

The door was kicked in and some of the locks fell off to the ground. This showed that the two guys inside were in a terrible mood and were in a terrible mood. They were like a volcano that could explode at any time.

"Captain Gao Gao, can you please lower your voice? We can't understand you like this..."

A picket knocked on the door and said to Gao Cheng pleadingly.

Only then did Gao Cheng notice the two people and quickly smiled: "Okay, okay! I'll turn it down right now!"

He quickly went to lower his voice.

"Why is the voice so low? Lao Gao, amplify it - amplify it - the voice is too low, it's not strong enough -"

Chen Fan took a sip of beer, became dissatisfied, and shouted: "Old Gao, turn the volume up to the maximum!"

At the door, the two pickets saw this posture. Chen Fan stopped calling him company commander and directly called him by his name. He was startled. The two looked at each other and quickly ran away, pretending not to see them. have no idea.

In the dormitory.

Gao Cheng's chest was rising and falling. Just when Chen Fan was about to take another sip of wine, he couldn't bear it anymore. He rushed over and grabbed Chen Fan's beer and smashed it to the ground with a loud bang, causing glass shards to fly everywhere. , beer splashed everywhere.

"Chen Fan!" Gao Cheng roared.

Outside, the two pickets who had just walked downstairs were startled. You looked at me, I looked at you, and then they ran faster!
  "Chen Fan!"

"What are you doing?" Chen Fan's eyes were blurry and squinting.

"Stand up straight for me!"

"I won't stand! I don't want to listen to anyone's nonsense now. I can do whatever I want now. I want to make my own decision!"

"It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders. You are a soldier and I am the company commander. You must obey my orders unconditionally!"

"The seventh company is gone, you are not the company commander, and I am not your soldier. You can't control me! I am my own company commander now!"

"I can handle it! Now I am still the commander of the Seventh Company! You are still a soldier of the Seventh Company! Wherever the people are, the Seventh Company is here, so you must obey my orders now! Now, I order you, Chen Fan!"

"Arrived!" Chen Fan shook his head and finally agreed helplessly.

"Stand up straight for me! Show me the soldiers of the Seventh Company!"

(End of this chapter)

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